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"Thyroid function tests were also completely normal (TSH 1.28mU/L, Free T410pmol/l, Total T3 2.2nmol/l)"Clearly he cannot interpret results propertly, I've just had a discussion withmy GP (15 mins ago) who agrees these results are confusing.Hello Neil and everybody,

Well, at least the doc agrees that those results are confusing, but sadly, doctors don't seem to realize one vital and all explaining fact – with Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroiditis) the TSH can fluctuate wildly within the normal range – up one minute, down the next !! If they really wanted to get to the bottom of what is going on, why don't they order a thyroid antibody test of TPOs and TgABs, which might explain this "normal" TSH – or investigate the pituitary function?

The reason why doctors get confused and will not entertain the idea of thyroid disease is because they have been brain washed by the RCP to only pay kudos to the TSH – and they could not have got it more wrong! It is very true that an elevated TSH is diagnostic for hypothyroidism. There is no medical condition that will produce an elevated TSH other than Hypothyroidism..... Sadly, the opposite does not follow. A "normal" TSH does not exclude hypothyroidism. Why can't doctor's get that into their brains? – perhaps because they are blinkered in their views and in what they have been taught at med school? - namely that low or borderline FTs with a "normal" TSH are not conclusive of hypothyroidism – low FT's can be caused by a non-thyroidal illness (NTI). One of the characteristics of NTI is a normal TSH and low FTs. This is the doctors `let-out clause'; it is stupid, it is frustrating – but it is sadly a fact of life. End of story L

Put three things to your doctor, Neil –

a) Ask for your thyroid antibodies to be checked - TPO and TgAB – make sure they will test both and not just TPO.

B) Ask him to look you in the eye and tell you that there are no other thyroid conditions that will produce a "normal" TSH yet evidently low thyroid hormone values (.... - and if he does, ask him to produce evidence to that "fact"). The TSH is a pituitary hormone, not a thyroid hormone. If the pituitary gland malfunctions for some reason, the result will be a "normal" TSH, regardless of the actual thyroid status. He should know that, but it is often conveniently `forgotten'.

c) Ask him if he knows how much of the thyroid gland needs to be already destroyed by the time TFT's are actually showing a positive result for Hypothyroidism.....

I do not know the percentage of destruction in `human' terms, but I do know for certain that in dogs a TFT does not show up positive until 75% + of the dog's thyroid gland is already destroyed, although clinical symptoms can (and often will) present many months, even years, before that .

I am not making this up – it is well documented – just google it .... here is one example from a world renowned vet, Dr. Dodds:


Hypothyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder of dogs, and up to 80% of cases result from an autoimmune disease that progressively destroys the thyroid gland (autoimmune thyroiditis). Once more than 75% of the gland is destroyed by this process, classical clinical signs of hypothyroidism appear.....

......and the canine endocrine system is not that different from ours, although I have not yet found any reference stating similar things in human thyroid diagnostic – wonder why......

With best wishes,

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Hi Neil

I would send a note to the endocrinologist and tell him that

clearly, you are unable to check the results yourself without the reference

range for each test, and would he therefore send these to you as soon as


Most definitely, question the very low free T4 - the range is

often around 9.0 to 22.0 so if this is the ref. range for yours, you are only 1

point above the very bottom of the range. For somebody not on any thyroid

hormone replacement, their result for Free T4 should be above the middle of the

range. For somebody on thyroid hormone replacement, their free T4 should be in

the upper third of the reference range, and clearly, you do not meet either of

these targets.

Ask him why he requested a Total T3 test to be done, as this

serves no purpose whatsoever when testing to see if you are suffering with

hypothyroidism. You need to know the level of Free T3 in the blood as this is

the ACTIVE thyroid hormone and with your low fT4, this could well be low too.

Also, you need to know why he did not test you to see whether you have

antibodies to your thyroid, which needs to be done.

Again, check out the endocrinologists credentials on Google -

and I bet you his speciality is in diabetes and not thyroid. You need to ask

your GP to refer you to one of our 'good' doctors and I will send this list to

you privately.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila

My email is down, so contacting via forum.

I have received some copies of my medical file, direct from the consultant.

He notes the following:

" Thyroid function tests were also completely normal (TSH 1.28mU/L, Free T4

10pmol/l, Total T3 2.2nmol/l) "

As you can see there are no reference ranges, but assuming the average, my T4

is definately borderline low.

Not sure how to read the Total T3 as the nmol/l does not relate to Total T3 but

does for Free T3, any suggestion.

Clearly he cannot interpret results propertly, I've just had a discussion with

my GP (15 mins ago) who agrees these results are confusing.

Let me know what you think.


Neil x

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Sorry Lyn, please can you post the message again and not just

address it to me. Address it to the whole of the forum members so if I am not

around, there are others who are, many knowing a lot more than I do about

certain things. Also, please will you keep to the same 'Subject' heading,

otherwise, as in this case, the original message becomes lost. We try to keep

all messages on the same topic altogether.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila Think my message has been missed. Can

you tell me what you think about my results. Im a bit mixwd up

Cheers lyn

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