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Yes aids patient and male CFS patients do better on testosterone. And women do

take it also. If you want to ask some question on this issue try this site


I take testosterone and human growth hormone & you might as well get tested for

both. But I do not know enough about women to give any advise on this issue (or

on an other issue for that matter --

just ask the women I date).


Ritz3131@... wrote:

> From: Ritz3131@...


> Hi. I know a lady with CFIDS who says she feels better on testosterone.

> Quite a while back I read a newsletter I think by Dr. Gabe Mirkin that said

> AIDS patients had beneficial responses to testosterone but I can't remember

> exactly what symptoms etc. got better. Anyway, just wondering what people

> may know regarding taking testosterone and/or natural supplements to increase

> testosterone.


> Thanks,


> Christy


> If IN GENERAL more women develop CFIDS (as well as other similar diagnosis)

> should we make ourselves more like men...LOL!!! Just throwing this out there!


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Get your money connected @ OnMoney.com - the first Web site that lets you

> see, consolidate, and manage all of your finances all in one place.

> 1/1636/2/_/531724/_/951886704/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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But Steve, you just need to date CFIDS females ... you probably have very great

empathy with them -- which they will greatly appreciate! As for small talk --

anyone overhearing the conversations would swear that they have two university

medical researchers chatting.. besides there is a special bonding when two

people are fighting the same enemy...

So, feel free to post a " lonely heart CFIDS male " advertisement on the list...


Ken Lassesen

(a CFIDS male married to a CFIDS female)

2 @ 2 ft PWC, 2 @ 4ft PWC

2 ft PWC: http://www.folkarts.com/idef/

4 ft PWC: http://corgi.folkarts.com/

Fax: (520) 832-6836 ICQ #: 2122097 (Netmeeting too)

----- Original Message -----

From: Dr. Steve

But I do not know enough about women to give any advise on this issue (or on

an other issue for that matter -just ask the women I date).


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Yes but there are certain situations in which it is nice if at least one

partner has the energy to, well, move.



Ken Lassesen wrote:

> Part 1.1 Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

> Encoding: quoted-printable

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I'm a woman whose tests showed a higher than average level of testosterone.

I tried DHEA reluctantly, fearing that it would increase my testosterone.

When I began to be increasingly irritable I stopped taking the DHEA. I don't

know if it was the DHEA, but usually I can control my temper. On DHEA I

kicked a door really hard during a minor argument with my boyfriend. I think

its important for women to get their testosterone levels checked first

before trying any medication or supplement to increase it. On the other

hand, with my (naturally?) high level of testosterone my grip strength was

measured at nearly the strength of the average man, and far above the

average woman. I like being strong and if my testosterone was low I would

probably consider taking measure to increase it.


>From: " Dr. Steve " <moores@...>



>Subject: Re: Testosterone

>Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 10:25:12 -0600


>Yes aids patient and male CFS patients do better on testosterone. And women

>do take it also. If you want to ask some question on this issue try this




>I take testosterone and human growth hormone & you might as well get tested

>for both. But I do not know enough about women to give any advise on this

>issue (or on an other issue for that matter --

>just ask the women I date).



>Ritz3131@... wrote:


> > From: Ritz3131@...

> >

> > Hi. I know a lady with CFIDS who says she feels better on testosterone.

> > Quite a while back I read a newsletter I think by Dr. Gabe Mirkin that


> > AIDS patients had beneficial responses to testosterone but I can't


> > exactly what symptoms etc. got better. Anyway, just wondering what


> > may know regarding taking testosterone and/or natural supplements to


> > testosterone.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Christy

> >

> > If IN GENERAL more women develop CFIDS (as well as other similar


> > should we make ourselves more like men...LOL!!! Just throwing this out


> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > Get your money connected @ OnMoney.com - the first Web site that lets


> > see, consolidate, and manage all of your finances all in one place.

> > 1/1636/2/_/531724/_/951886704/

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> > This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with

>each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any

>treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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You naughty men! ;-)

>From: " Dr. Steve " <moores@...>


>Yes but there are certain situations in which it is nice if at least one

>partner has the energy to, well, move.




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi, Steve,

>My DHEA levels were tested, and found to be above normal. Does DHEA

>correspond to testosterone levels, or are they separate? Also, isn't

>it dangerous taking testosterone?

DHEA is metabolized into testosterone, so an increase in DHEA levels will

lead to increased testosterone. But they are not identical. DHEA can also be

metabolized into estrogens.

Taking DHEA also will lead to an increaase in IGF1 levels, which may be a

risk factor in prostate cancer - so do not just supplement DHEA, but get lab

tests so you know what your DHEA-S levels are. (DHEA-S is the sulfate form,

a better measure than free DHEA.)

Also, taking testosterone isn't dangerous if you are working from low t. to

start with. In that case you are just supplementing back up to normal range.

I started on DHEA about 4 years ago, having both very low DHEA and marginal

t. (Also had very high cholesterol, which had jumped by 80 when I got sick &

led to gall bladder sludge - I managed to avoid surgery. Cholesterol is a

precursor of DHEA.) Then about 2 years ago I started getting low t. even

while on DHEA - am now on t. injections (reacted to both patches) and DHEA

orally. Haven't tried to kill anyone yet - although if the CEO of my

insurance co shows up I won't guarantee anything :-)



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I have tried taking DHEA several times and it did nothing for me. I understand

that theoretically it should stimulate T and IGF-1 but with the stuff you get

over the counter how do you know what

you are getting?


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I have high DHEA-S and high cholesterol. Could I still be low in

testosterone? I guess it's an easy blood test? Also, I'd presume

testosterone is only available by prescription?

Prostate cancer does run in my family, so I guess I'd have to take

that into account as well.


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Hi, Jim,

>I have high DHEA-S and high cholesterol. Could I still be low in

>testosterone? I guess it's an easy blood test? Also, I'd presume

>testosterone is only available by prescription?

If you are not on DHEA supplements, generally a high DHEA-S would indicate a

normal or high testosterone - but I know enough biochem to know that there

are a lot of ways for a synthetic pathway to go out of control, so a blood

test would be advised. Testosterone is cyclic through the day, so the test

will need to be drawn in the AM. I don't think it requires fasting - but the

cholesterol does and your doc may want to repeat that at the same time.

Testosterone is only available by Rx. There are two brands of patches, that

are stuck to abdomen or back - if you aren't allergic to the adhesive or

solvent. (I was, and effectively had a 4x6 inch mosquito bite for two weeks

from the last one.) There is also an injectible form, usually only need

shots every 2 weeks. They are IM, and can be done at home if you have

someone who can assist (needs to be in the butt, which is hard to reach with

the kind of control that makes the shot not painful or damaging).



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  • 4 months later...

I'd be interested. The first study sounds suspicious. I can't see why

Flaxseed oil would inhibit testisterone synthesis?




> I've been sent a couple of pages from two studies. One deals with low

> cholesterol diets, suggesting that the flaxseed oil in the diet may

> lower testosterone synthesis. This might be a good thing for older men

> with prostate problems. Not so good for younger men.


> The other study purports to show that acetly-L-carnitine, taken

> under chronic stress and during aging, " has the ability to rejuvenate

> and maintain young healthy levels of testosterone. "


> Again, maybe a double-edged sword. I'll send the two pages to anyone

> interested. It's not of general interest.




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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Testosterone is rapidly convert to estogen so maybe the increased

estrogen is causing the problem? I would suggest you ask your doctor

about taking low dose tomoxifen along with the testosterone.

Tomoxifen is an estrogen receptor antagonist given to women with

estrogen sensitive breast cancer. It is a very safe drug for long

term use, especially if taken in doses less than 20 mg/day. Men

should also consider 5 - 10 mg/day tomoxifen if they are taking



> My doctor decided to put me on testosterone because I am really low

in it. I

> tried it for the last three days with such excitement but now after

trying it

> again today I am almost convinced it is making me depressed. :( I

am really

> stumped by this one. My understanding is that testosterone is

supposed to

> help depression not make it worse, especially since I am so low in

it. My

> only thought is that it could be increasing my cortisol and

therefore the

> cortisol is making me more depressed. But that is just a guess.

Am I

> missing something....anyone else have something to offer on this

topic? By

> the way, its a natural testosterone cream. Thanks,

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

both are treatable jim ...the testosterone will be eaier to find an md than

growth horomone tea

lab tests to confrim both being low)

> [Original Message]

> From: <jschm111@...>

> < >

> Date: 4/13/2005 7:55:22 PM

> Subject: Testosterone



> I may have marginally low testosterone. Does anyone else have experience


> testosterone replacement w/ CFS, or know any CFS theories that would take


> testosterone into account?


> I am also somewhat low in growth hormone, though I don't know if they


> be trelated.


> Thanks,


> Jim




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Dhea, Daminia. and go to the body building shops they have a whole

range of suppliments. Thats what I did.


> I may have marginally low testosterone. Does anyone else have

> experience in

> testosterone replacement w/ CFS, or know any CFS theories that would

> take low

> testosterone into account?


> I am also somewhat low in growth hormone, though I don't know if they

> could

> be trelated.


> Thanks,


> Jim




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Alas, I know the DHEA works; I am female, and it grows hair on me where I do not

want it to. But it does help with energy. So I just use very minute amts. Not

every day.I use it as a sublingual spray. (Nature's Plus.)


Re: Testosterone

Dhea, Daminia. and go to the body building shops they have a whole

range of suppliments. Thats what I did.


> I may have marginally low testosterone. Does anyone else have

> experience in

> testosterone replacement w/ CFS, or know any CFS theories that would

> take low

> testosterone into account?


> I am also somewhat low in growth hormone, though I don't know if they

> could

> be trelated.


> Thanks,


> Jim




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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

I see that some of here have been offered testosterone tests. Was it easy to get

them or did you pay? I asked my doctor for a test as I have read that low

testosterone can mean lethargy, no libido amongst other symptoms but she told me

they only test younger women when they have PCOS and men of course. She was

going to confer with her colleagues as it seems it is not on the NHS list of

tests they can offer. Of course if I pay I can have. She has not come back to me

on either the cost of whether I can have it anyway. My lethargy means I

probably won't bother in the end!

I have seen research into low testosterone and osteoporosis too. Testosterone

declines with age and it usually as we age that many problems start. Perhaps

because we are all living longer the lack of testosterone is not fully

researched. Low testosterone is being researched with regard to males and

alzheimers! What about females?


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  • 2 months later...

After posting this I got an almost immediate response from spam :-/

How is that possible since I posted from group/not from email?



> We've been going to an endocrinologist for a few years now after having issues

with generic levothyroxine. Now is doing much better with the


> In addition the endo checks other levels. Testosterone is low and so endo

wants to start injections (as per phone call from nurse). I will talk to endo

about it but this is the first I've heard of anything like this.

Comments/suggestions welcome.

> Barb


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