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RE: [-LABGAB] Hearing problems with an Under active thryroid

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The LABGAB forum is for scientists or those interested in the

legal aspects of those with thyroid disease so I have transferred your message

to the main forum.

If you type Hearing Loss Hypothyroidism into Google, you will

find a lot of information regarding the connection between the two.


http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en & sugexp=gsqvhc & xhr=t & q=hypothyroidism+hearing+loss & cp=24 & pf=p & sclient=psy & biw=1007 & bih=501 & source=hp & aq=0 & aqi= & aql=f & oq=hypothyroidism+hearing+l & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw. & fp=4a0b1f730579a331

Luv - Sheila

Does anyone know if there is any connection

with hearing problems and an under-active thyroid? I have been treated since

1991 with thyroxine suddenly last July I started having problems with my right

ear and my nose which both feel blocked all the time. My ear has been opened up

once and was dry and a camera put down the back of my nose and nothing found

apart from I could have an allergy to something.

I am now going to have a gromitt put in on Tuesday and if that doesn't work

there is apparently nothing to be done. Someone mentioned they had heard of a

connection I personally never have but wondered if you had.

Thank you

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