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Feeling really low

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I wrote recently to say that I have started Armour just over a week ago. I have

been very bad with my breathing: last week waking in the night choking and

needing to walk in garden to get air in lungs then it eased for a few days then

woke in the night not able to catch my breath and took 8 puffs of inhaler in

under an hour and a half but managed to get off to sleep. next day spoke to GP

and she was concerned that I would end up in hospital cos I was so wheezy even

sat in car doing nothing so she prescribed Predisinol and antibiotics. i am

usually reluctant to take even the antibiotics but knew that i was poorly and

not able to self medicate with my breathing problems so got stuck in - what a

difference I slept for the first night like a baby and no wheezing. i am

gradually paying the price for this - nothing is for free in this life!! I have

been stripped of nearly all of my energy and am so ratty and short tempered and

got a 'couldn't care less attitude!' All not very good with 3 youngish kids

(9-14) and the Easter hols. I also have some acidopholus (good bacteria stuff)

and I know that my Armour (currently lon1 grain for another 3 weeks) will be

increased - but it is oh such a slow process.

Just after a little support really coz when I am not ratty, I just want to sit

down and cry - i even sat down on the wall whilst waiting for the traffic lights

to change!

My husband knows that I am not very well at the moment but we dont really talk

about it, we just carry on which is our way of coping but sometimes it is good

to talk to someone who understands what it is like and I know there are lots of

like - minded people out there so looking forward to hearing from you.

Love Shell


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