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New and seeking diagnosis

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Hello all,

Not sure if I am in the right place but I hope you will be able to enlighten me

either way.

I'm male aged around 52 :) and all my life have been confident, ducking and

diving and loved buying and selling, be it cars, boats etc The real buzz was

when something finally sold. So obviously waiting for phone calls etc was the

bread of life. In fact if the phone did not ring I was in trouble!

I noticed around a year or so back I started to get quite anxious in this kind

of situation, sort of fluttery chest and pressure around head/face etc though I

no longer sell as a job any more since I was diagnosed with kidney disease in

1993. No problem and since then I have slowed down lots due to chronic fatigue

etc but I am such a laid back person, nothing really fazed me and I certainly

have no *issues* about my future etc Until as I say, about a year ago. I put

that experience down to my meds (Irbesartan) and no big deal, I take that in my

stride too. However in the last few months my pulse keeps dropping to less than

50, and averaging low 50s. I regularly take BP and my average is low 60s. So

this was unusual. My body temperature then started to drop as well, as low as

35.5 (my average is 36.9) and average low 36s. I actually feel fine apart from

the occasional flutters and hot pressure around face/head. Not a hot flush but

an anxiety for sure. I also noticed whlst in bed at night I'd often be thinking

about something I needed to do in future and I would suddebnly get this pressure

feeling and my breathing would become short and sharp, like panting and can

certainly be described as fight or flight state. I might add I am a fighter for

sure and not a runner, I have no problem facing things or making my bed and

lying in it etc.

Anyway went to see the doc and I was fine waiting for him, chatting with other

patients waiting etc. However when I got in the room to see him I all of a

sudden burst out in to a full blown panic attack, tears too as I tried to blurt

out what I had been going through. Really alien to me and the doc seemed

unimpressed. Started waffling on about it's a panic attack, as if he gets them

every day, and that he can give me drugs to treat the symptoms. Then went on to

waffle that a temperature of 35.5 was normal!! I then went in to one and said no

it's not normal etc, and the best he could do was to refer me to a cardiologist

(I had a good ECG result a few weeks before with the nurse). He made no effort

to examine me at all and was useless. So I left it at that.

I also have (as part of my kidney disease) routine quarterly BP checks and

bloods taken with the nurse. For 20 years no problems, but last few months

presenting with white coat hypertension!

I dont feel depressed. Have great faith. No worries about future etc and apart

from the pressure and fluttering and occasional cold feelings I actually feel


My standard blood TSH hase declined over last few years from about 2 to 1.1 now,

so I am still within range regards that.

Looking online for symptoms etc I seem to be a cross between hyper/hypo and

adrenal fatigue.

I can live with it I guess but I hate the idea of being undiagnosed. I don't

care (within reason) what the result is if it's bad, I just have to know, then I

can try to deal with it.

I know in my kidney disease experience that doctors dont have a clue as to why

we have this disease and even less interest in treating anything but the

symptoms and if we are going to do anything we can only help ourselves.

I think that covers it.

Any thoughts about the condition and what i can do?

Many thanks for any input.


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