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I started ThreeLac about a few weeks ago. It does sound very scammy, but some

people on the Recup board had mentioned having success with it, so I figured it

was worth a try to add to all my other yeast meds. I don't know whether it's

going to make a big difference, but I have had some die-off from it, so I can

tell it is actually doing something--which I found surprising. So we'll see!

Trina ;)

Pietryka <pietryka@...> wrote:

Hi to all,

Just want to know if anyone has heard of or had experience with a product called

Threelac. It is a probiotic specifically designed for the treatment of Candida.

Supposedly it " feeds " on the yeast. The brief search that I have done on the

product makes it sound like a miracle cure so I am a bit sceptical.

Kind regards,



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Hi Trina,

Here comes another one of my bargain-basement questions again...so

please bear with me. How do you know you're having die-off from this

product? Have you been tested since you started it? If you're taking

other products as well, and if you have had this die-off, how do you

know the die-off was from this stuff, as opposed to something else

you're taking?

I'm sorry. I don't mean to ask idiotic questions, but I just do not

understand this at all. Thanks for your help.

the one in Champaign IL


> I started ThreeLac about a few weeks ago. It does sound very scammy,

but some people on the Recup board had mentioned having success with

it, so I figured it was worth a try to add to all my other yeast meds.

I don't know whether it's going to make a big difference, but I have

had some die-off from it, so I can tell it is actually doing something-

-which I found surprising. So we'll see!


> Trina ;)


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I have used threelac and think is is a wonderful product & really

helped my cfs - but due to the cost I can't keep taking it . It was

all positive for me when i used it.



> >

> > I started ThreeLac about a few weeks ago. It does sound very scammy,

> but some people on the Recup board had mentioned having success with

> it, so I figured it was worth a try to add to all my other yeast meds.

> I don't know whether it's going to make a big difference, but I have

> had some die-off from it, so I can tell it is actually doing something-

> -which I found surprising. So we'll see!

> >

> > Trina ;)

> >


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If you have got to stage where you have systemic candida - you most likely

have other pathogens in your system ie parasites, bacteria and virus's.



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Hi --

I've never been tested for candida as there don't seem to be any good tests

for it. But I know if I stop taking Diflucan/Lamisil I crash horribly. And I can

tell to some extent how my yeast is overall by how white my tongue is and how

bad the rash on my hands is.

It's very hard to know what things cause what reactions and whether those are

really good reactions or bad reactions. When I started ThreeLac, it made me

groggy the first day or two. I don't know if this is die-off or a bad reaction,

but I was surprised it had any effect at all since I'm already on several

prescription yeast meds. So that tells me it was doing something since I hadn't

had that feeling and then when I took it I did. If it had stuck around, I would

have probably decided it was a bad reaction and stopped taking it, but since it

went away I assume it was some sort of adjustment symptom, possibly die-off.

The only symptom I'm pretty sure is die-off is a kind of sleepy I get--I call

it deep sleepy. It feels good and healing, not bad like when I get woozy or

groggy, etc. I get it after lots of different things, including whey and several

yeast things. Of course, it varies and I can't really ever tell about anything,

but I always take that symptom as a positive sign, even when I can't tell what

it's from.

So basically, I don't know what is die-off, if anything, and like most people

find it difficult to know whether things are positive or negative. But I can

sometimes tell something is having an effect, even if I don't know whether it's

a positive or negative one, when I get a symptom right after taking it.

Trina ;)

netsukeme <kcapel@...> wrote:

Hi Trina,

Here comes another one of my bargain-basement questions again...so

please bear with me. How do you know you're having die-off from this

product? Have you been tested since you started it? If you're taking

other products as well, and if you have had this die-off, how do you

know the die-off was from this stuff, as opposed to something else

you're taking?

I'm sorry. I don't mean to ask idiotic questions, but I just do not

understand this at all. Thanks for your help.

the one in Champaign IL


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Hi Trina,

Thank you for the info-packed reply. I hope it's okay if I probe

further? I'm trying to gear up my brain for when I see my doctor,

hopefully in the next couple of months, and I'd like to have a semi-

intelligent thing or two to say to him and also ask of him.

I had a full-blown systemic fungal infection back in about 1990-91,

when the doctor I was seeing then refused to send me to the lab for

crashed thyroid. He let me get very ill for many months. I had that

white tongue. Mine was almost " furry. " My throat was closed up and

it was very difficult to swallow. I couldn't tell if it was the

goiter that he said was growing in instead of out, or if it was the

fungal stuff. He had me taking Nystatin, both liquid and lozenges,

if I remember correctly.

I'm sure that I still have a fungal infection, although I haven't had

that white tongue since then. I have a couple of fungal toenails,

also thumbnails, and also itchy and sore scalp. Also flaking inside

the ear canals.

What would you recommend I ask this new doctor for? Diflucan or

Lamisil? Is there anything else out now? How are they on your liver?

Can you describe the rash you said you have on your hands? Where,

and is it red and spotted or blotchy or what?

I read your description of your " sleepy " when you think you have die-

off -- the more pleasant sleepy feeling than just " groggy " and it

rang a bell with me. I get an uncontrollable warm " fuzzy " and sleepy

feeling after I start taking an antibiotic. It lasts for the first

couple of days. Nothing can wake me up or keep me awake when I'm

like that. It's sort of a feeling like I'd like to crawl into a cave

and hibernate like a bear.

What I don't understand is how I can have this pleasant sleepy

feeling after starting antibiotic. That makes no sense to me.

Antibiotic is for bacteria, not fungus and yeasts. I don't know

what's going on with me. If I have systemic fungal infection, would

antibiotic work in some way too and thereby generate that sleepy

feeling? If I take antibiotic for a dental infection, and then I get

the sleepies like that, does that mean that bacterial infection from

one tooth is throughout my whole system?

Well, you can see how muddled I am about all this. I appreciate the

helpful insight, Trina. Thanks...


> Hi --


> I've never been tested for candida as there don't seem to be any

good tests for it. But I know if I stop taking Diflucan/Lamisil I

crash horribly. And I can tell to some extent how my yeast is overall

by how white my tongue is and how bad the rash on my hands is.


> It's very hard to know what things cause what reactions and

whether those are really good reactions or bad reactions. When I

started ThreeLac, it made me groggy the first day or two. I don't

know if this is die-off or a bad reaction, but I was surprised it had

any effect at all since I'm already on several prescription yeast

meds. So that tells me it was doing something since I hadn't had that

feeling and then when I took it I did. If it had stuck around, I

would have probably decided it was a bad reaction and stopped taking

it, but since it went away I assume it was some sort of adjustment

symptom, possibly die-off.


> The only symptom I'm pretty sure is die-off is a kind of sleepy I

get--I call it deep sleepy. It feels good and healing, not bad like

when I get woozy or groggy, etc. I get it after lots of different

things, including whey and several yeast things. Of course, it varies

and I can't really ever tell about anything, but I always take that

symptom as a positive sign, even when I can't tell what it's from.


> So basically, I don't know what is die-off, if anything, and like

most people find it difficult to know whether things are positive or

negative. But I can sometimes tell something is having an effect,

even if I don't know whether it's a positive or negative one, when I

get a symptom right after taking it.


> Trina ;)


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what is the evidence of this ?

kath .c.



> Hi


> If you have got to stage where you have systemic candida - you most


> have other pathogens in your system ie parasites, bacteria and virus's.



> Regards

> CS







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For me I was the evidence.

It doesnt matter how you many things you add to knock out candida - it wont

go until you help your body boost Glutathione levels first.



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Any and all oregano will help with fungal issues, it does not have to be a

particular brand.

Other non drug anti fungals/yeasts include: aloe vera juice ($5.00/gallon),

Tea Tree Oil, virgin coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract and yoghurt and/or

kefir. There are others, but this is a starting point for you.

It is critically important to remove carbohydrates and other fermented foods

from the diet.


> Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 16:55:49 -0000

> From: " netsukeme " <kcapel@...>

> Subject: Re: Threelac


> This company, Mel?


> http://www.internatural-alternative-

> health.com/VENDORS/NORTHAMERICAN_11272.cfm


> And the stuff you used was two types of the capsules listed? Mel, can

> I ask what antifungal agents you tried and then gave up on, before you

> tried these things?


> Thanks for your help, Mel. Im still grappling in the dark here.



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This company, Mel?



And the stuff you used was two types of the capsules listed? Mel, can

I ask what antifungal agents you tried and then gave up on, before you

tried these things?

Thanks for your help, Mel. Im still grappling in the dark here.


> , In my experience, after trying several antifungal agents,

the most effective treatment is a combiination of oreganol and

oregomax, two oregano products produced by American Herb and Spice. Mel

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What has helped me is homemade kefir and kombucha tea. Keeps it under control.


Re: Threelac


> This company, Mel?


> http://www.internatural-alternative-

> health.com/VENDORS/NORTHAMERICAN_11272.cfm


> And the stuff you used was two types of the capsules listed? Mel, can

> I ask what antifungal agents you tried and then gave up on, before you

> tried these things?


> Thanks for your help, Mel. Im still grappling in the dark here.



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When you start boosting glutathione you may find your pathogens start to

flare up slightly as the heavy metals which blunt your immune system are also

keeping your pathogens in check.



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Grapefruit seed extract, mjh, or grapeseed extract? I used to take

grapeseed extract and I'm wondering if you mean the same thing.

sort of wilting in Champaign IL




> Any and all oregano will help with fungal issues, it does not have

to be a

> particular brand.

> Other non drug anti fungals/yeasts include: aloe vera juice


> Tea Tree Oil, virgin coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract and

yoghurt and/or

> kefir. There are others, but this is a starting point for you.


> It is critically important to remove carbohydrates and other

fermented foods

> from the diet.


> mjh


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Thanks, Trina. I'll pore over this more when I feel a tad better.

Having a rocky day...migraine and general yeccch.


> Hi --


> What I've been trying is " triple therapy " :

> http://www.drcranton.com/CFIDS.htm

> So I'm taking nystatin powder, amphotericin-B powder, and Lamisil

pills. And the " cave man " diet. It has helped some, although it

hasn't gotten rid of the problem. I hadn't thought it was working

much at all, but when I had to stop the Diflucan (which I was on

first instead of the Lamisil), I crashed. Even every other day I

couldn't handle--was much better on the days I was taking it and bad

again on the days I wasn't. The Diflucan worked better than the

Lamisil has been, but it made the klonopin build up. So as long as

you aren't on klonopin, I would recommend Diflucan if you are going

to do one.


> I haven't had my liver checked yet--will be in the next couple

weeks, so we'll see what it's doing to that! I'm taking milk thistle,

so hopefully that is helping protect the liver.


> I added ThreeLac and now am going to add the bifidus powder Dawn

recommended and am hoping the whey will kick in and raise my

glutathione levels and take care of it so I can get off the

prescription stuff. If it doesn't, I think my next step will be

looking into immune modulation things. I think the problem with

treating the candida is that it assumes the immune system is going to

jump back on board when some of the stress is taken off of it by

killing the candida, but I'm doubtful that my immune system is going

to do that. So we'll see!


> Oh yeah, my rash. Well, I get it on the back of my hands and on

the inside of my wrists (sometimes both at once, sometimes just one).

It's usually worse on the right hand. Sometimes it's really bad,

today it's not there at all, usually it's in-between. It's red and in

patches--or little dots that spread into patches. It's kind of scaly

and a bit itchy. The Lamisil does seem to work a bit better on it

than the Diflucan, which makes sense since it's concentrated more in

the skin whereas the Diflucan concentrates more in the spinal fluids

and stuff so it's better at the overall effect. I used to get a lot

of infected toenails too (a few years before I got the rash). So

maybe you would want to try Lamisil since that's designed for toenail



> There are tons of different approaches to take with Candida

(including all the ones other people have mentioned). I think it's

all very confusing!


> With the antibiotics, maybe you get sleepy from a die-off of

bacteria. Some people think CFIDS is caused by an infection (or

aggravate it) and use antibiotics to treat it.


> Trina ;)



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GrapeFRUIT seed extract is antimicrobial

Grapeseed extract is an antioxidant.

They are two different things and not interchangeable.


> Message: 17

> Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 02:14:40 -0000

> From: " netsukeme " <kcapel@...>

> Subject: Re: Threelac


> Grapefruit seed extract, mjh, or grapeseed extract? I used to take

> grapeseed extract and I'm wondering if you mean the same thing.



> sort of wilting in Champaign IL


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Thank you, mjh. I knew you'd know what was what with this! As soon

as I'm alive, I will hithee to the health food store for my grapeFRUIT

seed extract. <big grin>

sorta alive in Champaign IL




> GrapeFRUIT seed extract is antimicrobial


> Grapeseed extract is an antioxidant.


> They are two different things and not interchangeable.


> mjh


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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 21/06/2006 21:46:47 GMT Daylight Time, loraine.higgins@... writes:

Does anyone know the best (cheapest) place to purchase Threelac. Lorene has recommended it as an alternative to our current probiotic, anyone any experience with it.

>>>>Never tried it because very happy with what we use. I met these peeps at a conference somewhere, maybe in Scotland they seemed like nice people



Mandi x

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In a message dated 23/06/2006 09:12:36 GMT Daylight Time, loraine.higgins@... writes:

>Never tried it because very happy with what we use. I met these peeps at a conference somewhere, maybe in Scotland they seemed like nice people_http://www.candidafree.co.uk/_ (http://www.candidafree.co.uk/) HTHMandi xThanks MandyCan you tell me what you use, we use pro-bio gold and Klaire labs detox support - Lorene felt this one was possibly too much for Annie.

>>>>We use Custom Probiotics CP1 and Kirkman Sacc Boulardii. CP1 is 25 billion CPU's +++ per cap so its a strong one - broad spectrum, some only use part fo a cap and put it back toegther to start wth.

I have a copy of the latest lab analysis for CP1 showing they average 48 billion CFU's per cap - its deisgned to have AT LEAST 25 Billion after being at room temp for 3 weeks. Its my favourite :)

Sacc Boulardii is a yeast that eats bad yeast, I think Kirkman is 3 billion per cap.

I am about to revisit Primal Defense, in low doses to add to my mix and hopefully will eb able to reduce Sacc B with that, will let you know hoe we go, plan to start that tonight.


Mandi x

PS Order shipped out today :)

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>Never tried it because very happy with what we use. I met these peeps

at a conference somewhere, maybe in Scotland they seemed like nice


_http://www.candidafree.co.uk/_ (http://www.candidafree.co.uk/)


Mandi x

Thanks Mandy

Can you tell me what you use, we use pro-bio gold and Klaire labs detox

support - Lorene felt this one was possibly too much for Annie.


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  • 2 years later...

This is what is going on with Threelac

> It should be banned here as well. Spore forming bacteria, bacillus

> bacteria, (not to be confused with lactobacillus bacteria) are very bad for

you and

> do not naturally occur in the human colon. They are found in soil which is

> where they belong



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