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nutri adrenal extra - will they effect blood test results please ?.

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Dear ALL,

I am seeing my endocrinologist fro the first time in 3 days time. No doubt she will want to take blood samples from me.

I have been taking one and a half tablets of nutri adrenal extra for the past 6 days with totally amazing results ie after being too weak to get up washed and dressed i am now able to leave the house and be a little active. The improvement in such a small space of time has been remarkable.

I am wondering if this tablet will effect my blood results and if i should miss one day before my appointment- although this would possibly mean i will struggle with being vocal during my appointment. I have no doubt i would look a lot more ill however which may be a good thing.??

I had a synathacin test approxiamately 3 years ago which came back as subnormal. I would imagine that this endo will want to repeat this .

part of me is a bit worried about stopping to take the nutri adreanal extra as scince new year i have been mostly bed bound and sleeping loads day and night with no energy,severe constipation,low mood, dizzyness and noise and light sensitve. My mum has said many times " you should be in hospital as you are so ill "

Scince last friday, when i took my first nutri adrenal extra, i feel like i have come to life !!

I Would really appreciate peoples thoughts on this matter very much.

Kindest Regards, Bernie

From: <christina@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Thu, 3 March, 2011 11:53:49Subject: Re: Resent Blood Tests

Hello Janet,

I am sorry if I have worried you – there is really nothing to worry about; I had probably written the mail a bit too `matter of factly' and I should have explained it all a bit better. – I'll try again J

Your results are "normal" in the sense that doctors would see them... in fact most doctors would say that they are perfect – all nicely bang in the middle of the norm range and yes, there are positive thyroid antibodies, which is not unexpected. This is all they look at.

They way I look at them is to find a way of getting `optimal' results. If you go to the trouble of taking pills every day, then you might as well take sufficient medication to give you back your health – and optimal results would be if your TSH were between zero and one or even below zero and your FT4 and FT3 were both in the upper third of ref range ... your TSH is currently 2.57 and this after 6 months on thyroid medication, which means your cells are still crying out for more thyroid hormone. – will do



With best wishes,

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