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interesting topic. i always carry glass mercury thermometers with me as many

of the digital and ear thermometers do not seem accurate. More expensuiive

ones seem fairly accurate but I still have my back up if I question the


On the vessel I am on now they have a Diatek 9000 ear thermometer. I do not

find it accurate most of the time so i use my glass mercury thermometer.

sometimes they are hard to come by but i find them more accurate.

have a good one.

Jude McGarvey

West navion

Drill ship off Sable, Canada



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I guess there are two angles. One is having a piece of kit that is

reasonably sturdy and accurate in a wide variety of external conditions.

As Jel pointed out, the core electronics of many devices will not work in

the cold.

Glass may be fragile.

One possibility is the use of catering thermometers with appropriate probes.

The probes have awide variety of temperatures they cna operate in and the

electrics are at the other end of the lead, so could be kept warm.


Re: thermometers


interesting topic. i always carry glass mercury thermometers with me as many

of the digital and ear thermometers do not seem accurate. More expensuiive

ones seem fairly accurate but I still have my back up if I question the


On the vessel I am on now they have a Diatek 9000 ear thermometer. I do not

find it accurate most of the time so i use my glass mercury thermometer.

sometimes they are hard to come by but i find them more accurate.

have a good one.

Jude McGarvey

West navion

Drill ship off Sable, Canada


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  • 3 years later...
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I just sent a thing on it to the neutropenia list today-several of the gals

on the list were talking about it. I bought one today b/c both of ours are

broken. ph hates to take his temp and bites the end of the thermometer.

I will send the info I found in a minute. Walmart.com was out of stock and

they sell them for $29 Walgreens.com has them for $39

Peace Be With You,


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From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:52 PM

Subject: Thermometers

I wondered if any of you have one of the newer thermometers at home

that measures the temperature of the temperal artery. It looks kind

of like a wand that passes over the forhead, down the side of the face

and then under and around the ear. I saw the nurses use one in the

hospital last week and they were telling me that is takes something

like 1000 readings per second and is supposed to be the most accurate

thermometer on the market.

I would love to find one, even though it looks like something that

would cost my husband's annual salary. Does anyone have any

connections or resources on something like this?


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>I wondered if any of you have one of the newer thermometers at home

>that measures the temperature of the temperal artery.

We have one and I hate it! It's not very easy to use, if you don't hold it

perfectly against the skin it will not read correctly. Our children's

hospital has them too and they say if the kids have any kind of temp they go

back to the oral thermometers as they seem more accurate. I wish I had just

bought an ear thermometer instead.

Mom to Conner (11, possible combined immune deficiency, Asperger's, mild CP,

partial seizures, asthma, GERD, Hashimoto's disease and resolved adrenal


Hayden (11, unknown PID, PDD-NOS, IBS and moderate hearing loss/aided),

Evan (11, unknown PID, asthma and mild hearing loss/unaided),

and Kelsey - (10, unknown PID, asthma)

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In a message dated 3/28/2006 10:51:56 PM Central Standard Time,

blessd8@... writes:

> I wondered if any of you have one of the newer thermometers at home

> that measures the temperature of the temperal artery

Don't get me started on thermometers. I almost posted yesterday about how

FRUSTRATED I am with every thermometer EVER. So I guess I'm doing that today!

However, we DO have the new type, the temporal artery one, my mom got it at

Wal-Mart for something like $35 I think??? So not bad at all, price-wise!!! I

think I like it.

I've had multiple, multiple digital ones (oral/underarm/rectal), the one with

the " quick read " feature was so far off the first time it beeped, I had to

leave it in place and keep turning it back one. Had 2 mercury which were so

accurate but I broke them both (fun cleanup, not), 1 new type " replacement " for

mercury, don't know what the material is inside and I don't yet trust the

reading, two ear thermometer ones which seem to act wacky when there's any


in the ear, so I can't rely on that... now the temporal one. I have practiced

seriously probably 500 readings on the thing because when I first got it, I

got a different # every single time I used it.

Arrrrrgh. At the doc's office, the one they use, they go across the forehead,

down slightly, then around and behind the ear. Mine says just to go across,

down slightly and then just into the hairline and stop.

Well, after wearing a path across all of our foreheads, I think I've got it

down. I do it lower than the ped office one, but seems to be accurate. But then

since the girls keep having these low grade fevers, I thought maybe the

thermometer was wrong. Our one surviving ear thermometer was off so much I


it needed batteries (those rotten button cell kind that are so expensive and

hard to find). Mind you, I was getting a 97.9 reading on MY head with the

temporal one, but I was just surprised they'd have temps and feel so GOOOD. Plus

only their foreheads are warm, the rest of them is cold. So got the new

batteries for the ear thermometer, stuck it in 's ear and it read " 95.1 " .


You bright, wonderful ladies are all by now wondering if there's an ear issue

(wacky reading on ear thermometer), but we also have an " Ear Check " device

which determines whether there is fluid behind the ear drum ($50 and well worth

it), and both girls come up normal.

SO I bought YET ANOTHER digital underarm/oral, I figure if I have three

thermometers I ought to be able to decide on a reading? Yeah, right!!! So then


the afternoon Kate was passssssed out (she doesn't nap anymore), and I took her

temp with temporal and it said 98.4. Finally! But was still over 100

last night. Still felt great. But they are both sleeping extra in the morning.

Not that I mind. :)

This morning they are both normal with at least one thermometer, so I'm going

to take a day off thermometers!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! These poor


I'll say this though. Kate will see me coming at her with *something* and

tense up, probably thinking it's a comb (she has very long hair), then she'll


it's the forehead thermometer and go " Whew! " and relax, because the thing is

so easy on them.

(mom to , age 7, dairy intolerant-related GERD -- currently has

polysaccharide antibody def, previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other

defs... and also to Kate, age 3!, more dairy intolerant but very healthy!)

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> I wondered if any of you have one of the newer thermometers at home

> that measures the temperature of the temperal artery.



I bought one a few weeks back at Wal-Mart and I love it. I would scan

Jakes head and then take his temp with a traditional thermomter to see

if it was accurate and it was accurate. The best part is you can take

it while they are asleep! which worked out great over the weekend when

he came down with a virus. I paid $34.95 and it runs off of a 9volt


Misty mom to Jake IGA , IGG Def IVIG 18 months

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Thanks for all the feedback! Looks like the majority of you like the

TAT. I will think I'll pick one up today to have on hand. The ear

thermometers just don't work on my kids with all the ear issues they

seem to have and the digital ones seem to take FOREVER under the arm --

my kids are too young to figure out the under-the-tongue thing.

THANKS again!

-Rogena (Mom to 4 boys, including Cole -IgA & IgG Subclass Def, GERD,

possible Celiac)

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  • 1 year later...

got a little change of events were on our secsecondtnight temp with the

prednisone. and this never happened before he is getting mouth sores tonight

instead o at onset. usuUsuallye pred. stops everything from happening


know whawhat's.


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  • 3 years later...
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I have been trying very hard to find a glass thermometer but have been told by a

couple of chemists that they are no longer making them. I find this hard to

believe as they are on Amazon. I was hoping not to have to order them online so

would like to know...does it need to be the glass or will the digital oral one

do just as well.

I was assuming the glass ones would be more reliable but that may just be my own

prejudice :-)

I am eager to chart my temps to see how I'm doing...



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My reading, and talking to one seller of both digital and glass,

fairhavenhealth.com, has led me to conclude that glass and digital are

equivalent in accuracy, as long as the digital batteries are not run down.

(Glass thermometers containing mercury don't seem to be available anymore, but

that is of no consequence for accuracy.) The digital ones don't need to be

shaken down. Many digital models are more convenient because they will save the

last reading. A basal thermometer, as opposed to a fever thermometer, will read

to 2 decimal point precision, which is desirable for basal temp measurements.

There's lots of info on the web about tracking basal temps; most of it is aimed

at fertility management, but all the info holds for thyroid patients as well.

-- In thyroid treatment , " jtweed15 " <jtweed15@...> wrote:


> I have been trying very hard to find a glass thermometer but have been told by

a couple of chemists that they are no longer making them. I find this hard to

believe as they are on Amazon. I was hoping not to have to order them online so

would like to know...does it need to be the glass or will the digital oral one

do just as well.

> I was assuming the glass ones would be more reliable but that may just be my

own prejudice :-)


> I am eager to chart my temps to see how I'm doing...


> Cheers

> J


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You may want to look for something at this science site...they do make glass

ones still, but I don't think any of them are filled with mercury anymore. I

only use a basal thermometer and I use a digital one because they are much

easier and if I am carrying it around with me all day, I don't want it to break.

I also change the batteries in it every 6 months. It's really your choice. It's

more about using the same one everyday so the readings will be by the same



O/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8 & qid=1299252760 & sr=8-2

I also suggest a blood pressure monitor. Everyone should have their own and it

must be a *cuff* monitor because the wrist monitors are inaccurate.



> > I have been trying very hard to find a glass thermometer but have been told

by a couple of chemists that they are no longer making them.

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