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Dry skin

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My dry skin is the worst, especially in winter! Itchy and ashy and all that! I

use two things that soften me right up, and keep me soft all day:

Shea butter, and when I'm out of that . . .

Vaseline when I'm still wet from the shower. I know a lot of people are

anti-petroleum jelly, but hey, it works for me and it's cheap.



> From: stephanie179@... ( )


> I am a diabetic with vary dry, itchy skin.

> I need a lotion or oil that will not lay on my skin but go into the

> skin. Any ideas? HELP! PLEASE!!!!!!!


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My first thought was emu oil. It isnt greasy and it is so




> From: stephanie179@... ( )


> I am a diabetic with vary dry, itchy skin.

> I need a lotion or oil that will not lay on my skin but go into the

> skin. Any ideas? HELP! PLEASE!!!!!!!







> http://community.webtv.net/stephanie179/sFamily


> ---------------------------

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When used in Bath Bombs and Bath Salts, your skin has a wonderful softness

following the bath, with no hateful tub ring.

It has worked well for me in M & P, and I'm trying it in China's Whipped Creme


I haven't used it in CP soaps myself, but have heard only wonderful things.

And when you team it up with other beneficial EOs, you get multiplied benefits.


Jan wrote:

> From: Jan <jany@...>


> My first thought was emu oil. It isnt greasy and it is so

> beneficial!


> wrote:

> >

> > From: stephanie179@... ( )

> >

> > I am a diabetic with vary dry, itchy skin.

> > I need a lotion or oil that will not lay on my skin but go into the

> > skin. Any ideas? HELP! PLEASE!!!!!!!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > http://community.webtv.net/stephanie179/sFamily

> >

> > ---------------------------

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  • 9 months later...

My two cents about dry skin -- Eli used to get very dry, scaly skin on his

knees in his crawling days, and still gets dry, flaky skin in winter. A a

dermatologist recommended Aquaphor (over the counter thick stuff) -- it works

like a charm!

The other thing to consider is a cool mist humidifier, to keep moisture in

the air. (Warm mist are dangerous with little ones around!) It's a pain to

keep them clean but worth it for the breathing and skin benefits!!

love debbi mom to Logan (6) Eli (DS) and Milo (4)

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  • 7 months later...
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In reference to the olive oil. I have noticed a surge in the products on the

market suddenly coming out with a lot of olive oil in them. Several months

ago I had seen an article then a talk with a celebrity ( a former model) that

has used her whole life pure olive oil on her skin. She has gorgeous skin

and swears by it! But yep, olive oil is good for the skin & body in general.


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> But yep, olive oil is good for the skin & body in general.

> Cate

> Hi All,

I remember, way back in the dark ages, when my kids were born, the

only thing we used to prevent our stretch marks was olive oil. Kept

the skin nice - but i still got heaps of stretch marks :0(




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  • 2 years later...
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> Dear Gail,


>>Adding Concentrace to the water

> you drink after a sauna does the trick.


How much should you add? Do you take the concentrace everyday or

only on the day you have a sauna? Thanks, gail

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Dear Gail,

Two drops per glass.

Every day is a good protocol.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman

Re: dry skin


> > Dear Gail,

> >

> >>Adding Concentrace to the water

> > you drink after a sauna does the trick.

> >=======================


> How much should you add? Do you take the concentrace everyday or

> only on the day you have a sauna? Thanks, gail







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  • 3 years later...
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arms and head really bad and around face,H E L P lol.any advice would be helpful. im now showering every other day no shampoo but every other other day lol Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com

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Hi Tim, I had a lot of trouble with dry skin & hair while on Tx. I started taking Flaxseed Oil capsules (think 1000mg) twice a day and they helped a lot! I also switched to a shampoo for dry hair and used Aveeno body wash and Aveeno moisturizer for after the bath.

Hope this helps, Llinda

arms and head really bad and around face,H E L P lol.any advice would be helpful. im now showering every other day no shampoo but every other other day lol


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takin that x2 plus omega x3 1000mg aveeno? can i get that aqnywhere? Llinda <2llama@...> wrote: Hi Tim, I had a lot of trouble with dry skin & hair while on Tx. I started taking Flaxseed Oil capsules (think 1000mg) twice a day and they helped a lot! I also switched to a shampoo for dry hair and used Aveeno body wash and Aveeno moisturizer for after the bath. Hope this helps, Llinda arms and head really bad and around face,H E L P lol.any advice would be helpful. im now showering every other day no shampoo but every other other day lol . Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work


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Aveeno: you might get it in a large grocery store as even our little one in town carries it, but should find it easily Wal-Mart or a drug store. Either place it will be in near the bath soaps. In my store it is on the top shelves with specialty stuff right next to Dove Bodywash. You might be able to save a few bucks by buying a store brand that is similar to it, I think Wal-Mart has one. Aveeno is not cheap to buy at around $8 or so, but a little goes a long way.

takin that x2 plus omega x3 1000mg aveeno? can i get that aqnywhere?

Llinda <2llamacamasnet> wrote:

Hi Tim, I had a lot of trouble with dry skin & hair while on Tx. I started taking Flaxseed Oil capsules (think 1000mg) twice a day and they helped a lot! I also switched to a shampoo for dry hair and used Aveeno body wash and Aveeno moisturizer for after the bath.

Hope this helps, Llinda

arms and head really bad and around face,H E L P lol.any advice would be helpful. im now showering every other day no shampoo but every other other day lol


Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931

865-588-2465 x107 work


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thksLlinda <2llama@...> wrote: Aveeno: you might get it in a large grocery store as even our little one in town carries it, but should find it easily Wal-Mart or a drug store. Either place it will be in near the bath soaps. In my store it is on the top shelves with specialty stuff right next to Dove Bodywash. You might be able to save a few bucks by buying a store brand that

is similar to it, I think Wal-Mart has one. Aveeno is not cheap to buy at around $8 or so, but a little goes a long way. takin that x2 plus omega x3 1000mg aveeno? can i get that aqnywhere? Llinda <2llamacamasnet> wrote: Hi Tim, I had a lot of trouble with dry skin & hair while on Tx. I started taking Flaxseed Oil capsules (think 1000mg) twice a

day and they helped a lot! I also switched to a shampoo for dry hair and used Aveeno body wash and Aveeno moisturizer for after the bath. Hope this helps, Llinda arms and head really bad and around face,H E L P lol.any advice would be helpful. im now showering every other day no shampoo but every other other day lol . Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work . Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work


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Heyyyyy Tim heat and hot water dries your skin out more try cooler showers and for shaving and use a moisturizer lotion. I tried them all and found the Vaseline Intensive Care lotions the cheapest and best at all stores and pharmacies. Buddy Hang In There Love and Hugs. Deb

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I worked for a Scandinavian Company for years, and they have dry skin problems alot! The product that would help immediatly, SKIN SO SOFT, by Avon. It is also used by them as a mosquito repellant. It does work! Good luck. DelHillbilly Tim <knoxweb1@...> wrote: takin that x2 plus omega x3 1000mg aveeno? can i get that aqnywhere? Llinda <2llamacamasnet> wrote: Hi Tim, I had a lot of trouble with dry skin & hair while on Tx. I started taking Flaxseed Oil capsules (think 1000mg) twice a day and they helped a lot! I also switched to a shampoo for dry hair and used Aveeno body wash and Aveeno moisturizer for after the bath. Hope this helps, Llinda arms and head really bad and around face,H E L P lol.any advice would be helpful. im now showering every other day no shampoo but every other other day lol . Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search.

Luggage? GPS? Comic books?

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& lots of lotion. I also used Bag Balm which you can get at a feed store –

very greasy but it will help your arms.



dry skin

arms and head really bad

and around face,H E L P lol.any advice would be helpful. im now

showering every other day no shampoo but every other other day lol

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any drug store. Eckerd has a copy of the bath & shower oil that is really

good and WAY cheaper. Slather that on in the shower then just pat dry with the

towel so you don’t rub it all off.



RE: dry skin

takin that x2 plus omega x3 1000mg aveeno?

can i get that aqnywhere?

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not to skickin anyone but i have read urine therpy is great on skin,just dont mention when i tx.i think our group leader needs to try this then get back to us in 30 days with results Motley <dmotley@...> wrote: Walmart, any drug store. Eckerd has a copy of the bath & shower oil that is really

good and WAY cheaper. Slather that on in the shower then just pat dry with the towel so you don’t rub it all off. De -----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Hillbilly TimSent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:16 PMTo:

Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Re: RE: dry skin takin that x2 plus omega x3 1000mg aveeno? can i get that aqnywhere? Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work


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De, Its also called Utter Ointment...

RE: dry skin

Lots & lots of lotion. I also used Bag Balm which you can get at a feed store – very greasy but it will help your arms.


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Hillbilly TimSent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:09 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: dry skin

arms and head really bad and around face,H E L P lol.any advice would be helpful. im now showering every other day no shampoo but every other other day lol

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  • 4 months later...


> I am 60. >

> The skin on my face hurts and is so dry.


I don't know how much you can do about the chlorine in the water

besides filtering it, but if your dry skin is to the point where it

hurts, maybe you should take some internal supplements to moisten the


I live in Colorado where the air is very dry and I'm 54 yrs old.

I've found that supplementing with natural d-alpha vitamin E, and

Omega 3 fish oil supplements have done a world of good over the

years. Also lately I've been consuming two spoons of cold pressed

extra virgin coconut oil daily and I seem to be getting positive

effects from that. On extra dry or wrinkled areas I'll dab a tiny

amount of the evco on those areas too. Good luck!


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If you are washing your face with filtered water I dont see how the chlorine is

a problem.

For dry skin I recommend


It is the material that occurs naturally in human skin to keep it moist and



Pamela Milonas <pammilonas@...> wrote:

I am 60. Six months ago I moved to a new city. The tap

water really smells of chlorine and so I purchased a

Brita carafe filter system. I also tested the water

and the PH is above 8.

The skin on my face hurts and is so dry. I have been

using ATOPALM cream and facial wash. The facial wash

says that it leaves your skin at 7PH but since the

water I use is above 8 I decided to stop using it.

I alternate the ATOPALM cream with a Life Extension

Foundation product called Essential Plant Lipids

Reparative Serum.

My face has started hurting now and I don't know what

to do. I have started using the filtered water to

rinse but am afraid to add a PH adjuster, fearful that

that may be too harsh for my skin. BTW, all of my skin

is dry so I am assuming that the chlorine is a big

part of the problem.



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Maybe try a couple of things,

1. Before you put on moisturizer, apply some moisturizing water first so that

the skin can be conditioned longer. Then use moisturizing cream to seal it off.

Do it three times during the day.

2. Check out your hormones, for both the magnitude, and the balance between

estrogen and progesterone. They are essential to keep good skin, and the the

underlying fat, etc.

Good luck,


Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

Re: dry skin


> I am 60. >

> The skin on my face hurts and is so dry.


I don't know how much you can do about the chlorine in the water

besides filtering it, but if your dry skin is to the point where it

hurts, maybe you should take some internal supplements to moisten the


I live in Colorado where the air is very dry and I'm 54 yrs old.

I've found that supplementing with natural d-alpha vitamin E, and

Omega 3 fish oil supplements have done a world of good over the

years. Also lately I've been consuming two spoons of cold pressed

extra virgin coconut oil daily and I seem to be getting positive

effects from that. On extra dry or wrinkled areas I'll dab a tiny

amount of the evco on those areas too. Good luck!


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By the way, if you have a water alkaliner, you may use the acid water to wash

your skin to neutralize the chlorine.


Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

Re: dry skin


> I am 60. >

> The skin on my face hurts and is so dry.


I don't know how much you can do about the chlorine in the water

besides filtering it, but if your dry skin is to the point where it

hurts, maybe you should take some internal supplements to moisten the


I live in Colorado where the air is very dry and I'm 54 yrs old.

I've found that supplementing with natural d-alpha vitamin E, and

Omega 3 fish oil supplements have done a world of good over the

years. Also lately I've been consuming two spoons of cold pressed

extra virgin coconut oil daily and I seem to be getting positive

effects from that. On extra dry or wrinkled areas I'll dab a tiny

amount of the evco on those areas too. Good luck!


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  • 3 months later...

Hi ,

Oh how the orange skin brought back memories. When my daughter was a baby -

she absolutely LOVED the orange veggies as well. Her skin took on an orange

tone and the doctor, in a panic, ordered liver tests. Just a lot of beta

carotene was all it was! If only she'd eat those veggies now! LOL!

As for the thyroid, check out Dr. Len's site:


On the flow sheet for health care guidelines,


Dr. Len advises testing at 6mos of age, 1 year of age, and then yearly from

then on. Be sure to test for TSH and T4. FYI if at any time in your testing,

down the road, if your child still appears to be having symptoms but all their

testing seems to come back borderline and not red flaggish enough for the doc's,

ask for an Anti-Thyroid Antibody screen. This is what finally gave us an

answer. 's levels were off the charts. If this test comes back

abnormal, it's a done deal - they have a thyroid problem! For years we had

been testing and testing and his levels were not enough to alert anyone - even

though I kept saying he had all the symptoms. Bottom line - trust your gut!

Thank you for explaining what IS is, how scary. I'm so glad to hear it's been

a while since his last seizure. Having gone through one seizure with my

daughter - that was so scary. I'm sure you've been through quite a bit with

that. Chase must be adorable, 13 months seems so long ago... will be 9

in 3 months! It goes by so quick. Enjoy the little bugger!

Take care,


mom to three including , 8 1/2 (Ds and Autism)

check out the view from my shoes


check out the view from my shoes at



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Hi Jayne,

Thank you for the guidelines on having the thyroid checked. I had asked my ped,

before, about getting Chase's thyroid checked and she said it was not important

now since he's not exibiting any signs that anything is " wrong " and, at the

time, he was receiving daily injections of steroids for his Infantile Spasms.

He was already really miserable (as we all were trying to keep the beast fed and

comfortable-baby roid rage is insanity in a small little body) and going through

plenty with the IS, so I think she just wanted to get him over that rather large

hump first.

So now I need to get his thyroid checked (if only to have a baseline on file),

his hearing (that was put on the back burner, too, because of the IS) and....I

thought there was something else, but I can't remember (the train has left the

station. lol!)

So. Do our kids turn orange rather easily? Is your daughter on the fair skin

side? I wonder if it shows up so dramatically with Chase because he's a human

glowstick. lol! :) My older son loved orage foods, too. One of his seudo

grandpa's would always tease me because everytime he saw me feeding n it

was something orange. If he knew I was in the kitchen feeding n, before

he entered he would announce his prediction that n was eating something

orange. He thought he was a pretty funny guy. :)

I am trying to enjoy Chase, and he is a buggar alright! :) I am still trying to

not be so short with him. The Ds diagnosis really sucks for me still. Everyone

I have met who has a child with Ds (in person or on a board) seems really happy

with their child and sees them for the child they are and not a child with Ds.

I hope I can get their someday. I think that being so isolated has played a

part in my behavior (the IS didn't help either. It prevented any early bonding

pre-diagnosis and I couldn't stand him while he was on his steroid therapy-I

don't think that would've been the case had I bonded with him prior to the IS

diagnosis). But I can't wait to move to where I have more family and support.

We have nothing and no one here. I think that will make all the difference in

the world (we're waiting to hear from the owner of my husband's company if we

can move to Florida rather than Colorado-from California). I hope we can. I

want to get to

where you (all) seem to be with your child...at peace. I know I am missing out

in some great memories, but I am doing my best.

OK. Enough wallowing. Sorry about that. I don't really have opportunities to

talk to people so it bottles up and when their is a slight opening I tend to


Thanks for the info on the thyroid. I will definitely bring that up to my ped.

I had no idea we should've been testing already...from birth! Still so much to


I don't know if it will go through since this is a board posting, but I have

attached a picture of Chase from Christmas morning. The funny thing is that he

looks like Princess Leigha but sounds like Chewbaka (literally). I need to get

his Wookie call on camera. It's pretty funny. :)

Mom to n (4 1/2 years) and Chase (13 months, Ds & IS)

Re: dry skin

Hi ,

Oh how the orange skin brought back memories. When my daughter was a baby - she

absolutely LOVED the orange veggies as well. Her skin took on an orange tone and

the doctor, in a panic, ordered liver tests. Just a lot of beta carotene was all

it was! If only she'd eat those veggies now! LOL!

As for the thyroid, check out Dr. Len's site:

http://www.ds- health.com/ thyroid.htm

On the flow sheet for health care guidelines, http://www.ds- health.com/

recordsheet1. htm

Dr. Len advises testing at 6mos of age, 1 year of age, and then yearly from then

on. Be sure to test for TSH and T4. FYI if at any time in your testing, down the

road, if your child still appears to be having symptoms but all their testing

seems to come back borderline and not red flaggish enough for the doc's, ask for

an Anti-Thyroid Antibody screen. This is what finally gave us an answer.

's levels were off the charts. If this test comes back abnormal, it's a

done deal - they have a thyroid problem! For years we had been testing and

testing and his levels were not enough to alert anyone - even though I kept

saying he had all the symptoms. Bottom line - trust your gut!

Thank you for explaining what IS is, how scary. I'm so glad to hear it's been a

while since his last seizure. Having gone through one seizure with my daughter -

that was so scary. I'm sure you've been through quite a bit with that. Chase

must be adorable, 13 months seems so long ago... will be 9 in 3 months!

It goes by so quick. Enjoy the little bugger!

Take care,


mom to three including , 8 1/2 (Ds and Autism)

check out the view from my shoes

www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com

check out the view from my shoes at

www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com

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