Guest guest Posted January 24, 2008 Report Share Posted January 24, 2008 Hi Jayne, I am correcting myself here. I know your son is your child with DS. I implied it was your daughter in the part about 'our kids turning orange'. My bad. Sorry. I just saw your photos on the photo section of the board. Your family is beautiful. Is your husband in the Air Force? Very cool!! Anyhoo...I just wanted to correct myself with your children. Mom to n (4 1/2 years old) & Chase (13 months, Ds & IS) Re: dry skin Hi , Oh how the orange skin brought back memories. When my daughter was a baby - she absolutely LOVED the orange veggies as well. Her skin took on an orange tone and the doctor, in a panic, ordered liver tests. Just a lot of beta carotene was all it was! If only she'd eat those veggies now! LOL! As for the thyroid, check out Dr. Len's site: http://www.ds- thyroid.htm On the flow sheet for health care guidelines, http://www.ds- recordsheet1. htm Dr. Len advises testing at 6mos of age, 1 year of age, and then yearly from then on. Be sure to test for TSH and T4. FYI if at any time in your testing, down the road, if your child still appears to be having symptoms but all their testing seems to come back borderline and not red flaggish enough for the doc's, ask for an Anti-Thyroid Antibody screen. This is what finally gave us an answer. 's levels were off the charts. If this test comes back abnormal, it's a done deal - they have a thyroid problem! For years we had been testing and testing and his levels were not enough to alert anyone - even though I kept saying he had all the symptoms. Bottom line - trust your gut! Thank you for explaining what IS is, how scary. I'm so glad to hear it's been a while since his last seizure. Having gone through one seizure with my daughter - that was so scary. I'm sure you've been through quite a bit with that. Chase must be adorable, 13 months seems so long ago... will be 9 in 3 months! It goes by so quick. Enjoy the little bugger! Take care, Jayne mom to three including , 8 1/2 (Ds and Autism) check out the view from my shoes www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com check out the view from my shoes at www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com ------------ --------- --------- --- Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 24, 2008 Report Share Posted January 24, 2008 , Don't feel like you are the only one who feels this way. I have felt that before reading people's post thinking, man I must be a real B because I don't always just feel that way! It's OK. This is hard. I'm sure just about everyone will agree. I always say that I have so much respect to those who adopt kids with DS. Mine is BLOOD, and sometimes I have a hard God Bless you adopting parents! The good part is that we are all here for each other and any time you need to vent this is the perfect group. We all know what you are feeling. It's our job to bring each other back up when this here it is... It's not always great and it is hard, why me? right? My daughter just turned 7 and I have those days, but then there's the others that make her so special and great, like at school she's everyone's favorite. Her principal gives her insulin shot to her. Everyone tells me how sweet she is, yeah right-she almost broke my nose last week because she didn't want to put her seatbelt on. BUT when I was pregnant she was the first to comfort me and get me a drink of water. and as I posted earlier, when I stubbed my toe she ran for the cream! lol It's just a different connection that my other kids. Once Chase gets a little older you'll get to experience this as well. Right now you just have work!! 2 kids is a lot of work and let alone have one of them have special needs. Give yourself a break, and accept that you are struggling, but it will improve. That always helps me-to recognize there is a problem even if I can't or don't want to fix it at the time. God Bless, Spilios mom to Myah 7 DS and Diabetes, and so on, Shianne 3 and Isabella 5 months (Myah's clone without DS! lol) Re: dry skin Hi , Oh how the orange skin brought back memories. When my daughter was a baby - she absolutely LOVED the orange veggies as well. Her skin took on an orange tone and the doctor, in a panic, ordered liver tests. Just a lot of beta carotene was all it was! If only she'd eat those veggies now! LOL! As for the thyroid, check out Dr. Len's site: http://www.ds- thyroid.htm On the flow sheet for health care guidelines, http://www.ds- recordsheet1. htm Dr. Len advises testing at 6mos of age, 1 year of age, and then yearly from then on. Be sure to test for TSH and T4. FYI if at any time in your testing, down the road, if your child still appears to be having symptoms but all their testing seems to come back borderline and not red flaggish enough for the doc's, ask for an Anti-Thyroid Antibody screen. This is what finally gave us an answer. 's levels were off the charts. If this test comes back abnormal, it's a done deal - they have a thyroid problem! For years we had been testing and testing and his levels were not enough to alert anyone - even though I kept saying he had all the symptoms. Bottom line - trust your gut! Thank you for explaining what IS is, how scary. I'm so glad to hear it's been a while since his last seizure. Having gone through one seizure with my daughter - that was so scary. I'm sure you've been through quite a bit with that. Chase must be adorable, 13 months seems so long ago... will be 9 in 3 months! It goes by so quick. Enjoy the little bugger! Take care, Jayne mom to three including , 8 1/2 (Ds and Autism) check out the view from my shoes www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com check out the view from my shoes at www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com ------------ --------- --------- --- Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 3, 2008 Report Share Posted February 3, 2008 Hi , I just found this in my spam box (I get hundreds a day, so it's easy to not venture to that box and it's easy for legit emails to get lost), so I don't know if I already responded to this. If it's a dup, oops. Thank you for understanding and being honest about it. I know it's hard and I know everyone has their days. I just am so tired of everyone making this out to be such a " blessing " and that " these babies " are " God's angels " (the last one really gets me because that says to me that my other son is NOT one of God's angels). It's hard work and very emotionally exhausting, especially for someone like me who has yet to bond as a mother with my own son. I feel like a B, too, when I tell people how I feel. But I don't care how they might react to me. Either they will understand and support since they are not where I am or they will judge and turn away (which is what happened with my mother-in-law and two of my so called best friends). I, too, have such a respect for those who wait on lists to adopt a child like Chase. I don't see the draw, but if they feel they can fill the need that the birth parent was unable to, then more power to them! I still feel very guarded about coming to this board for support. I have more days when I am down than when I am feeling like a cheerleader for Chase. When I first joined this board I know I ripped someone a new one for telling me the proper way to speak about Down syndrome and the " how-to " on referring to people with Ds. I still stand by my ripping that person a new one since I feel I am the mother of a child with Ds and I can speak about that how I want to. I am not attacking the Ds community and I am not being disrespectful in using any language as a negative attack, but from that first experience on this board, I saw that that person didn't see anything worth supporting. Rather that person would rather " conform " me rather than support me. I guess I pegged the board as being the same, though I had a similar experience on another board. I just feel that I don't belong anywhere anymore. I thought I would have the Ds community, but I feel like I have to be a phony to have any relationships within that community and the same within my normal (former) circle of friends. This is why I have so many negative days. I just feel very alone and my " support " groups really don't seem to accept my bad days as it conflicts with their own personal existance. This group has seemed to grown to be a good fit for me. The only reason I don't chime in too much is because you have " grown up " together and your children and their needs are more grown up than what Chase's needs are right now. But I enjoy reading everyone's posts and I don't feel so alienated now as I did 14 months ago. Anyway... Thanks for sharing your feelings with me. I appreciate it and I hope to be where you are soon (moving to Florida would help.) OK. It's getting late for Chase and I need to get him ready for bed (he's almost crashed out on the floor-the Superbowl wore him out, especially since our Pats stunk it up. Waaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! :'-( Thank you, again. Sincerely, Mom to n, 4 1/2 years old and Chase, 14 months (Ds & IS) If you would like to support Chase in his first Buddy Walk 11/11/07, please visit his team site at: Re: dry skin Hi , Oh how the orange skin brought back memories. When my daughter was a baby - she absolutely LOVED the orange veggies as well. Her skin took on an orange tone and the doctor, in a panic, ordered liver tests. Just a lot of beta carotene was all it was! If only she'd eat those veggies now! LOL! As for the thyroid, check out Dr. Len's site: http://www.ds- thyroid.htm On the flow sheet for health care guidelines, http://www.ds- recordsheet1. htm Dr. Len advises testing at 6mos of age, 1 year of age, and then yearly from then on. Be sure to test for TSH and T4. FYI if at any time in your testing, down the road, if your child still appears to be having symptoms but all their testing seems to come back borderline and not red flaggish enough for the doc's, ask for an Anti-Thyroid Antibody screen. This is what finally gave us an answer. 's levels were off the charts. If this test comes back abnormal, it's a done deal - they have a thyroid problem! For years we had been testing and testing and his levels were not enough to alert anyone - even though I kept saying he had all the symptoms. Bottom line - trust your gut! Thank you for explaining what IS is, how scary. I'm so glad to hear it's been a while since his last seizure. Having gone through one seizure with my daughter - that was so scary. I'm sure you've been through quite a bit with that. Chase must be adorable, 13 months seems so long ago... will be 9 in 3 months! It goes by so quick. Enjoy the little bugger! Take care, Jayne mom to three including , 8 1/2 (Ds and Autism) check out the view from my shoes www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com check out the view from my shoes at www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com ------------ --------- --------- --- Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 3, 2008 Report Share Posted February 3, 2008 , If you do not do PC, are wired a bit differently, and can be a B sometimes, you have my full support. I don't do PC either, and can out-B the best of 'em. Hang in there, lady. granny Re: Re: dry skin > >Hi , > >I just found this in my spam box (I get hundreds a day, so it's easy to not venture to that box and it's easy for legit emails to get lost), so I don't know if I already responded to this. If it's a dup, oops. > >Thank you for understanding and being honest about it. I know it's hard and I know everyone has their days. I just am so tired of everyone making this out to be such a " blessing " and that " these babies " are " God's angels " (the last one really gets me because that says to me that my other son is NOT one of God's angels). It's hard work and very emotionally exhausting, especially for someone like me who has yet to bond as a mother with my own son. I feel like a B, too, when I tell people how I feel. But I don't care how they might react to me. Either they will understand and support since they are not where I am or they will judge and turn away (which is what happened with my mother-in-law and two of my so called best friends). > >I, too, have such a respect for those who wait on lists to adopt a child like Chase. I don't see the draw, but if they feel they can fill the need that the birth parent was unable to, then more power to them! > >I still feel very guarded about coming to this board for support. I have more days when I am down than when I am feeling like a cheerleader for Chase. When I first joined this board I know I ripped someone a new one for telling me the proper way to speak about Down syndrome and the " how-to " on referring to people with Ds. I still stand by my ripping that person a new one since I feel I am the mother of a child with Ds and I can speak about that how I want to. I am not attacking the Ds community and I am not being disrespectful in using any language as a negative attack, but from that first experience on this board, I saw that that person didn't see anything worth supporting. Rather that person would rather " conform " me rather than support me. I guess I pegged the board as being the same, though I had a similar experience on another board. I just feel that I don't belong anywhere anymore. I thought I would have the Ds community, but I feel like I > have to be a phony to have any relationships within that community and the same within my normal (former) circle of friends. This is why I have so many negative days. I just feel very alone and my " support " groups really don't seem to accept my bad days as it conflicts with their own personal existance. This group has seemed to grown to be a good fit for me. The only reason I don't chime in too much is because you have " grown up " together and your children and their needs are more grown up than what Chase's needs are right now. But I enjoy reading everyone's posts and I don't feel so alienated now as I did 14 months ago. Anyway... > >Thanks for sharing your feelings with me. I appreciate it and I hope to be where you are soon (moving to Florida would help.) > >OK. It's getting late for Chase and I need to get him ready for bed (he's almost crashed out on the floor-the Superbowl wore him out, especially since our Pats stunk it up. Waaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! :'-( > >Thank you, again. > >Sincerely, > > >Mom to n, 4 1/2 years old and Chase, 14 months (Ds & IS) > >If you would like to support Chase in his first Buddy Walk 11/11/07, please visit his team site at: > > > > > > > > Re: dry skin > >Hi , >Oh how the orange skin brought back memories. When my daughter was a baby - she absolutely LOVED the orange veggies as well. Her skin took on an orange tone and the doctor, in a panic, ordered liver tests. Just a lot of beta carotene was all it was! If only she'd eat those veggies now! LOL! > >As for the thyroid, check out Dr. Len's site: > >http://www.ds- thyroid.htm > >On the flow sheet for health care guidelines, http://www.ds- recordsheet1. htm >Dr. Len advises testing at 6mos of age, 1 year of age, and then yearly from then on. Be sure to test for TSH and T4. FYI if at any time in your testing, down the road, if your child still appears to be having symptoms but all their testing seems to come back borderline and not red flaggish enough for the doc's, ask for an Anti-Thyroid Antibody screen. This is what finally gave us an answer. 's levels were off the charts. If this test comes back abnormal, it's a done deal - they have a thyroid problem! For years we had been testing and testing and his levels were not enough to alert anyone - even though I kept saying he had all the symptoms. Bottom line - trust your gut! > >Thank you for explaining what IS is, how scary. I'm so glad to hear it's been a while since his last seizure. Having gone through one seizure with my daughter - that was so scary. I'm sure you've been through quite a bit with that. Chase must be adorable, 13 months seems so long ago... will be 9 in 3 months! It goes by so quick. Enjoy the little bugger! > >Take care, >Jayne >mom to three including , 8 1/2 (Ds and Autism) > >check out the view from my shoes >www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com > >check out the view from my shoes at >www.wickedbusymomto 3.wordpress. com > >------------ --------- --------- --- >Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 We love Aquaphor too - CVS has the generic version for $2 less and works just as well! Our pediatrician also gave us a sample of Verdeso. It's a foam and is gentle enough for Presley's dry face. It clears it up in a matter of hours! Great for when the dry skin gets really bad and breaks open! Take care, Teana Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 This is my non-drying way of cleansing my face: Daily: Have a face cloth soaking in hot water while I apply sweet almond oil or fractionated coconut oil (scented with lavender or other essential oil) to my face. Apply the hot cloth & leave it on my face while I enjoy the scent.) When it cools off, wipe away the make-up, grime & oil. It leaves my face clean & moisturized. I don't have to moisturize after cleaning. Fractionated coconut oil & sweet almond oil are non-pore clogging oils. Weekly: An extremely gentle exfoliating scrub made with rice flower, ginseng powder & adzuki bean powder. Follow that with a a mask made with pink kaolin clay (the gentlest of clays - doesn't suck out the oils from your skin.) My face is never dry any more. aka Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 1, 2008 Report Share Posted October 1, 2008 I have dry scalp issues and had started washing my hair with baking soda/water. Since my face is similarly dry and sensitive, I tried letting the baking soda/water wash down my face as well. I'm clean and NOT stripped of my natural oils. Since I dont' wear makeup, its easier to get my face clean. I generally use jojoba oil each night around my eyes and on my lips. just a thought. -beveg > > This is my non-drying way of cleansing my face: > > Daily: > Have a face cloth soaking in hot water while I apply sweet almond oil > or fractionated coconut oil (scented with lavender or other essential > oil) to my face. Apply the hot cloth & leave it on my face while I > enjoy the scent.) When it cools off, wipe away the make-up, grime & > oil. It leaves my face clean & moisturized. I don't have to moisturize > after cleaning. Fractionated coconut oil & sweet almond oil are > non-pore clogging oils. > > Weekly: > An extremely gentle exfoliating scrub made with rice flower, ginseng > powder & adzuki bean powder. Follow that with a a mask made with pink > kaolin clay (the gentlest of clays - doesn't suck out the oils from > your skin.) > > My face is never dry any more. > > aka > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 2, 2011 Report Share Posted June 2, 2011 Sheila i read the post about the eyebrows as mine are a bit thin but had seen what you had wrote about the dry skin, before i went onto erfa i was taking nutriwest t-lyph, when i was first diagnosed that was the worst symptom of mine as my face was so dry it was like weetabix, within 4 days of going onto t-lyph my skin cleared up and i was so pleased. I have now come off it as i dont want to take too many supplements as it can get costly for me and my skin has became a bit dry again not as bad but if it doesn't get better once i am on the correct dose i am going to take them again. I read in a book called Why Am I So Tired?: Is your thyroid making you ill? [Paperback] , N.D., D.O. Budd that you can take Nutriwest t-lyph with thyroxine to get a fine tuning of the thyroid so maybe it can work good with NDT Love Alison Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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