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I am curious, too, about this paleo diet as well. But it bothers me that anyone

would say with certainty that being on the paleo diet will prevent any

particular disease. I would like to know what the documentation is which

supports that notion. One thing, off the top of my head from the little I think

I remember about the diet, is that if they are assuming that because people used

to eat this way and they didn't get a particularl disease, that other factors

might be the reason. Perhaps, if the people eating this diet were small tribes,

they were at that point in history when it is though contagious diseases did not

take hold because of the size of the groups. Or some such other thing.

So I am very interested in why people believe the diet to be the answer to the

problems of many of these diseases, not just statements that the paleo diet is

the answer.

Sandy from Alaska








Paleo diet

HolisticMomma said:

Geez, I keep hearing about this paleo diet. I guess I'm gonna have to check

it out.

I agree. It keeps hitting my funny bone though, I have these visions of

hunting dinosaur bones to crush up and feed to my kids......lol


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  • 2 years later...
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From what I've read of hunter-gatherer societies,

stachy tubers, typically gathered--(wild, not

farmed)-- by the females and young of the group, are a

regular part of their diets.


[some HG cultures studied in modern times cook and/or eat tubers, but they are

not good representatives of our true genetic past, which stretches back far

before the advent of cooking. Paleodiet theory states that people should try

to eat only foods which can, in principle, be eaten raw. Most starchy tubers

like potatoes are indigestible in their raw state.

For most of our genetic past we did not cook or process foods in any way.

In fact the cooking of meat over a fire produces heterocyclic amines, thought

to be carcinogens. This is evidence that we are not fully adapted to cooking,

though most paleodieters are just very careful about how they cook. It is

better to broil or boil meats, or to cook them lightly and slowly over a low

flame to reduce the production of heterocyclic amines. -gts]

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  • 7 years later...
Guest guest

Has anyone heard of this or tried it for autoimmune disease and does it help? My

acupuncturist suggested it. I am vegetarian but do eat fish...thye suggest

cutting out ALL grains including rice, ALL legumes AND eggs, tomatoes,

potatoes...ALL I will be able to eat is fish and veg!! I will try but would love

to hear any positive results others have had.



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I bought the book, It was a long time ago but I remember it was something that was so confusing that I stooped it. I may have been confused because of the thyroid but I remember it being just too much.


Has anyone heard of this or tried it for autoimmune disease and does it help? My acupuncturist suggested it. I am vegetarian but do eat fish...thye suggest cutting out ALL grains including rice, ALL legumes AND eggs, tomatoes, potatoes...ALL I will be able to eat is fish and veg!! I will try but would love to hear any positive results others have had.ThanksFliss

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Highly recommended. Dr Peatfield included this in one of his

speeches he gave to our Conference which was held in Keighley. See below:

Modern Medicine, Modern

Drugs and the Stone Age

Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield


is an extraordinary thing that the belief most people have in the wisdom and

judgement of our doctors remains, on the whole, untouched, in spite of repeated

and glaring evidence of lack of both: shown time and time and time again.

A senior doctor remarked, quite recently, that doctors should be regarded as

truthful and reliable as used car salesman. Doctors get wacky ideas about

all kinds of things, and eventually can’t be dislodged from them –

doctors simply hate being wrong – or powerful governing bodies, enjoying

a monopoly of belief, will not accept any doctor believing or doing anything

which goes against the current fashion. And Gordon and me have suffered with



is littered with examples. What trouble did Harvey get into (he

was in the time of 1st) when he pointed out that the heart

pumps blood around the body? Or Ignuz Semmelweis, who suggested

obstetricians, washed their hands on leaving the dissection room to attend to

mothers in childbirth. (He was vilified so terribly, he went mad.)

For how long were doctors convinced that bleeding one’s already sick or

dying patient would make them better? When the patients died, it was easy

to convince the families that the death had been inevitable; and that the

doctor’s fumbling incompetence actually represented the highest standard

of care. Examples are so many; it becomes boring to repeat them.

Would you be surprised that this scenario is repeated time and again, endlessly

today; and that we allow ourselves to become needlessly ill by treatment,

however convincing the doctor seems to be, which is obviously wrong and

stupid. And that doctors and pharmaceutical companies and food

manufacturers continue to get away with it, making us ill, and continue to profit.


know about The Great Thyroid Scandal, don’t we, hopefully? The

apparent wilful determination of doctors and endocrinologists (relying on tests

which may be wrong for all sorts of reasons), to diagnose hypothyroidism,

preferring ‘other illness’ or depression; and their widespread

incompetence in its treatment. As you know I have been drawing the

attention of sufferers for years now and so has my friend Gordon...


as the scandal of misdiagnosis and mistreatment of hypothyroidism is, there are

others. Western society, ladies and gentlemen, is now more ill than it

ever was. A hundred years ago you had a 1 in 30 risk of dying of cancer;

do you know it is now 1 in 3. Up until the 1920s heart attacks were

almost unknown; now it is a terrible scourge. Some 800,000 people

languish without hope or dignity from the terrible evil of Alzheimer’s

disease – it’s a disease of the 20th century, and our authorities

tell us it will worsen. Autoimmune diseases, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis,

hypothyroidism, all continue to increase. We get remorselessly more fat,

more diabetic, more ill as a result.


What’s going on? Why are we getting less and less healthy, in spite

of amazing sums of money thrown into our health services? In spite of

endless health checks, health advice – we get less and less well.


it something we cannot help as our populations increase with age? Are we

all increasingly doomed by forces over which we have no control?


for it! You may not be surprised to know that much of western civilisation is

at the receiving end of a monstrous conspiracy, no less terrible because it has

its motivation and driving force rooted in ignorance, deliberate distortion and

political correctness. Overall broods the malign influence of a vast drug

industry, whose purpose is to treat, but never prevent or cure; an equally vast

food industry, whose purpose is to feed us foods with the goodness distorted

and leached out of them. All to provide unending, self-replication of

almost inconceivably enormous profits. But no one dare say anything; we

are now so steeped in propaganda that even to question the correctness of what

we are told can bring the heavens down upon us: with vilification of careers

and loss of jobs.


right, let’s start with drugs.


group of drugs are daily in the public eye and will be advised by your doctor

within a few minutes of most consultations? Well I can think of some. At

the top of the list are statins; not far below are antidepressants and

psychotropic drugs; then we have pills for blood pressure; and then vaccines

and inoculations. There are others; dozens of remedies for arthritis; for

indigestion; and of course for infection. And in the wings, brooding with

endless menace, the cancer industry, now worth billions of pounds, and (this

beggars belief) no nearer a resolution than 60 years ago.


are predicated on the belief, held frequently by nutritionists who should know

letter, and doctors who know only what they are told, that cholesterol is

wicked and evil and the root of all ills – notably, of course, heart

attacks, strokes and blood pressure.


are studies, a few, funded by drug manufacturers, suggesting that we should

have a lower cholesterol than nature has intended for us; but there are

hundreds of other studies, carefully ignored, showing that low cholesterol is

certainly quite undesirable, and the lower it is, the more likely are other

illnesses, and causes of death, to beset us. This is the great cholesterol

scandal; to question current belief is unthinkable. In vain does one

point out that our need for cholesterol is so great, that we make 80% of it

ourselves? Our brains and nervous systems and immune systems demand

cholesterol. It gets into arteries and blocks them, we are told.

But it is a fellow traveller alongside damage to arteries from other causes

– high blood sugar, high insulin levels, environmental toxins (smoking,

PCBs, dioxins, and others).


the endothelial lining has been damaged cholesterol may effectively worsen the

damage. But it does not cause it. The biggest prime cause of the

arterial damage relates to the toxic effect from high glucose and high insulin

levels. Which at root, of course, is down to our excessive carbohydrate

food intake, combined with other environmental toxins. Reducing

cholesterol actually does not help; and low cholesterol levels are associated

with an increase in death rates from other causes – cancer, autoimmune

disease, progressive neurological diseases. We are told that too many

fats in our diet will cause cholesterol. But cholesterol is an alcohol,

not a fat; it is transported by molecules made up of fat and protein

(lipoproteins), but that is the only connection.


today is almost hysterical about reducing our cholesterol; our

‘need’ for statins is drummed in to us from all sides. One

government charlatan said (and I remember him saying it about 9 months ago

“we ought to have them in our water supply” so deep has the canker

spread. But statins have all sorts of side effects, and many people feel

quite unwell when taking them. (They originate from a violently poisonous

Chinese shrub, after all) – bet you didn’t know that. The

advice has to be – don’t take them whatever the compulsion and the

brainwashing. We need our cholesterol, and the older we are, the more we

need it.


is an almost equally hysterical demand that we should reduce our blood pressure

– often nowadays, to ridiculous childhood levels. Big problem is

that you can never be sure what the blood pressure is – the worse place

to have it taken is in a busy doctor’s surgery. Most people I see

on blood pressure medication are having too much, which can cause coughing,

breathlessness, cold hands and feet and other troubles. Again doctors

feel compelled to treat blood pressure, even if it is hardly raised at

all. As we shall see, correction to the diet may be all that is

necessary. Certainly doesn’t need the vast range of tablets a doctor is

going to throw at you.


shall look later at how many other conditions may respond to more natural

eating; and indigestion, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis are going to be

included. One of the great problem of our time is diabetes; we all know

people with diabetes, either insulin dependent (Type I) or the non-insulin

dependent Type II. Here’s something to ponder – wild animals

don’t get diabetes (domestic ones do – but look how we feed our



is a disease of civilisation; it’s the way we eat. It is possible

to prevent, and indeed cure diabetes without medication. But a vast

industry has grown to provide medication for diabetics – worth billions

of pounds. If you ran a multimillion pharmaceutical company making

medication for diabetes, would you prefer to treat the illness – knowing

that no-one can ever get better from the treatment; or prevent it?


is the cancer industry. As we said, cancer is on the increase, and all

the money spent on research has not helped in the slightest to understand why

we get it or prevent it. But the constant testing, the sophisticated

diagnostic devices; these are ever present and get more and more clever.

But we die in torment just the same. The hugely expensive chemotherapy

and deep X-ray radiation therapy do not even lengthen our survival time since

they undermine what defences we have left. Have you any conception how

many people, researchers, pharmaceutical companies and doctors will lose out if

suddenly a grand cure is found? Since this won’t happen we must do

the better thing – and prevent it.


last example: inoculations and vaccines. Another enormous money

spinner. Anyone who dares to suggest that there may be undesirable side

effects very quickly loses his job at the hands of medical authorities. We

are exhorted to have our flu vaccine. Didn’t help this winter, did

it; because the flu strain is a new mutation – as it always is –

and the vaccine was for last year. Doctors are paid to give it,

pharmaceutical companies paid to make it. Many of us (myself included)

actually get flu after the shot.


perhaps I have cast some doubt into your mind about modern medicine, well -

it’s about time. We are all victims of a vast industry, designed to

ensure we get ill and then require ‘treatment’ for the rest of our

lives. But - we have it in our power not to get ill; not to need these

elaborate and expensive treatments. The clue lies in the steady increase

in obesity, rampant in the USA, and now seen more and more in the UK. No,

it’s not because we are genetically programmed to get fat; it’s

self-induced. We are doing it to ourselves! What is worse, we are

being told by medical authorities, governments, and the food industry, how to

eat ‘healthily’; we are at the receiving end of increasing and

remorseless propaganda. And they’ve got it wrong, painfully and

fatally wrong. Probably it’s too late to get anyone to admit their

fault – but we can stop listening and do something about it ourselves.


not designed to eat as we do today; we were evolved to eat differently.

Before some 10,000 years ago, when the rot started with agriculture, we were

hunter-gatherers. Our food was mostly meat and fish, with, for a treat,

fruits and some vegetables. On feast days, someone would shin up a tree

and raid a bees nest for honey. Our insides are designed for this.

With a small caecum, a large intestine there mostly for water re-absorption, we

were poorly able to process vegetables and fruits, and so subsisted on our

favourite diet of those times, meat, especially fatty meat, organ meats, fish,

eggs when we could get them, insects and grubs. We can digest meat fine

in our small intestine; we have bile to deal with fat – but we can deal

with only a limited amount of vegetable matter. So: we had our protein,

we’ve had our fat; what about carbohydrates? Well, we didn’t

get much at all – fruit and veg which we picked or rooted from the soil,

and the aforementioned honey.


didn’t get fat; our teeth didn’t rot, we kept our eyesight and we

didn’t get heart attacks, rarely cancer if at all, and so long as we

didn’t fall off a cliff, get eaten, or drowned, we lived out our natural

lives, with the minimum of degenerative illness. None of this happened

until carbohydrates started to take over our diet; most particularly, during

the agrarian revolution. We became farmers and evolved ways of growing

wheat and other crops. And so began our love affair with

carbohydrates. The amount we eat spirals steadily, urged by a dotty

nutritional industry which tells us that this is what we must have if we are to

be healthy. Instead of a few percent, the amount recommended, and what we

eat may be more like 60% or 70%.


do we do with this extra carbohydrate we are not designed for? These

sugars and starches turn into glucose – more than we need by far

– and the pancreas has to make more insulin to drive away the build up of

glucose which rapidly becomes toxic to the health of tissues (ie arteries) by

making it enter the cells of the body. The cells don’t need all

this – so it gets turned into fat. The extra insulin doesn’t

do tissues any good either. Eventually the pancreas overloads, and may

start becoming exhausted; and the tissues become less sensitive to

insulin. The build up of glucose and insulin in the blood; the increased

conversion of glucose makes us fat, and causes syndrome X (you may have heard

of) or the metabolic syndrome – which is one step below Type II diabetes.


the carbohydrate that does the damage; it’s what we eat most of;

it’s what we are told to eat. And it’s killing us.


the one great big bee in the bonnet doctors and far too many nutritionists

have. We need, we must have - more carbohydrates. If only we ate

more, and exercised, had our ‘5 portions’ we would get well.

We wouldn’t, and we don’t. Some p****** in government said it,

there is no proof of it anyway, there is no papers on it.


great enemies are cereals of all kinds, bread, sugar, cakes, biscuits,

manufactured foods of all kinds, together with the leavening of vegetable oils,

hydrogenated fats, trans fats, so called fat free foods (which make up for fat

by adding carbohydrate), pop drinks, too much fruit (fruit sugar, fructose, is

especially hard on our insulin production) and most prepared foods.


survive, to not get ill, and this applies to all who are reading this, we

simply have to get back to basics. We are designed for meat and fats; our

insides cannot cope with too much vegetable and fruit. People live on

vegetables and fruit but they are struggling even if they don’t know it -

we don’t have herbivore intestines. Don’t go for lean meat

– we need the fat. Don’t go for skimmed milk – the

goodness has been lost. Full cream, jersey milk – unhomogenised –

or cream should be preferred. Eggs are a great food – going to work

on an egg was a great idea – now frowned upon by politically correct

doctors and nutritionists, because of cholesterol in the yolk. Organ

meats, eg liver, are especially desirable.


then? Organic.


for a ratio of 10-15% carbohydrates; protein up to a quarter; fats, the

remainder 60-70%.


not to forget daily exercise, to utilise all that has been consumed.

Has anyone heard of this or tried it for

autoimmune disease and does it help? My acupuncturist suggested it. I am

vegetarian but do eat fish...thye suggest cutting out ALL grains including

rice, ALL legumes AND eggs, tomatoes, potatoes...ALL I will be able to eat is

fish and veg!! I will try but would love to hear any positive results others

have had.



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Hi I did under the guidance of Dr Myhill and you should find plenty of info on

her site www.drmyhill.co.uk.

I lost FOUR stone and I needed to :)

It is such an amazingly healthy diet that I really do believe we should all be

on it.

My GP saidf it was quirky? Well what's quirly about eating

fresh meat and fish

heaps of fresh veg and low sugar fruits like berries


seeds I have for brekkie with kefir which does wonders for the gut where most of

us have serious issues

Dr Myhill sells a starter pack for about six quid and you add milk, she suggests

soya, I know, I know that is controversial and it is similar to maKING your own

yogurt and sooooooooooooo easy.

I give is 1 million percent as Eejit Simon Cowell says :)

You go girl! You wont regret it. Tricky though if you are living with other

people and they don't join you.



> Has anyone heard of this or tried it for autoimmune disease and does it help?

My acupuncturist suggested it. I am vegetarian but do eat fish...thye suggest

cutting out ALL grains including rice, ALL legumes AND eggs, tomatoes,

potatoes...ALL I will be able to eat is fish and veg!! I will try but would love

to hear any positive results others have had.

> Thanks

> Fliss


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thanks everyone...am going to try it and will report back.


> >

> > Has anyone heard of this or tried it for autoimmune disease and does it

help? My acupuncturist suggested it. I am vegetarian but do eat fish...thye

suggest cutting out ALL grains including rice, ALL legumes AND eggs, tomatoes,

potatoes...ALL I will be able to eat is fish and veg!! I will try but would love

to hear any positive results others have had.

> > Thanks

> > Fliss

> >


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