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Exercise & Stress: How can I make it Work for Me?

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Article Title: Exercise & Stress: How can I make it Work for Me?

Author Name: Tanja Gardner

Contact Email Address: tanja@...

Word Count: 730

Category: Exercise, Stress Management, Wellness

Copyright Date: 2005

Internet Address:http://optimumlife.co.nz



By Tanja Gardner, Optimum Life Ltd


Everyone knows that exercise reduces stress levels. Doesn't it?

Actually, some of the research is a little conflicting. For a

start, vigorous exercise is actually stressor itself. On a

physical level, exercise causes the tiny muscle fibres to

actually tear, and then grow back stronger as they heal. Not

exactly relaxing for the muscles in question! Quite apart from

this, one study showed anxiety levels increase in the first

5-10 minutes of exercise as adrenaline – one of the key stress

hormones – kicks in. So how can it be that exercise reduces

our stress and anxiety levels over time?

The quick answer is that while exercise is a short-term

stressor, lack of exercise is a long-term one. As we mentioned

in last week's stress newsletter <http://tinyurl.com/4e4sl> ,

our bodies are built for movement. When we're sedentary day

after day, all the systems that have evolved to service a body-

in-motion start to break down, which causes waste-products to

build up.

Our stress response <http://tinyurl.com/7xwq6> originally

allowed us to either fight a potential threat get as far away

from it as possible – both fairly physical activities. All

the biochemical changes – the stress hormones released –

are based around this result. They allow us to get into

action, and quickly! It's no surprise then, that unless we

do what our bodies expect and get moving, those

hormones have nothing to do but hang around in our bloodstream,

making us feel jumpy, irritable and just plain stressed. As

soon as we start moving though, the hormones have done their

job. Our body as a whole can return to normal, and relaxation

can ensue.

There's more to the de-stressing effect, though, than just

clearing hormones from your bloodstream. First there's the

well-documented release of endorphins– nature's opiates – into

your bloodstream. These act to both deaden pain and make you

feel wonderful. On top of this, regular exercise actually

strengthens your body – improving your sleep, boosting your

circulatory and immune systems. Since these are the very things

that the stress response attacks, regular exercise becomes a

form of preventative maintenance.

Then there are psychological buffers that exercise offers

against stress. As we set ourselves exercise plans and goals,

and stick to them, we start believing in ourselves more. This

can translate directly into the way we deal with the stressors

in our life. If we feel more in control of them, the stressors

become less powerful.


So what do the experts recommend when it comes to controlling

stress with exercise?

First and foremost, don't overdo it. Too much exercise, or

exercise sessions without enough rest time between them, lead

to overtraining, and overtraining is as dangerous a stressor as

anything the work world can throw at you. The current ACSM

guideline <http://www.acsm.org/pdf/Guidelines.pdf> for a

healthy lifestyle is 30-45 minutes, 3-5 times a week.

If you haven't exercised for some time, check with

your doctor first, and then start small. Even 10 minutes three

times a week is better than nothing. If you want to do more

than this, feel free, but if you start waking up tired,

getting injury prone, or losing ground instead of gaining it,

you need to cut back, or you'll just increase your stress.

Secondly, make sure you enjoy what you do. Exercise performed

because you have to is not going to keep you motivated to do it,

and the resentment you feel won't help with your stress levels.

There's a wealth of exercise options – from walking, swimming

and cycling, through to aerobics, martial arts and team sports.

In fact, you don't actually need to `exercise' to exercise.

All you need to do is get active – so if walking the dog,

digging in your garden, or playing with your kids appeals

to you more, they're just as valid. And if you need a little

help making the commitment, consider the services of a

personal trainer.

Lastly, be aware that whatever is causing the stress, simple

activity is not going to magically deal with it. If you're not

sure where your stress is coming from, you might benefit from

one-to-one coaching with a stress management expert. If you

know the root cause, however, getting active will put you in

a far better frame of mind, body and spirit, to manage it

yourself. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the true miracle

of exercise.



© Tanja Gardner, Optimum Life, January 2005

Optimum Life Ltd (http://optimumlife.co.nz) is a company

dedicated to providing balanced fitness and stress management

services that help clients all over the world achieve their

optimum lives. For more information on how we can help you

move closer to living your optimum life, please check out

our website.


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