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5 Simple Steps To Lower Cholesterol

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Article Title:


5 Simple Steps To Lower Cholesterol

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You can lower cholesterol without drugs by following some basic

steps that will not only change your cholesterol readings, but

also improve your health today and in the future.

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407 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: Fri Jul 22 02:10:40 EDT 2005

Written By: Mangano

Copyright: 2005

Contact Email: mailto:f.mangano@...

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5 Simple Steps To Lower Cholesterol

Copyright © 2005 Mangano

60 Days To Lower Cholesterol


You can lower cholesterol without drugs by following some basic

steps that will not only change your cholesterol readings, but

also improve your health today and in the future. So often we

use a prescription drug and hope it will magically cure whatever

ails us. The truth is prescription drugs for lowering

cholesterol do work. The problem is both the short term and

long-term side effects.

Even more dangerous than the side effects of prescription drugs

to lower cholesterol is not getting cholesterol under control.

Over time, high cholesterol can lead to numerous conditions

of the heart and arteries, not the least of which are

atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), stroke or heart


Here are 5 steps you can take today to lower your cholesterol

without prescription drugs.

Eat right. May sound simple, but diet has such a significant

impact on lowering cholesterol that it should be the number one

factor you look at in determining if your high cholesterol is

hereditary or a matter of dietary choices. A low fat and low

cholesterol diet is the first step toward lowering cholesterol.

Exercise. Improving cardiovascular health is a step toward

reversing the effects of high cholesterol. Exercise itself

doesn’t directly lower cholesterol, but will strengthen the

heart and entire circulatory system.

Quit smoking. If you smoke, the plaque build up in the arteries

due to high cholesterol is accelerated. When plaque blocks the

flow of blood to the heart, the muscle has to work harder to get

oxygen. This can lead to a heart attack. If the arteries get

completely blocked with plaque from high cholesterol then a

stroke can occur.

Relax. Chronic stress can affect cholesterol levels. If you are

constantly stressed and eating a low cholesterol diet, you may

not seen any improvement in cholesterol readings until you learn

to relieve stress.

Talk to your doctor. Not all doctors are quick to prescribe

medications. In fact, the more enlightened doctors will help you

form a diet and exercise plan that is suitable for your current

overall health and abilities as a first step toward lowering

cholesterol. It is always important to ask your doctor if your

decision to follow a specific diet or exercise plan is right

for you. In addition, do not stop taking medications before

consulting with your doctor. You can lower your cholesterol with

diet and exercise, and under the care of your doctor, see about

removing drugs from the process.



It does not take long to see significant improvements in your

cholesterol. Lower cholesterol can be yours in just a matter of

weeks. If you would like to understand more about cholesterol,

the prescriptions most often used to treat it, and what you can

do to lower cholesterol naturally and without prescription drugs,

visit one of the Internet's leading resources on cholesterol:


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