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Discover the Truth About Cellulite & How to Treat It

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Article Title:


Discover the Truth About Cellulite & How to Treat It

Article Description:


Have you been cursed with those lumpy, cottage cheese like areas

of fat on your thighs, hips, buttocks, and other parts of your

body? There's a good chance; 85% of women are already afflicted

with these same cellulite woes.

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Distribution Date and Time: Thu Oct 6 07:40:14 EDT 2005

Written By: ny Lavot

Copyright: 2005

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Discover the Truth About Cellulite & How to Treat It

Copyright © 2005 ny Lavot

Weight Loss Resources


Have you been cursed with those lumpy, cottage cheese like areas

of fat on your thighs, hips, buttocks, and other parts of your

body? There's a good chance; 85% of women are already afflicted

with these same cellulite woes. The term " cellulite " is not a

common term around the medical community - it was actually first

created in European spas. Then, in the early 1970's a man by the

name of Ronsard published the book Cellulite: Those Lumps,

Bumps, and Bulges You Couldn't Lose Before. The term " cellulite "

then spread throughout America.

If you're like most women, you are probably wondering what causes

cellulite and how you can get rid of it. Well, there are several

factors that contribute to the cause of cellulite. Some of these

factors are age, genetics, your body fat percentage, your level

of hydration, and possibly whether or not you smoke or ingest


One of the most prominent and widely accepted causes of cellulite

has to due with how the skin is constructed and how the fat

around it is situated. In the skin, there are tough strands of

fibrous tissue that connect the skin to the rest of the body

called the " septa " . The septa anchors at certain points -

similar to a net. This net of fibrous - the septa - tissue

exists above the layer of fat in your body. However, sometimes

fat makes its way through the holes in this net of fibrous tissue

and therefore plumps the fat outward. This plumping of fat

causes the " cottage cheese " resemblance of cellulite. Many

times, even if a woman has a very low body fat percentage, if the

skin around that area is pinched, then some cellulite can still

remain visible; however, most women probably only care about

cellulite when it is only visible without pinching.

Other reasons/theories exist as to the cause of cellulite, but

the actual cause is probably a combination of more than one

thing. Carole Walderman, aesthetician and president of Von Lee

International School of Aesthetics, in Baltimore, states,

" Cellulite is a combination of fat globules, waste matter, and

water imprisoned in connective tissue. " Another theory is that

the makeup of the strands of fibrous tissue in men and women are

different - for instance, a man's net of fibrous tissue forms a

net that is perpendicular, where as a woman's net of fibrous

tissue is formed by X's. Also, the fibrous tissue may be tighter

in women, which would cause a much more pronounced plumping

effect in women in comparison to men.

Treatments for Cellulite

Just Lose the Fat

Since an excessive body fat percentage is probably the most

prominent reason for the cause of cellulite, the best, most

permanent, and most effective course of action is to simply lose

fat. Obviously, there are many options in this area due to the

fact that there are hundreds of diet programs, pills,

supplements, etc. A very effective and recommended (by the

author of this article) program to accomplish this is entitled

" Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, " by Tom Venuto. More information

on " Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle " can be found at


Mechanical Massage

Another popular, and somewhat pricey, treatment for cellulite is

called endermology, or mechanical massage. In this treatment,

layers of cellulite are rolled between rollers and sucked on with

a vacuum with low pressures to " stretch " the septa. The

appearance of cellulite is supposed to become smoother - similar

to if you were to roll cottage cheese between two rollers.

Obviously, the cottage cheese would no longer be as lumpy. There

are many studies going on to determine the effectiveness of these

treatments, but their effectiveness remains questioned.


This is a simple treatment. Drink more water. Carole Walderman,

mentioned above in this article, states, " I have found that a lot

of people who have cellulite don't drink enough water. " Even if

water doesn't reduce your appearance of cellulite, it does too

many other important things to be passed up anyway.

Topical Treatments

In the world of health and fitness, there are many marketers

trying to take advantage of consumers who are ready to spend

anything to treat their problems. Many times, products like

these will make vague claims like " improve circulation " , " reduce

the appear of cellulite " , or " stimulate the release of fat " .

These claims sound scientific to the unknowledgeable consumer; I

mean, what is bad about improving circulation? 90% of the time

these marketers will exaggerate claims from poorly designed

studies, claim that a certain ingredient does something special,

but rarely to what degree they accomplish it. Another common

generalization of these products is to " stimulate the release of

fat " . There may be one or two studies that verify this, but even

if these products accomplish this, the effect of them is

extremely minimal compared to what intelligent dieting and

exercise can do.

Then again, there is a possibility that some of the ingredients

in topical creams may benefit in reducing cellulite. However,

many times there are several ingredients mixed into one cream.

This makes it extremely hard to find out which ingredient is

actually producing results. If you decide to go this route

(please incorporate diet and exercise too), then ask your

dermatologist before purchasing anything.

Nicotine and Caffeine

Another theory that holds investigation is the use of caffeine

and nicotine. You can help aid in your fight against cellulite

by halting the use of these, since they constrict blood vessels.

This theory may need more investigation.

All in all, cellulite is a tough foe. There are several

treatments for it; many of them are a waste of money or have a

very minimal effect. The most effective way to reduce cellulite

is to treat it at the root of its cause - where fat makes it way

through the net of fibrous tissue that makes up your skin to

cause several small pits or domes. The best way to accomplish

this is through intelligent dieting and exercise. You can find

more information on how to diet and exercise intelligently at



ny Lavot is an avid weight-loss and fitness researcher.

You can find tons more information on these topics at


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