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How Your Hair Loss Product Works: Hair Growth 101

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Free-Reprint Article Written by: Barton Griffen

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Article Title:


How Your Hair Loss Product Works: Hair Growth 101

Article Description:


Once you know the basics of how your hair grows, you can make

better choices about using a hair loss product or herbal hair

loss remedy. If you can choose the right herbal hair loss

product, you can keep your hair growing longer and stronger

for years to come.

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1108 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: Fri Nov 4 09:35:26 EST 2005

Written By: Barton Griffen

Copyright: 2005

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How Your Hair Loss Product Works: Hair Growth 101

Copyright © 2005 Barton Griffen

Samsons' Secret


Once you know the basics of how your hair grows, you can make

better choices about using a hair loss product or herbal hair

loss remedy. If you can choose the right herbal hair loss

product, you can keep your hair growing longer and stronger for

years to come.

Hair Follicles: Your cellular powerhouse.

The first two outer layers of your skin are called the epidermis

and the dermis. The dermis contains a rich lode of blood vessels,

nerve endings, fat reserves, and your hair follicles.

The follicle is depression that penetrates into your dermis, the

second layer of skin. This is where all the hair-growing action

takes place. Once you understand this, you can see the basic flaw

in many hair loss remedies. A hair loss product that you apply

directly to your scalp has little chance of penetrating down to

your dermis, where all the new hair growth takes place. Some

chemical hair loss remedies can do this, but these hair loss

products have other drawbacks that we'll get to later.

At the bottom of the follicle there's a bundle of cells called

the papilla. The papilla contains all the blood vessels that feed

the hair, and also produces new hair cells. The ideal hair loss

product feeds and nourishes the cells of the papilla. These cells

are highly active in a healthy, hair-producing follicle. The

cells constantly divide and create new hair cells. As the new

hair cells are formed, older cells are pushed up and out of the

follicle, creating the hair shaft.

The follicles go through a regular 3-phase cycle. In the anagen

phase, or growth period, the papilla is vigorously active,

producing strong, thick hair. The catagen is like the yellow

light, when the growth slows down. The telogen phase is the

resting period. It's like a red light, where cell production

stops. If the follicle is healthy, this last phase is temporary.

Soon the light turns green, and the papilla goes back into the

anagen phase again, creating new hair.

The papilla is your key to treating and preventing hair loss.

Although there are many different causes of hair loss, the effect

is always the same: the papilla produces fewer and weaker hair

cells, or stops producing altogether. If you can find an herbal

hair loss product that nourishes the papilla and stimulates the

production of healthy new hair cells, you'll grow stronger,

healthier hair.

Conventional Hair Loss Treatment

Conventional hair loss treatment tends to do one of two things.

In the first case, chemicals are introduced to stimulate the

papilla to more activity. The only FDA-approved chemicals that do

this are Minoxidil and Finasteride.

Minoxidil works by making the anagen phase of hair growth last

longer. Researchers don't completely understand how it works.

Once you take this hair loss product, you have to keep on taking

it, because if you stop this hair loss remedy your hair will

rapidly return to its old hair loss pattern.

Finasteride slows down the speed of hair loss, but the method

isn't completely understood. This hair loss remedy has been known

to cause ambiguous genitalia in male fetuses, so it's unhealthy

for women to use this hair loss treatment.

Nobody really knows the long-term effects of continuously using

these drugs.

Another conventional hair loss remedy is " transplants. " In this

case, individual follicles are taken from a " donor patch " of

healthy hair, and " planted " in the thin or bald areas. If you've

listened to salesmen pitching traditional hair loss remedies,

you've probably heard the analogy between your hair and a plant.

But your scalp is not a patch of topsoil!

Many people have been pleased with the results of this method of

hair loss treatment, but it still has some drawbacks. It is

expensive, costing upwards of several thousand dollars to

complete. It requires that you still have healthy hair on some

part of your head, and that you're willing to sacrifice some of

it to create thicker hair elsewhere.

Finally, transplanting active follicles doesn't treat the

conditions that caused the follicles to become inactive in the

first place. Only a hair loss product that nourishes the hair-

producing cells can do that.

" Hair Food " vs. Hair Nutrition

A new approach that's showing a lot of promise is that of

" feeding " your hair follicles with an herbal hair loss product.

Our fast-paced modern lifestyle makes it hard to have an ideal

diet, and the food you eat doesn't always pack the nutritional

punch that it should.

When your body doesn't get enough nutrients, it may " ration "

them. The richest supply will go to your brain and other vital

organs, while less important parts of the body, such as the hair

follicles, get depleted.

Some herbal hair loss remedies try to " feed " your hair with a

special shampoo or lotion for your scalp. The idea is that your

hair is like a field of corn, and you can just dump some

fertilizer and expect your crop to grow better.

But remember, your scalp is skin, and the main purpose of your

skin is to keep things out. While outer skin cells may be able to

absorb oil, and become more soft and pliable in the process

(think of sunscreen or moisturizer, for example), most topical

hair loss products aren't likely to penetrate into the living

cells of the papilla, deep in the second layer of the dermis.

If you want to nourish your hair, you need to do it through the

blood. Many traditional herbs can do this, but you need the right

combination of herbs to perform three crucial tasks:

1. Direct. You need herbs that will boost circulation to the

follicles, to make sure the other herbs and nutrients will reach


2. Cleanse. Once the formulas reach the follicles, you need some

agent that will help remove toxins and the buildup of dead cells

and other obstructing substances, so that the papilla are free to

absorb fresh nutrients to produce healthier hair cells.

3. Nourish. Finally, the abundant compounds can get in, providing

the papilla with the basic building blocks that are critical for

growing new hair cells.

Samson's Secret has the right herbal hair loss remedy for

improving your hair and rejuvenating old follicles. Our secret is

in addressing the root causes of hair loss, so that you can

improve and rejuvenate your hair.

When choosing the herbal hair loss product that's right for you,

you need to get to the root of the problem. Only the hair loss

remedy that feeds your papilla can promote the natural, long-term

health of longer, stronger hair. Samsons' Secret is the ideal

hair loss product.


Samsons' Secret is a company dedicated to hair loss treatment

and creating natural hair loss products. The Samsons Secret

hair growth formula is a blend of botanical supplements that

has been under development for over 20 years.


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