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Fulvic Acid

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I ran out of the Essential Elements/

ConcenTrace Minerals from the Pressmans site and decided to try the Fulvic Acid

Minerals Donna spoke about. I felt good on the Essential Elements but will be

able to compare the two.


Re: fulvic acid

i tried the brand donna recommended

no positive results

and it tasted like potassium benzoate

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Craig. http://www.info-archive.com/fulvicmenu.htm is the best info site I

know of for fulvics.

My product is the best one I know of. Vital Earth. I sell them for the best

price I know of. $23.00 for $32 oz.

They are pretty much flavorless, which is a huge blessing. If you can imagine

incredibly watered down tea. Like maybe a teaspoon of tea in a glass of water.

There is just barely any flavor. So it can be added to anything and go


As to dose, that would be a totally individual thing. When my dad was dealing

with a killer urinary tract infection he took 4 oz every four hours. Wasn't

cheap, but saved his life. I don't think you can over dose.

The very nature of fulvics prevents that. They are minerals in a form that

allows your body to use what it needs and reject the rest. And when they enter

your system they turn the heavy metals in your system into the same form. The

problem with mercury toxicity in the body is that it is a form of mercury that

the body is not able to reject so it stores it. Fulvics turn it into a form

that the body can reject and eliminate.

And they increase the potency of any other supplements you are taking. They are

the smallest molecule known to man and they have the capacity to carry other

nutrients with them into your cells. calcium, for instance, hangs out on

theoutside of your cells and picks up about eight other nutrients and carries

them into your cells and dumps them off and then exits the cell and goes and

picks up another eight or less and brings them in. and on and on.

Well Fulvic acid can pick up as many as 60 other nutrients and carry them into

the cells. I have found I can take alot less of my supplements when I take

fulvics with them.

They are truly organic minerals like what you find in plants and they are the

only trace minerals that I have done well on. I know alot of people have used

'Concentrace " and have really benefitted from them. So I sometimes recommend

them if people can't afford the fulvics. But for me the fulvics have worked the


The shipping is alot because of the weight $8.

I recommend that people try one bottle and if they think they want to take them

long term they consider buying 6 at a time, because then the manufacturer will

drop ship six and the shipping is only $15, so it ends up being a big savings in

the end. ($48 in shipping if purchased one bottle at a time)

Hope some of that helps.

I had not heard that fulvics were helping with autism. It makes sense to me






Fulvic acid

Hi Donna,

Fulvic acid is starting to gain popularity in the

autism community. I remembered you talking about it

and wanted to find out how much you were selling it

for. Also, how much would I give to a 3 year old

weighing under 30 lbs? Do you give it alone or can

you add it to juice? What does it taste like?



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  • 2 years later...

Fulvic mineral complex from Vital Earth has done wonders for me. It is

taken from all vegitable sources. I had muscle pain in my arm so bad

that I couln't put it behind my back and laying on it was nearly

impossible. This went on for over a year until I started taking the

fulvics. I was deficient and this allowed my muscle to heal. I had

not traumatised it but am suffering from candida and had been laying on

it at night watching tv with the blanket bunched up under it. Even

though I figured out that was the injury and stopped doing that, it

still took the fulvics to heal it which only took about a month for

dramatic improvement and now it scarecely bothers me at all and I can

scratch my back again!


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I swear by VItal Earth Minerals Fulvic Mineral Complex,


It has helped me get my crohns disease into remission. I have been in

remission for almost 2 years and give credit to the fulvic. I also give it to

my dogs and it has helped them; their eyes are more clear and they have

beautiful coats.

elan_spire <elan_spire@...> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I wonder if those of you who have experience with taking fulvic acid

would please share which particular ones you've found to be the

best,and why. I noticed somewhere in the archives that someone

mentioned that it's important to choose the right kind. Are most

fulvics derived from leonardite? Are these the best kind to take? Or

is there a better source? So far I've only tried one kind, which was

from here:


I've also come across this one, which is more expensive and says it is

not made from leonardite, coal or fossilized peat:


This seems to be another popular brand:


Thanks in advance for any experience, insight or information anyone

might share about this.



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  • 1 month later...
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Please tell me more about fulvic acid products. Are they from

volcano ash? joyce

> Fulvic acid which comes with humic acid has probably longest list


> benefits of any supplement i have found, including being an

> antioxident. Humates are used for chelation/detoxification of


> Fulvic acid is a kind of soil. I have a long document that i will


> to you if you write me personally.


> I found a company that sells a concentrate in a glass bottle,


> is good because it would be working on breaking down the plastic

> bottle and plastics contain things like phalates that mimic


> www.optimumorganics.us. The other products i tried still taste


> kind of like a rich tea but totally smooth with no sharp



> I would like to hear if anyone else has experience with fulvic





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  • 6 months later...

B.E. ??

Fulvic Acid

Is anyone in the group familiar with the benefits of fulvic acid ?

I have not been diagnosed by any alopathic methods,but have done the HCG

test through the Dr. Navarro in The Philippines with positive

results.My reason for going through the test was

pain in the lower abdomen area for quite some time now.

I have since changed my lifestyle ( cleaned up my act so to speak)

and eat mostly alkaline organic foods,along with herbal products and

the Budwig diet,B.E. etc.

BTW , every time I use the B.E.in the morning I feel so much

better,but the lower back pain comes back at the end of the day when I

get tired.

Any comments would be welcome,especially on the fulvic acid as I have

read that it helps to assimilate nutrients to the cells.

Best regards


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I have Quantum Mineral Drops.

It's P 500 per bottle.

It has Fulvic Acid, Humic Acid, Zeolite and Sodium Ascorbate and at the

same time the concoction is Scalar Energy enhanced.

Yes, it absolutely works.... really fast.

I am sure Dr. Navarro knows Dr. Patawaran the inventor.

Ask Dr. Navarro about Quantum Mineral Drops.

Attend the regular seminars, its an amazing product, especially for


Good for cancer patients too.

You need to know how to use it.

It's a good tool.

For lower back pain, check with the Dorn Method or Chiropractor. When

that is fixed and you still have pain, check if it is kidney related.

Do your kidney cleanse.

http://www.curemanual.com/detox-protocols/kidney-cleanse If it is truly

back pain with inflammation, try systemic enzymes like Wobenzym.


summitflyer2003 wrote:


> Is anyone in the group familiar with the benefits of fulvic acid ?

> I have not been diagnosed by any alopathic methods,but have done the HCG

> test through the Dr. Navarro in The Philippines with positive

> results.My reason for going through the test was

> pain in the lower abdomen area for quite some time now.

> I have since changed my lifestyle ( cleaned up my act so to speak)

> and eat mostly alkaline organic foods,along with herbal products and

> the Budwig diet,B.E. etc.

> BTW , every time I use the B.E.in the morning I feel so much

> better,but the lower back pain comes back at the end of the day when I

> get tired.

> Any comments would be welcome,especially on the fulvic acid as I have

> read that it helps to assimilate nutrients to the cells.


> Best regards

> Guy



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Sorry,I should have spelled it out.Blood Electrifier.i.e. Bob Beck's

blood electrifier.



> B.E. ??


> Fulvic Acid



> Is anyone in the group familiar with the benefits of fulvic acid ?

> I have not been diagnosed by any alopathic methods,but have done

the HCG

> test through the Dr. Navarro in The Philippines with positive

> results.My reason for going through the test was

> pain in the lower abdomen area for quite some time now.

> I have since changed my lifestyle ( cleaned up my act so to speak)

> and eat mostly alkaline organic foods,along with herbal products and

> the Budwig diet,B.E. etc.

> BTW , every time I use the B.E.in the morning I feel so much

> better,but the lower back pain comes back at the end of the day when I

> get tired.

> Any comments would be welcome,especially on the fulvic acid as I have

> read that it helps to assimilate nutrients to the cells.


> Best regards

> Guy






> __________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus

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> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


> http://www.eset.com




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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

I recently started IntraMax which is a liquid multi-vitamin that

includes fulvic acid.  It is expensive ($80), but recommended by

several members of the Lymestrategies group (Marc Fett & Sue

Massie in particular).

There was another fulvic-humic liquid posted to this list? (or perhaps

another list) very recently that seemed to be less expensive (approx

$40 for 32 oz = 1 month) but I'm not sure that it's equivalent to the


Based on my own research (over the last several months - no specific

article that I can really point you too) I really believe that

humic/fulvic acid products are very important and good forms to

nutrients to take in general.



On 3/11/09, simlaw1 <cpainter127418@...> wrote:


Hi, has anyone tried this product for detox? there seems to be some

research indicating it is useful for aiding the absorption of

nutrients and has some efficacy for FM in particular. I have been

researching anti oxidants and and fulvic acid appears to aid this

funtion. Also there is a product called Maximol which has been

recommended for CFS, it contains a lot of the nutrients that have a

high anti oxidant ability, if anyone has tried this I would also be



> Best


> Simon

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

My first post. I've been reading and reading the wonderful messages from this

group and either learning or reinforcing so much knowledge.

To preface, my missus and I have been supping with iodine and companion

nutrients for 2+ years. Much knowledge and experience garnered, not the least

of which has been the use of Lugols, SSKI and Nascent to aid in reducing a

goiter condition and thyroid nodules. Have advanced to making all kinds of

topical lotions as well as developing a range of understanding about internal

uses. List way too long of benefits from all this. Which is why I am thrilled

to be reading back through all the messages and seeing the terrific energy from

folks here.

One of the things am still wrestling with are working to create a rebalancing of

minerals. Have gone through a range of things, from Colloidal minerals and

Celtic grey sea salt and so on. I know we are almost there but I knew something

was missing.

Then recently purchased some Fulvic Acid from a far too expensive source but

wanted to try it. Holy cow. It is becoming a huge missing piece to the puzzle.

Realizing significant benefits from this.

So question is, and I've been searching for several days... can folks make

recommendations on sourcing fulvic acid. What are your recommendations? Would

very much like to hear the latest from folks here.

tx all

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My doc recommends Intramin, but a word of warning, fulvic acid cause strong

detox reactions, much more so than iodine.



> My first post. I've been reading and reading the wonderful messages from

this group and either learning or reinforcing so much knowledge.


> To preface, my missus and I have been supping with iodine and companion

nutrients for 2+ years. Much knowledge and experience garnered, not the least

of which has been the use of Lugols, SSKI and Nascent to aid in reducing a

goiter condition and thyroid nodules. Have advanced to making all kinds of

topical lotions as well as developing a range of understanding about internal

uses. List way too long of benefits from all this. Which is why I am thrilled

to be reading back through all the messages and seeing the terrific energy from

folks here.


> One of the things am still wrestling with are working to create a rebalancing

of minerals. Have gone through a range of things, from Colloidal minerals and

Celtic grey sea salt and so on. I know we are almost there but I knew something

was missing.


> Then recently purchased some Fulvic Acid from a far too expensive source but

wanted to try it. Holy cow. It is becoming a huge missing piece to the puzzle.

Realizing significant benefits from this.


> So question is, and I've been searching for several days... can folks make

recommendations on sourcing fulvic acid. What are your recommendations? Would

very much like to hear the latest from folks here.


> tx all


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Thank you Linn for this recommendation. Yes, have studied that one can have

strong detox response to fulvic and I initially had some strong responses to a

form of fulvic acid. I adjusted accordingly and have been able to operate

smartly with this. Am looking for a far less $$$ version of fulvic acid, so

your response is much appreciated.

kind regards

> >

> > My first post. I've been reading and reading the wonderful messages from

this group and either learning or reinforcing so much knowledge.

> >

> > To preface, my missus and I have been supping with iodine and companion

nutrients for 2+ years. Much knowledge and experience garnered, not the least

of which has been the use of Lugols, SSKI and Nascent to aid in reducing a

goiter condition and thyroid nodules. Have advanced to making all kinds of

topical lotions as well as developing a range of understanding about internal

uses. List way too long of benefits from all this. Which is why I am thrilled

to be reading back through all the messages and seeing the terrific energy from

folks here.

> >

> > One of the things am still wrestling with are working to create a

rebalancing of minerals. Have gone through a range of things, from Colloidal

minerals and Celtic grey sea salt and so on. I know we are almost there but I

knew something was missing.

> >

> > Then recently purchased some Fulvic Acid from a far too expensive source but

wanted to try it. Holy cow. It is becoming a huge missing piece to the puzzle.

Realizing significant benefits from this.

> >

> > So question is, and I've been searching for several days... can folks make

recommendations on sourcing fulvic acid. What are your recommendations? Would

very much like to hear the latest from folks here.

> >

> > tx all

> >


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> My doc recommends Intramin, but a word of warning, fulvic acid cause strong detox reactions, much more so than iodine. > > Linn

I tried looking it up... Is it a trace mineral supplement that includes fulvic acid or just fulvic acid which naturally has many trace minerals like sea salt does? Can you have too many trace minerals if taking the sea salt plus something like Concentrace AND Intramin?


Beth (who is still trying to get all the companion nutrients down before starting the iodine again)

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Yes, Intramin is not just fulvic acid. You wouldn't need both.



> > My doc recommends Intramin, but a word of warning, fulvic acid cause strong

detox reactions, much more so than iodine.

> >

> > Linn


> I tried looking it up... Is it a trace mineral supplement that includes fulvic

acid or just fulvic acid which naturally has many trace minerals like sea salt

does? Can you have too many trace minerals if taking the sea salt plus

something like Concentrace AND Intramin?


> Thanks,

> Beth (who is still trying to get all the companion nutrients down before

starting the iodine again)


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