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Good idea to keep him away from all nuts, if you're not sure.

Not to be overly suspicious, but you signed a paper refusing the Hep. B. That

doesn't mean they didn't give it to him, unless he was with you every second and

you know for a fact they couldn't have.

When did these allergies begin?


New member intro

> > Vaccinations

> >

> > > Hi everyone,

> > > I signed up here a few months ago but just now decided to

> > > finally

> > > post a message. I read the daily digest with interest, i

> even

> > > like

> > > the " OT " topics which give me some new info that could be

> useful

> > > in

> > > the future. I am originally from Ukraine and now live with

> dh

> > > and ds

> > > in NJ. Ds is almost 4 years old and unvaxed. I also stragle

> with

> > > my

> > > desicion a lot and not 100% sure if i am making the right

> one. I

> > > am

> > > completely alone on this as everyone around me vaccinates

> their

> > > children faithfully. I tend to not disclose to people about

> my

> > > son

> > > not being vaccinated but those around me kind of push me

> from

> > > time to

> > > time saying that their children are fine, no reactions, no

> > > autism, no

> > > major health issues. I wouldn't say that my son looks

> > > " healthier "

> > > than my friend's fully vaxed kids even though he is unvaxed

> and

> > > on

> > > raw dairy and home cooked NT diet. I keep reading that

> unvaxed

> > > children should be a picture of vibrant health, is it trut

> or is

> > > it

> > > wishful thinking? My son is health but does have eczema

> flare-

> > > ups

> > > form certain foods like most seafood and is very allergic to

> > > most

> > > nuts. Also, this winter he had a lot of respiratory issues

> for

> > > the

> > > first time that no natural remedies would help, but is

> finally

> > > getting better. My doctor is DR. Sclachter in NJ who

> diagnosed

> > > him

> > > with " reactive airways " which is a step away from asthma(i

> cross

> > > my

> > > fingers & pray it will not be!)Well enough writing for now.

> I

> > > look

> > > forward to meeting everyone and sharing this board with others!

> > >

> > > Katarina in NJ

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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I agree with WInnie on the Hep B issue.  I signed against it and my husband  was

with with my daughter at all times during her first day of life  but because of

my suspicious nature I had to request copies of ALL hospital records.  Not that

they can't falsify those -  but at least my mind is settled with the fact that 

it " appears " they respected our wishes.  So, I say all that to say that IF your

baby was out of your sight for even a moment there is the possibility it was



Arianna Mojica-   (UCC 1-207/1-103) 

~~~ " All rights not demanded are presumed waived " . ~ Thurston

New member intro

> > Vaccinations

> >

> > > Hi everyone,

> > > I signed up here a few months ago but just now decided to

> > > finally

> > > post a message. I read the daily digest with interest, i

> even

> > > like

> > > the " OT " topics which give me some new info that could be

> useful

> > > in

> > > the future. I am originally from Ukraine and now live with

> dh

> > > and ds

> > > in NJ. Ds is almost 4 years old and unvaxed. I also stragle

> with

> > > my

> > > desicion a lot and not 100% sure if i am making the right

> one. I

> > > am

> > > completely alone on this as everyone around me vaccinates

> their

> > > children faithfully. I tend to not disclose to people about

> my

> > > son

> > > not being vaccinated but those around me kind of push me

> from

> > > time to

> > > time saying that their children are fine, no reactions, no

> > > autism, no

> > > major health issues. I wouldn't say that my son looks

> > > " healthier "

> > > than my friend's fully vaxed kids even though he is unvaxed

> and

> > > on

> > > raw dairy and home cooked NT diet. I keep reading that

> unvaxed

> > > children should be a picture of vibrant health, is it trut

> or is

> > > it

> > > wishful thinking? My son is health but does have eczema

> flare-

> > > ups

> > > form certain foods like most seafood and is very allergic to

> > > most

> > > nuts. Also, this winter he had a lot of respiratory issues

> for

> > > the

> > > first time that no natural remedies would help, but is

> finally

> > > getting better. My doctor is DR. Sclachter in NJ who

> diagnosed

> > > him

> > > with " reactive airways " which is a step away from asthma(i

> cross

> > > my

> > > fingers & pray it will not be!)Well enough writing for now.

> I

> > > look

> > > forward to meeting everyone and sharing this board with others!

> > >

> > > Katarina in NJ

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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I'll third that. Having worked as an OB nurse in a hospital, I know

sometimes " routine " things were done without checking orders first.

Doctor's orders were always supposed to be checked first. However when

people get in a rush, things aren't always followed as they should be

especially when it came to things that nurses assumed were to be done (like

the Hep B). And sometimes the doctor's would check off that the baby was to

get a procedure (Hep B, circumcision, etc.) when it wasn't supposed to.

Consents were to be double checked, but that didn't always happen either.

So, I say it's quite possible that a newborn would get a Hep B by " accident "

if it wasn't watched 24/7 by the parents. If it was something that wasn't

supposed to be done, it's also possible that it wouldn't show up on the

medical records to cover the nurse's/doctor's behind. Sad but true.

I don't ever remember any of my personal patients refusing the Hep B for

their newborns. But I know for those who refused circumcisions, I'd always

put a sign on the baby's bassinette stating in big letters, NO CIRC, because

it wasn't impossible for a baby to be circ'd by " accident, " too.


Re: Re: New member intro

I agree with WInnie on the Hep B issue.  I signed against it and my husband 

was with with my daughter at all times during her first day of life  but

because of my suspicious nature I had to request copies of ALL hospital

records.  Not that they can't falsify those -  but at least my mind is

settled with the fact that  it " appears " they respected our wishes.  So, I

say all that to say that IF your baby was out of your sight for even a

moment there is the possibility it was done.

Arianna Mojica

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Another reason why we opted for a homebirth for our second baby and

for all future babies!



> I'll third that. Having worked as an OB nurse in a hospital, I know

> sometimes " routine " things were done without checking orders first.

> Doctor's orders were always supposed to be checked first. However


> people get in a rush, things aren't always followed as they should


> especially when it came to things that nurses assumed were to be

done (like

> the Hep B). And sometimes the doctor's would check off that the

baby was to

> get a procedure (Hep B, circumcision, etc.) when it wasn't supposed


> Consents were to be double checked, but that didn't always happen



> So, I say it's quite possible that a newborn would get a Hep B

by " accident "

> if it wasn't watched 24/7 by the parents. If it was something that


> supposed to be done, it's also possible that it wouldn't show up on


> medical records to cover the nurse's/doctor's behind. Sad but



> I don't ever remember any of my personal patients refusing the Hep

B for

> their newborns. But I know for those who refused circumcisions,

I'd always

> put a sign on the baby's bassinette stating in big letters, NO

CIRC, because

> it wasn't impossible for a baby to be circ'd by " accident, " too.


> Kay


> Re: Re: New member intro


> I agree with WInnie on the Hep B issue.  I signed against it and my


> was with with my daughter at all times during her first day of

life  but

> because of my suspicious nature I had to request copies of ALL


> records.  Not that they can't falsify those -  but at least my mind


> settled with the fact that  it " appears " they respected our

wishes.  So, I

> say all that to say that IF your baby was out of your sight for

even a

> moment there is the possibility it was done.


> Arianna Mojica


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 7/6/2008 8:44:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

amstevens1473@... writes:

am so grateful that I was able to learn about this before I had kids.

I was fortunate enough to learn about it before I had children also.

Unfortunately my pets have suffered b/c of my ignorance. But their suffering is


in part caused me to begin my research, so I'm forever grateful to my beloved

pets. Welcome to the group. there is a lot to learn here and I'm sure you

will enjoy the group.


Virginia Beach, VA

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

fuel-efficient used cars.


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Welcome, ! Good for you to figure out about vaccines before having your

children. Very smart of you to research it. It's good to have you in the group.


New member intro



> Hi Everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to introduce

> myself. My name is and I am a stay-at-home mom to my two

> kids, Bridget, 2 1/2, and iel, who will be turning 1 next

> month. I have been married to my husband for 11 1/2

> years, most of them happy! (Ha-Ha)! I heard about this group on

> another group I'm in, the Holistic Moms Network. Vaccine issues

> are one of my holistic passions although I am relatively a

> newbie to the holistic world. My journey began when I started

> researching about aspartame. I was addicted to diet soda for

> many, many years. I haven't touched one since. Then I started

> hearing in the mainstream media about a link between autism and

> vaccines. Of course, the media would always eventually deny

> any link. However, knowing that my husband and I eventually

> wanted to start a family, it was enough of a red flag to me to

> start looking into it. The more I researched, the more I

> learned about more

> than just autism, but the long-term life-changing effects that

> the multitude of vaccines inflict on our children. I am so

> grateful that I was able to learn about this before I had kids.

> I have obviously chosen not to vaccinate. It breaks my heart

> that so many people learn the hard way. I am glad to be a part

> of this group so that maybe more people will learn about the

> harm vaccines can possibly cause, and be pro-active rather than

> reactive. I look forward to learning even more on my journey,

> and getting to know all of you and your stories. --


> s

> SAHM to Bridget and iel

> Passionate about holistic living!






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  • 2 months later...

Hi , I'm Cassie, in Wa.

I might have some info for you....

Google " irritable uterus " , you might not find a ton of info, took me two

pregnancies to figure it out.

 My second pregnancy I started contracting at 18 weeks, and through the WHOLE

pregnancy, third pregnancy I started contracting at 13 weeks, and through the

whole pregnancy, by then, I knew this was " my " normal.  I found that taking

extra Magnesium helped the " crampy " pains during the ctx's. (throuh my research

and help from my midwifes research, I took 2,000 mgs a day, I also took 6,000

mgs of vit C through the day, and probiotics daily)

I tell you, people gave me weird looks, when I was breathing through

contractions at 25 weeks, and then continue with the conversation as if the

ctx's never happend!  They would freak out! I'd just say " no, this is normal,

I'm fine, not having a baby right now " . :)  I actually was going through my

ALACE (doula) training in my 8th month in my third pregnancy, that was

hilarious, I always brought my birthing ball, and sat on that only, and used it

constantly to roll on during my " contractions " during the classes!  What a hoot,

it took the other gals a few days to calm down and resist the urge to come help

me through my ctx's!!

Are you taking liquid clorophyl, or liquid calcium?  Those are good things to

take daily, along with your omegas.  I have files on irritable uterus, what I

could find, I was working along with my lay midwife (who's also my best friend)

and we had a heck of a time finding cases of this!  If you want them, just ask.

I called the hospital, just to get a jist of what they would do to a patient who

came in with those symptoms, and I was told they would be put on bed

rest indefinately (basically till birth), funny, who do they propose is going to

take care of the toddler running around the house all day? (That was my thought

at the time)  I imagine there would be testing and monitoring all day...eww!! 

Oh, and all that " checking " !! 

I managed to make it through on my own, at home, and have my homebirths.  I'm

only relaying this because I want some moms out there to know it can be done. 

Don't let uninformed doctors take away your power to take charge of your own

body.  Also, I want to point out that I was in a place where I really trusted

that my body was doing it's job in it's way, a LOT of faith that things would be

just fine, my natural processes would work the way they should, yes, it was

uncomfortable, and very tiring, but I trusted in my body. 

 If you are not yet in this place, don't take my advice, go get checked! 

 I couldn't find any doctor in my area who had heard of a case like mine, which

showed me how rare it was, and how scary would that have been to let one of

those doc's manage me? I did a ton of research and tried to find out for myself

what was going on.

 Good luck, and many blessings to you!  You can do it!!!  Oh, and keep up with

the rasp leaf tea, ginger is good, add some alfalfa and nettle if you can for a

boost in nutrients for your uterus!

~Cassie Sala~


“Vaccines represent consumer goods – and parents should research this product

far more carefully than other purchases because their children’s lives could be

at stake.” ~Randall Neustaedter, OMD (The Vaccine Guide: Making An Informed


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At 03:29 AM 9/21/2008, you wrote:


>Wow, this is certainly a great resource for me. None of my friends do

>not vax, which makes it sometimes difficult. I tried to start a local

>non-vaxing group for moms, but no one ever tried to join (very


>Anyhow, I have a 3yr old daughter, never vaxed (except she did

>receive the vit k & eye ointment) and am currently pregnant, due

>middle of January. We see a chiropractor almost once a week. We

>changed from a ped to all of us using the same family doctor (if ever

>needed). I never had any issues w/ped dr's, just decided to all go to

>the same dr. I've heard a family practitioner is a great alternative

>to a ped for those having problems with their ped's re: non-vaxing.

>My daughter started preschool and I did not have any problems with

>our exemption letter (we're in Illinois).

>I'm having a lot of difficulties with this pregnancy. I've had

>morning sickness since the end of May. I had contractions at 14wks. I

>did start meds because I couldn't even get any food/water down. I'm

>working on finding alternatives to help (still very sick). I'm trying

>to take the very minimum meds possible, since I'm not finding any

>alternatives that work. I'm taking 4mg zofran (trying to change it to

>every other day this week) and half of a 25mg tablet of unisom at

>night. I also take B6. I've tried ginger and raspberry tea and such.

>I'm going to see if my chiro has any suggestions. I'm open to any new





There's lots of help with homeopathy

Will send some info






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Hi and welcome to the group! I'm sorry you are having so many

problems this pregnancy. I wish I had some suggestions for you, but

I don't :(. As for getting involved in a group of parents that don't

vax, have you looked into the Holistic Moms Network? I started a

chapter in my area because there wasn't one already, and it's been

great! Most of the moms don't vax, and it's so nice to connect

personally with parents that think the same way. Check into it, I

know there are Chicago chapters if you are near there. If not, start

one! (After you have your baby, you need to take care of you right

now). Good luck to you though, and congrats on expecting!--,

HMN Metro Detroit Chapter


> Hi,

> Wow, this is certainly a great resource for me. None of my friends


> not vax, which makes it sometimes difficult. I tried to start a


> non-vaxing group for moms, but no one ever tried to join (very

> discouraging).

> Anyhow, I have a 3yr old daughter, never vaxed (except she did

> receive the vit k & eye ointment) and am currently pregnant, due

> middle of January. We see a chiropractor almost once a week. We

> changed from a ped to all of us using the same family doctor (if


> needed). I never had any issues w/ped dr's, just decided to all go


> the same dr. I've heard a family practitioner is a great


> to a ped for those having problems with their ped's re: non-vaxing.

> My daughter started preschool and I did not have any problems with

> our exemption letter (we're in Illinois).

> I'm having a lot of difficulties with this pregnancy. I've had

> morning sickness since the end of May. I had contractions at 14wks.


> did start meds because I couldn't even get any food/water down. I'm

> working on finding alternatives to help (still very sick). I'm


> to take the very minimum meds possible, since I'm not finding any

> alternatives that work. I'm taking 4mg zofran (trying to change it


> every other day this week) and half of a 25mg tablet of unisom at

> night. I also take B6. I've tried ginger and raspberry tea and


> I'm going to see if my chiro has any suggestions. I'm open to any


> ideas.

> Thanks,



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Thank you, Cassie, for all of this information. And thank you Sheri

for the links. I was also looking for a midwife, which is rather

difficult in IL. I think I have found one. Luckily no more

contractions. My current OB's office had me sit in the office for an

hour with those previous contactions before sending me to the ER

(without doing anything and charging me for the visit, of course!) I

was never put on bedrest, in fact, no one seemed to have much concern

about it except for the NP who had happened to walk in on me during a

contraction. She had quite the panicked look.

There is a lot of info between here and the links. I think I'll

confir with my chiro, too. Again, thank you so much!

(Side note: thanks for all the Tylenol posts. The moms in our

playgroup were just " helping " a new mom by suggesting she give her

infant Tylenol prior to her vaccination appt. I'm trying to think of

a tactful and very simple way to explain to these moms all I've read

here and to not give 8mo old babies, or us preggo's, the flu shot. I

cringe every time someone brings it up.)


> Hi , I'm Cassie, in Wa.

> I might have some info for you....


> Google " irritable uterus " , you might not find a ton of info, took

me two pregnancies to figure it out.

>  My second pregnancy I started contracting at 18 weeks, and

through the WHOLE pregnancy, third pregnancy I started contracting at

13 weeks, and through the whole pregnancy, by then, I knew this

was " my " normal.  I found that taking extra Magnesium helped

the " crampy " pains during the ctx's. (throuh my research and help

from my midwifes research, I took 2,000 mgs a day, I also took 6,000

mgs of vit C through the day, and probiotics daily)

> I tell you, people gave me weird looks, when I was breathing

through contractions at 25 weeks, and then continue with the

conversation as if the ctx's never happend!  They would freak

out! I'd just say " no, this is normal, I'm fine, not having a baby

right now " . :)  I actually was going through my ALACE (doula)

training in my 8th month in my third pregnancy, that was hilarious, I

always brought my birthing ball, and sat on that only, and used it

constantly to roll on during my " contractions " during the classes! 

What a hoot, it took the other gals a few days to calm down and

resist the urge to come help me through my ctx's!!


> Are you taking liquid clorophyl, or liquid calcium?  Those are good

things to take daily, along with your omegas.  I have files on

irritable uterus, what I could find, I was working along with my lay

midwife (who's also my best friend) and we had a heck of a time

finding cases of this!  If you want them, just ask.

> I called the hospital, just to get a jist of what they would do to

a patient who came in with those symptoms, and I was told they would

be put on bed rest indefinately (basically till birth), funny, who do

they propose is going to take care of the toddler running around the

house all day? (That was my thought at the time)  I imagine there

would be testing and monitoring all day...eww!!  Oh, and all

that " checking " !! 


> I managed to make it through on my own, at home, and have my

homebirths.  I'm only relaying this because I want some moms out

there to know it can be done.  Don't let uninformed doctors take away

your power to take charge of your own body.  Also, I want to point

out that I was in a place where I really trusted that my body was

doing it's job in it's way, a LOT of faith that things would be just

fine, my natural processes would work the way they should, yes, it

was uncomfortable, and very tiring, but I trusted in my body. 

>  If you are not yet in this place, don't take my advice, go get


>  I couldn't find any doctor in my area who had heard of a case like

mine, which showed me how rare it was, and how scary would that have

been to let one of those doc's manage me? I did a ton of research and

tried to find out for myself what was going on.

>  Good luck, and many blessings to you!  You can do it!!!  Oh, and

keep up with the rasp leaf tea, ginger is good, add some alfalfa and

nettle if you can for a boost in nutrients for your uterus!


> ~Cassie Sala~

> http://canyonriversday.blogspot.com

> " Vaccines represent consumer goods – and parents should research

this product far more carefully than other purchases because their

children's lives could be at stake. " ~Randall Neustaedter, OMD (The

Vaccine Guide: Making An Informed Choice)






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Thanks. I will look into that. :)

> >

> > Hi,

> > Wow, this is certainly a great resource for me. None of my


> do

> > not vax, which makes it sometimes difficult. I tried to start a

> local

> > non-vaxing group for moms, but no one ever tried to join (very

> > discouraging).

> > Anyhow, I have a 3yr old daughter, never vaxed (except she did

> > receive the vit k & eye ointment) and am currently pregnant, due

> > middle of January. We see a chiropractor almost once a week. We

> > changed from a ped to all of us using the same family doctor (if

> ever

> > needed). I never had any issues w/ped dr's, just decided to all


> to

> > the same dr. I've heard a family practitioner is a great

> alternative

> > to a ped for those having problems with their ped's re: non-


> > My daughter started preschool and I did not have any problems


> > our exemption letter (we're in Illinois).

> > I'm having a lot of difficulties with this pregnancy. I've had

> > morning sickness since the end of May. I had contractions at


> I

> > did start meds because I couldn't even get any food/water down.


> > working on finding alternatives to help (still very sick). I'm

> trying

> > to take the very minimum meds possible, since I'm not finding any

> > alternatives that work. I'm taking 4mg zofran (trying to change


> to

> > every other day this week) and half of a 25mg tablet of unisom at

> > night. I also take B6. I've tried ginger and raspberry tea and

> such.

> > I'm going to see if my chiro has any suggestions. I'm open to any

> new

> > ideas.

> > Thanks,

> >

> >


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I would look into accupuncture. I personally haven't used it to

relieve morning sickness but my sister has two friends who were on

every med in the book, and visiting the hospital weekly for fluids.

They tried the accupuncture, and one had relief within 20 minutes the

other about 4 hours....


> Hi,

> Wow, this is certainly a great resource for me. None of my friends


> not vax, which makes it sometimes difficult. I tried to start a


> non-vaxing group for moms, but no one ever tried to join (very

> discouraging).

> Anyhow, I have a 3yr old daughter, never vaxed (except she did

> receive the vit k & eye ointment) and am currently pregnant, due

> middle of January. We see a chiropractor almost once a week. We

> changed from a ped to all of us using the same family doctor (if


> needed). I never had any issues w/ped dr's, just decided to all go


> the same dr. I've heard a family practitioner is a great


> to a ped for those having problems with their ped's re: non-vaxing.

> My daughter started preschool and I did not have any problems with

> our exemption letter (we're in Illinois).

> I'm having a lot of difficulties with this pregnancy. I've had

> morning sickness since the end of May. I had contractions at 14wks.


> did start meds because I couldn't even get any food/water down. I'm

> working on finding alternatives to help (still very sick). I'm


> to take the very minimum meds possible, since I'm not finding any

> alternatives that work. I'm taking 4mg zofran (trying to change it


> every other day this week) and half of a 25mg tablet of unisom at

> night. I also take B6. I've tried ginger and raspberry tea and


> I'm going to see if my chiro has any suggestions. I'm open to any


> ideas.

> Thanks,



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You need to perfect the Look of Horror when people suggest Tylenol or flu shots,

etc. It's easier than trying to explain.


Re: New Member Intro


> Thank you, Cassie, for all of this information. And thank you

> Sheri

> for the links. I was also looking for a midwife, which is rather

> difficult in IL. I think I have found one. Luckily no more

> contractions. My current OB's office had me sit in the office

> for an

> hour with those previous contactions before sending me to the ER

> (without doing anything and charging me for the visit, of

> course!) I

> was never put on bedrest, in fact, no one seemed to have much

> concern

> about it except for the NP who had happened to walk in on me

> during a

> contraction. She had quite the panicked look.

> There is a lot of info between here and the links. I think I'll

> confir with my chiro, too. Again, thank you so much!

> (Side note: thanks for all the Tylenol posts. The moms in our

> playgroup were just " helping " a new mom by suggesting she give

> her

> infant Tylenol prior to her vaccination appt. I'm trying to

> think of

> a tactful and very simple way to explain to these moms all I've

> read

> here and to not give 8mo old babies, or us preggo's, the flu

> shot. I

> cringe every time someone brings it up.)




> >

> > Hi , I'm Cassie, in Wa.

> > I might have some info for you....

> >

> > Google " irritable uterus " , you might not find a ton of info,

> took

> me two pregnancies to figure it out.

> > My second pregnancy I started contracting at 18 weeks, and

> through the WHOLE pregnancy, third pregnancy I started

> contracting at

> 13 weeks, and through the whole pregnancy, by then, I knew this

> was " my " normal. I found that taking extra Magnesium helped

> the " crampy " pains during the ctx's. (throuh my research and

> help

> from my midwifes research, I took 2,000 mgs a day, I also took

> 6,000

> mgs of vit C through the day, and probiotics daily)

> > I tell you, people gave me weird looks, when I was breathing

> through contractions at 25 weeks, and then continue with the

> conversation as if the ctx's never happend! They would freak

> out! I'd just say " no, this is normal, I'm fine, not having a

> baby

> right now " . :) I actually was going through my ALACE (doula)

> training in my 8th month in my third pregnancy, that was

> hilarious, I

> always brought my birthing ball, and sat on that only, and used

> it

> constantly to roll on during my " contractions " during the

> classes!

> What a hoot, it took the other gals a few days to calm down and

> resist the urge to come help me through my ctx's!!

> >

> > Are you taking liquid clorophyl, or liquid calcium? Those are

> good

> things to take daily, along with your omegas. I have files on

> irritable uterus, what I could find, I was working along with my

> lay

> midwife (who's also my best friend) and we had a heck of a time

> finding cases of this! If you want them, just ask.

> > I called the hospital, just to get a jist of what they would

> do to

> a patient who came in with those symptoms, and I was told they

> would

> be put on bed rest indefinately (basically till birth), funny,

> who do

> they propose is going to take care of the toddler running around

> the

> house all day? (That was my thought at the time) I imagine

> there

> would be testing and monitoring all day...eww!! Oh, and all

> that " checking " !!

> >

> > I managed to make it through on my own, at home, and have my

> homebirths. I'm only relaying this because I want some moms out

> there to know it can be done. Don't let uninformed doctors take

> away

> your power to take charge of your own body. Also, I want to

> point

> out that I was in a place where I really trusted that my body

> was

> doing it's job in it's way, a LOT of faith that things would be

> just

> fine, my natural processes would work the way they should, yes,

> it

> was uncomfortable, and very tiring, but I trusted in my body.

> > If you are not yet in this place, don't take my advice, go

> get

> checked!

> > I couldn't find any doctor in my area who had heard of a case

> like

> mine, which showed me how rare it was, and how scary would that

> have

> been to let one of those doc's manage me? I did a ton of

> research and

> tried to find out for myself what was going on.

> > Good luck, and many blessings to you! You can do it!!! Oh,

> and

> keep up with the rasp leaf tea, ginger is good, add some alfalfa

> and

> nettle if you can for a boost in nutrients for your uterus!

> >

> > ~Cassie Sala~

> > http://canyonriversday.blogspot.com

> > " Vaccines represent consumer goods – and parents should

> research

> this product far more carefully than other purchases because

> their

> children's lives could be at stake. " ~Randall Neustaedter, OMD

> (The

> Vaccine Guide: Making An Informed Choice)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I recommend acupuncture, too. When I was pregnant with my 2nd son I

was having the nausea and contractions like you are describing... in

fact, I felt like I was constantly having to try really hard to keep

from going in to full-blown labor. I sought the advice of my chiro

who sent me for acupuncture. Not only did she perform the acupuncture

on me, but she also put me on a high quality fish oil. She stated

that most often the reason for the premature contractions like I'd

been having (as well as miscarriages) is lack of EFA's in the diet.

The fish oil stopped the contractions immediately and my nausea went

away, too (although I think that was more from the acupuncture

itself). At the end of my pregnancy I was told to back off on the

fish oils, so that my body could go into labor. I continued with

acupuncture once a week during my entire pregnancy, and chiro twice a


On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 4:06 PM, marcitrix <marcitrix@...> wrote:

> I would look into accupuncture. I personally haven't used it to

> relieve morning sickness but my sister has two friends who were on

> every med in the book, and visiting the hospital weekly for fluids.

> They tried the accupuncture, and one had relief within 20 minutes the

> other about 4 hours....

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did you have a fibroid?

re: New Member Intro

Hi , I'm Cassie, in Wa.

I might have some info for you....

Google " irritable uterus " , you might not find a ton of info, took me two

pregnancies to figure it out.

My second pregnancy I started contracting at 18 weeks, and through the WHOLE

pregnancy, third pregnancy I started contracting at 13 weeks, and through

the whole pregnancy, by then, I knew this was " my " normal. I found that

taking extra Magnesium helped the " crampy " pains during the ctx's. (throuh

my research and help from my midwifes research, I took 2,000 mgs a day, I

also took 6,000 mgs of vit C through the day, and probiotics daily)

I tell you, people gave me weird looks, when I was breathing through

contractions at 25 weeks, and then continue with the conversation as if the

ctx's never happend! They would freak out! I'd just say " no, this is normal,

I'm fine, not having a baby right now " . :) I actually was going through my

ALACE (doula) training in my 8th month in my third pregnancy, that was

hilarious, I always brought my birthing ball, and sat on that only, and used

it constantly to roll on during my " contractions " during the classes! What a

hoot, it took the other gals a few days to calm down and resist the urge to

come help me through my ctx's!!

Are you taking liquid clorophyl, or liquid calcium? Those are good things to

take daily, along with your omegas. I have files on irritable uterus, what I

could find, I was working along with my lay midwife (who's also my best

friend) and we had a heck of a time finding cases of this! If you want them,

just ask.

I called the hospital, just to get a jist of what they would do to a patient

who came in with those symptoms, and I was told they would be put on bed

rest indefinately (basically till birth), funny, who do they propose is

going to take care of the toddler running around the house all day? (That

was my thought at the time) I imagine there would be testing and monitoring

all day...eww!! Oh, and all that " checking " !!

I managed to make it through on my own, at home, and have my homebirths. I'm

only relaying this because I want some moms out there to know it can be

done. Don't let uninformed doctors take away your power to take charge of

your own body. Also, I want to point out that I was in a place where I

really trusted that my body was doing it's job in it's way, a LOT of faith

that things would be just fine, my natural processes would work the way they

should, yes, it was uncomfortable, and very tiring, but I trusted in my


If you are not yet in this place, don't take my advice, go get checked!

I couldn't find any doctor in my area who had heard of a case like mine,

which showed me how rare it was, and how scary would that have been to let

one of those doc's manage me? I did a ton of research and tried to find out

for myself what was going on.

Good luck, and many blessings to you! You can do it!!! Oh, and keep up with

the rasp leaf tea, ginger is good, add some alfalfa and nettle if you can

for a boost in nutrients for your uterus!

~Cassie Sala~


" Vaccines represent consumer goods - and parents should research this

product far more carefully than other purchases because their children's

lives could be at stake. " ~Randall Neustaedter, OMD (The Vaccine Guide:

Making An Informed Choice)

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


first of all I'm not from Niagara Falls, but St. Catharines. We are the next

community west of Niagara Falls, and the largest municipality in the Niagara

region. I know where Chilliwack is; I'm a BC boy myself. Born in Vernon, lived

most of my life until 1999 in Kelowna and my parents and one sister still live

there. I'm still a westerner at heart, though I live in Ontario now.

I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I cannot imagine paying $18 for a

gallon of milk. Not saying I wouldn't, but at that price I'd mix it with store

bought milk. All the American friends I know who are buying raw milk are paying

between $5-$7 per gallon, US$. For some that might mean supplying your own

containers, but big deal. I can't imagine why there is such a great difference

between your price and what some of my US friends pay. Maybe some American raw

milk consumers can pipe up here and tell us what they're paying.

Yes I recognize that I am getting a deal @ $1 CDN a litre. I don't know if

that's a deal for me only b/c I've taught all his kids or if he charges that to

all his customers but I'll take it. But I don't agree that he can't be making

money off of me at that price. Most of his milk goes out to the Dairy Assn who

manages this product of course. By the time milk hits the shelf at the grocery

stores, for 4 litres, we pay around $4 here in St. Catharines. That's with all

the middlemen stuff of pasteurizing it, the transport, packaging, labelling,

advertizing etc etc. With me, he avoids all of that and STILL gets $1 per litre.

I don't know what he's paid when the milk is trucked out of his farm but it

can't be $1 a litre otherwise the price in the grocery store would be a lot






> Hello Calvin


> Our farm is in Chilliwack British Columbia, about 70 miles from downtown

> Vancouver. We've been cowsharing for two years ; today we have 20 cows

> in milk and about 300 shares.


> have a look at my website to see what we're doing with the REAL MILK in

> BC < www.freewebs.com/bovinity <http://www.freewebs.com/bovinity> >

> and the website of our farmer < www.homeontherangefarms.com

> <http://www.homeontherangefarms.com/> >


> by the time our milk gets to us, we pay about $17.50 per gallon =

> that's no typo .... seventeen dollars and fifty cents Cdn.


> I can tell you one thing : a farmer cannot produce milk for $4 per

> gallon in Canada. Thus, if your farmer is selling it to you for

> that, he's actually subsidizing his " customers " ... unwittingly, he's a

> charity, not a business


> Yes, I'm well aware that the local dairy farmers with quota think

> they're keeping their heads above water at about $1.50 per litre.

> They're living in a fantasy. And that castle in the air is about to come

> crashing down. The Stalinist centrally dictated /command economy, also

> known as the Milk Marketing Board, has so-badly skewed the food system

> with hidden subsidies, that consumers have no idea what the real cost of

> production is. The idiots are locked-in to the communist model of

> industrial agriculture which produces the image of food, not real food.

> A lie must come to an end.


> A generation's worth of criminal mis-management is coming to a head :

> hyper-inflation is setting in = by about next fall, it will be

> undeniable. At that point, reduced to going down to the welfare

> office, it will sink in on pittance farmers selling raw milk, that

> their capital has been stolen from them by the debasement of the

> currency. The Bible calls this situation having " a bag with holes in " .


> Point being : under this officially-sanctioned criminal racket of

> usury-based fiat currency, those who don't do their costing properly,

> steal from themselves invisibly, with result they put themselves out of

> business.


> When I came on this forum about 4 years ago, there was a certain gal who

> castigated me about us " gouging " as we pay the highest price in the

> world for REAL MILK. She charged $2 per gallon in the backwoods of

> Emmett Idaho. You'll notice she ain't milking a cow anymore. Last

> missive she had on this forum she was bleating for donations so she

> could purchase a cream separator. Our farmer is grossing $1000 per

> day....and we have a waiting list


> Gordon S


> Burnaby British Columbia


> =======================

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Guest guest


first of all I'm not from Niagara Falls, but St. Catharines. We are the next

community west of Niagara Falls, and the largest municipality in the Niagara

region. I know where Chilliwack is; I'm a BC boy myself. Born in Vernon, lived

most of my life until 1999 in Kelowna and my parents and one sister still live

there. I'm still a westerner at heart, though I live in Ontario now.

I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I cannot imagine paying $18 for a

gallon of milk. Not saying I wouldn't, but at that price I'd mix it with store

bought milk. All the American friends I know who are buying raw milk are paying

between $5-$7 per gallon, US$. For some that might mean supplying your own

containers, but big deal. I can't imagine why there is such a great difference

between your price and what some of my US friends pay. Maybe some American raw

milk consumers can pipe up here and tell us what they're paying.

Yes I recognize that I am getting a deal @ $1 CDN a litre. I don't know if

that's a deal for me only b/c I've taught all his kids or if he charges that to

all his customers but I'll take it. But I don't agree that he can't be making

money off of me at that price. Most of his milk goes out to the Dairy Assn who

manages this product of course. By the time milk hits the shelf at the grocery

stores, for 4 litres, we pay around $4 here in St. Catharines. That's with all

the middlemen stuff of pasteurizing it, the transport, packaging, labelling,

advertizing etc etc. With me, he avoids all of that and STILL gets $1 per litre.

I don't know what he's paid when the milk is trucked out of his farm but it

can't be $1 a litre otherwise the price in the grocery store would be a lot






> Hello Calvin


> Our farm is in Chilliwack British Columbia, about 70 miles from downtown

> Vancouver. We've been cowsharing for two years ; today we have 20 cows

> in milk and about 300 shares.


> have a look at my website to see what we're doing with the REAL MILK in

> BC < www.freewebs.com/bovinity <http://www.freewebs.com/bovinity> >

> and the website of our farmer < www.homeontherangefarms.com

> <http://www.homeontherangefarms.com/> >


> by the time our milk gets to us, we pay about $17.50 per gallon =

> that's no typo .... seventeen dollars and fifty cents Cdn.


> I can tell you one thing : a farmer cannot produce milk for $4 per

> gallon in Canada. Thus, if your farmer is selling it to you for

> that, he's actually subsidizing his " customers " ... unwittingly, he's a

> charity, not a business


> Yes, I'm well aware that the local dairy farmers with quota think

> they're keeping their heads above water at about $1.50 per litre.

> They're living in a fantasy. And that castle in the air is about to come

> crashing down. The Stalinist centrally dictated /command economy, also

> known as the Milk Marketing Board, has so-badly skewed the food system

> with hidden subsidies, that consumers have no idea what the real cost of

> production is. The idiots are locked-in to the communist model of

> industrial agriculture which produces the image of food, not real food.

> A lie must come to an end.


> A generation's worth of criminal mis-management is coming to a head :

> hyper-inflation is setting in = by about next fall, it will be

> undeniable. At that point, reduced to going down to the welfare

> office, it will sink in on pittance farmers selling raw milk, that

> their capital has been stolen from them by the debasement of the

> currency. The Bible calls this situation having " a bag with holes in " .


> Point being : under this officially-sanctioned criminal racket of

> usury-based fiat currency, those who don't do their costing properly,

> steal from themselves invisibly, with result they put themselves out of

> business.


> When I came on this forum about 4 years ago, there was a certain gal who

> castigated me about us " gouging " as we pay the highest price in the

> world for REAL MILK. She charged $2 per gallon in the backwoods of

> Emmett Idaho. You'll notice she ain't milking a cow anymore. Last

> missive she had on this forum she was bleating for donations so she

> could purchase a cream separator. Our farmer is grossing $1000 per

> day....and we have a waiting list


> Gordon S


> Burnaby British Columbia


> =======================

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Guest guest


first of all I'm not from Niagara Falls, but St. Catharines. We are the next

community west of Niagara Falls, and the largest municipality in the Niagara

region. I know where Chilliwack is; I'm a BC boy myself. Born in Vernon, lived

most of my life until 1999 in Kelowna and my parents and one sister still live

there. I'm still a westerner at heart, though I live in Ontario now.

I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I cannot imagine paying $18 for a

gallon of milk. Not saying I wouldn't, but at that price I'd mix it with store

bought milk. All the American friends I know who are buying raw milk are paying

between $5-$7 per gallon, US$. For some that might mean supplying your own

containers, but big deal. I can't imagine why there is such a great difference

between your price and what some of my US friends pay. Maybe some American raw

milk consumers can pipe up here and tell us what they're paying.

Yes I recognize that I am getting a deal @ $1 CDN a litre. I don't know if

that's a deal for me only b/c I've taught all his kids or if he charges that to

all his customers but I'll take it. But I don't agree that he can't be making

money off of me at that price. Most of his milk goes out to the Dairy Assn who

manages this product of course. By the time milk hits the shelf at the grocery

stores, for 4 litres, we pay around $4 here in St. Catharines. That's with all

the middlemen stuff of pasteurizing it, the transport, packaging, labelling,

advertizing etc etc. With me, he avoids all of that and STILL gets $1 per litre.

I don't know what he's paid when the milk is trucked out of his farm but it

can't be $1 a litre otherwise the price in the grocery store would be a lot






> Hello Calvin


> Our farm is in Chilliwack British Columbia, about 70 miles from downtown

> Vancouver. We've been cowsharing for two years ; today we have 20 cows

> in milk and about 300 shares.


> have a look at my website to see what we're doing with the REAL MILK in

> BC < www.freewebs.com/bovinity <http://www.freewebs.com/bovinity> >

> and the website of our farmer < www.homeontherangefarms.com

> <http://www.homeontherangefarms.com/> >


> by the time our milk gets to us, we pay about $17.50 per gallon =

> that's no typo .... seventeen dollars and fifty cents Cdn.


> I can tell you one thing : a farmer cannot produce milk for $4 per

> gallon in Canada. Thus, if your farmer is selling it to you for

> that, he's actually subsidizing his " customers " ... unwittingly, he's a

> charity, not a business


> Yes, I'm well aware that the local dairy farmers with quota think

> they're keeping their heads above water at about $1.50 per litre.

> They're living in a fantasy. And that castle in the air is about to come

> crashing down. The Stalinist centrally dictated /command economy, also

> known as the Milk Marketing Board, has so-badly skewed the food system

> with hidden subsidies, that consumers have no idea what the real cost of

> production is. The idiots are locked-in to the communist model of

> industrial agriculture which produces the image of food, not real food.

> A lie must come to an end.


> A generation's worth of criminal mis-management is coming to a head :

> hyper-inflation is setting in = by about next fall, it will be

> undeniable. At that point, reduced to going down to the welfare

> office, it will sink in on pittance farmers selling raw milk, that

> their capital has been stolen from them by the debasement of the

> currency. The Bible calls this situation having " a bag with holes in " .


> Point being : under this officially-sanctioned criminal racket of

> usury-based fiat currency, those who don't do their costing properly,

> steal from themselves invisibly, with result they put themselves out of

> business.


> When I came on this forum about 4 years ago, there was a certain gal who

> castigated me about us " gouging " as we pay the highest price in the

> world for REAL MILK. She charged $2 per gallon in the backwoods of

> Emmett Idaho. You'll notice she ain't milking a cow anymore. Last

> missive she had on this forum she was bleating for donations so she

> could purchase a cream separator. Our farmer is grossing $1000 per

> day....and we have a waiting list


> Gordon S


> Burnaby British Columbia


> =======================

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first off I think you are judging a situation , which is comparing apples to oranges...

have you really done any research on this.. I have..

1st America is a different country to even try to compare price too.. as they have many states that have legal raw milk sales and from what it sounds like to me you are not even part of a Cow share , because you said "Most of his milk goes to the dairy association."

I am taking from that that you are getting milk from a commerical Dairy farm

that is taking a huge risk selling you raw milk ... from his farm

because he knows you...

comparing this to the BC cow shares is not even close to the same thing...

you keep talking about gallons of milk prices rather then a share in a cow..

how can you compare the two.

Hi,first of all I'm not from Niagara Falls, but St. Catharines. We are the next community west of Niagara Falls, and the largest municipality in the Niagara region. I know where Chilliwack is; I'm a BC boy myself. Born in Vernon, lived most of my life until 1999 in Kelowna and my parents and one sister still live there. I'm still a westerner at heart, though I live in Ontario now.I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I cannot imagine paying $18 for a gallon of milk. Not saying I wouldn't, but at that price I'd mix it with store bought milk. All the American friends I know who are buying raw milk are paying between $5-$7 per gallon, US$. For some that might mean supplying your own containers, but big deal. I can't imagine why there is such a great difference between your price and what some of my US friends pay. Maybe some American raw milk consumers can pipe up here and tell us what they're paying.

Yes I recognize that I am getting a deal @ $1 CDN a litre. I don't know if that's a deal for me only b/c I've taught all his kids or if he charges that to all his customers but I'll take it. But I don't agree that he can't be making money off of me at that price. Most of his milk goes out to the Dairy Assn who manages this product of course. By the time milk hits the shelf at the grocery stores, for 4 litres, we pay around $4 here in St. Catharines. That's with all the middlemen stuff of pasteurizing it, the transport, packaging, labelling, advertizing etc etc. With me, he avoids all of that and STILL gets $1 per litre. I don't know what he's paid when the milk is trucked out of his farm but it can't be $1 a litre otherwise the price in the grocery store would be a lot higher.Cheers!Calvin.>> > Hello Calvin> > Our farm is in Chilliwack British Columbia, about 70 miles from downtown> Vancouver. We've been cowsharing for two years ; today we have 20 cows> in milk and about 300 shares.> > have a look at my website to see what we're doing with the REAL MILK in> BC < www.freewebs. com/bovinity <http://www.freewebs .com/bovinity> > > and the website of our farmer < www.homeontherangef arms.com> <http://www.homeonth erangefarms. com/> >> > by the time our milk gets to us, we pay about $17.50 per gallon => that's no typo ....

seventeen dollars and fifty cents Cdn.> > I can tell you one thing : a farmer cannot produce milk for $4 per> gallon in Canada. Thus, if your farmer is selling it to you for> that, he's actually subsidizing his "customers" ... unwittingly, he's a> charity, not a business> > Yes, I'm well aware that the local dairy farmers with quota think> they're keeping their heads above water at about $1.50 per litre.> They're living in a fantasy. And that castle in the air is about to come> crashing down. The Stalinist centrally dictated /command economy, also> known as the Milk Marketing Board, has so-badly skewed the food system> with hidden subsidies, that consumers have no idea what the real cost of> production is. The idiots are locked-in to the communist model of> industrial agriculture which produces the image of food, not real food. > A lie must come to

an end.> > A generation's worth of criminal mis-management is coming to a head :> hyper-inflation is setting in = by about next fall, it will be> undeniable. At that point, reduced to going down to the welfare> office, it will sink in on pittance farmers selling raw milk, that> their capital has been stolen from them by the debasement of the> currency. The Bible calls this situation having "a bag with holes in".> > Point being : under this officially-sanction ed criminal racket of> usury-based fiat currency, those who don't do their costing properly, > steal from themselves invisibly, with result they put themselves out of> business.> > When I came on this forum about 4 years ago, there was a certain gal who> castigated me about us "gouging" as we pay the highest price in the> world for REAL MILK. She charged $2 per gallon in the backwoods

of> Emmett Idaho. You'll notice she ain't milking a cow anymore. Last> missive she had on this forum she was bleating for donations so she> could purchase a cream separator. Our farmer is grossing $1000 per> day....and we have a waiting list> > Gordon S > > Burnaby British Columbia> > ============ ========= ==

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Welcome to the group Pam. Your children are very fortunate you took a closer

look than most parents do.  So many of us here learned the hard way.

All the best,


From: b_islandmama <b_islandmama@...>

Subject: New Member Intro


Date: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 4:33 PM

Hi all,

I'm very excited to be part of such an active, like-minded group.  I am the mom

of two boys and in the process of adopting a daughter.  I did lots of vaccine

research when my little guys were born and now gearing up to advocate for our

future adoptive daughter.  I've read through lots of information in the archives

and learning so much. Thanks for letting me be a part of the group.



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Welcome, Pam! Good for you to research this from the start. I wish I had. And

how exciting about the adoption. We're glad to have you here.


New Member Intro


> Hi all,


> I'm very excited to be part of such an active, like-minded

> group. I am the mom of two boys and in the process of adopting

> a daughter. I did lots of vaccine research when my little guys

> were born and now gearing up to advocate for our future adoptive

> daughter. I've read through lots of information in the archives

> and learning so much. Thanks for letting me be a part of the group.

> Pam



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Welcome Sherri. So glad you found us! So glad you found out the truth.

Many of us know that " kick ourselves " feeling.


Hi.  I just want to post a quick introduction.  My name is Sherri and I live in

a suburb of Chicago.  I'm married, have 2 boys and a yellow lab.  I've come to

this list in " stages " over the last couple of years.  My dog had a vaccine

reaction almost 2 years ago.  At the time, I didn't know what caused the kidney

failure, but learned about raw feeding and switched him over.  From there I

learned about the dangers of vaccines and can kick myself for years of going

along with them (I just didn't know any better).  Of course, if I'm not going to

give my dog vaccines, I'm certainly not going to give them to my children.  I

thought I wouldn't have a problem since my boys are in high school - they had

all the " standard " childhood shots.  However, when I took my youngest to the dr

for his physical for entering 9th grade, they said he needs a tetnus booster.  I

posted on the TAV list to see if someone could point me in the right direction


information on exemptions in IL - and was referred to this list for humans.. 

I'll be looking in the files, and searching past messages to find out what I

need to do for an exemption.  I know I need to find the right paperwork, but

also gain the confidence to stand up the school in case they try to give me any

problems or pressure me in to giving him the shot.  I'm glad to be here and can

already tell I'm going to learn so much!!


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Welcome, Sherri! How funny that they get all crazy about tetanus considering

it's not even a communicable disease. Isn't that the whole reason schools care

about disease, contagion? Jeez, Louise.

I would check your state laws first. It might be the doctor who recommends the

tetanus booster, and not the law at all.


New member intro


> Hi. I just want to post a quick introduction. My name is

> Sherri and I live in a suburb of Chicago. I'm married, have 2

> boys and a yellow lab. I've come to this list in " stages " over

> the last couple of years. My dog had a vaccine reaction almost

> 2 years ago. At the time, I didn't know what caused the kidney

> failure, but learned about raw feeding and switched him over.

> From there I learned about the dangers of vaccines and can kick

> myself for years of going along with them (I just didn't know

> any better). Of course, if I'm not going to give my dog

> vaccines, I'm certainly not going to give them to my children.

> I thought I wouldn't have a problem since my boys are in high

> school - they had all the " standard " childhood shots. However,

> when I took my youngest to the dr for his physical for entering

> 9th grade, they said he needs a tetnus booster. I posted on the

> TAV list to see if someone could point me in the right direction

> for information on exemptions in IL - and was referred to this

> list for humans. I'll be looking in the files, and searching

> past messages to find out what I need to do for an exemption. I

> know I need to find the right paperwork, but also gain the

> confidence to stand up the school in case they try to give me

> any problems or pressure me in to giving him the shot. I'm glad

> to be here and can already tell I'm going to learn so much!!


> Sherri



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I had initially checked our school district's website and it said a 10 year

tetnus booster was required...but after your note, I did go to the Illinois Dept

of Public Health and reviewed the requirements just in case it was a " school

rule " and not a state law (we're in a public school). Sure enough they do

require the 10 year booster. So now I have to figure out what to do for an


I would have started this process earlier but when they sent the form home at

the end of 8th grade, he was marked " Pass/Comply " so I didn't realize it was

going to be an issue until I took him for his physical.

I've started reviewing information in the files and it appears that I have to

write a letter of religious exemption. It then sounds like the school has to

accept it. Do I just turn the letter in with the school physical? I'm a little

afraid because several of the posts talk about IL being " tricky " . There was

also a list of contacts and some of the posts suggest contacting someone on that

list. Is that the best thing for me to do?

Any insight is appreciated.




> Welcome, Sherri! How funny that they get all crazy about tetanus considering

it's not even a communicable disease. Isn't that the whole reason schools care

about disease, contagion? Jeez, Louise.


> I would check your state laws first. It might be the doctor who recommends the

tetanus booster, and not the law at all.


> Winnie


> New member intro

> Vaccinations


> > Hi. I just want to post a quick introduction. My name is

> > Sherri and I live in a suburb of Chicago. I'm married, have 2

> > boys and a yellow lab. I've come to this list in " stages " over

> > the last couple of years. My dog had a vaccine reaction almost

> > 2 years ago. At the time, I didn't know what caused the kidney

> > failure, but learned about raw feeding and switched him over.

> > From there I learned about the dangers of vaccines and can kick

> > myself for years of going along with them (I just didn't know

> > any better). Of course, if I'm not going to give my dog

> > vaccines, I'm certainly not going to give them to my children.

> > I thought I wouldn't have a problem since my boys are in high

> > school - they had all the " standard " childhood shots. However,

> > when I took my youngest to the dr for his physical for entering

> > 9th grade, they said he needs a tetnus booster. I posted on the

> > TAV list to see if someone could point me in the right direction

> > for information on exemptions in IL - and was referred to this

> > list for humans. I'll be looking in the files, and searching

> > past messages to find out what I need to do for an exemption. I

> > know I need to find the right paperwork, but also gain the

> > confidence to stand up the school in case they try to give me

> > any problems or pressure me in to giving him the shot. I'm glad

> > to be here and can already tell I'm going to learn so much!!

> >

> > Sherri

> >

> >




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