Guest guest Posted July 1, 2007 Report Share Posted July 1, 2007 Bran, You need to get a disability lawyer. You won't have to pay them until your case is settled. It took 4 yrs for me to get through the system, but the lawyers are limited in their fees. I got 55,000 in back pay, but the lawyer could only charge $4000 in fees. The reason I'm encouraging you to get a lawyer is to help you through the in's and out's of the system. If you go to the government's MD for an evaluation, he will find that you are able to work. I'll guarantee it since you haven't had all your other test. I had the results from the sleep lab and fibromyalgia. My MD didn't want to let my husband stay in the room with me. I wanted someone with a better memory than me to be there. He declared I didn't have fibro without testing any of the trigger points which are diagnostic. You don't have to be evaluated by their MD. You can have YOUR doctor do the evaluation. Google the Internet. There are lots of I wish I'd known then what I know now posts. Talk to other people. Go in with as much info as you can get and, hopefully, a lawyer who you trust who can guide you. Good Luck! Willow --- apneaschild <sj_snore@...> wrote: > Hi all; > > Some of you on other groups may have seen this > intro.. > > I go by Bran in my day to day life. I'm 40 and was > diagnosed with > severe OSA based on my symptoms back in February of > this year. I have > probably been affected by the problem since I was > 19. I had none of > the symptoms other than snoring on and off before > that. I say 19 due > to my snoring increasing, sometimes erratic focus on > things, > restlessness, and irritation over anything out of > the ordinary leading > to emotional problems. > > I used to work nights and sleep days in my 20's so > sleeplessness and > lack of rest were ordinary for dealing with so no > thought about it. > Though my ex wife did say sometimes I sounded like I > stopped breathing > at times, which was when I was about 25. > > Well to skip ahead about 6 years ago I started to > have these > " Blackouts " where if I sat down and had a soda or > some food and > relaxed I would wake up with a headache and > dizziness. I suspected > Diabetes as it does run in my family. I was tested > for that and had no > problem. The doctor I saw then said maybe it was > from Hypotension > caused by a lower back injury I had just recovered > from. I was never > tested. These " Blackouts " would come and go , > sometime disappearing > for months on end. When i was streed they would get > worse. I started > having problems with insomnia and when I did sleep > it was either > nightmare filled or light sleep. I went to another > doctor who just > said to go to bed earlier. Nice Huh? > > In 2004 I went to work at a Haunted House attraction > in Central Ca, > and while I was chasing some folks through a wooded > trail I collapsed. > I woke up but said nothing to anyone until I got > back home to WA, > State( I'm in San , Ca now). That Christmas I > was in the middle of > an argument with my mother and fainted dead away. > She said I had > troubled breathing and called for an ambulance. I > came too 45 minute > later in an emergency room. They did no testing and > let me go as I had > no income. The low income is why I have always been > stuck with sliding > scale or free clinics for my doctoring. That > Christmas I weighed 228 > lbs. I'm 5'7 " by the way. > > Anyway skipping ahead again. I'm now in Ca and last > October I was > working in a friends haunted house doing some heavy > labor and kept > hurting muscles moving wall units. I was constantly > exhausted to the > point where I could hardly walk and even caught > myself drooling. I > didn't seem to heal from anything I bruised or hurt. > I finally told my > boss I couldn't do it anymore. I did act, but again > was always tired > beyond belief. November I came home and while > grocery shopping got > lost an didn't know why I was there, I just knew I > was looking for > something. One of the workers came over and asked me > if I needed help. > I snapped to and said no thats ok and I walked home > on auto pilot. > I had no clue I was sleep walking. I'm kind of sleep > typing right now > as well so excuse any typos. > Later in December I totally collapsed again this > time on my own > kitchen floor when no one else was home and came to > an hour later but > was unable to really do more than go to sleep. I > couldn't get up, or > even roll over, just sleep. In January I started > having signs of > angina, and more blackouts. I now weighed in at > 256lbs. > > Finally in February I found a free clinic here in > San and > managed to be seen. After my initial interview with > a student doctor, > i was given to one Dr. Chan to be seen. If > you have done > research on Apnea I'm sure you have seen his name. > He is a Sleep > disorder and cardiac specialist from Stanford > Medical center, and runs > the Chanwell sleep disorder and cardiac centers. He > had read my > symptoms and when he walked into the room he gave me > my answer to what > was wrong with me. > > Now I'm not fluent in everything involving OSA, but > he estimated by > the point system of severity by symptoms and > frequency of them, that I > was one of the worst he had seen at 17 points. His > estimate based on > my symptoms was I was stopping breathing 70 times or > more per hour > while sleeping and was spending at least 15 to 25% > of my waking hours > sleepwalking. He declared me disabled, forbid me to > drive or work and > referred me to Medi-Cal insurance so I can go > through my sleep > eval-study and get a cpap machine. > > So far though thanks to 3 months of my paperwork > sitting in a > mailbox with the state and 2 months of both the > state and I trying to > get my records sent from the free clinic I have seen > no treatment > other than what the clinic has been able to do like > put me on an > aspirin regimen, and on liver meds for my high > cholesterol, and fatty > liver all for preventative purposes until I can be > treated at the > Chanwell clinic. Heart, Stroke, and Cancers run > heavily in my family > as causes of death. > > Oh and My records just were faxed by me personally > yesterday > afternoon, after trying for weeks to get a copy > myself, So hopefully I > will get Medi-Cal soon. Dr. Chan put it as being a > life and death > emergency need, and he is respected so hopefully it > goes through. > > My GF whom I live with just doesn't get it sometimes > how bad of > shape I'm in. The Doc didn't even want me to do > housework, just rest > until he can treat me but My GF keeps asking me > about when I get my > Cpap when I am going to go find a job. or offering > me part time work > for now in the sub shop she manages. Those with > untreated apnea and > even those who are being treated I'm sure will > understand when I say > getting up to answer the door or go get the mail in > is a struggle. > She just doesn't get that the hour or so I spend > doing dishes and > picking up our apartment for me physically is like 8 > hours of manual > labor for her. so there too I'm frustrated and want > to cry at times. > Hell just sitting on a bank of a lake casting a rod > to bobber fish now > has be come so exhausting for me I can't allow > myself to do it. I come > home sore and it takes like 3 days to feel my normal > un-normalness. > This too sucks as my favorite thing to do and my > biggest stress release > is Bass fishing. Now I'm too tired to trout fish let > alone work a bait > all day and cast 400- 500 times. > > > God I can ramble.. Sorry sleep depped right now and > kind of floating > as I type. > > Thanks for listening to a scared 40 year old who is > tormented daily > by the fear I'm going to have a stroke or not wake > up tomorrow. > === message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 1, 2007 Report Share Posted July 1, 2007 Welcome BranI'm sorry you have a need to be here, but it's a nice group of people. I myself don't post much due to so many different problems at my home life. I too have sleep apnea along with a ton of other problems. I've got a CPAP machine which I have not plugged in since moving now two years ago. I'm afraid that I won't be able to wake up when my overactive bladder acts up and I will be in a wet bed. Then I have trouble breathing ,etc... You've been through a lot during your short 40 year life as I'm now 56 and still very unemployed for going on four years. My retired 84 year old father is supporting me and if I lose him I will lose everything and be homeless. Please keep on with those people other wise you'll never get your machine.Hugs Love & Prayersette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2007 Report Share Posted July 17, 2007 Hey. Man, I'm so sorry your having such a rough go of it. its hard enough when serious medical issues are going on with you, but to have to deal with being turned away essentially because of no insurance is terrible. I hope you can get the care you need soon. I'm sorry your GF is not understanding your condition. That seems to be kind of a common thread with a lot of us who are chronically ill though from what I've read just in the short time I've been on a few of these lists. I know it is with me. The spouse is extremely understanding and nondemanding, but other close members of my family are, well, not. I can also understand and relate to being afraid your going to just drop dead. Although my medical problems are different from yours, I do have complications which make that a fear of mine too. Actually, my two greatest fears are dying alone, and dying in the bathroom. My thoughts are with you, and I hope you find the support in these groups that your needing. Amy In a message dated 6/30/2007 9:32:48 A.M. Central Daylight Time, sj_snore@... writes: Hi all;Some of you on other groups may have seen this intro.. I go by Bran in my day to day life. I'm 40 and was diagnosed withsevere OSA based on my symptoms back in February of this year. I haveprobably been affected by the problem since I was 19. I had none ofthe symptoms other than snoring on and off before that. I say 19 dueto my snoring increasing, sometimes erratic focus on things,restlessness, and irritation over anything out of the ordinary leadingto emotional problems.I used to work nights and sleep days in my 20's so sleeplessness andlack of rest were ordinary for dealing with so no thought about it.Though my ex wife did say sometimes I sounded like I stopped breathingat times, which was when I was about 25.Well to skip ahead about 6 years ago I started to have these"Blackouts" where if I sat down and had a soda or some food andrelaxed I would wake up with a headache and dizziness. I suspectedDiabetes as it does run in my family. I was tested for that and had noproblem. The doctor I saw then said maybe it was from Hypotensioncaused by a lower back injury I had just recovered from. I was nevertested. These "Blackouts" would come and go , sometime disappearingfor months on end. When i was streed they would get worse. I startedhaving problems with insomnia and when I did sleep it was eithernightmare filled or light sleep. I went to another doctor who justsaid to go to bed earlier. Nice Huh?In 2004 I went to work at a Haunted House attraction in Central Ca,and while I was chasing some folks through a wooded trail I collapsed.I woke up but said nothing to anyone until I got back home to WA,State( I'm in San , Ca now). That Christmas I was in the middle ofan argument with my mother and fainted dead away. She said I hadtroubled breathing and called for an ambulance. I came too 45 minutelater in an emergency room. They did no testing and let me go as I hadno income. The low income is why I have always been stuck with slidingscale or free clinics for my doctoring. That Christmas I weighed 228lbs. I'm 5'7" by the way.Anyway skipping ahead again. I'm now in Ca and last October I wasworking in a friends haunted house doing some heavy labor and kepthurting muscles moving wall units. I was constantly exhausted to thepoint where I could hardly walk and even caught myself drooling. Ididn't seem to heal from anything I bruised or hurt. I finally told myboss I couldn't do it anymore. I did act, but again was always tiredbeyond belief. November I came home and while grocery shopping gotlost an didn't know why I was there, I just knew I was looking forsomething. One of the workers came over and asked me if I needed help.I snapped to and said no thats ok and I walked home on auto pilot.I had no clue I was sleep walking. I'm kind of sleep typing right nowas well so excuse any typos.Later in December I totally collapsed again this time on my ownkitchen floor when no one else was home and came to an hour later butwas unable to really do more than go to sleep. I couldn't get up, oreven roll over, just sleep. In January I started having signs ofangina, and more blackouts. I now weighed in at 256lbs.Finally in February I found a free clinic here in San andmanaged to be seen. After my initial interview with a student doctor,i was given to one Dr. Chan to be seen. If you have doneresearch on Apnea I'm sure you have seen his name. He is a Sleepdisorder and cardiac specialist from Stanford Medical center, and runsthe Chanwell sleep disorder and cardiac centers. He had read mysymptoms and when he walked into the room he gave me my answer to whatwas wrong with me.Now I'm not fluent in everything involving OSA, but he estimated bythe point system of severity by symptoms and frequency of them, that Iwas one of the worst he had seen at 17 points. His estimate based onmy symptoms was I was stopping breathing 70 times or more per hourwhile sleeping and was spending at least 15 to 25% of my waking hourssleepwalking. He declared me disabled, forbid me to drive or work andreferred me to Medi-Cal insurance so I can go through my sleepeval-study and get a cpap machine.So far though thanks to 3 months of my paperwork sitting in amailbox with the state and 2 months of both the state and I trying toget my records sent from the free clinic I have seen no treatmentother than what the clinic has been able to do like put me on anaspirin regimen, and on liver meds for my high cholesterol, and fattyliver all for preventative purposes until I can be treated at theChanwell clinic. Heart, Stroke, and Cancers run heavily in my familyas causes of death.Oh and My records just were faxed by me personally yesterdayafternoon, after trying for weeks to get a copy myself, So hopefully Iwill get Medi-Cal soon. Dr. Chan put it as being a life and deathemergency need, and he is respected so hopefully it goes through.My GF whom I live with just doesn't get it sometimes how bad ofshape I'm in. The Doc didn't even want me to do housework, just restuntil he can treat me but My GF keeps asking me about when I get myCpap when I am going to go find a job. or offering me part time workfor now in the sub shop she manages. Those with untreated apnea andeven those who are being treated I'm sure will understand when I saygetting up to answer the door or go get the mail in is a struggle.She just doesn't get that the hour or so I spend doing dishes andpicking up our apartment for me physically is like 8 hours of manuallabor for her. so there too I'm frustrated and want to cry at times.Hell just sitting on a bank of a lake casting a rod to bobber fish nowhas be come so exhausting for me I can't allow myself to do it. I comehome sore and it takes like 3 days to feel my normal un-normalness.This too sucks as my favorite thing to do and my biggest stress releaseis Bass fishing. Now I'm too tired to trout fish let alone work a baitall day and cast 400- 500 times.God I can ramble.. Sorry sleep depped right now and kind of floatingas I type.Thanks for listening to a scared 40 year old who is tormented dailyby the fear I'm going to have a stroke or not wake up tomorrow.I was just informed tonight in mail that I have to go see anotherdoctor( who may not know what he is dealing with) but 30 more daysfrom now. The Medi-cal disability people just don't get what urgentneed is. But I do and I'm very very depressed right now and almostready to give up on ever getting treatment. Time like this I just wantto say to hell with it and wait for the reaper to show, as he may behere before they get around to helping me anyway. 5 months going on 6now. I'm about ready to say forget it.Thanks again for reading though all this stuff..P.S. my doctor says I should go for SSI as I will never work againeven after treatment begins.Bran aka Apneaschild Get a sneak peek of the all-new Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2007 Report Share Posted July 18, 2007 Hi April, Thanks for your nice intro. If your kefir grains really are freeze dried and come with that little cage, and are not the powdered starter, you already have live kefir grains. They will stay small for over six months so don't be in a hurry to let them out of confinement. Marilyn On 7/18/07, April McCart <sweetlotuscreations@...> wrote: > > Hello everyone. I am new to this group and new to Kefir. I am using a > freeze dried kit I got from my local health food store for now. I will be > getting some live cultures this weekend. I did buy a bottle of Kefir from > the HFS just to compare it to what I was making with the freeze dried kit > and could not tell a difference. > > Will be lurking for awhile until I learn more about Kefir and what I'm > doing. > > Thanks for having me. > > -- > April > The Lotus rises from the mud and dirt > Sweet Lotus Creations > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2007 Report Share Posted July 18, 2007 They are Yougormet brand. I don't know anything beyond that as I've only made one batch and have my second batch fermenting now. They didn't come with a cage. They came in a sealed paper pouch, silver on the inside and white on the outside, six to a box, one pouch per one liter of milk so will make six batches. -- April < > On 7/18/07, Marilyn Kefirlady <marilynjarz@...> wrote: > > Hi April, > > Thanks for your nice intro. If your kefir grains really are freeze dried > and > come with that little cage, and are not the powdered starter, you already > have live kefir grains. They will stay small for over six months so don't > be > in a hurry to let them out of confinement. > > Marilyn > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2007 Report Share Posted July 18, 2007 Hi April, Ah! You got direct set starter. Nothing to strain and use over so they keep you coming back. At least you are getting the real McCoy soon. Marilyn On 7/18/07, April McCart <sweetlotuscreations@...> wrote: > > They are Yougormet brand. I don't know anything beyond that as I've only > made one batch and have my second batch fermenting now. They didn't come > with a cage. They came in a sealed paper pouch, silver on the inside and > white on the outside, six to a box, one pouch per one liter of milk so > will > make six batches. > > -- > April > < Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2007 Report Share Posted July 18, 2007 Well, it was a good place to start and easy peasy. I'll be getting the real McCoy on Saturday. Then I will have LOTS of questions!! -- April On 7/18/07, Marilyn Kefirlady <marilynjarz@...> wrote: > > Hi April, > > Ah! You got direct set starter. Nothing to strain and use over so they > keep > you coming back. At least you are getting the real McCoy soon. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 13, 2007 Report Share Posted August 13, 2007 Hi, , I appreciate the frustration you are going through. One thing we did them ended up benefiting us a lot was keeping a very accurate calendar of our son's fevers. It was very easy for our docs to visualize a pattern. I also called our regular pediatrician's ALL the time. I knew that it might seem annoying, but nobody cares more about the health of your child than you, and your intuition is often right. We did see one Infectious Disease doc who discouraged us from the diagnosis of , and told us we would most likely never figure out the problem. After nearly a year of fevers every 21 days, that just wasn't a satisfactory answer for me. We sought a second opinion with support from our local pediatrician, and that was very helpful. As you are reading other's stories, you can see there are various approaches in how to treat . It was important to me to find someone who sympathized with our story, treated it seriously, and who's philosophy on treatment matched our own. We started using Prednisone 1mg/kg at the onset of a fever episode back in May. Although I am nervous about steroids, we were reassured that Eli's dose is small, and should not cause serious side effects. Although his episodes are closer together, about every 14 days, he no longer has fevers. The prednisone completely aborts the episode, and Eli no longer suffers for 3 days with fevers around 103-105 despite aggressive Tylenol/Ibuprofen. This is a MUCH better lifestyle for us. I do not know what the future holds, but we are in a better place right now. I wish the best for you! Jen Harvey, Prescott AZ Mom to Eli, 2 1/2 yrs old (fevering for 1 yr plus) --- Shelleroo <shelley_bernard@...> wrote: > Good morning everyone. Let me start off by saying I > am so grateful to > have found your group. I had emailed my mother's > club here about four > months ago to see if anyone else had experience with > their children > running high fevers with no other symptoms. I > received a few > responses but the most helpful was from a mom whose > son was diagnosed > with . She directed me to this thread. This > is a long intro so > thank you in advance for taking the time to read it. > > Although my son, Renan doesn't have an official > diagnosis his symptoms > are certainly pointing us in this direction. In > between episodes > (that occur approx. every 4-8 weeks, no real > pattern, last for 4-6 > days, temps ranging 101-105.3) he is a happy healthy > two year old. He > has been experiencing fevers since he was 9 months > old. We usually > take him to the doctor who finds nothing wrong and > says it's probably > just a virus! I know that sounds all too familiar > to you all. But > watching your child fever at 105 is horrible and I > know that it isn't > viral. About 4 months ago I pushed for a blood > test. At the time the > doctor thought it was best to do a urinalysis and > rule out a bladder > infection. Negative. At the next fever we did a > blood test. SED > rate was slightly high, WBC slightly high but > nothing alarming. I > asked him about and of course, he'd never > heard of it. > > We were referred to another pediatrician whose > specialty was > Infectious Diseases. He knew of and various > other periodic > fevers. We talked about a plan of action and > scheduled a blood draw > for when we thought my son would have another > episode. Of course > another fever didn't come. He had had a 24 hour > fever in between > episodes and I think it " reset " his fever clock. > Has that ever > happened to any of you? > > With that latest blood draw however he also ordered > a blood smear to > check the cells and see if they were forming > properly. The red blood > cells came back abnormal. Here is the jargon for > those of you that > understand all of this: > > " Review of the peripheral smear demonstrates RBC > variation, including > echinocytes, some cells suggestive of acanthocytes, > occasional tear > drop shaped cells and rare smaller fragments. WBC's > include > occasional cells with nuclear hyposegmentation. > Occasional enlarged > platelets are noted. Clinical correlation is > required. If there is > no clinical explanation (?postsplenectomy?) > hemoglobin > electrophoresis could be considered, however the > hemoglobin is within > the normal range. " > > We met with his regular ped. to discuss the results. > He said it read > as if Renan is anemic but he is not. And so he > brushed it off. > Saying if we ran it again it would probably be > normal. But he was > making no plans to run it again.?. So I made an > appt. with the ID > ped. to discuss the results. The first time we met > him he was very > welcoming and warm. This time I felt as if I were > the crazy mom > making a mountain out of a molehill and he versed me > on the protocol > of how I'm supposed to go through my primary ped. > first and then if > there are further questions my ped. will contact > him! WHAT? If I had > a problem with my heart I'd see a cardiologist > directly and cut the > middle man. Why would I want to see a doctor for > something he knows > nothing about. I did explain to him that Renan's > ped. had never even > heard of . So then he started to answer my > questions a bit more > freely. He did say that another hematologist should > review that > slide. He was specifically looking for the white > cell composition but > my son could be " pre-iron deficient " which I had > asked his primary > ped. and he said " no, if you're anemic you're anemic > there is no > precusor " so now I don't believe him anymore. > > It has been 8 weeks since his last full episode, and > 4 weeks since the > 24 hour fever so I feel like I'm watching two > different clocks right now. > > Basically I've been told to wait for another fever, > take him on the > first day to have his mouth and throat checked (up > to this point he > has had no mouth ulcerations or throat issues) and > then if > mouth/throat are clear he (the ID doc) has other > tests he'd like to run. > > Renan is also a VERY sweaty kid. When other > children are dry as a > bone after playing together he looks as though he's > had a shower. > He's never used a blanket when he sleeps and always > dressed in short > sleeves and pants with no feet cause otherwise the > sheets are soaked > in the morning! I had read about several of you who > mentioned profuse > sweating and so I asked the ID doc and he said there > was no > correlation. But after all I've read here, I think > the parents know > more than the docs do. > > Just to note: Renan is in the 25-30% for weight and > 40% for height. > We are still nursing and his overall health is > great. He seems like a > normal healthy, happy two year old. During the > fevers we do the > alternate of tylenol/motrin. Tylenol doesn't do > much but tide over > till I can redose the motrin. I try to bring the > fever down with > lukewarm wash rags, baths, fans etc. before > " drugging " him. > > Thank you for reading this long introduction. I > will continue to > gather information and keep pushing for answers. > > --, mom to Renan (24 months, fevers since 9 > months) > > > ________________________________________________________________________________\ ____ Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Travel. http://travel./ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2007 Report Share Posted September 2, 2007 Colleen Have you and your hep dr talked about the "what if" the bx was read wrong? Tests are only as correct as the humans running them. I am not saying that is what has happened, but just wondering. d MsTigerHawk wrote: Hi, I'm Colleen, age 57, from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. I was diagnosed with hep C around 1994. I had a liver biopsy in 1999 and it showed stage 1, grade 1. I had my second biopsy in 2003 and it was still stage one, grade one. Now I just had my third biopsy a couple of weeks ago and just got the results. It has drastically progressed to stage 3 - 4, grade 2, with mild cirhossis. I am shocked! I thought maybe it would turn out to be stage 2 at the most. My hep doctor says that's rare and he was very surprised too. Previously he had not recommended that I start treatment because of various factors and that I had time to wait for a better treatment. He said I would die with Hep C but not of it. Well, all that has changed now. I asked why it would progress so quickly all of a sudden, and he said three things can do that: alcohol, marijuana and fatty liver. I have not drank or smoked pot in over 30 years, but all three biopsies do show that I have fatty liver. I asked him if it would help and the fatty liver decrease or be eliminated if I lost weight and he said yes. So I have two months to start losing weight and exercising, and then on October 29 I start treatment. I'm not looking forward to it, but I have to do it. We figure I got the virus in 1969. Colleen Morse Minnesota . Got a little couch potato? Check out fun summer activities for kids. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2007 Report Share Posted September 2, 2007 Colleen Have you and your hep dr talked about the "what if" the bx was read wrong? Tests are only as correct as the humans running them. I am not saying that is what has happened, but just wondering. d MsTigerHawk wrote: Hi, I'm Colleen, age 57, from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. I was diagnosed with hep C around 1994. I had a liver biopsy in 1999 and it showed stage 1, grade 1. I had my second biopsy in 2003 and it was still stage one, grade one. Now I just had my third biopsy a couple of weeks ago and just got the results. It has drastically progressed to stage 3 - 4, grade 2, with mild cirhossis. I am shocked! I thought maybe it would turn out to be stage 2 at the most. My hep doctor says that's rare and he was very surprised too. Previously he had not recommended that I start treatment because of various factors and that I had time to wait for a better treatment. He said I would die with Hep C but not of it. Well, all that has changed now. I asked why it would progress so quickly all of a sudden, and he said three things can do that: alcohol, marijuana and fatty liver. I have not drank or smoked pot in over 30 years, but all three biopsies do show that I have fatty liver. I asked him if it would help and the fatty liver decrease or be eliminated if I lost weight and he said yes. So I have two months to start losing weight and exercising, and then on October 29 I start treatment. I'm not looking forward to it, but I have to do it. We figure I got the virus in 1969. Colleen Morse Minnesota . Got a little couch potato? Check out fun summer activities for kids. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2007 Report Share Posted September 2, 2007 I was thinking that, too. Or hoping, I should say. Althuogh if someone else got my results and I got theirs, then they would think they had a miracle. Collene danne wrote: Colleen Have you and your hep dr talked about the " what if " the bx was read wrong? Tests are only as correct as the humans running them. I am not saying that is what has happened, but just wondering. d Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2007 Report Share Posted September 2, 2007 I was thinking that, too. Or hoping, I should say. Althuogh if someone else got my results and I got theirs, then they would think they had a miracle. Collene danne wrote: Colleen Have you and your hep dr talked about the " what if " the bx was read wrong? Tests are only as correct as the humans running them. I am not saying that is what has happened, but just wondering. d Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2007 Report Share Posted September 2, 2007 Hi Tiger, Welcome your/your new world!! The way we got to know each other is not so good, but everything else is. I only have opinions, try to use common sense, and get cross eyed from looking at formulas, factors, and most medical jargon. Oh... sorry I'm Deliman or Del, stage 2b (easy one but I can;t do tx (treatment) tried twice but mt body says NO NO NO!! I have ESLD (end stage liver disease) which up front, sounds like a you are soooo screwed, type of thing, but I don't feel that way. Your doc said what many have said, you will most likely pass on with it, and not because of it. My theory on that is yes, I believe it, but the cause (of no longer breathing), was due to the liver.. so.. indirectly I think the the liver is the culprit... but I truly am a relative newbie, 2 plus years.. and now am in Purgatory, staying alive, healthy, until I can tell the world..GOOD NEWS!! I'M a whole lot sicker!!! Yipppeeee!!! Now I can possibly get a liver! It seems backasswards, and kinda' is, but how can one argue with there are those that are sicker, before you?? I can't, unless the liver goes to someone 70 yrs +, that's had history of heart attacks...blah blah.. Livers are transplanted to save lives, not allow me to enjoy fly fishing, or working, getting a nice car.. Strictly to save lives... OH... I would LOVE to know if there are any articles, publications, etc,,, that your doc can advise for source reference on the marijuana topic. It is sometimes extremely controversial, and I would love to have something like that.. but don't even think about it, you have alot to deal with now... but...if it's in his nightstand, reach over and get one. I don't do anything anymore, when I'm bad these days, it involves cupcakes and ice cream,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and I'm really happy that way! OH!! I thought of this as a signature thing the other day... you are the first to get it!! Deliman Don't remember to forget something today! If you understand what it means, I should probably say.... Hi Tiger, Welcome aboard, My name is/./..................hahahahha. MsTigerHawk wrote: > I was thinking that, too. Or hoping, I should say. Althuogh if > someone else got my results and I got theirs, then they would > think they had a miracle. > > Collene > > > danne wrote: > Colleen > Have you and your hep dr talked about the " what if " the bx was > read wrong? Tests are only as correct as the humans running them. > I am not saying that is what has happened, but just wondering. > d > ________________________________________________________________________________\ ____ Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2007 Report Share Posted September 2, 2007 Hi Tiger, Welcome your/your new world!! The way we got to know each other is not so good, but everything else is. I only have opinions, try to use common sense, and get cross eyed from looking at formulas, factors, and most medical jargon. Oh... sorry I'm Deliman or Del, stage 2b (easy one but I can;t do tx (treatment) tried twice but mt body says NO NO NO!! I have ESLD (end stage liver disease) which up front, sounds like a you are soooo screwed, type of thing, but I don't feel that way. Your doc said what many have said, you will most likely pass on with it, and not because of it. My theory on that is yes, I believe it, but the cause (of no longer breathing), was due to the liver.. so.. indirectly I think the the liver is the culprit... but I truly am a relative newbie, 2 plus years.. and now am in Purgatory, staying alive, healthy, until I can tell the world..GOOD NEWS!! I'M a whole lot sicker!!! Yipppeeee!!! Now I can possibly get a liver! It seems backasswards, and kinda' is, but how can one argue with there are those that are sicker, before you?? I can't, unless the liver goes to someone 70 yrs +, that's had history of heart attacks...blah blah.. Livers are transplanted to save lives, not allow me to enjoy fly fishing, or working, getting a nice car.. Strictly to save lives... OH... I would LOVE to know if there are any articles, publications, etc,,, that your doc can advise for source reference on the marijuana topic. It is sometimes extremely controversial, and I would love to have something like that.. but don't even think about it, you have alot to deal with now... but...if it's in his nightstand, reach over and get one. I don't do anything anymore, when I'm bad these days, it involves cupcakes and ice cream,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and I'm really happy that way! OH!! I thought of this as a signature thing the other day... you are the first to get it!! Deliman Don't remember to forget something today! If you understand what it means, I should probably say.... Hi Tiger, Welcome aboard, My name is/./..................hahahahha. MsTigerHawk wrote: > I was thinking that, too. Or hoping, I should say. Althuogh if > someone else got my results and I got theirs, then they would > think they had a miracle. > > Collene > > > danne wrote: > Colleen > Have you and your hep dr talked about the " what if " the bx was > read wrong? Tests are only as correct as the humans running them. > I am not saying that is what has happened, but just wondering. > d > ________________________________________________________________________________\ ____ Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2007 Report Share Posted September 2, 2007 Hi, Colleen. I'm 58 and have Hep C 1b. I am in week 10 of treatment and I had a ct. scan done a couple of weeks ago that showed my liver and kidneys are not damaged. I'll have a viral load test done this month and am a little anxious. Hep C can be sneaky. You should get lots of support from this group. Welcome. Hugs. VG MsTigerHawk wrote: Hi, I'm Colleen, age 57, from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. I was diagnosed with hep C around 1994. I had a liver biopsy in 1999 and it showed stage 1, grade 1. I had my second biopsy in 2003 and it was still stage one, grade one. Now I just had my third biopsy a couple of weeks ago and just got the results. It has drastically progressed to stage 3 - 4, grade 2, with mild cirhossis. I am shocked! I thought maybe it would turn out to be stage 2 at the most. My hep doctor says that's rare and he was very surprised too. Previously he had not recommended that I start treatment because of various factors and that I had time to wait for a better treatment. He said I would die with Hep C but not of it. Well, all that has changed now. I asked why it would progress so quickly all of a sudden, and he said three things can do that: alcohol, marijuana and fatty liver. I have not drank or smoked pot in over 30 years, but all three biopsies do show that I have fatty liver. I asked him if it would help and the fatty liver decrease or be eliminated if I lost weight and he said yes. So I have two months to start losing weight and exercising, and then on October 29 I start treatment. I'm not looking forward to it, but I have to do it. We figure I got the virus in 1969. Colleen Morse Minnesota ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Yahoo! Auto Green Center. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 3, 2007 Report Share Posted September 3, 2007 i am not for sure y they went up i am seeing a gastrogist iam on ribavirin and pegintron also my pcp is very involed i just had a uralsound done 9-29-07 but havn't gotten back the results yet i get blood wk done every mo. uric acid and TSH they just say every thing looks good but i don't feel so good iam 1b also what stage r you r u on treatment MsTigerHawk wrote: So why did your chances go from 30 - 40% way up to 70%? Also, are you getting treatment through a regular doctor or a hepatologist? Colleen linda tippett <lndtippett> wrote: Hello Ms TigerHawk my name is linda i have hcv i am a stage 2 i started treatment 13 weeks ago when i started the doc said that i had a 30 to 40 chance now she says a 70% i was told that i had hep c in 2000 but not to worry about it we just moved to az from tx and i went to get bp meds and the doc did blood wk then biopsy it's 1b which they tell me is very poplar but i am having a lot of side effects and i have blood wk done every mo. all they tell me is looks good i don't really know the right ? to ask. i was starting to feel kinda alone out here iam so glad i found this site i would be greatful for any in put LINDAMsTigerHawk <tigerhawksoars> wrote: I'm a 1b, so my chances of clearing through tx is only 35 - 40%. Sorry to hear you're in end stage What a bummer! Colleen suzie <suzieandsandy> wrote: Hi Colleen, I'm SuZie from Thunder Bay, Ontario - not too far north of you. I too was diagnosed in the early 90s & have had HCV since around 1969. The difference is that when I had my first biopsy in 1992, it said cirrhosis. I've been on tx twice with no response, had a second biopsy (a k a bx) in 06 (still cirrhotic) & am now in ESLD(end stage liver disease) What genotype are you? It can make a big difference in response to tx. By the way, tx=treatment just faster to type. Welcome to the family, SuZieMsTigerHawk <tigerhawksoars> wrote: Hi, I'm Colleen, age 57, from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. I was diagnosed with hep C around 1994. I had a liver biopsy in 1999 and it showed stage 1, grade 1. I had my second biopsy in 2003 and it was still stage one, grade one. Now I just had my third biopsy a couple of weeks ago and just got the results. It has drastically progressed to stage 3 - 4, grade 2, with mild cirhossis. I am shocked! I thought maybe it would turn out to be stage 2 at the most. My hep doctor says that's rare and he was very surprised too. Previously he had not recommended that I start treatment because of various factors and that I had time to wait for a better treatment. He said I would die with Hep C but not of it. Well, all that has changed now. I asked why it would progress so quickly all of a sudden, and he said three things can do that: alcohol, marijuana and fatty liver. I have not drank or smoked pot in over 30 years, but all three biopsies do show that I have fatty liver. I asked him if it would help and the fatty liver decrease or be eliminated if I lost weight and he said yes. So I have two months to start losing weight and exercising, and then on October 29 I start treatment. I'm not looking forward to it, but I have to do it. We figure I got the virus in 1969. Colleen Morse Minnesota ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson Next time I'm coming back as a cat ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson LINDA Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson LINDA Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 3, 2007 Report Share Posted September 3, 2007 i am not for sure y they went up i am seeing a gastrogist iam on ribavirin and pegintron also my pcp is very involed i just had a uralsound done 9-29-07 but havn't gotten back the results yet i get blood wk done every mo. uric acid and TSH they just say every thing looks good but i don't feel so good iam 1b also what stage r you r u on treatment MsTigerHawk wrote: So why did your chances go from 30 - 40% way up to 70%? Also, are you getting treatment through a regular doctor or a hepatologist? Colleen linda tippett <lndtippett> wrote: Hello Ms TigerHawk my name is linda i have hcv i am a stage 2 i started treatment 13 weeks ago when i started the doc said that i had a 30 to 40 chance now she says a 70% i was told that i had hep c in 2000 but not to worry about it we just moved to az from tx and i went to get bp meds and the doc did blood wk then biopsy it's 1b which they tell me is very poplar but i am having a lot of side effects and i have blood wk done every mo. all they tell me is looks good i don't really know the right ? to ask. i was starting to feel kinda alone out here iam so glad i found this site i would be greatful for any in put LINDAMsTigerHawk <tigerhawksoars> wrote: I'm a 1b, so my chances of clearing through tx is only 35 - 40%. Sorry to hear you're in end stage What a bummer! Colleen suzie <suzieandsandy> wrote: Hi Colleen, I'm SuZie from Thunder Bay, Ontario - not too far north of you. I too was diagnosed in the early 90s & have had HCV since around 1969. The difference is that when I had my first biopsy in 1992, it said cirrhosis. I've been on tx twice with no response, had a second biopsy (a k a bx) in 06 (still cirrhotic) & am now in ESLD(end stage liver disease) What genotype are you? It can make a big difference in response to tx. By the way, tx=treatment just faster to type. Welcome to the family, SuZieMsTigerHawk <tigerhawksoars> wrote: Hi, I'm Colleen, age 57, from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. I was diagnosed with hep C around 1994. I had a liver biopsy in 1999 and it showed stage 1, grade 1. I had my second biopsy in 2003 and it was still stage one, grade one. Now I just had my third biopsy a couple of weeks ago and just got the results. It has drastically progressed to stage 3 - 4, grade 2, with mild cirhossis. I am shocked! I thought maybe it would turn out to be stage 2 at the most. My hep doctor says that's rare and he was very surprised too. Previously he had not recommended that I start treatment because of various factors and that I had time to wait for a better treatment. He said I would die with Hep C but not of it. Well, all that has changed now. I asked why it would progress so quickly all of a sudden, and he said three things can do that: alcohol, marijuana and fatty liver. I have not drank or smoked pot in over 30 years, but all three biopsies do show that I have fatty liver. I asked him if it would help and the fatty liver decrease or be eliminated if I lost weight and he said yes. So I have two months to start losing weight and exercising, and then on October 29 I start treatment. I'm not looking forward to it, but I have to do it. We figure I got the virus in 1969. Colleen Morse Minnesota ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson Next time I'm coming back as a cat ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson LINDA Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson LINDA Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 3, 2007 Report Share Posted September 3, 2007 I will be starting treatment for the first time at the end of October. My genotype is 1b. My liver is stage 3 - 4, grade 2, with mild cirhossis. The disease has progressed frightfully in the last 4 years. Colleen linda tippett wrote: i am not for sure y they went up i am seeing a gastrogist iam on ribavirin and pegintron also my pcp is very involed i just had a uralsound done 9-29-07 but havn't gotten back the results yet i get blood wk done every mo. uric acid and TSH they just say every thing looks good but i don't feel so good iam 1b also what stage r you r u on treatment MsTigerHawk wrote: So why did your chances go from 30 - 40% way up to 70%? Also, are you getting treatment through a regular doctor or a hepatologist? Colleen linda tippett <lndtippett> wrote: Hello Ms TigerHawk my name is linda i have hcv i am a stage 2 i started treatment 13 weeks ago when i started the doc said that i had a 30 to 40 chance now she says a 70% i was told that i had hep c in 2000 but not to worry about it we just moved to az from tx and i went to get bp meds and the doc did blood wk then biopsy it's 1b which they tell me is very poplar but i am having a lot of side effects and i have blood wk done every mo. all they tell me is looks good i don't really know the right ? to ask. i was starting to feel kinda alone out here iam so glad i found this site i would be greatful for any in put LINDAMsTigerHawk <tigerhawksoars> wrote: I'm a 1b, so my chances of clearing through tx is only 35 - 40%. Sorry to hear you're in end stage What a bummer! Colleen suzie <suzieandsandy> wrote: Hi Colleen, I'm SuZie from Thunder Bay, Ontario - not too far north of you. I too was diagnosed in the early 90s & have had HCV since around 1969. The difference is that when I had my first biopsy in 1992, it said cirrhosis. I've been on tx twice with no response, had a second biopsy (a k a bx) in 06 (still cirrhotic) & am now in ESLD(end stage liver disease) What genotype are you? It can make a big difference in response to tx. By the way, tx=treatment just faster to type. Welcome to the family, SuZieMsTigerHawk <tigerhawksoars> wrote: Hi, I'm Colleen, age 57, from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. I was diagnosed with hep C around 1994. I had a liver biopsy in 1999 and it showed stage 1, grade 1. I had my second biopsy in 2003 and it was still stage one, grade one. Now I just had my third biopsy a couple of weeks ago and just got the results. It has drastically progressed to stage 3 - 4, grade 2, with mild cirhossis. I am shocked! I thought maybe it would turn out to be stage 2 at the most. My hep doctor says that's rare and he was very surprised too. Previously he had not recommended that I start treatment because of various factors and that I had time to wait for a better treatment. He said I would die with Hep C but not of it. Well, all that has changed now. I asked why it would progress so quickly all of a sudden, and he said three things can do that: alcohol, marijuana and fatty liver. I have not drank or smoked pot in over 30 years, but all three biopsies do show that I have fatty liver. I asked him if it would help and the fatty liver decrease or be eliminated if I lost weight and he said yes. So I have two months to start losing weight and exercising, and then on October 29 I start treatment. I'm not looking forward to it, but I have to do it. We figure I got the virus in 1969. Colleen Morse Minnesota ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson Next time I'm coming back as a cat ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson LINDA Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson LINDA Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 3, 2007 Report Share Posted September 3, 2007 I'm in week 17 oh yea I'm Tim,lol but i know what your saying.i have neck issues and other male issues that they say I'm fine been ta urologist and ear nose neck doc ct scans and tests say I'm fine.its like a pre hcv flashback its all in your head.treatment ain't easy plus add the stress of courts custody n caring for a 3 year old .IT ALL ADDS up.but mark it up to tx.Ive had thrush since antibiotics its very do able but very mentally battered more then physical.but i would do it again but next time no custody battle during treatment. linda tippett wrote: i am not for sure y they went up i am seeing a gastrogist iam on ribavirin and pegintron also my pcp is very involed i just had a uralsound done 9-29-07 but havn't gotten back the results yet i get blood wk done every mo. uric acid and TSH they just say every thing looks good but i don't feel so good iam 1b also what stage r you r u on treatment MsTigerHawk <tigerhawksoars> wrote: So why did your chances go from 30 - 40% way up to 70%? Also, are you getting treatment through a regular doctor or a hepatologist? Colleen linda tippett <lndtippett> wrote: Hello Ms TigerHawk my name is linda i have hcv i am a stage 2 i started treatment 13 weeks ago when i started the doc said that i had a 30 to 40 chance now she says a 70% i was told that i had hep c in 2000 but not to worry about it we just moved to az from tx and i went to get bp meds and the doc did blood wk then biopsy it's 1b which they tell me is very poplar but i am having a lot of side effects and i have blood wk done every mo. all they tell me is looks good i don't really know the right ? to ask. i was starting to feel kinda alone out here iam so glad i found this site i would be greatful for any in put LINDAMsTigerHawk <tigerhawksoars> wrote: I'm a 1b, so my chances of clearing through tx is only 35 - 40%. Sorry to hear you're in end stage What a bummer! Colleen suzie <suzieandsandy> wrote: Hi Colleen, I'm SuZie from Thunder Bay, Ontario - not too far north of you. I too was diagnosed in the early 90s & have had HCV since around 1969. The difference is that when I had my first biopsy in 1992, it said cirrhosis. I've been on tx twice with no response, had a second biopsy (a k a bx) in 06 (still cirrhotic) & am now in ESLD(end stage liver disease) What genotype are you? It can make a big difference in response to tx. By the way, tx=treatment just faster to type. Welcome to the family, SuZieMsTigerHawk <tigerhawksoars> wrote: Hi, I'm Colleen, age 57, from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. I was diagnosed with hep C around 1994. I had a liver biopsy in 1999 and it showed stage 1, grade 1. I had my second biopsy in 2003 and it was still stage one, grade one. Now I just had my third biopsy a couple of weeks ago and just got the results. It has drastically progressed to stage 3 - 4, grade 2, with mild cirhossis. I am shocked! I thought maybe it would turn out to be stage 2 at the most. My hep doctor says that's rare and he was very surprised too. Previously he had not recommended that I start treatment because of various factors and that I had time to wait for a better treatment. He said I would die with Hep C but not of it. Well, all that has changed now. I asked why it would progress so quickly all of a sudden, and he said three things can do that: alcohol, marijuana and fatty liver. I have not drank or smoked pot in over 30 years, but all three biopsies do show that I have fatty liver. I asked him if it would help and the fatty liver decrease or be eliminated if I lost weight and he said yes. So I have two months to start losing weight and exercising, and then on October 29 I start treatment. I'm not looking forward to it, but I have to do it. We figure I got the virus in 1969. Colleen Morse Minnesota ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson Next time I'm coming back as a cat ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson LINDA Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. ************************************************* I cannot live without books. --- Jefferson LINDA Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 x107 work Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 4, 2007 Report Share Posted October 4, 2007 hi mary welcome!!!!!!!! we dont' have many joyce reviews so i am sure many of us would love to hear your reviews when you do them again!kassia ldy_solana's domain Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.-Will Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 4, 2007 Report Share Posted October 4, 2007 Kassia, I love Joyce Vedral's approach to weight training. It is very different than Cathe or Voight. I have ALL Joyce Vedral's weight training DVDs and her books. It took me some time to understand all the concepts but once I did, the sky was my limit. Through Joyce's DVDs & books, I learned that weight training (using hand weights), could either INCREASE LM, burn INTRAMUSCULAR FAT, or burn the fat that covers the muscles. The difference in these three were determined by HOW one did the various exercises. I spent several months increasing LM. Then I spent several months burning intramuscular fat. Now I am focusing on my back and chest in order to get rid of my 'bra roll'. Unlike Cathe and , Joyce does not mingle weight training and aerobics. This was important for me as any attempt to 'get my heart rate up' would result in backsliding due to respiratory acidosis! Yet, using Joyce's method, I was able to lose about 10% Body Fat! I have 3 friends who have also used Joyce's DVD to increase LM. 1. One of these is a morbidly obese friend who increased her LM by about 20# in one year (and increased her energy at the same time). This friend is now able to do about 1 hour of exercise a day. She also take Taiji classes every Saturday for 3 hours! She has not lost any weight, but she has decreased BF by about 15% while increasing LM. 2. Another of these friends is a a 61 year old woman who has had osteopoenia for about 5 years. Nothing she did seemed to stop the reversal of bone loss until she did Joyce's muscle increase program. This woman's bone mass is now increasing. Also, the backaches she had for years are virtually gone due to the increase in LM. Because Joyce's programs could not burn subcutaneous fat (she has a diet for that), I had to develop a nutritional program that would allow my body to burn fat without calorie restiction. Therefore, it has taken a lot of research and study beyond Joyce's DVDs and books to complete my education process. However, Joyce's weight training program was a major building block for me. Once I understood how to use nutrition (to lose subcutaneous body fat) and weights to burn intramuscular fat, I was able to begin making the progress I needed to become the Lean Muscle Machine that would allow me to burn 02 very efficiently! The last key of knowledge needed was how to use yoga to maintain my hard-earned LM. This last has taken me about 9 months. (I have been doing yoga for about 4.5 years.) As stated in my original post, traditional aerobics...or even walking for 30 minutes, for that matter....are not an option for me. When I tried to use traditional aerobics, not only did I experience respiratory acidosis (too much C02 which could not be released from my lungs) but I also lost LM and increased BF! This is why Cathe, Voight, and Sansone are not viable options for me. I am currently using Joyce Vedral's DVDs (JUST BOOBS) for my chest and back and Atlas' DVDs (HIPS, BUTT, LEGS, & THIGHS) for my lower body as well as his UPPER BODY (DVD). Atlas's UPPER BODY focuses on mastering push-ups. It is a 3 DVD set with 3 levels to difficulty. For my abs, I use Atlas and Gilad. One of the highlights of my life was the day I was able to do 5 sun salutations (using chaturanga)! While this might not seem a big deal to others, when you consider that I am 61, have the equivalent of only 1 lung, and a great deal of scar tissue in my lungs (moderately severe pulmonary fibrosis), this feat seemed impossible 4 years ago! Kassia wrote: hi mary welcome!!!!!!!! we dont' have many joyce reviews so i am sure many of us would love to hear your reviews when you do them again!kassia ldy_solana's domain Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.-Will Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 4, 2007 Report Share Posted October 4, 2007 WOW mary thanks for the info about her programs. since i am a netflix member i put some workouts on my list to try out, i am sure more will be added over time. i have seen her books around online, even on they are pretty cheap but i wasn't sure but barnes and noble in our city is starting to carry them so i will probably be reading there and deciding which ones i like.i am getting interested in split workouts, maybe even one body part a day deal but for october i am doing full body workouts and trying to get back on track food wise.i like cathe but as some posts on other boards lately,it seems to be the same ole' same ole' when it comes to her weight training and i have plenty to rotate. i think the only other videos i want from her are the two gym style upper body dvds and maybe the slow and heavy(although i have the fittv versions), and the new 3 day split if/when she posts the details on this. kassia ldy_solana's domain Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.-Will Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2007 Report Share Posted October 5, 2007 , Welcome to the group. Wow, you are definitely an inspiration! What videos are you going to do with your rebounder? Tonya L. New Member Intro I am 61 years 'young'. Prior to lung damage (from chemical exposure), my primary form of exercise (for over 40 years) was walking. Since my lungs won't tolerate long walks anymore, I started exercising to DVDs about 4.5 years ago. Initially, I could only do gentle yoga/qigong programs. After about 6 months of yoga, I realized I did not have sufficient LM and began including Joyce Vedral's weight training programs (hand weights) which I did religiously for 18 months. (The goal was to build the LM needed to maximize 02 usage while minimizing C02 residue which is difficult to remove from my lungs.) For many months, I could only do weight training for 2 weeks before needed to rest for 2 weeks. However, after about 12 months, I was finally able to weight train for 6 weeks without a break and lift 10# weights. I then tried Sansone's WALK AEROBICS for 4 months. I lost 20# but....not only was I unable to sustain the pace but I lost LM and gained BF (about 2%)! in spite of doing it 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes! I went back to Joyce Vedral until I regained the LM and lost the re-gained body fat. I was then able to put my main focus back on yoga. Currently, I do an hour of exercise every morning 6 days a week (3 days of yoga for strength, 1 day of yoga for flexibility, and 2 days of upper body hand weights for the chest and back). I also exercise 5 days every afternoon for 30-45 minutes (lower body and abs). I just got my rebounder and will start using it for a few minutes in the soon as I can get it together. Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Autos. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2007 Report Share Posted October 5, 2007 Currently I do not have any rebounder videos. When my hand gets better, I will begin the slow adjustment that is recommended. A DVD came with the rebounder so I will start with that. I ordered a book which should come soon. Once I get the hang of things, I will check out potential DVDs. Any suggestions? BTW, Once I received my "butt liposection" (aka: shot in the hip) and started taking the antibiotics, the swelling started to receded. It will probably be a few days before I can actually exercise again so I am enjoying the break while it lasts! New Member Intro I am 61 years 'young'. Prior to lung damage (from chemical exposure), my primary form of exercise (for over 40 years) was walking. Since my lungs won't tolerate long walks anymore, I started exercising to DVDs about 4.5 years ago. Initially, I could only do gentle yoga/qigong programs. After about 6 months of yoga, I realized I did not have sufficient LM and began including Joyce Vedral's weight training programs (hand weights) which I did religiously for 18 months. (The goal was to build the LM needed to maximize 02 usage while minimizing C02 residue which is difficult to remove from my lungs.) For many months, I could only do weight training for 2 weeks before needed to rest for 2 weeks. However, after about 12 months, I was finally able to weight train for 6 weeks without a break and lift 10# weights. I then tried Sansone's WALK AEROBICS for 4 months. I lost 20# but....not only was I unable to sustain the pace but I lost LM and gained BF (about 2%)! in spite of doing it 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes! I went back to Joyce Vedral until I regained the LM and lost the re-gained body fat. I was then able to put my main focus back on yoga. Currently, I do an hour of exercise every morning 6 days a week (3 days of yoga for strength, 1 day of yoga for flexibility, and 2 days of upper body hand weights for the chest and back). I also exercise 5 days every afternoon for 30-45 minutes (lower body and abs). I just got my rebounder and will start using it for a few minutes in the soon as I can get it together. Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Autos. Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 7, 2007 Report Share Posted October 7, 2007 Welcome !Your story bodes very well for weight training and AWT.VennittaOn 10/3/07, mary < marymassung@...> wrote: I am 61 years 'young'. Prior to lung damage (from chemical exposure), my primary form of exercise (for over 40 years) was walking. Since my lungs won't tolerate long walks anymore, I started exercising to DVDs about 4.5 years ago. Initially, I could only do gentle yoga/qigong programs. After about 6 months of yoga, I realized I did not have sufficient LM and began including Joyce Vedral's weight training programs (hand weights) which I did religiously for 18 months. (The goal was to build the LM needed to maximize 02 usage while minimizing C02 residue which is difficult to remove from my lungs.) For many months, I could only do weight training for 2 weeks before needed to rest for 2 weeks. However, after about 12 months, I was finally able to weight train for 6 weeks without a break and lift 10# weights. I then tried Sansone's WALK AEROBICS for 4 months. I lost 20# but....not only was I unable to sustain the pace but I lost LM and gained BF (about 2%)! in spite of doing it 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes! I went back to Joyce Vedral until I regained the LM and lost the re-gained body fat. I was then able to put my main focus back on yoga. Currently, I do an hour of exercise every morning 6 days a week (3 days of yoga for strength, 1 day of yoga for flexibility, and 2 days of upper body hand weights for the chest and back). I also exercise 5 days every afternoon for 30-45 minutes (lower body and abs). I just got my rebounder and will start using it for a few minutes in the soon as I can get it together. -- Get Fit! Weight loss will follow Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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