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Hi guys, some of you mite rememember i posted about my mum a month a two ago,

she has all the signs/symptoms of being hyothyroid but is in denial and wont try

any treatment as she thinks its not thyroid related. She has IBS, big weight

gain, emotional, depressed, bad sleep pattern, hair falling out, born baby

weighing alot, too ill to work ect ect

Now she has asked a favour from me (to borrow some money) and im thinking of

saying YES i can borrow you the money BUT only if you let me try and help you

with your health. I will say to her i want to come the doctors with her and

request all the blood tests Sheila usually asks for and then to be refered to an

endo of my choice.

If she wasnt ill, she would be working and wouldnt need to borrow money... so

yeh do you think this is the right way to go about things or is my logic way



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Not sure what to think about this 'logic' Steve, trouble is, if

your Mum really is ill and suffering with hypothyroidism and/or any of the

associated conditions that go along with being hypothyroid, she is going to

feel pretty rotten and probably quite unable to work for some time, until all

of her symptoms and problems have been addressed. Instead of worrying about her

working or not right now, I would instead, write a letter to your Mum's doctor

setting out the following and ask her to post it to her GP and wait for a

response and see if that does the trick.

First she should list all of her symptoms and signs and she

should check these against those in our web site under 'Hypothyroidism' www.tpa-uk.org.uk

She should take her temperature for 4 or 5 mornings before she

gets out of bed and if less than 97.8 de3grees F (36.6 degrees C - or even

less) she should list these in the letter.

She should list all other members of her family who have a

thyroid or autoimmune disease.

Next, she should ask for a full thyroid function test which

should consist of TSH, free T4, free T3 and TPO and Tg Antibodies.

She should also ask for her levels of ferritin, vitamin B12,

vitamin d3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc to be tested because it is known

that any of these specific vitamins and minerals being low in the reference

range could be stopping the thyroid hormone being fully utilised at the

cellular level. In case her doctor does not know of such a connection between

these and low thyroid, print off just some of the references to show the

research/studies carried out to show such a connection below.

She should ask in the letter for a copy of these results when

they are returned, together with the reference range for each test done and you

can then post them on the forum where we will help with their interpretation.

Next, she should ask for a referral to an endocrinologist, and

preferably one who is not a specialist in diabetes with little experience of

thyroid disease.

She should ask for her letter to be placed into her medical

notes and she should send a copy to the Head of practice and of course, keep a

copy of the letter herself in case she needs it at a later date.

As long as your Mum refuses to get these basics checked out, she

will only continue to suffer symptoms which will gradually get worse if left

undiagnosed and therefore untreated. There is no supplement in this world that

will help her thyroid condition if she is suffering with symptoms of

hypothyroidism other than thyroid hormone replacement.

She should ask her GP to make an appointment for her once he has

thoroughly checked the contents of her letter in order to start to sort out

what is happening to her.

Good luck - sorry I cannot help with any decision regarding

whether or not you should lend money to her at this stage or not - that is

something between the two of you.

Luv - Sheila

Hi guys, some of you mite redeemer i posted

about my mum a month a two ago, she has all the signs/symptoms of being

hyothyroid but is in denial and wont try any treatment as she thinks its not

thyroid related. She has IBS, big weight gain, emotional, depressed, bad sleep

pattern, hair falling out, born baby weighing alot, too ill to work ect ect

Now she has asked a favour from me (to borrow some money) and im thinking of

saying YES i can borrow you the money BUT only if you let me try and help you

with your health. I will say to her i want to come the doctors with her and

request all the blood tests Sheila usually asks for and then to be refered to

an endo of my choice.

If she wasnt ill, she would be working and wouldnt need to borrow money... so

yeh do you think this is the right way to go about things or is my logic way


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Thank you very much for the reply Sheila, ive printed it off and i will take it

to my mums, maybe it will help the way everything is written down and worded and

its just not a load of bla bla bla coming from my mouth lol

and i understand fully about being too ill to work if hypothyroid or related

conditions, its just the fact she has pretty much point blank refused help in

the past saying its not thyroid related.



> Not sure what to think about this 'logic' Steve, trouble is, if your Mum

> really is ill and suffering with hypothyroidism and/or any of the associated

> conditions that go along with being hypothyroid, she is going to feel pretty

> rotten and probably quite unable to work for some time, until all

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hi steve

do you think saying something like " mum, i love you dearly and of course i will

lend/give you the money ...i am concerned about your health however and part of

me would like to say i will lend you the money " but only on condition you allow

me to go with you to your doctor's appoint " ...but i'm not going to make it a

condition, i will lend/give you the money and hope you will consider taking me

with you.

it's very difficult when people we care about apparently are not doing the best

for themselves ...but we are not here to control other people and your very

lovely wish to help your mum could be interpreted by her as a control issue

(either her issue or your issue) ...i may be completely wrong, just thinking out




> Hi guys, some of you mite rememember i posted about my mum a month a two ago,

she has all the signs/symptoms of being hyothyroid but is in denial and wont try

any treatment as she thinks its not thyroid related. She has IBS, big weight

gain, emotional, depressed, bad sleep pattern, hair falling out, born baby

weighing alot, too ill to work ect ect

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Hiya Trish, yeh im thinking of saying something along those lines along with the

letter to her GP which Sheila suggested.

You are also right in wondering which way she interprits the help with her

health, im in no way controlling her but its most probably quite a big thing

with your young son " thinking " he knows whats best with your health.... but im

like 99% sure her problems are thyroid related or i would not make such a big

deal over things, the lastest symptom which brough this on is hair falling out,

ever since i have known my mum her hair used to fall out in massives clumps in

the brush and she happened to mention it the other day which was another light

bulb moment, and this in itself is a sign of low thyroid or low iron or both if

im not wrong.









> hi steve


> do you think saying something like " mum, i love you dearly and of course i

will lend/give you the money ...i am concerned about your health however and

part of me would like to say i will lend you the money " but only on condition

you allow me to go with you to your doctor's appoint " ...but i'm not going to

make it a condition, i will lend/give you the money and hope you will consider

taking me with you.


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