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Thanks willow.. I too know when a flared up is coming now.

Learning fast. In fact I don't think I went into remission yet.

Slow healing process on the skin and now the falls didn't help at all.

And the stress sure don't help..

I will keep asking till I do understand. And about the sleep too.

Thanks sweetie.


-- Re: results

Dear Evanna,

I'm sorry that your lupus has flared up again. Lupus

is a scary disease. My cousin has a very bad case. She

is about to lose her kidneys and have to go on

dialysis and the transplant list.

I have had some weird immunoglobulins at times during

my illnesses. I've had positive ANA's at a low level

and cryoglobulins present. I know that something in my

body is changing big time. I want my primary care MD

to check for ANA again. I am afraid that I may be

getting rheumatoid arthritis.

I hope the change in the medication helps. Ask

questions until you understand everything. Also, don't

forget to tell your MD about your sleep problems and

pursue that until you have a solution. Lack of sleep

makes everything else worse.

Good Luck ; )


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Ok will do.. I get frustrated when I get anxious. And loose the temper get mad at myself a lot.

-- Re: results

That is a very good point about getting enough sleep and if I go a few nights and dont sleep i am a mess and everything makes me stress and have extra anxiety i have a sound machine that helps and the dark eye cover i didnt totally quit my meds though i am just cutting them way down because without any of them i can be awake for days without sleep so I would look into the non narcotic ones so you can stop when you want tobig hugs Colleen**************************************AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at http://www.aol.com.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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This is such great news!!!! I am so happy for you. Love and hugs, dbeachnsun17 <beachnsun17@...> wrote: I went to the doctor to finally get the results from all the blood work and the ultrasound that I had to undergo the past several weeks. What I received was wonderful news!! The doctor told me that I spontaneously cleared the Hepatitis C virus. Hearing this news was such a relief!! It was comforting to know that bad things can clear up on their own accord, and a

timely reminder that our bodies can have sufficient natural defenses to overcome all sorts of nasty things. I just want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement and wish everyone the best in fighting the silent dragon!Thanks again to everyone,DV .

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How awesome !!! You dodged a bullet !


I went to the doctor to finally get the results from all the blood work and the ultrasound that I had to undergo the past several weeks. What I received was wonderful news!! The doctor told me that I spontaneously cleared the Hepatitis C virus. Hearing this news was such a relief!! It was comforting to know that bad things can clear up on their own accord, and a timely reminder that our bodies can have sufficient natural defenses to overcome all sorts of nasty things. I just want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement and wish everyone the best in fighting the silent dragon!Thanks again for everything,DV

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You are one of the few really lucky ones, HUGE congratulations to you! Stay well, Sheena beachnsun17 <beachnsun17@...> wrote: I went to the doctor to finally get the results from all the blood work and the ultrasound that I had to undergo the past several weeks. What I received was wonderful news!! The doctor told me that I spontaneously cleared the Hepatitis C virus. Hearing this news was such a relief!! It was

comforting to know that bad things can clear up on their own accord, and a timely reminder that our bodies can have sufficient natural defenses to overcome all sorts of nasty things. I just want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement and wish everyone the best in fighting the silent dragon!Thanks again for everything,DV

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well thats wonderful hon,, you dodged a big bullet! keep taking good care of yourself and have that PCR rechecked in a year,, just to be sure!beachnsun17 <beachnsun17@...> wrote: I went to the doctor to finally get the results from all the blood work and the ultrasound that I had to undergo the past several weeks. What I received was wonderful news!! The doctor told me that I spontaneously cleared the Hepatitis C virus. Hearing this news was such a relief!! It was comforting to know that bad things

can clear up on their own accord, and a timely reminder that our bodies can have sufficient natural defenses to overcome all sorts of nasty things. I just want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement and wish everyone the best in fighting the silent dragon!Thanks again for everything,DVJackie

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Only a very small percentage clear spontaneously. You are very blessed.



I went to the doctor to

finally get the results from all the blood work

and the ultrasound that I had to undergo the past several weeks. What I

received was wonderful news!! The doctor told me that I spontaneously

cleared the Hepatitis C virus. Hearing this news was such a relief!! It

was comforting to know that bad things can clear up on their own

accord, and a timely reminder that our bodies can have sufficient

natural defenses to overcome all sorts of nasty things. I just want to

thank everyone for their support and encouragement and wish everyone

the best in fighting the silent dragon!

Thanks again to everyone,


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Congratulations!! It's a miracle. I'm so glad God does miracles today! Vickie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote: Congratulations!!!!! Only a very small percentage clear spontaneously. You are very blessed. /De -----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of beachnsun17Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:20 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Results I went to the doctor to finally get the results from all the blood work and the ultrasound that I had to undergo the past several weeks. What I received was wonderful news!! The doctor told me that I spontaneously cleared the Hepatitis C virus. Hearing this news was such a

relief!! It was comforting to know that bad things can clear up on their own accord, and a timely reminder that our bodies can have sufficient natural defenses to overcome all sorts of nasty things. I just want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement and wish everyone the best in fighting the silent dragon!Thanks again to everyone,DV

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,

I agree with you that your assessment of your son should be weighted more heavily than the teachers at school since you know your son so much better than they do. Also, I would point out that CARS is not designed to be used as the sole diagnosing tool for autism. Autism IMHO needs to be diagnosed by an experienced child psychologist or neuropsychologist. The diagnosis should be based (in large part) on direct observation of the child, not just forms filled out by teachers and parents.

I don't know any of your background information. Has your child ever been diagnosed with autism or aspergers? Has your child ever been evaluated by an independent psychologist?

If your child is diagnosed with autism he may be eligible for social skills training or other interventions paid for by government agencies. Here in California the Regional Center would be responsible for those interventions. Also, your child would be protected by IDEA regardless of in which state you reside. The RC and SD don't want your child to get a diagnosis of autism, because that means they will have to spend more money on interventions for your child. They have a vested interest in finding your child is NOT autistic. That's why it is so important to get an independent evaluation.

As for medicating your child: IMHO, that is a decision best made by the child's parents and physician, NOT by school personnel. (It annoys me to no end when I hear of teachers with NO medical training telling parents what meds their kids need!)

Good luck and best wishes!

in Long Beach


Ok the school called me and told me that most of the teachers who filled out the CARS test scored between 22-25 % While mine came out the highest and was a result as being on the borderline of Autism.But because the other scores were so low that I guess combined he came out not having Autism. But then they suggested that he go to counseling,my son and my experience with counslers is that with in the first few minutes they are bring out the script pad and writing scripts! My son is non medicated for other serious medical condition that he has. I was very hesitant about making another appointment but I did because my son is having so much trouble socially and making friends. I would think sence he spends alot of time with me that they would take my high score into consideration,I truely think that they think he would be better off on medication,but at what risk??

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Right on Judy. My understanding is that this is a "common" thing for schools, mental health people, etc. to use to discredit and unempower parents. Well put.


In a message dated 6/2/2007 10:06:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, alwaysmynature@... writes:

Hi ,I may be way off but, I'm under the impression that schools cannot dx a child, because most are school psychologist and not clinical psychologist...at least that is the way it is in my state. I think the schools can "test" the criteria for Autism as an IEP catagory even without an official dx.I know what it is like to have the weight of "others" outweight my observations & statements. My understanding is that this is a "common" thing for schools, mental health people, etc. to use to discredit and unempower parents. Can you have friends of your family or relatives or other people who know your child well, rate the same test? This would give your observations creditability and disempower theirs. Just a thought. The fight for our kids doesn't ever seem to get easier. Let us know how it turns out.Judy>> Ok the school called me and told me that most of the teachers who > filled out the CARS test scored between 22-25 % While mine came out the > highest and was a result as being on the borderline of Autism.But > because the other scores were so low that I guess combined he came out > not having Autism. But then they suggested that he go to counseling,my > son and my experience with counslers is that with in the first few > minutes they are bring out the script pad and writing scripts! My son > is non medicated for other serious medical condition that he has. I was > very hesitant about making another appointment but I did because my son > is having so much trouble socially and making friends. I would think > sence he spends alot of time with me that they would take my high score > into consideration,I truely think that they think he would be better > off on medication,but at what risk??>

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Hi ,

I may be way off but, I'm under the impression that schools cannot

dx a child, because most are school psychologist and not clinical

psychologist...at least that is the way it is in my state. I think

the schools can " test " the criteria for Autism as an IEP catagory

even without an official dx.

I know what it is like to have the weight of " others " outweight my

observations & statements. My understanding is that this is

a " common " thing for schools, mental health people, etc. to use to

discredit and unempower parents. Can you have friends of your

family or relatives or other people who know your child well, rate

the same test? This would give your observations creditability and

disempower theirs. Just a thought. The fight for our kids doesn't

ever seem to get easier. Let us know how it turns out.



> Ok the school called me and told me that most of the teachers who

> filled out the CARS test scored between 22-25 % While mine came

out the

> highest and was a result as being on the borderline of Autism.But

> because the other scores were so low that I guess combined he came


> not having Autism. But then they suggested that he go to


> son and my experience with counslers is that with in the first few

> minutes they are bring out the script pad and writing scripts! My


> is non medicated for other serious medical condition that he has.

I was

> very hesitant about making another appointment but I did because

my son

> is having so much trouble socially and making friends. I would


> sence he spends alot of time with me that they would take my high


> into consideration,I truely think that they think he would be


> off on medication,but at what risk??


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Hi , I would try to make an appointment with a neurologist, a developmental pediatrician, or a clinical psychologist. Any of these, at least in my area (Massachusetts and Connecticut) can diagnose autism. Schools cannot. Schools can diagnose learning disabilities (dyslexia, reading problems, speech dificulties, etc) but not "medical conditions" such as autism, aspergers, ADHD, depression, etc. School personnel can mention that this "seems like" or something to that effect, but cannot diagnose. A clinical psychologist might be your best bet, since they cannot prescribe any medication (well, at least here in CT and MA). Schools really only see a small piece of your child, they may not see what you're seeing due to environment in school, lack of relationship, etc. If you feel strongly about this look at other options and also inform the school of what you're doing. You can also push for the school to do other

evaluations, or an outside evaluation, if you want.I hope this helps. Sometimes I wear my "parent of aspergers" hat and other times my "principal's" hat. =)

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Hi , I would try to make an appointment with a neurologist, a developmental pediatrician, or a clinical psychologist. Any of these, at least in my area (Massachusetts and Connecticut) can diagnose autism. Schools cannot. Schools can diagnose learning disabilities (dyslexia, reading problems, speech dificulties, etc) but not "medical conditions" such as autism, aspergers, ADHD, depression, etc. School personnel can mention that this "seems like" or something to that effect, but cannot diagnose. A clinical psychologist might be your best bet, since they cannot prescribe any medication (well, at least here in CT and MA). Schools really only see a small piece of your child, they may not see what you're seeing due to environment in school, lack of relationship, etc. If you feel strongly about this look at other options and also inform the school of what you're doing. You can also push for the school to do other

evaluations, or an outside evaluation, if you want.I hope this helps. Sometimes I wear my "parent of aspergers" hat and other times my "principal's" hat. =)

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I would also try a university's speech and language department. They have diagnostic clinics as well. For instance I am taking my son who already has a diagnosis to Eastern Illinois University's Communication Disorder and Sciences Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic for evaluation. Like I said my son does have a diagnosis but I am going to let these people take a crack at him as well. He is Aspergers so very high functioning and is gifted in many ways. Because of this and the inconsistency of his behaviors the school people do not think he has anything going on. My plan is to get a couple of opinions to back what we already know. Anyway I know I am long winded but that is another ave for a diagnosis you can pursue. I am sure what ever state you are in has a program at one of their universities as well.

Re: Results

Hi , I would try to make an appointment with a neurologist, a developmental pediatrician, or a clinical psychologist. Any of these, at least in my area (Massachusetts and Connecticut) can diagnose autism. Schools cannot. Schools can diagnose learning disabilities (dyslexia, reading problems, speech dificulties, etc) but not "medical conditions" such as autism, aspergers, ADHD, depression, etc. School personnel can mention that this "seems like" or something to that effect, but cannot diagnose. A clinical psychologist might be your best bet, since they cannot prescribe any medication (well, at least here in CT and MA). Schools really only see a small piece of your child, they may not see what you're seeing due to environment in school, lack of relationship, etc. If you feel strongly about this look at other options and also inform the school of what you're doing. You can also push for the school to do other evaluations, or an outside evaluation, if you want.I hope this helps. Sometimes I wear my "parent of aspergers" hat and other times my "principal's" hat. =)

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You mention that schools can diagnose learning disabilities..... What is so frustrating and ultimately sad, is that our school chooses not to diagnose ANYTHING because "he has autism and another diagnosis won't change his IEP".... yes, this is what was said. They question why I want to pursue learning disability diagnosis. Well, duh, it makes a difference in how he is taught. The fact that this is a charter public virtual school makes is even more incomprehensible. Basically, what they really mean is that they won't get any more money for him because he is already labeled special ed. I already do the teaching at home, so why bother with a diagnosis? Another sad thing it that their special ed and speech people don't appear to have any real understanding of the flight part of autism. Because this child doesn't act out in ways that they can recognize, he is labeled as "cooperative as long as something interests him". Fortunately other professionals who DO know autism have

recognized his behavior and documented his anxiety, etc. So how does the school want to handle it now??? They want all supports removed when they are working with the child. Their new policy is that no parent can be in the room when they are working with the student. Mind you, these are autistic students who are taught at home and only come in for direct services a few times a month. A bit of cover-up by not allowing a verbal witness, because the autistic child sure cannot tell us what happened during the session. Fortunately, several parents have already witnessed the poor quality services prior to the new policy. We are leaving the abusive situation and continuing with outside services. Priscilla in Kansas

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Oh my goodness. You did the right thing to remove him. I can't believe they'd say "no parents".......who do they think you are? You have every right to be there. It's amazing to me the crap that some schools dish out...............and the sad thing is that if most of us parents weren't so "beat up" by the situation,,,,we'd fight them legally and make them change for future families. That is what we SHOULD do,,,,,but often, we can't. Are you thinking of pursuing this to "right" what they are screwing up? What about your states autism society? Just maybe letting them know about what is being done? Perhaps they'll investigate? Anyway,,,,,,,,good for you for moving on. RobinPriscilla <prisread@...> wrote: You mention that schools can diagnose learning disabilities..... What is so frustrating and ultimately sad, is that our school chooses not to diagnose ANYTHING because "he has autism and another diagnosis won't change his IEP".... yes, this is what was said. They question why I want to pursue learning disability diagnosis. Well, duh, it makes a difference in how he is taught. The fact that this is a charter public virtual school makes is even more incomprehensible. Basically, what they really mean is that they won't get any more money for him because he is already labeled special ed. I already do the teaching at home, so why bother with a

diagnosis? Another sad thing it that their special ed and speech people don't appear to have any real understanding of the flight part of autism. Because this child doesn't act out in ways that they can recognize, he is labeled as "cooperative as long as something interests him". Fortunately other professionals who DO know autism have recognized his behavior and documented his anxiety, etc. So how does the school want to handle it now??? They want all supports removed when they are working with the child. Their new policy is that no parent can be in the room when they are working with the student. Mind you, these are autistic students who are taught at home and only come in for direct services a few times a month. A bit of cover-up by not allowing a verbal witness, because the autistic child sure cannot tell us what happened during the session. Fortunately, several parents have already witnessed the poor quality services prior to the new policy. We are leaving the abusive situation and continuing with outside services. Priscilla in Kansas Need Mail bonding?Go to the Q & A for great tips from Answers users.

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  • 1 year later...


Sorry it turned out to be MRSA but it seems they are treating it

aggressively. Thanks for letting us know and please don't be such a stranger

this time. Smiles,


On Behalf Of

Subject: Results

Hello everyone,

As it turns out. I do have MRSA. Still not overly concern as I was on

Monday. Since Monday I have been

taking 500mgs of Keflex 4 times daily


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Hey ..That MRSA is all over the place. They have good antibiotics and

regimens to get rid of it. You will be fine!! Who needs another thing to worry

about, I know, Wishing you your favorite kind of day!



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Please check with you doctors about the specific sensitivies of the MRSA

type that was grown on culture. Most MRSA by definition are resistant to

penecillin, methecillin, and cepholosporins. Keflex is a cepholosporin.

The oral antibiotics for MRSA include the newer quinolones, zyvox,

and vancomycin more often by IV than oral.

MRSA community acquired can be pretty nasty. Please check with your

treating physicians that your bacteria is sensitive.

Harry S.

To: Stillsdisease@...: bionicmaninmt@...: Wed, 22 Oct

2008 22:56:08 +0000Subject: Results

Hello everyone,As it turns out. I do have MRSA. Still not overly concern as I

was onMonday. The area seems to be getting better. Since monday I have

beentaking 500mgs of Keflex 4 times daily. I guess it's a wait and seegame now.

Talk to you all later


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I'm sorry to be so ignorant...but I'm new to all of this. What is MRSA?


Hello everyone,As it turns out. I do have MRSA. Still not overly concern as I

was onMonday. The area seems to be getting better. Since monday I have

beentaking 500mgs of Keflex 4 times daily. I guess it's a wait and seegame now.

Talk to you all later


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" methecillin resistant staph aureus "

Staph can cause a number of skin infections, from the realtively

benign (unless you are a teen) ZIT to major boils. Also just

infections about anywhere on the body. Bad ones can get into the

blood if not treated. Then they can spread throughout the organs in

the body.

In the good old days, staph infections could be controlled by

penecillin and related antibiotics. But since antibiotics have been

overused and people regularly did not complete the full cycle of

their treatments, the staph became resistant to the standard drugs.

These groups of bugs then become harder to treat. There are

generally 2 types, Community acquired, as Dr. Harry mentioned and

Hospital acquired. Each has its own little sets of behaviors.

Does that help?



> I'm sorry to be so ignorant...but I'm new to all of this. What is


> RE: Results




> ,

> Please check with you doctors about the specific sensitivies of

the MRSA

> type that was grown on culture. Most MRSA by definition are

resistant to

> penecillin, methecillin, and cepholosporins. Keflex is a


> The oral antibiotics for MRSA include the newer quinolones, zyvox,

> and vancomycin more often by IV than oral.

> MRSA community acquired can be pretty nasty. Please check with


> treating physicians that your bacteria is sensitive.

> Harry S.


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Hi ,

MRSA is a type of bacteria a member of the group

staphylococcus (most often referred to as staph ).

The initials MRSA are an acronym for Methecillin

resistant Staph Aureus. This is a subgrop of bacteria

that have the ability to be resistant against most

penecillins and cephalosporins.

When a bacteria becomes resistant to the more commonly

used antibiotics it becomes harder to treat.

There are now two subgroups of MRSA. One is MRSA-Ca

which is commuity acquired MRSA. The other is MRSA-Ha

which is hospital acquired MRSA. Of the two MRSA-Ca has

the greater potential to be drug resistant and cause

more damage to the patient.

Harry S.

To: Stillsdisease@...: lrhorner@...: Thu, 23 Oct 2008

17:11:03 -0700Subject: Re: Results

I'm sorry to be so ignorant...but I'm new to all of this. What is MRSA? -----

Original Message ----- From: Cyclura S To: stillsdisease Sent:

Thursday, October 23, 2008 1:04 PMSubject: RE:

Results,Please check with you doctors about the specific sensitivies of the

MRSAtype that was grown on culture. Most MRSA by definition are resistant

topenecillin, methecillin, and cepholosporins. Keflex is a cepholosporin.The

oral antibiotics for MRSA include the newer quinolones, zyvox,and vancomycin

more often by IV than oral.MRSA community acquired can be pretty nasty. Please

check with yourtreating physicians that your bacteria is sensitive.Harry S.To:

Stillsdisease@...: bionicmaninmt@...: Wed, 22 Oct 2008

22:56:08 +0000Subject: ResultsHello everyone,As it turns out. I

do have MRSA. Still not overly concern as I was onMonday. The area seems to be

getting better. Since monday I have beentaking 500mgs of Keflex 4 times daily. I

guess it's a wait and seegame now. Talk to you all later

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