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Guest guest

I am sorry this got through. I have tried all I could to make sure that the

group stay supportive to one another.

I am sorry nne that you feel you have to leave a group that loves you and

supports you honey.

Please reconsider.



nne <evensweeter2001@...> wrote:

Amazing.............this group turned to shit...............Im outta here,


janet <doc_jade@...> wrote:Dear Members,

I am sorry this got thru.

Must have been while I was sleeping or busy yesterday.

This is a prime example of rage at it is worst.

We have moved on. But sadly Mr. Edd Benson has not. I will delete this from the


And please lets as a group move on.

Thank You.


Mike Hood <mhood@...> wrote:

I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just completed

an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the activities directly

related to the Hepatitis C Central Group on last week. Below are

my findings in our investigation.

1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed, but was

instead so severely moderated when he attempted to respond to the posts

of Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...>. The effect was exactly

the same as if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which were allowed

to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's responses were moderated. This

appears to document the extreme bias of the creators/moderators of this


2. Annita Finkemeier made libelous statements that Mr. Benson was

redirecting individuals to in her words " YOUR SICK SHIT KIDDIE PORN

THATS ILLEGAL. " Mr. Benson is not, and has never been involved with any

child pornographic activities, and in fact campaigned for a number of

years beginning in 1995 until 2000 to fight the onslaught of the child

pornography through a number of associations including the ASACP

specifically. When questioned as to the exact site link in which she

refereed, Annita Finkemeier was unable to provide even a coherent answer

to the question.

3. We have found that civil litigation against Annita Finkemeier is not

warranted for the following reasons:

a. We find that it is doubtful that Annita Finkemeier would be able

to be held legally responsible for her actions due to the severe nature

of her self admitted mental illness. This was demonstrated to me

directly when Annita Finkemeier was unable to address simple questions

choosing instead to dance around issues and make blatant attempts to

intimidate me by addressing me as Mr. Benson.

b. Review of Annita Finkemeier finances proved that the suit would

provide us with nothing more than an uncollectible judgment if pursued.

Thus making such suit economically unfeasible.

4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group, we have come

to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or " Janet " , the

creators/moderators of this group are qualified or trained to council

patients in any situation. It is doubtful that either has any qualified

training to deal with patients that could have psychiatric symptoms due

to the treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients that are

looking for professional advice by any means. Mr. Benson reserves the

right to inform any and all members of your group these opinions should

any attempt at " medical " or " psychiatric " advice to members of this

group at any time in the future.

Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita Finkemeier and the

rest of the group success in their fight against Hepatitis, but also

hopes and prays that the creators/moderators seek to enlist qualified

medical professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the lack of

discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators neglect to censor

wishes of death to other members of the group is an issue that should be

seriously addressed.

After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have rarely

seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that Annita Finkemeiers

accusations have. Her libelous statements that he is a child

pornographer, and the fact that she repeatedly attempted to intimidate

him with her wishes that God curse him to never be cleared of his

Hepatitis C, and the statements that he would surely " wrought " in hell,

have strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep sorrow

for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that would provide such

evil consequences on any individual.




RE: International, LLC

Investigations Unit


It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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Guest guest

I am sorry this got through. I have tried all I could to make sure that the

group stay supportive to one another.

I am sorry nne that you feel you have to leave a group that loves you and

supports you honey.

Please reconsider.



nne <evensweeter2001@...> wrote:

Amazing.............this group turned to shit...............Im outta here,


janet <doc_jade@...> wrote:Dear Members,

I am sorry this got thru.

Must have been while I was sleeping or busy yesterday.

This is a prime example of rage at it is worst.

We have moved on. But sadly Mr. Edd Benson has not. I will delete this from the


And please lets as a group move on.

Thank You.


Mike Hood <mhood@...> wrote:

I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just completed

an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the activities directly

related to the Hepatitis C Central Group on last week. Below are

my findings in our investigation.

1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed, but was

instead so severely moderated when he attempted to respond to the posts

of Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...>. The effect was exactly

the same as if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which were allowed

to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's responses were moderated. This

appears to document the extreme bias of the creators/moderators of this


2. Annita Finkemeier made libelous statements that Mr. Benson was

redirecting individuals to in her words " YOUR SICK SHIT KIDDIE PORN

THATS ILLEGAL. " Mr. Benson is not, and has never been involved with any

child pornographic activities, and in fact campaigned for a number of

years beginning in 1995 until 2000 to fight the onslaught of the child

pornography through a number of associations including the ASACP

specifically. When questioned as to the exact site link in which she

refereed, Annita Finkemeier was unable to provide even a coherent answer

to the question.

3. We have found that civil litigation against Annita Finkemeier is not

warranted for the following reasons:

a. We find that it is doubtful that Annita Finkemeier would be able

to be held legally responsible for her actions due to the severe nature

of her self admitted mental illness. This was demonstrated to me

directly when Annita Finkemeier was unable to address simple questions

choosing instead to dance around issues and make blatant attempts to

intimidate me by addressing me as Mr. Benson.

b. Review of Annita Finkemeier finances proved that the suit would

provide us with nothing more than an uncollectible judgment if pursued.

Thus making such suit economically unfeasible.

4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group, we have come

to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or " Janet " , the

creators/moderators of this group are qualified or trained to council

patients in any situation. It is doubtful that either has any qualified

training to deal with patients that could have psychiatric symptoms due

to the treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients that are

looking for professional advice by any means. Mr. Benson reserves the

right to inform any and all members of your group these opinions should

any attempt at " medical " or " psychiatric " advice to members of this

group at any time in the future.

Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita Finkemeier and the

rest of the group success in their fight against Hepatitis, but also

hopes and prays that the creators/moderators seek to enlist qualified

medical professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the lack of

discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators neglect to censor

wishes of death to other members of the group is an issue that should be

seriously addressed.

After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have rarely

seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that Annita Finkemeiers

accusations have. Her libelous statements that he is a child

pornographer, and the fact that she repeatedly attempted to intimidate

him with her wishes that God curse him to never be cleared of his

Hepatitis C, and the statements that he would surely " wrought " in hell,

have strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep sorrow

for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that would provide such

evil consequences on any individual.




RE: International, LLC

Investigations Unit


It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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Guest guest

Heee Heee Ric

I will be looking for some



Ric <richobbs1@...> wrote:

Anybody know any good lawyer jokes??

It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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Guest guest

Mr. Hood writes:

> I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just

> completed an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the

> activities directly related to the Hepatitis C Central Group

> on last week. Below are my findings in our investigation.

If I had known who you were, I wouldn't have allowed you onto the group.

Your website is a black hole. In the nearly three years this group has been

in existence you are the first that has joined that does not belong.

> 1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed,

> but was instead so severely moderated when he attempted to

> respond to the posts of Annita Finkemeier

> <redskyoregon@...>. The effect was exactly the same as

> if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

> statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which

> were allowed to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's

> responses were moderated. This appears to document the

> extreme bias of the creators/moderators of this group

Apparently Mr. Benson didn't tell you the whole story. Mr. Benson was not

on moderation when he posted the hurtful words that precipitated Ms.

Finkemeier's reaction. In fact, he was not put on moderation until he chose

to argue with me about whether he should have posted the hurtful words that

he did. There is no bias on the part of the moderators or the owners of

this group. Mr. Benson's complete lack of contrition demonstrated that he

had absolutely no desire to put an end to the exchange that he initiated.

Thus, he was moderated.

> 4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group,

> we have come to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or

> " Janet " , the creators/moderators of this group are qualified

> or trained to council patients in any situation. It is

> doubtful that either has any qualified training to deal with

> patients that could have psychiatric symptoms due to the

> treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

> opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients

> that are looking for professional advice by any means. Mr.

> Benson reserves the right to inform any and all members of

> your group these opinions should any attempt at " medical " or

> " psychiatric " advice to members of this group at any time in

> the future.

Of course, you've neglected to note that the owners have never claimed to be

anything other than what they are, effectively rendering this statement

pointless. We share our personal experiences and other information we have


> Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita

> Finkemeier and the rest of the group success in their fight

> against Hepatitis, but also hopes and prays that the

> creators/moderators seek to enlist qualified medical

> professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

> moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the

> lack of discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators

> neglect to censor wishes of death to other members of the

> group is an issue that should be seriously addressed.

Mr. Benson's contrition is too little and too late. If Mr. Benson had

wished Ms. Finkemeier and the rest of the group success in their fight

against hepatitis C and then left the group because he did not find it

suitable to him, this whole incident would never have happened.

Furthermore, it is absolutely not Mr. Benson's prerogative to decide what is

on or off topic. That is strictly in the purview of the moderators and

owners. As far as the owners and moderators are concerned, it is entirely

appropriate for Ms. Finkemeier to share with the rest of the group her

painful experience of treatment for hepatitis C. I told Mr. Benson that Ms.

Finkemeier could do this as much as she wanted. It is the obligation of

everyone in this group to either empathize with Ms. Finkemeier or ignore

her. Not only did Mr. Benson choose to do neither, he chose to argue with

me about it.

> After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have

> rarely seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that

> Annita Finkemeiers accusations have. Her libelous statements

> that he is a child pornographer, and the fact that she

> repeatedly attempted to intimidate him with her wishes that

> God curse him to never be cleared of his Hepatitis C, and the

> statements that he would surely " wrought " in hell, have

> strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep

> sorrow for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that

> would provide such evil consequences on any individual.

So, is this a professional relationship you have with Mr. Benson or a

personal one? Did he pay you to render this opinion to us? Since I don't

know any professional investigators, if I had to pay someone to investigate

every person that insulted me, libeled me, told me to fuck off and die, or

told me to rot in hell, I'd have to declare bankruptcy. As far as I'm

concerned, Mr. Benson's sob story rings hollow. As far as I'm concerned, he

can dish it out but he can't take it. Boo hoo.

By the way, it would look more professional if you were to use " counsel "

when that is what you mean instead of the word " council. " The same goes for

the word " affected " rather than " effected. "


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Guest guest

Mr. Hood writes:

> I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just

> completed an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the

> activities directly related to the Hepatitis C Central Group

> on last week. Below are my findings in our investigation.

If I had known who you were, I wouldn't have allowed you onto the group.

Your website is a black hole. In the nearly three years this group has been

in existence you are the first that has joined that does not belong.

> 1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed,

> but was instead so severely moderated when he attempted to

> respond to the posts of Annita Finkemeier

> <redskyoregon@...>. The effect was exactly the same as

> if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

> statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which

> were allowed to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's

> responses were moderated. This appears to document the

> extreme bias of the creators/moderators of this group

Apparently Mr. Benson didn't tell you the whole story. Mr. Benson was not

on moderation when he posted the hurtful words that precipitated Ms.

Finkemeier's reaction. In fact, he was not put on moderation until he chose

to argue with me about whether he should have posted the hurtful words that

he did. There is no bias on the part of the moderators or the owners of

this group. Mr. Benson's complete lack of contrition demonstrated that he

had absolutely no desire to put an end to the exchange that he initiated.

Thus, he was moderated.

> 4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group,

> we have come to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or

> " Janet " , the creators/moderators of this group are qualified

> or trained to council patients in any situation. It is

> doubtful that either has any qualified training to deal with

> patients that could have psychiatric symptoms due to the

> treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

> opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients

> that are looking for professional advice by any means. Mr.

> Benson reserves the right to inform any and all members of

> your group these opinions should any attempt at " medical " or

> " psychiatric " advice to members of this group at any time in

> the future.

Of course, you've neglected to note that the owners have never claimed to be

anything other than what they are, effectively rendering this statement

pointless. We share our personal experiences and other information we have


> Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita

> Finkemeier and the rest of the group success in their fight

> against Hepatitis, but also hopes and prays that the

> creators/moderators seek to enlist qualified medical

> professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

> moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the

> lack of discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators

> neglect to censor wishes of death to other members of the

> group is an issue that should be seriously addressed.

Mr. Benson's contrition is too little and too late. If Mr. Benson had

wished Ms. Finkemeier and the rest of the group success in their fight

against hepatitis C and then left the group because he did not find it

suitable to him, this whole incident would never have happened.

Furthermore, it is absolutely not Mr. Benson's prerogative to decide what is

on or off topic. That is strictly in the purview of the moderators and

owners. As far as the owners and moderators are concerned, it is entirely

appropriate for Ms. Finkemeier to share with the rest of the group her

painful experience of treatment for hepatitis C. I told Mr. Benson that Ms.

Finkemeier could do this as much as she wanted. It is the obligation of

everyone in this group to either empathize with Ms. Finkemeier or ignore

her. Not only did Mr. Benson choose to do neither, he chose to argue with

me about it.

> After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have

> rarely seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that

> Annita Finkemeiers accusations have. Her libelous statements

> that he is a child pornographer, and the fact that she

> repeatedly attempted to intimidate him with her wishes that

> God curse him to never be cleared of his Hepatitis C, and the

> statements that he would surely " wrought " in hell, have

> strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep

> sorrow for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that

> would provide such evil consequences on any individual.

So, is this a professional relationship you have with Mr. Benson or a

personal one? Did he pay you to render this opinion to us? Since I don't

know any professional investigators, if I had to pay someone to investigate

every person that insulted me, libeled me, told me to fuck off and die, or

told me to rot in hell, I'd have to declare bankruptcy. As far as I'm

concerned, Mr. Benson's sob story rings hollow. As far as I'm concerned, he

can dish it out but he can't take it. Boo hoo.

By the way, it would look more professional if you were to use " counsel "

when that is what you mean instead of the word " council. " The same goes for

the word " affected " rather than " effected. "


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Guest guest

First off, janet, I think we all need to take a deep breath and have a good

laugh,, have you EVER known an attorney to only send email????? NOOOOOO... they

have the ability to get your home address quite easily and would be sending this

via registered mail,, this is probably a hoax,,, I think this is EDD

impersonating an attorney... so lets just have a good laugh and be glad that

this trouble maker is gone and move forward.... I for one am glad he is gone,, I

have had to change my email address becasue he was stalking me,I asked him to

stop, then he opened up 4 more email accounts and continued to send email when

ever the fancy struck him,, ,,, maybe I should write him a letter as if I am an

attorney.. lol,,,, but now I have a new email addy and he is blocked on all

accounts and I will be submitting a formal complaint to as well as

notifying HIS ISP about his harrassing and threatening emails I have recieved

off the bb... so IF I can put this behind, we all need to and continue

to support each other as we always have!!!

hugs to all,


janet <doc_jade@...> wrote:

Dear Members,

I am sorry this got thru.

Must have been while I was sleeping or busy yesterday.

This is a prime example of rage at it is worst.

We have moved on. But sadly Mr. Edd Benson has not. I will delete this from the


And please lets as a group move on.

Thank You.


Mike Hood <mhood@...> wrote:

I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just completed

an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the activities directly

related to the Hepatitis C Central Group on last week. Below are

my findings in our investigation.

1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed, but was

instead so severely moderated when he attempted to respond to the posts

of Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...>. The effect was exactly

the same as if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which were allowed

to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's responses were moderated. This

appears to document the extreme bias of the creators/moderators of this


2. Annita Finkemeier made libelous statements that Mr. Benson was

redirecting individuals to in her words " YOUR SICK SHIT KIDDIE PORN

THATS ILLEGAL. " Mr. Benson is not, and has never been involved with any

child pornographic activities, and in fact campaigned for a number of

years beginning in 1995 until 2000 to fight the onslaught of the child

pornography through a number of associations including the ASACP

specifically. When questioned as to the exact site link in which she

refereed, Annita Finkemeier was unable to provide even a coherent answer

to the question.

3. We have found that civil litigation against Annita Finkemeier is not

warranted for the following reasons:

a. We find that it is doubtful that Annita Finkemeier would be able

to be held legally responsible for her actions due to the severe nature

of her self admitted mental illness. This was demonstrated to me

directly when Annita Finkemeier was unable to address simple questions

choosing instead to dance around issues and make blatant attempts to

intimidate me by addressing me as Mr. Benson.

b. Review of Annita Finkemeier finances proved that the suit would

provide us with nothing more than an uncollectible judgment if pursued.

Thus making such suit economically unfeasible.

4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group, we have come

to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or " Janet " , the

creators/moderators of this group are qualified or trained to council

patients in any situation. It is doubtful that either has any qualified

training to deal with patients that could have psychiatric symptoms due

to the treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients that are

looking for professional advice by any means. Mr. Benson reserves the

right to inform any and all members of your group these opinions should

any attempt at " medical " or " psychiatric " advice to members of this

group at any time in the future.

Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita Finkemeier and the

rest of the group success in their fight against Hepatitis, but also

hopes and prays that the creators/moderators seek to enlist qualified

medical professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the lack of

discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators neglect to censor

wishes of death to other members of the group is an issue that should be

seriously addressed.

After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have rarely

seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that Annita Finkemeiers

accusations have. Her libelous statements that he is a child

pornographer, and the fact that she repeatedly attempted to intimidate

him with her wishes that God curse him to never be cleared of his

Hepatitis C, and the statements that he would surely " wrought " in hell,

have strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep sorrow

for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that would provide such

evil consequences on any individual.




RE: International, LLC

Investigations Unit


It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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Guest guest

First off, janet, I think we all need to take a deep breath and have a good

laugh,, have you EVER known an attorney to only send email????? NOOOOOO... they

have the ability to get your home address quite easily and would be sending this

via registered mail,, this is probably a hoax,,, I think this is EDD

impersonating an attorney... so lets just have a good laugh and be glad that

this trouble maker is gone and move forward.... I for one am glad he is gone,, I

have had to change my email address becasue he was stalking me,I asked him to

stop, then he opened up 4 more email accounts and continued to send email when

ever the fancy struck him,, ,,, maybe I should write him a letter as if I am an

attorney.. lol,,,, but now I have a new email addy and he is blocked on all

accounts and I will be submitting a formal complaint to as well as

notifying HIS ISP about his harrassing and threatening emails I have recieved

off the bb... so IF I can put this behind, we all need to and continue

to support each other as we always have!!!

hugs to all,


janet <doc_jade@...> wrote:

Dear Members,

I am sorry this got thru.

Must have been while I was sleeping or busy yesterday.

This is a prime example of rage at it is worst.

We have moved on. But sadly Mr. Edd Benson has not. I will delete this from the


And please lets as a group move on.

Thank You.


Mike Hood <mhood@...> wrote:

I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just completed

an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the activities directly

related to the Hepatitis C Central Group on last week. Below are

my findings in our investigation.

1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed, but was

instead so severely moderated when he attempted to respond to the posts

of Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...>. The effect was exactly

the same as if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which were allowed

to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's responses were moderated. This

appears to document the extreme bias of the creators/moderators of this


2. Annita Finkemeier made libelous statements that Mr. Benson was

redirecting individuals to in her words " YOUR SICK SHIT KIDDIE PORN

THATS ILLEGAL. " Mr. Benson is not, and has never been involved with any

child pornographic activities, and in fact campaigned for a number of

years beginning in 1995 until 2000 to fight the onslaught of the child

pornography through a number of associations including the ASACP

specifically. When questioned as to the exact site link in which she

refereed, Annita Finkemeier was unable to provide even a coherent answer

to the question.

3. We have found that civil litigation against Annita Finkemeier is not

warranted for the following reasons:

a. We find that it is doubtful that Annita Finkemeier would be able

to be held legally responsible for her actions due to the severe nature

of her self admitted mental illness. This was demonstrated to me

directly when Annita Finkemeier was unable to address simple questions

choosing instead to dance around issues and make blatant attempts to

intimidate me by addressing me as Mr. Benson.

b. Review of Annita Finkemeier finances proved that the suit would

provide us with nothing more than an uncollectible judgment if pursued.

Thus making such suit economically unfeasible.

4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group, we have come

to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or " Janet " , the

creators/moderators of this group are qualified or trained to council

patients in any situation. It is doubtful that either has any qualified

training to deal with patients that could have psychiatric symptoms due

to the treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients that are

looking for professional advice by any means. Mr. Benson reserves the

right to inform any and all members of your group these opinions should

any attempt at " medical " or " psychiatric " advice to members of this

group at any time in the future.

Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita Finkemeier and the

rest of the group success in their fight against Hepatitis, but also

hopes and prays that the creators/moderators seek to enlist qualified

medical professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the lack of

discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators neglect to censor

wishes of death to other members of the group is an issue that should be

seriously addressed.

After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have rarely

seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that Annita Finkemeiers

accusations have. Her libelous statements that he is a child

pornographer, and the fact that she repeatedly attempted to intimidate

him with her wishes that God curse him to never be cleared of his

Hepatitis C, and the statements that he would surely " wrought " in hell,

have strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep sorrow

for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that would provide such

evil consequences on any individual.




RE: International, LLC

Investigations Unit


It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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Guest guest

I'm the one that let him in. He did not lie, he just said he wanted to join

the group. He did, however, withhold information about who he was or what

his purpose was. But, I have posted my response.


> Re: Results


> Dear Members,

> I am sorry this got thru.

> Must have been while I was sleeping or busy yesterday.

> This is a prime example of rage at it is worst.

> We have moved on. But sadly Mr. Edd Benson has not. I will

> delete this from the archives.

> And please lets as a group move on.

> Thank You.

> Janet

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I'm the one that let him in. He did not lie, he just said he wanted to join

the group. He did, however, withhold information about who he was or what

his purpose was. But, I have posted my response.


> Re: Results


> Dear Members,

> I am sorry this got thru.

> Must have been while I was sleeping or busy yesterday.

> This is a prime example of rage at it is worst.

> We have moved on. But sadly Mr. Edd Benson has not. I will

> delete this from the archives.

> And please lets as a group move on.

> Thank You.

> Janet

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Guest guest

Um, that WAS the " good lawyer joke, " right? :P

On 7/30/05, Doug Nicholson <djnichol@...> wrote:

> I'm the one that let him in. He did not lie, he just said he wanted to join

> the group. He did, however, withhold information about who he was or what

> his purpose was. But, I have posted my response.


> Doug

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Um, that WAS the " good lawyer joke, " right? :P

On 7/30/05, Doug Nicholson <djnichol@...> wrote:

> I'm the one that let him in. He did not lie, he just said he wanted to join

> the group. He did, however, withhold information about who he was or what

> his purpose was. But, I have posted my response.


> Doug

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LOL Jackie,

I am laughing. You should see my face.

I happen to have a attorney as a member of my family. LOL Oh my how did that


We will have to hang our heads. LOL

When this all started with the attorney stuff, I called my family member, CC'd

all correspondance to them and my family member just busted out laughing.

Told me to keep my sense of humor, which you all know I can do.

And to keep all correspondance to forward to .

So I am.



And yes, I got a feeling someone is just needing to talk to their doctor about

their rage.

Jackie on <redjaxjm@...> wrote:

First off, janet, I think we all need to take a deep breath and have a good

laugh,, have you EVER known an attorney to only send email????? NOOOOOO... they

have the ability to get your home address quite easily and would be sending this

via registered mail,, this is probably a hoax,,, I think this is EDD

impersonating an attorney... so lets just have a good laugh and be glad that

this trouble maker is gone and move forward.... I for one am glad he is gone,, I

have had to change my email address becasue he was stalking me,I asked him to

stop, then he opened up 4 more email accounts and continued to send email when

ever the fancy struck him,, ,,, maybe I should write him a letter as if I am an

attorney.. lol,,,, but now I have a new email addy and he is blocked on all

accounts and I will be submitting a formal complaint to as well as

notifying HIS ISP about his harrassing and threatening emails I have recieved

off the bb... so IF I can put this behind, we all need to and continue

to support each other as we always have!!!

hugs to all,


janet <doc_jade@...> wrote:

Dear Members,

I am sorry this got thru.

Must have been while I was sleeping or busy yesterday.

This is a prime example of rage at it is worst.

We have moved on. But sadly Mr. Edd Benson has not. I will delete this from the


And please lets as a group move on.

Thank You.


Mike Hood <mhood@...> wrote:

I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just completed

an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the activities directly

related to the Hepatitis C Central Group on last week. Below are

my findings in our investigation.

1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed, but was

instead so severely moderated when he attempted to respond to the posts

of Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...>. The effect was exactly

the same as if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which were allowed

to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's responses were moderated. This

appears to document the extreme bias of the creators/moderators of this


2. Annita Finkemeier made libelous statements that Mr. Benson was

redirecting individuals to in her words " YOUR SICK SHIT KIDDIE PORN

THATS ILLEGAL. " Mr. Benson is not, and has never been involved with any

child pornographic activities, and in fact campaigned for a number of

years beginning in 1995 until 2000 to fight the onslaught of the child

pornography through a number of associations including the ASACP

specifically. When questioned as to the exact site link in which she

refereed, Annita Finkemeier was unable to provide even a coherent answer

to the question.

3. We have found that civil litigation against Annita Finkemeier is not

warranted for the following reasons:

a. We find that it is doubtful that Annita Finkemeier would be able

to be held legally responsible for her actions due to the severe nature

of her self admitted mental illness. This was demonstrated to me

directly when Annita Finkemeier was unable to address simple questions

choosing instead to dance around issues and make blatant attempts to

intimidate me by addressing me as Mr. Benson.

b. Review of Annita Finkemeier finances proved that the suit would

provide us with nothing more than an uncollectible judgment if pursued.

Thus making such suit economically unfeasible.

4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group, we have come

to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or " Janet " , the

creators/moderators of this group are qualified or trained to council

patients in any situation. It is doubtful that either has any qualified

training to deal with patients that could have psychiatric symptoms due

to the treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients that are

looking for professional advice by any means. Mr. Benson reserves the

right to inform any and all members of your group these opinions should

any attempt at " medical " or " psychiatric " advice to members of this

group at any time in the future.

Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita Finkemeier and the

rest of the group success in their fight against Hepatitis, but also

hopes and prays that the creators/moderators seek to enlist qualified

medical professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the lack of

discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators neglect to censor

wishes of death to other members of the group is an issue that should be

seriously addressed.

After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have rarely

seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that Annita Finkemeiers

accusations have. Her libelous statements that he is a child

pornographer, and the fact that she repeatedly attempted to intimidate

him with her wishes that God curse him to never be cleared of his

Hepatitis C, and the statements that he would surely " wrought " in hell,

have strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep sorrow

for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that would provide such

evil consequences on any individual.




RE: International, LLC

Investigations Unit


It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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Guest guest

LOL Jackie,

I am laughing. You should see my face.

I happen to have a attorney as a member of my family. LOL Oh my how did that


We will have to hang our heads. LOL

When this all started with the attorney stuff, I called my family member, CC'd

all correspondance to them and my family member just busted out laughing.

Told me to keep my sense of humor, which you all know I can do.

And to keep all correspondance to forward to .

So I am.



And yes, I got a feeling someone is just needing to talk to their doctor about

their rage.

Jackie on <redjaxjm@...> wrote:

First off, janet, I think we all need to take a deep breath and have a good

laugh,, have you EVER known an attorney to only send email????? NOOOOOO... they

have the ability to get your home address quite easily and would be sending this

via registered mail,, this is probably a hoax,,, I think this is EDD

impersonating an attorney... so lets just have a good laugh and be glad that

this trouble maker is gone and move forward.... I for one am glad he is gone,, I

have had to change my email address becasue he was stalking me,I asked him to

stop, then he opened up 4 more email accounts and continued to send email when

ever the fancy struck him,, ,,, maybe I should write him a letter as if I am an

attorney.. lol,,,, but now I have a new email addy and he is blocked on all

accounts and I will be submitting a formal complaint to as well as

notifying HIS ISP about his harrassing and threatening emails I have recieved

off the bb... so IF I can put this behind, we all need to and continue

to support each other as we always have!!!

hugs to all,


janet <doc_jade@...> wrote:

Dear Members,

I am sorry this got thru.

Must have been while I was sleeping or busy yesterday.

This is a prime example of rage at it is worst.

We have moved on. But sadly Mr. Edd Benson has not. I will delete this from the


And please lets as a group move on.

Thank You.


Mike Hood <mhood@...> wrote:

I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just completed

an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the activities directly

related to the Hepatitis C Central Group on last week. Below are

my findings in our investigation.

1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed, but was

instead so severely moderated when he attempted to respond to the posts

of Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...>. The effect was exactly

the same as if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which were allowed

to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's responses were moderated. This

appears to document the extreme bias of the creators/moderators of this


2. Annita Finkemeier made libelous statements that Mr. Benson was

redirecting individuals to in her words " YOUR SICK SHIT KIDDIE PORN

THATS ILLEGAL. " Mr. Benson is not, and has never been involved with any

child pornographic activities, and in fact campaigned for a number of

years beginning in 1995 until 2000 to fight the onslaught of the child

pornography through a number of associations including the ASACP

specifically. When questioned as to the exact site link in which she

refereed, Annita Finkemeier was unable to provide even a coherent answer

to the question.

3. We have found that civil litigation against Annita Finkemeier is not

warranted for the following reasons:

a. We find that it is doubtful that Annita Finkemeier would be able

to be held legally responsible for her actions due to the severe nature

of her self admitted mental illness. This was demonstrated to me

directly when Annita Finkemeier was unable to address simple questions

choosing instead to dance around issues and make blatant attempts to

intimidate me by addressing me as Mr. Benson.

b. Review of Annita Finkemeier finances proved that the suit would

provide us with nothing more than an uncollectible judgment if pursued.

Thus making such suit economically unfeasible.

4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group, we have come

to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or " Janet " , the

creators/moderators of this group are qualified or trained to council

patients in any situation. It is doubtful that either has any qualified

training to deal with patients that could have psychiatric symptoms due

to the treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients that are

looking for professional advice by any means. Mr. Benson reserves the

right to inform any and all members of your group these opinions should

any attempt at " medical " or " psychiatric " advice to members of this

group at any time in the future.

Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita Finkemeier and the

rest of the group success in their fight against Hepatitis, but also

hopes and prays that the creators/moderators seek to enlist qualified

medical professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the lack of

discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators neglect to censor

wishes of death to other members of the group is an issue that should be

seriously addressed.

After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have rarely

seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that Annita Finkemeiers

accusations have. Her libelous statements that he is a child

pornographer, and the fact that she repeatedly attempted to intimidate

him with her wishes that God curse him to never be cleared of his

Hepatitis C, and the statements that he would surely " wrought " in hell,

have strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep sorrow

for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that would provide such

evil consequences on any individual.




RE: International, LLC

Investigations Unit


It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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Guest guest

I really am hearing that " Twilight Zone " music this time...Don

> I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just


> an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the activities


> related to the Hepatitis C Central Group on last week. Below


> my findings in our investigation.


> 1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed, but was

> instead so severely moderated when he attempted to respond to the


> of Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@y...>. The effect was exactly

> the same as if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

> statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which were


> to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's responses were moderated.


> appears to document the extreme bias of the creators/moderators of


> group


> 2. Annita Finkemeier made libelous statements that Mr. Benson was

> redirecting individuals to in her words " YOUR SICK SHIT KIDDIE


> THATS ILLEGAL. " Mr. Benson is not, and has never been involved

with any

> child pornographic activities, and in fact campaigned for a number


> years beginning in 1995 until 2000 to fight the onslaught of the


> pornography through a number of associations including the ASACP

> specifically. When questioned as to the exact site link in which


> refereed, Annita Finkemeier was unable to provide even a coherent


> to the question.


> 3. We have found that civil litigation against Annita Finkemeier is


> warranted for the following reasons:

> a. We find that it is doubtful that Annita Finkemeier would be


> to be held legally responsible for her actions due to the severe


> of her self admitted mental illness. This was demonstrated to me

> directly when Annita Finkemeier was unable to address simple


> choosing instead to dance around issues and make blatant attempts


> intimidate me by addressing me as Mr. Benson.

> b. Review of Annita Finkemeier finances proved that the suit


> provide us with nothing more than an uncollectible judgment if


> Thus making such suit economically unfeasible.


> 4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group, we have


> to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or " Janet " , the

> creators/moderators of this group are qualified or trained to


> patients in any situation. It is doubtful that either has any


> training to deal with patients that could have psychiatric symptoms


> to the treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

> opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients that


> looking for professional advice by any means. Mr. Benson reserves


> right to inform any and all members of your group these opinions


> any attempt at " medical " or " psychiatric " advice to members of this

> group at any time in the future.


> Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita Finkemeier

and the

> rest of the group success in their fight against Hepatitis, but


> hopes and prays that the creators/moderators seek to enlist


> medical professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

> moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the lack of

> discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators neglect to


> wishes of death to other members of the group is an issue that

should be

> seriously addressed.


> After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have


> seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that Annita


> accusations have. Her libelous statements that he is a child

> pornographer, and the fact that she repeatedly attempted to


> him with her wishes that God curse him to never be cleared of his

> Hepatitis C, and the statements that he would surely " wrought " in


> have strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep


> for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that would provide


> evil consequences on any individual.


> --

> __

> Hood

> RE: International, LLC

> Investigations Unit

> mhood@r...





> It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you

have found the support you need with us.


> If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our

group, just click the link--

Hepatitis C/


> Happy Posting





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Guest guest

I really am hearing that " Twilight Zone " music this time...Don

> I am an investigator for RE: International, LLC and I've just


> an investigation for Mr. Edd Benson concerning the activities


> related to the Hepatitis C Central Group on last week. Below


> my findings in our investigation.


> 1. Mr. Benson was not " banned " from the site as he assumed, but was

> instead so severely moderated when he attempted to respond to the


> of Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@y...>. The effect was exactly

> the same as if he was banned. Annita Finkemeier made a number of

> statements wishing Mr. Benson to die of his disease, which were


> to post on this Group, yet Mr. Benson's responses were moderated.


> appears to document the extreme bias of the creators/moderators of


> group


> 2. Annita Finkemeier made libelous statements that Mr. Benson was

> redirecting individuals to in her words " YOUR SICK SHIT KIDDIE


> THATS ILLEGAL. " Mr. Benson is not, and has never been involved

with any

> child pornographic activities, and in fact campaigned for a number


> years beginning in 1995 until 2000 to fight the onslaught of the


> pornography through a number of associations including the ASACP

> specifically. When questioned as to the exact site link in which


> refereed, Annita Finkemeier was unable to provide even a coherent


> to the question.


> 3. We have found that civil litigation against Annita Finkemeier is


> warranted for the following reasons:

> a. We find that it is doubtful that Annita Finkemeier would be


> to be held legally responsible for her actions due to the severe


> of her self admitted mental illness. This was demonstrated to me

> directly when Annita Finkemeier was unable to address simple


> choosing instead to dance around issues and make blatant attempts


> intimidate me by addressing me as Mr. Benson.

> b. Review of Annita Finkemeier finances proved that the suit


> provide us with nothing more than an uncollectible judgment if


> Thus making such suit economically unfeasible.


> 4. After reviewing several months of posts from this group, we have


> to the conclusion that neither " Doug " or " Janet " , the

> creators/moderators of this group are qualified or trained to


> patients in any situation. It is doubtful that either has any


> training to deal with patients that could have psychiatric symptoms


> to the treatments required to clear Hepatitis C. Hence, it is our

> opinion that this group should not be frequented by patients that


> looking for professional advice by any means. Mr. Benson reserves


> right to inform any and all members of your group these opinions


> any attempt at " medical " or " psychiatric " advice to members of this

> group at any time in the future.


> Mr. Benson did ask me to convey that he wishes Annita Finkemeier

and the

> rest of the group success in their fight against Hepatitis, but


> hopes and prays that the creators/moderators seek to enlist


> medical professionals to assist them in the proper, and non-bias

> moderation of this group. Mr. Benson also feels that the lack of

> discipline to stay " on topic " and the the moderators neglect to


> wishes of death to other members of the group is an issue that

should be

> seriously addressed.


> After knowing Mr. Benson for approximately one decade, I have


> seen him detrimentally effected to the extent that Annita


> accusations have. Her libelous statements that he is a child

> pornographer, and the fact that she repeatedly attempted to


> him with her wishes that God curse him to never be cleared of his

> Hepatitis C, and the statements that he would surely " wrought " in


> have strengthened his faith in his God, and left him with a deep


> for Annita Finkemeier and her concept of a god that would provide


> evil consequences on any individual.


> --

> __

> Hood

> RE: International, LLC

> Investigations Unit

> mhood@r...





> It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you

have found the support you need with us.


> If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our

group, just click the link--

Hepatitis C/


> Happy Posting





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  • 3 weeks later...

im sorry things arent going well for ya

someone will come along with an answer for SGOT

i dont know what it means

but sounds like its gone up as time goes by

Take care




Start your day with - make it your home page

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SGOT is an old name for ALT

it can flactuate during a day so I would say if it is

69 from 66 few years ago then it is the same

--- ms seven wonders <okseven_7@...> wrote:

> im sorry things arent going well for ya

> someone will come along with an answer for SGOT

> i dont know what it means

> but sounds like its gone up as time goes by

> Take care

> Annita




> okseven_7



> ---------------------------------

> Start your day with - make it your home page



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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SGOT is an old name for ALT

it can flactuate during a day so I would say if it is

69 from 66 few years ago then it is the same

--- ms seven wonders <okseven_7@...> wrote:

> im sorry things arent going well for ya

> someone will come along with an answer for SGOT

> i dont know what it means

> but sounds like its gone up as time goes by

> Take care

> Annita




> okseven_7



> ---------------------------------

> Start your day with - make it your home page



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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You need to go get you a book on Hepatitis ie:

Dr. Everson. Surviving with Hepatitis C or

Dr. Palmer. Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Both books and

many others are on Amazon or can be checked out from your local

public library or your hospital library for free.....ric

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You need to go get you a book on Hepatitis ie:

Dr. Everson. Surviving with Hepatitis C or

Dr. Palmer. Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Both books and

many others are on Amazon or can be checked out from your local

public library or your hospital library for free.....ric

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  • 6 months later...

Valarie - were there any pneumococcal titers run? Now that you know the

quantity of their immunoglobulins you need to check into the quality of that

number. Even with normal numbers if the amount has no function then it's

" blank " .

Ursula - mom to Macey (10,CVID) and (13)


Immune Deficiency Foundation http://www.primaryimmune.org

Pediatric PID email list

Modell Foundation http://jmfworld.org

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