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Happy: Enjoying Well-Being and Contentment

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Free-Reprint Article Written by: Dianne Wandruff

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Happy: Enjoying Well-Being and Contentment

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The dictionary defines stability as firmly established, not

changing or fluctuating, not readily altering in chemical


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711 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: Thu Sep 22 17:09:17 EDT 2005

Written By: Dianne Wandruff

Copyright: 2005

Contact Email: mailto:bwandruff@...

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Happy: Enjoying Well-Being and Contentment

Copyright © 2005 Dianne Wandruff

Essential Immune Health



Enjoying well-being and contentment.


The dictionary defines stability as firmly established, not

changing or fluctuating, not readily altering in chemical




29 by Roald Dahl)

LET ME TELL YOU WHAT I KNOW about happiness and stability, OK?

Not that I'm claiming to be specially educated on the subjects,

but I do have my life's experience! I was born and raised a

happy and stable little girl. I was the oldest child and

lavished with responsibility and respect. (And I DO recommend

such childraising methods for all children.) I came to know God

at an early age and flourished in my inward thoughts and parts.

I was raised on white flour and white sugar and had a wonderful

time eating brown sugar/margarine sandwiches and cinnamon toast

encrusted with the same margarine and sugar. I developed an

obvious sweet tooth so that by the time I was 30 years old, I

could eat EIGHT large Winchell's donuts/maple bars before getting

a sugar buzz.

For thirty years I was married to a wonderful man (because all

people are wonderful in God's eyes and should be in ours). Then

he died and I was single for a few years. My physical health was

terrible, so during those few years, I began to cleanse my inner

body. I did sixteen months of cleaning my large bowel, 12 months

of cleaning my liver, years of diet changes, and I learned to use

Young Living Essential Oils and supplements for all this


If you could have seen me in the invisible realm before I began

to clean myself up, I'm sure I would've appeared buried in a hole

up to my neck, crying and yelling for help. My skin had begun

turning yellow in my 30's and by my 50's, I was pure bronzed

orange. I was definitely constipated, bloated, and had regular,

painful, three-day headaches.

Bit by bit, my physical life was rescued. What a difference it

made! What high energy came upon me! I learned by first-hand

experience the connection between food eaten and mood swings and

energy levels. Eventually, my skin color normalized as did my

bowels. My headaches went away completely. I had stopped doing

the things that were hurting me physically and began healing up.

I began using supplements to alkalinize my bodily systems and

using enzymes to digest my food better. I used other supplements

from Young Living to balance my hormones, clear my skin,

replenish my friendly bacteria, straighten my severe scoliosis.

It took a few years to do all that, but it was worth it.

" Is that really true? " " You think I is swizzfiggling you? "

(The BFG p. 41)

I learned to dance! What a wonderful thing dancing is. Read



.. I learned to love again and that was very, very enjoyable, to

say the least. My new husband and I have been married more than

one and a half years by now, and I love him even more than

before. I'm very happy to say he loves me too.

Which brings me full circle back to happiness and stability.

What do I know? I know my own experiences. I know it's possible

for a life to be saved and redirected. I have hope for a

vibrant, disease-free future in which I can influence others and

bear some good fruit on my tree of life.

SO IF YOU'RE WILLING to learn from my example and begin to

experiment with your own life's situation, I'll introduce you to

Young Living Essential Oils and several other companies I've

learned to depend upon for good alternative health products,

supplements, and oils.

* Young Living Essential Oils


* Lifewave (energy enhancement patches and restquiet patches)


* Global Health Trax http://www.ghtibo.com/diannewandru

(colostrum and Threelac to eliminate systemic candida)

On each of these websites, you have opportunity to peruse

news articles, movies, scientific proofs, testimonials, and

encouragements. I hope you will for I've told you the truth and

you can put it to good use. I would never be fibbling to you!

From me to you,

Dianne Wandruff


(406) 882-4050 mtn time


Dianne Wandruff writes expert articles regarding complimentary

methods of health care, specializing in therapeutic quality

essential oils, nutritional supplements, energy enhancers,

sleep enhancers, depression solutions, even bipolar disorder

management. Specific health conditions such as liver disorders,

bowel disorders, and systemic candida are also covered

thoroughly at her website <a href=http://www.essentialimmunehealth.com>ENJOYING



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