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Hi ,

Thanks for your wonderful intro. I want to say that I am supportive of

ampligen treatment. It is not different from the treatment for

mycoplasma, Chlamydia and viruses, because the damage evidenced in the

RnaseL testing is CAUSED by one of the above. Personally, since the

antibiotics are working for me and cheaper I don't plan to try the

ampligen, but I understand the idea of it and would go for it if I were

in a different situation.

I also take Ambrostose, and I think it is helping me. IT is hard to say

as I take several things. I have improved while taking it, and I have

not had any side effects. Someone wondered what it in it. The contents

are not a secret even if not on the label. They are six monosugars and

are phytonutrients meaning they come from natural plants. I don't plan

to look up the stuff and list the monosugars, but I doubt they are

harmful to most. Again, I am only taking the supplements recommended by

the clinic I feel is best prepared to recommend.

Keep writing. I look forward to reading more of your posts.


and Bob wrote:


> From: and Bob <mbbutler@...>


> Hello to all on this list:


> I have had CFIDS since 1983. The onset seems to have been similar to

> several persons on this list, whose posts I have recently read. At the

> time, I was over-working, over-active, wasn't getting enough sleep due

> to a recently fractured shoulder, and had (to have, in order to continue

> working there) a work-mandated 'live' rubella vaccine which even my now

> regular doctor wouldn't take - this was at a large medical center. From

> this, I proceeded shortly thereafter to get the 'flu' several times in a

> row. The doctor I saw then was surprised when the Mono test came back

> negative. This was followed by severe joint and muscle achiness, feeling

> like my muscles were on fire, six months of low grade fever, extreme

> fatigue, sleep disturbance and headaches. Over the years, it all has

> undergone a couple of metamorphoses, i.e. a change in which joints were

> affected (large versus small) and the onset of pancreatic and other

> abdominal problems, in addition to more sleep/headache problems.

> Underwent a long period of diagnosis for some of these and thankfully am

> now on appropriate medications.


> After the first two years of what turned out to be CFIDS, I found a very

> good and supportive Internist. About five years ago, primarily due to

> worsening daily headaches, I decided to consult with a CFS specialist

> who has a practice several hours from my home. After much lab work,

> brain spectroscopy and an exercise treadmill test, he told me, amongst

> other things, that my lab and test results indicated I would be a good

> candidate for Ampligen should it return to the research market. In the

> meantime, I continued to see him regularly and benefitted in various

> ways, particularly during the last 'metamorphosis' in 1995. In late

> September '98, six months ago, I became a participant in the Cost

> Recovery Ampligen 511 study. I receive two infusions per week of

> Ampligen. My husband and I made significant compromises in order for me

> to be in this study, in terms of housing, finances, and in other ways,

> with the hope that it would help. It was a big decision, but one we are

> both glad to have made. Yes, I went through a period of side effects for

> several months, but I knew this was a possibility. That period has

> passed, and I began to feel better about 5 weeks ago. I continue to be

> on a slow but upward spiral, and am so glad. I have hope for the future,

> having seen various others who are farther along than I benefit from

> this treatment.


> Recently, I joined this CFIDS list, and also another educational and

> helpful CFIDS list (CFSMEexperimentsonelist). I received the rules

> for this list, which seemed reasonable and appropriate. I do have to say

> though that it has been confusing to read recent posts, in which some on

> Ampligen have been unsubscribed. One recent post was from an Ampligen

> patient who has gotten so much better and is now able to work part-time.

> She did mention some communication problems but they didn't seem

> extreme. However, she was unsubscribed, which I don't understand.

> Another patient sent me a copy of an email post she had sent to this

> list owner individually, and upon reading this list owner's reply and

> interpretation of that message, having to do with a lawsuit among other

> things, I was definitely perplexed because it was not at all truthfully

> reported. The original message somehow got misinterpreted, badly, and

> then put out to this list in its misinterpreted form.


> I have seen various items discussed on this list since joining,

> including Florinef, glyconutrients, various pain medications, sleep

> medications, oral interferon, etc. I am not posting this to tout

> Ampligen and clearly, everyone has to make their own informed choices

> about what treatment approaches and regimens are right for them. And

> what is right for one person is not necessarily right for someone else.

> Ampligen, reportedly, will not help all CFIDS patients; however, there

> are immunological and other specific tests to help determine those whom

> it may have a better chance of helping. I am writing to put my two cents

> worth into the fray, as it seems to have gotten out of hand. I do not

> know anyone at Hemispherx, the company that produces Ampligen. I do

> understand why they might monitor this list however, given all the

> difficulties there have been in discussing this drug. I can understand

> also that when this drug first underwent testing with CFIDS patients in

> the late 80's and early 90's, there were definite problems and some

> patients were justifiably upset and angry. But this is now; there are

> patients being tremendously helped to regain their health after years of

> this dreadful disease, and I would hate to see anything interfere with

> the recently initiated final testing phase of Ampligen.


> Concerning treatment options, I was actually helped by ambrotose, made

> by Mannatech, which I have seen mentioned here. I was very skeptical

> about this product, as I have been about 'similar' products, but finally

> decided to try it about a year ago, and was pleasantly surprised. Had to

> stop it before going on Ampligen. Did not have to stop any other drugs;

> all the prescriptions I take are okay to take while on this program, and

> these include medications for headaches, sleep disturbance, and

> pancreatic and abdominal problems. We are all on different medications

> and I don't know of anyone who had to stop taking the medications they

> needed to sleep/deal with headaches/etc.etc.etc.


> It just seems like Ampligen has gotten bad press on this list. At this

> point in the process, I do not understand why. I noticed that this list

> owner mentioned in a post of 3/23/99 that " it seems like CFS research is

> concentrating on two different avenues these days " which include " blood

> and blood pressure abnormalities like NMH and low blood volume, and now

> the new blood coagulation research that the National CFIDS Foundation is

> funding " and also the " chronic-infection kind of research like the

> studies about HHV-6 and mono and mycoplasma " . I'm surprised that

> Ampligen, which involves the only major CFS FDA research effort for the

> treatment of CFS, is left out of this list. It seems like this list is

> 'allergic' to Ampligen...??? Again, I would say, this is now, this is

> not the past. Those list members who have benefitted from a host of

> treatment options, and even in particular a few, seem welcome to discuss

> how they are doing. Hopefully, I can discuss this too.


> Macey-

> mbbutler@...


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> We are proud as punch of our new web site!


> Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Damsel *~*~* wrote:


> From: Damsel *~*~* <damzel9@...>


> Hi all. I am new to this list. I just joined today because my husband who

> is in the Navy, told me through e-mail yesterday that he was forced to have

> this anthrax vaccine. I am now very concerned and am trying to find

> whatever information I can about it. And he said he has to take two more

> before he even comes home, and then more later! Is there any info out there

> that is NOT put out by the military? Thanks!


> Lotaluv, Damsel

> **********************************

> PMS ... it's the only time of the month I can be myself!

> Visit Damsel's Enchanted Cavern http://members.aol.com/damsel4529/index.html

> Are YOU a Lady of The Myst?

> http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Veranda/2668/index.html

Damsel there is all kinds of info. I am sure that you will start

recieving it soon. In the mean time go to the search engine and type in

anthrax vaccine, sit back and watch what happens.

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Guest guest

Damsel *~*~* wrote:


> From: Damsel *~*~* <damzel9@...>


> Hi all. I am new to this list. I just joined today because my husband who

> is in the Navy, told me through e-mail yesterday that he was forced to have

> this anthrax vaccine. I am now very concerned and am trying to find

> whatever information I can about it. And he said he has to take two more

> before he even comes home, and then more later! Is there any info out there

> that is NOT put out by the military? Thanks!


> Lotaluv, Damsel

> **********************************

> PMS ... it's the only time of the month I can be myself!

> Visit Damsel's Enchanted Cavern http://members.aol.com/damsel4529/index.html

> Are YOU a Lady of The Myst?

> http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Veranda/2668/index.html

Damsel there is all kinds of info. I am sure that you will start

recieving it soon. In the mean time go to the search engine and type in

anthrax vaccine, sit back and watch what happens.

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  • 4 months later...

Try these two websites:

http://www.kathykeeton-cancer.com/ This should start you on your way. Be

careful, use the correct protocol. You should also check the Syracuse

Cancer Research Center ( Dr. ph Gold) In addition look to starve the

cancer cells as well as build up the immune system. This can be done with

different supplements.

Also read up on Essiac Tea . I would prefer the already made version called

Flor-Essence Tea. You can get this in most health food stores for Approx.

23.95 for 17 oz. . Follow the directions


Good Luck


> Hi. I am new to this group. My mom has Ovarian Cancer and that is

> why I was drawn to this group. I am looking for any information

> you have on Cancell and hydrazine sulfate. Any information you

> can give me would be very appreciated.



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> A shopper's dream come true! Find practically anything on earth at eBay!

> Come and browse the more than 2 million items up for bid at any time.

> You never know what you might find at eBay!

> http://clickhere./click/1140


> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe


> -- Create a poll/survey for your group!

> -- vote?listname=cures for cancer & m=1



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  • 3 weeks later...

Cancell website aka Cantron


Hydrazine Sulfate is used for the wasintg away a cancer patient experiences.

800# for Cantron is 800-443-3030. You can speak with several of the people

on the web who are survivors. However, taking Essiac Tea and high doses of

Vit C and E blocks its effectiveness.

Carol B

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  • 1 month later...


My name is Eddie and I'm very new to the forum also. I haven't had the

pleasure of the piano story. If someone could send it to me I would greatly

appreciate it.

GOD BLESS Thanks a Bunch

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I work with the Cancer Cure Foundation. We are interested in setting up a site for people to list their success stories, and if they want, to be able to list contact info for people to get in touch with them regarding the successes they have had treating their cancer. We would like to be able to put up a picture, if possible. We are not interested in " selling " a particular type of therapy - just providing info for people to access on how different therapies have worked for different cancers and people.

If anyone has URLs of sites that already provide this info or testimonials, I'd love to add them to the list of links we are providing. Email cure@... or call (800) 282-2873 to leave info. We are just starting to set this up, so the web page with testimonials has not gone up. We hope to get it up soon. In fact, we are looking for volunteers to work on this project, if anyone has some time.

Melinda Wiman


Cancer Cure Foundation

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Hi Melinda,

There is a similar site for testimonials at: /messages/testimonials/

Also, http://home.sol.no/~dusan/cancerpage.html has links to testimonials.

Shared Experiences is not all testimonials, but can be searched for

each type of cancer

at: http://www.sharedexperience.org

Melinda Wiman wrote:


work with the Cancer Cure Foundation. We are interested in setting up a

site for people to list their success stories, and if they want, to be

able to list contact info for people to get in touch with them regarding

the successes they have had treating their cancer. We would like

to be able to put up a picture, if possible. We are not interested in "selling"

a particular type of therapy - just providing info for people to access

on how different therapies have worked for different cancers and people. If

anyone has URLs of sites that already provide this info or testimonials,

I'd love to add them to the list of links we are providing. Email

cure@... or call (800) 282-2873

to leave info. We are just starting to set this up, so the web page with

testimonials has not gone up. We hope to get it up soon. In fact, we are

looking for volunteers to work on this project, if anyone has some time. Melinda


Cure Foundation

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net

for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancer

www. - Simplifying

group communications


Bob Karjala

My Recovery from Stage IV Lung Cancer



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


>I have a question someone may be able to answer. Can a medical

>doctor legally drop you from his practice when you decline to

>vaccinate? My pediatrician has threatened to drop not only my infant

>but my other two children who are vaccinated as well. Of course, I

>need referrals from this doctor to continue to see the specialist who

>is caring for my son now, and I refuse to give into my pediatricians

>threats. We have an HMO so unfortunately I can't go to just any

>doctor or I would not be having this problem now.


>I look forward to learning and sharing with others. Thank you.

Welcome ne,

So sorry to hear what has happened to your family. Many people here have

been thru what you have been. I guess a doctor who is in business can do

anything he wants. But being in an HMO may make a difference - he may not

be able to do just what he wants. What state are you in?

Its the typical medical monopoly/religion blackmail. It has happened to


I don't know what to tell you since you are in an HMO. They really have

people over a barrel. Anyone else have any ideas for her?



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA 95959





Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 9/28/2000 1:15:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

scoley@... writes:

<< I am not sure if this is the proper forum to ask this question, so if

it's not,

I apologize (and would appreciate any direction on the right group to join).


have a question about infection, or really the immediate effects of


I've often heard that shortly after getting infected people get sick, like


flu, but worse. I am just wondering if anyone has any personal stories as

such. I'm possibly being paranoid, but I got together with someone and the

condom broke. He didn't cum inside me or anything, but still, it was a


scary. And now I am starting to feel sick, in like a weird way I've never

really felt before. So I am just wondering if anyone out there had a similar

experience. >>

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Sorry about the previous reply. Still getting used to New computer with a

touch pad.

Anyway, Shaun, you found the right group. This is a group of mostly people

who were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS but cured themselves. There are probably as

many approaches as there are people here. What we all have in common is that

we don't buy into the governmedical propaganda or the medical treatments.

My advice to you is educate yourself and above all, DON'T GET TESTED. Don't

donate blood. When I say educate, I should say REeducate. There are

thousands of so-called " AIDS dissident " sites on the web. Try aidsmyth.com

or virusmyth.com for starters.


<A HREF= " http://ehealth.htmlplanet.com " >Planet Health</A>

(PS: Liked your picture. I'd love to check out your viral load next time I'm

in NY. Bet it's copious and delicious!)

n a message dated 9/28/2000 1:15:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

scoley@... writes:


I am not sure if this is the proper forum to ask this question, so if it's


I apologize (and would appreciate any direction on the right group to join).


have a question about infection, or really the immediate effects of


I've often heard that shortly after getting infected people get sick, like


flu, but worse. I am just wondering if anyone has any personal stories as

such. I'm possibly being paranoid, but I got together with someone and the

condom broke. He didn't cum inside me or anything, but still, it was a


scary. And now I am starting to feel sick, in like a weird way I've never

really felt before. So I am just wondering if anyone out there had a similar



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In a message dated 9/28/2000 6:20:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

scoley@... writes:

<< I took a look at these pages - I'll have to look more, but just wanted to

get some

idea what they're about. One thing I don't understand - virusmyth.com

claims the

people die from the drugs. What about the people in the late 70's and early


that were dying long before these drugs came out?>>

The early cases of what was then called " AIDS " were truly sick by the time

they went to the doctors -- the result of 8 or more years of multifactorial

abuse. Recreational drugs, antibiotics, poppers, poppers and poppers were

common factors in these highly promiscuous gay men in their 30's and 40's.

The real iatrogenocide started in 1987. When AIDS began, there were at most

a few hundred cases, pretty much confined to the larger metropolitan areas

with identifiable gay populations. At the same time, tens of millions of

people were dying every year of starvation, the obvious #1 cause of death on

the planet. Not much has changed for the destitute poor in 3rd world

nations, except that politicians are calling their deaths AIDS.

<<So is there anyone on this list that really cured themselves? I'm very

pro-science & pro-medicine by nature, but I've never been one to rule out

" other

options. " There's too much out there that's unknown. What strategies have



I have to take issue with you here. You can't be pro-science and

pro-medicine in the same sentence. Medicine, as taught in the U.S and

accepted by most of the world, is a religion. Science welcomes debate.

Churches rule by dogma. The reaction of the AIDS industry and the

governmedical professions to the call for a reappraisal of the HIV hypothesis

makes this very clear.

As for " cured " people. I wouldn't say " cured " is the right word. Over it

might be putting it better. I was never ill. I don't consider having

antibodies a disease and I know that high t-cells are a sign of disease, not

health. I do know people who were dying of full-blown AIDS and are healthy

today. Some do all sorts of bizarre things and think it is making them

healthy. What they have in common is that they're not taking part in medical

experiments. Doctors admit to being the #3 cause of death in the US. There

is no such thing as a smart virus. Viruses are not alive and have no thought

processes. Apparently most doctors of medicine have no thought processes

either. Dumb doctors outnuimber smart viruses. Stay far away from them and

you'll never have to worry about AIDS. The real problem is this illegal,

unconstitutional, governmedical dictatorship that has taken over our

government and is going after the world.

If you'd like to hear what people have done, check out the appendix of the

" What If... " book. Dozens of us tell our own stories. Most with names and

locations -- all verifiable. Check out the aliveandwell.org website.

Me, myself, I was involved with an exercise that is considered by many the

most powerful stimulator of the immune system. I haven't had a cold in over

20 years, much less AIDS symptoms. When I learned I was " infected " , after

seeing several friends get and/or stay healthy doing the same thing, I

thought I'd found the " cure. " None of the major AIDS organization, or even

the White House, was interested in my findings, which led me to research a

lot of information that conflicted with the politically correct view. Then I

learned the truth. The disease was a scam.

What is so bizarre is that we are living in the information age, where

information can be spread throughout the globe instantaneously, yet it still

appears that it could take generations to change the current paradigm.

It all boils down to what some wise man once said, " Never underestimate the

power of stupid people in large numbers. "


Curedaids@... wrote:

> Sorry about the previous reply. Still getting used to New computer with a

> touch pad.


> Anyway, Shaun, you found the right group. This is a group of mostly people

> who were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS but cured themselves. There are probably


> many approaches as there are people here. What we all have in common is


> we don't buy into the governmedical propaganda or the medical treatments.


> My advice to you is educate yourself and above all, DON'T GET TESTED.


> donate blood. When I say educate, I should say REeducate. There are

> thousands of so-called " AIDS dissident " sites on the web. Try aidsmyth.com

> or virusmyth.com for starters.


> Lieb

> <A HREF= " http://ehealth.htmlplanet.com " >Planet Health</A>


> (PS: Liked your picture. I'd love to check out your viral load next time


> in NY. Bet it's copious and delicious!)

> n a message dated 9/28/2000 1:15:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> scoley@... writes:


> <<

> I am not sure if this is the proper forum to ask this question, so if it's

> not,

> I apologize (and would appreciate any direction on the right group to


> I

> have a question about infection, or really the immediate effects of

> infection.

> I've often heard that shortly after getting infected people get sick, like

> the

> flu, but worse. I am just wondering if anyone has any personal stories as

> such. I'm possibly being paranoid, but I got together with someone and


> condom broke. He didn't cum inside me or anything, but still, it was a

> little

> scary. And now I am starting to feel sick, in like a weird way I've never

> really felt before. So I am just wondering if anyone out there had a


> experience.


> >>


Shaun Coley



New York, NY


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I took a look at these pages - I'll have to look more, but just wanted to get


idea what they're about. One thing I don't understand - virusmyth.com claims


people die from the drugs. What about the people in the late 70's and early


that were dying long before these drugs came out?

So is there anyone on this list that really cured themselves? I'm very

pro-science & pro-medicine by nature, but I've never been one to rule out " other

options. " There's too much out there that's unknown. What strategies have




Curedaids@... wrote:

> Sorry about the previous reply. Still getting used to New computer with a

> touch pad.


> Anyway, Shaun, you found the right group. This is a group of mostly people

> who were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS but cured themselves. There are probably as

> many approaches as there are people here. What we all have in common is that

> we don't buy into the governmedical propaganda or the medical treatments.


> My advice to you is educate yourself and above all, DON'T GET TESTED. Don't

> donate blood. When I say educate, I should say REeducate. There are

> thousands of so-called " AIDS dissident " sites on the web. Try aidsmyth.com

> or virusmyth.com for starters.


> Lieb

> <A HREF= " http://ehealth.htmlplanet.com " >Planet Health</A>


> (PS: Liked your picture. I'd love to check out your viral load next time I'm

> in NY. Bet it's copious and delicious!)

> n a message dated 9/28/2000 1:15:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> scoley@... writes:


> <<

> I am not sure if this is the proper forum to ask this question, so if it's

> not,

> I apologize (and would appreciate any direction on the right group to join).

> I

> have a question about infection, or really the immediate effects of

> infection.

> I've often heard that shortly after getting infected people get sick, like

> the

> flu, but worse. I am just wondering if anyone has any personal stories as

> such. I'm possibly being paranoid, but I got together with someone and the

> condom broke. He didn't cum inside me or anything, but still, it was a

> little

> scary. And now I am starting to feel sick, in like a weird way I've never

> really felt before. So I am just wondering if anyone out there had a similar

> experience.


> >>


Shaun Coley



New York, NY

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  • 5 weeks later...

Diane, Ask your doctor to prescribe some Valium to take before the test.

Years ago they used it when doing dilatations, so I know it doesn't have any

affect on the muscle tissue. So it won't affect the results. I had a

motility test last month and I took Valium, tried to relax and breath slow

and deep. I know its a disgusting test but really necessary for a diagnosis.

Good luck.

>From: TAQULA4ME@...



>Subject: Hello

>Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 14:22:08 EDT


>Hi all,

>I am new to the group and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Diane

>and I have been told that I have achalasia since last march. so far I have

>not had any procedures done since I was not sure of my doctor he didn't


>to be able to answer my questions. So I think I have found a good one, But


>am always open to suggestions so if anyone knows a good dr. in L.A. please

>let me know. also I have to do a motility test this coming Friday i tried


>do it once before but panicked and could not continue, does anyone have any

>ideas how i can get thru this? any help you can give would be appreciated,




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Hello Diane: I had my motility test done at UCLA by a specialist nurse. She

did a great job - it was over in a flash. My doctor's name is Roth.

He is wonderful! Good luck! Sincerely, Elena

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I had my manometry test on Friday and while I wouldn't describe it as

something I would like to do regularly on Fridays it really was very

easy. I believe that it is strictly a function of both the skill and

sensitivity of the technician.

My throat was sprayed with a so-so tasting material that probably

deadens the gag reflex prior to start and we talked during the entire

test. If keeping your eyes closed helps upon entry consider that and

know that in thirty-forty five minutes it will be all over.

Hope it goes easy for you.

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Hello Diane:

My daughter has achalasia and has not received any procedure yet.

She is being treated at UCLA, and her doctor is Dr. Ippoliti

who is an esophagus specialist. She had a similar experience on her

first try with the motility test, so you are definitely not alone.

The second time she took a valium and was able to complete the test.

However, they also switched to the other nostril the second time and

were successful, and you might make that suggestion. Good luck.


> Hi all,

> I am new to the group and just wanted to introduce myself. My name

is Diane

> and I have been told that I have achalasia since last march. so far

I have

> not had any procedures done since I was not sure of my doctor he

didn't seem

> to be able to answer my questions. So I think I have found a good

one, But i

> am always open to suggestions so if anyone knows a good dr. in L.A.


> let me know. also I have to do a motility test this coming Friday i

tried to

> do it once before but panicked and could not continue, does anyone

have any

> ideas how i can get thru this? any help you can give would be


> Diane

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Hi, Diane!

There are several members of this group who live in California and would be

able to recommend their physicians to you. Hopefully you'll hear from them,

but if not, you may search the message archives to research it on your own.

As for the motility test, my thoughts are with you. It's the hardest thing

in the world to go through. I have since heard that taking valium

beforehand helps, as does a numbing spray at the back of the throat. I'd

definitely need a valium before ever doing this again. See if your doctor

can prescribe one for you.

Good luck!



> Hi all,

> I am new to the group and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is


> and I have been told that I have achalasia since last march. so far I have

> not had any procedures done since I was not sure of my doctor he didn't


> to be able to answer my questions. So I think I have found a good one, But


> am always open to suggestions so if anyone knows a good dr. in L.A. please

> let me know. also I have to do a motility test this coming Friday i tried


> do it once before but panicked and could not continue, does anyone have


> ideas how i can get thru this? any help you can give would be appreciated,

> Diane








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I have also had a manometry test done and would definately say that of all

the tests, it was the most uncomfortable. The good news is that you don't

usually have to do it more than once and it seems to make the other test

seem like a breeze!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know of Dr. Norton but Mom went to Oasis of Hope in Mexico and it

did wonders...could you possibly look into it? She's not healed but it

really helped her (lung cancer stageIV metastized to brain, bones,

esophogus...still here after 2 years...check it out...God bless

>From: Gail <sierratn@...>

>Reply-cures for canceregroups

>cures for canceregroups

>Subject: Re: Hello

>Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 10:52:31 -0800 (PST)

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>--- Gail <sierratn@...> wrote:

> > Hello

> > My mom called me last night from California, and

> > sad to say I have very,very bad news. I still think

> > the world of Dr. Norton but he told my mother

> > yesterday that their was no more that he could do

> > for

> > my dad. My dad was very sick when he went to Dr.

> > Norton

> > at first we all thought he was going to be able to

> > help my dad, but with all the cancers that my dad

> > had

> > from prostate to colon, rectum, liver, lungs, and

> > possibly kidneys we could do nothing but pray. Sad

> > to

> > say my dad's bladder has stopped working and his

> > lungs

> > are filling up with fluid.

> > If there are any misspelled words it's because I

> > am

> > writing this in tears. I don't want to lose my dad,

> > he

> > means everything in the world to me. He's my life.

> > The

> > sad thing is my mom is still out in California with

> > my

> > dad and they are going to finish out the week of

> > treatments out in Mexico but at the moment my dad

> > doesn't know anything of what the Dr. told my mom

> > that

> > he can no longer help him. They are going to tell

> > him

> > saturday morning. Whats even worse this will make my

> > dad just give up on life completely. To me there is

> > nothing worse than knowing that you waited to long

> > to

> > get the proper help and wasting all your time on

> > M.D.'s and chemo and radition and finding out that

> > know one can help you and that your next step is

> > death.

> > My dad has always been afraid of dying. I can't even

> > imagine what will go thru his head when they tell

> > him

> > this sat.

> > I am really having a hard time dealing with this,

> > my parents will becoming back to Mo. late Sat. and I

> > will be going down there Wed. to see him. I don't

> > even

> > know what to say to him or how to act. Will he be

> > upset with all of us because we all knew before him

> > and didn't tell him.








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--- Gail <sierratn@...> wrote:

> Hello

> My mom called me last night from California, and

> sad to say I have very,very bad news. I still think

> the world of Dr. Norton but he told my mother

> yesterday that their was no more that he could do

> for

> my dad. My dad was very sick when he went to Dr.

> Norton

> at first we all thought he was going to be able to

> help my dad, but with all the cancers that my dad

> had

> from prostate to colon, rectum, liver, lungs, and

> possibly kidneys we could do nothing but pray. Sad

> to

> say my dad's bladder has stopped working and his

> lungs

> are filling up with fluid.

> If there are any misspelled words it's because I

> am

> writing this in tears. I don't want to lose my dad,

> he

> means everything in the world to me. He's my life.

> The

> sad thing is my mom is still out in California with

> my

> dad and they are going to finish out the week of

> treatments out in Mexico but at the moment my dad

> doesn't know anything of what the Dr. told my mom

> that

> he can no longer help him. They are going to tell

> him

> saturday morning. Whats even worse this will make my

> dad just give up on life completely. To me there is

> nothing worse than knowing that you waited to long

> to

> get the proper help and wasting all your time on

> M.D.'s and chemo and radition and finding out that

> know one can help you and that your next step is

> death.

> My dad has always been afraid of dying. I can't even

> imagine what will go thru his head when they tell

> him

> this sat.

> I am really having a hard time dealing with this,

> my parents will becoming back to Mo. late Sat. and I

> will be going down there Wed. to see him. I don't

> even

> know what to say to him or how to act. Will he be

> upset with all of us because we all knew before him

> and didn't tell him.



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Hi Gail,

I don't want to give you false hope but have your dad try apriot kernals,

pancreatic enzymes and Emulsified Vit. A. I have heard a lot about this

treatment for cancer and how successful it is. Check the web site

www.credence.org for more info. and also type in Vitamin B17 on your search

engine for more information on apricot seeds. I lost my younger brother, 30

years old, 3 years ago to cancer and I know how you feel. At this point

your dad has nothing to lose by trying this option. I wish you well.


Re: Hello


>--- Gail <sierratn@...> wrote:

>> Hello

>> My mom called me last night from California, and

>> sad to say I have very,very bad news. I still think

>> the world of Dr. Norton but he told my mother

>> yesterday that their was no more that he could do

>> for

>> my dad. My dad was very sick when he went to Dr.

>> Norton

>> at first we all thought he was going to be able to

>> help my dad, but with all the cancers that my dad

>> had

>> from prostate to colon, rectum, liver, lungs, and

>> possibly kidneys we could do nothing but pray. Sad

>> to

>> say my dad's bladder has stopped working and his

>> lungs

>> are filling up with fluid.

>> If there are any misspelled words it's because I

>> am

>> writing this in tears. I don't want to lose my dad,

>> he

>> means everything in the world to me. He's my life.

>> The

>> sad thing is my mom is still out in California with

>> my

>> dad and they are going to finish out the week of

>> treatments out in Mexico but at the moment my dad

>> doesn't know anything of what the Dr. told my mom

>> that

>> he can no longer help him. They are going to tell

>> him

>> saturday morning. Whats even worse this will make my

>> dad just give up on life completely. To me there is

>> nothing worse than knowing that you waited to long

>> to

>> get the proper help and wasting all your time on

>> M.D.'s and chemo and radition and finding out that

>> know one can help you and that your next step is

>> death.

>> My dad has always been afraid of dying. I can't even

>> imagine what will go thru his head when they tell

>> him

>> this sat.

>> I am really having a hard time dealing with this,

>> my parents will becoming back to Mo. late Sat. and I

>> will be going down there Wed. to see him. I don't

>> even

>> know what to say to him or how to act. Will he be

>> upset with all of us because we all knew before him

>> and didn't tell him.








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