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Hi !!

Welcome to the list. *hugs* I'm sorry that you and your fiancé are sick, but

I'm glad that you've found us!

I'm , and I joined this list as a caregiver to my son, . Some people

on here will tell you that I can be easily bribed with a cup of coffee...and

they would probably be right!! lmao

Jump right in, hon. We're all here for you!!


Don & wrote:

> Hi, I just subscribed to the group. Both my fiancé and I are sick. He has

> Hodgkin's disease (cancer) and I have some kind of auto immune disease. For

> those of you that know (if any) my family has the genetic marker of HLA-B27.

> I am negative, but we have another marker that hasn't been mapped yet. They

> don't know what kind of auto immune disease I have yet. Lots of AS in my

> family, and Lupus, FS, MS. I hope to find someone in my situation.


> Thanks,




> The Being Sick Community


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> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you

believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do

even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to

let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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hi heather,

welcome to the group, am glad you have found us. Sorry to hear you are both sick, that must be very hard, do you get much support or help from outside?

I am a carer for my hubby, and just wanted to say hi. jump right in we are all here for each other weather we are having good days, bad days, really rotten days or giggly days.

Take care and welcome

Lots of love


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  • 3 weeks later...

Good Evening Nikki,

Where are you located? I sometimes sign my posts Nicki so not to make any

confusion I will be posting my full name and credentials after each of my posts.


Al Takach, N.D.


On Mon, 01 Jan 2001 18:55:50 -0000 Nikki <VILANO6@...> wrote:

>Hi everyone. My name is NIkki and we are trying our hands at homemade

>toiletries business. so far, all we have done is made one batch of

>lip balm with petroleum jelly, which we like but want that

>consistency but with more natural substances, and also melt and pour

>soap. Making that kind of soap is easy and fun. The cold process

>soaps with lye seem more hard. aRe they better soaps?

>One of the questions that I have is ...what kind of things do you all

>use to seal your packages of soap. Shrink wrap or what. We are

>looking into a food dehydrator and also something to seal our soaps

>and stuff. You all have so much info and experience. does anyone here

>have a list of everyones business web site or info on your business

>and how you do business?

>I hope what I wrote was allowed. Please forgive me if i posted

>something that wastn't.





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  • 11 months later...


My name is Tina, I'm dx CFS, have a 12 yr old daughter dx ADHD/CFS/Learning

Disability, and a 10 yr old daughter dx autism. I've posted a couple of

times before introducing myself...life has been very busy preparing for an

upcoming event. Our family has always been very active in advocacy and

promoting progress for healing our diseases. I am looking forward to

learning from and sharing with you all.

Tina M. Hendrix


Vice-President, California Coalition

Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndromes

Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADD/ADHD, Learning Disorders, Hyperactivity, CFS,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome ...

jase7511 wrote:

> Hi.. I am new the the group. My name is , live in NH, 34

> yrsold, stay at home mom, and love auto racing. I have many tapes.

> simmons, leslie sansone, tae bo, and others. Today I dusted

> them all off. Got my food mover out. AND am striving to meet my

> goals that I have set for myself for the next week. WHICH are....

> 100 ounces of water

> exercise 6 times this week.


> My weigh in this morning was 243...



> NH




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Im 27 and live in MA.. I to have alot of tapes.. tae

bo, richard simmons and a few others.. I just need to

fix my vcr so i can start doing them again.. I might

need to just buy a whole new one.. We will see tho..


--- jase7511 <Jase4567@...> wrote:

> Hi.. I am new the the group. My name is , live

> in NH, 34

> yrsold, stay at home mom, and love auto racing. I

> have many tapes.

> simmons, leslie sansone, tae bo, and others.

> Today I dusted

> them all off. Got my food mover out. AND am

> striving to meet my

> goals that I have set for myself for the next week.

> WHICH are....

> 100 ounces of water

> exercise 6 times this week.


> My weigh in this morning was 243...



> NH




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--- jase7511 <Jase4567@...> wrote:

> Hi.. I am new the the group. My name is , live

> in NH, 34

> yrsold, stay at home mom, and love auto racing. I

> have many tapes.

> simmons, leslie sansone, tae bo, and others.

> Today I dusted

> them all off. Got my food mover out. AND am

> striving to meet my

> goals that I have set for myself for the next week.

> WHICH are....

> 100 ounces of water

> exercise 6 times this week.


> My weigh in this morning was 243...



> NH

Welcome !!

Sounds like you are ready to roll!!! I had to dust

those same tapes off...except those taebo tapes...I

have them....I HATE them!!! I guess because I am so

uncoordinated!!! LOL





Cincinnati, Ohio

A Winner Never Quits and A Quitter Never Wins.

Feel free to add me to your Messenger: cincyporkchop


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

> Hi everyone!

Hi, Lynn!

> I have been searching through many clubs

With converting all those clubs to discussion groups, your old stuff

is probably disappearing, not just inactive. This is a mailing list ( " group "

in -speak) and works a little different.

to try to find

> one that is active. I hate joining a club and I be the only one

This happens to me quite a lot with mailing lists, even some with over 300


> and I am 19 yrs old and

A baby!! My son is 18, just to give you a hint to *my* age.

> I live in ville, FL. I am 5'4 and 285lbs.

I'm in gritty, urban NJ, 5 mi. from NYC, 5'5 " last time I measured, and I'm

down to 250 from my high of 292.

I am open to EVERY

> kind of diet, excercise program, tips, and advice I can get.

Between all of us here we've done it all, from fasting, to doctor prescribed

amphetamines to liquid diets. This list was originally formed by ladies who

all met on the Helpin' Boards, as the description on our

home page on says. If you hit the Bookmarks on the site you'll find

information on 's plan, as well as links to a few other healthy food

plans and recipes. The files section also has a bunch of recipes to start

you off. 100-plus

> I think thats it.

Do you still live at home or are you in charge of feeding yourself? It makes

a big difference when it comes time to following a healthy food plan,

especially if mom shops and cooks and you're *forced* to eat (you live under

my roof, you eat what I cook) breaded pork chops and gravy when you're

allowed a plain chop, no gravy, and veggies.

> Oh, I almost forgot, I read a few posts back and foodmover keeps

> coming up. I have never heard of it? Is it helping any? Also,

The FoodMover is a gadget sold by . Like I said, this list

relies heavily on ' stuff. Take a peek at the Bookmarks and

your questions will be answered.

Sue in NJ

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Wow, great post Vickie! I'm new here too, but welcome! I'm sure you'll do

great! Great job on the loss you've had already!!



Hi all - I'm new to this group and BFL. I'm 38, a SAHM to the two

bestest kids (im biased) Grayson(4) and Delaney(aka DJ 2). Who needs

to exercise when you're running after two little ones all day every

day?!?!?!? I do I do!!! I got lucky and found this group through

Skwigg's () website. Thanks ! You all (ya'll - I'm in

Texas!) sound like a great group of people!

I've lost 113 pounds with the " typical " diet - low fat, high carb,

with a little help from my doctor, blah, blah, blah! The weight came

off but I was left with this " wiggly stuff " all over me! I really

belived that this was just how it was going to be and was destined to

a life of capris and 3/4-length sleeve shirts!! Then I discovered

Skwigg's website and Bill ' Body for Life. As I was reading

about all of the transformations, I thought " if they can do it, then,

by golly, so can I!! " . Pam Brown's story is phenomenal! If she can

find the time, strength and motivation, then I CERTAINLY don't have

an excuse!!! So here I am - C1W3D1 - and I feel better than ever!

Sorry this is so long but I am so excited!!! {{{{breaking into very

bad rendition of song by pointer sisters}}}}!! I am looking forward

to the swift kick in the arse that I sometimes need to stay on

track!!! Thanks for letting me join in!!


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Hi and welcome to the board~

BFL is awesome because it combines good balance nutrition with weights and

cardio [a well balanced exercise program] which will eventually rid yourself

of the flabby extras that dieting alone leave behind.

Good luck and BTW congrats on your weight loss so far!




> Hi all - I'm new to this group and BFL. I'm 38, a SAHM to the two

> bestest kids (im biased) Grayson(4) and Delaney(aka DJ 2). Who needs

> to exercise when you're running after two little ones all day every

> day?!?!?!? I do I do!!! I got lucky and found this group through

> Skwigg's () website. Thanks ! You all (ya'll - I'm in

> Texas!) sound like a great group of people!


> I've lost 113 pounds with the " typical " diet - low fat, high carb,

> with a little help from my doctor, blah, blah, blah! The weight came

> off but I was left with this " wiggly stuff " all over me! I really

> belived that this was just how it was going to be and was destined to

> a life of capris and 3/4-length sleeve shirts!! Then I discovered

> Skwigg's website and Bill ' Body for Life. As I was reading

> about all of the transformations, I thought " if they can do it, then,

> by golly, so can I!! " . Pam Brown's story is phenomenal! If she can

> find the time, strength and motivation, then I CERTAINLY don't have

> an excuse!!! So here I am - C1W3D1 - and I feel better than ever!


> Sorry this is so long but I am so excited!!! {{{{breaking into very

> bad rendition of song by pointer sisters}}}}!! I am looking forward

> to the swift kick in the arse that I sometimes need to stay on

> track!!! Thanks for letting me join in!!

> Vickie




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Vickie!!! You made it! I'm so excited! I'm jumping up and down like an idiot!

This woman lost a HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN POUNDS people! Now we need to get her

totally ripped. Phooey on those capri pants and long sleeved shirts! You're

going to be looking awesome in short shorts and little muscle tanks. :-)


Hi all - I'm new to this group and BFL. I'm 38, a SAHM to the two

bestest kids (im biased) Grayson(4) and Delaney(aka DJ 2). Who needs

to exercise when you're running after two little ones all day every

day?!?!?!? I do I do!!! I got lucky and found this group through

Skwigg's () website. Thanks ! You all (ya'll - I'm in

Texas!) sound like a great group of people!

I've lost 113 pounds with the " typical " diet - low fat, high carb,

with a little help from my doctor, blah, blah, blah! The weight came

off but I was left with this " wiggly stuff " all over me! I really

belived that this was just how it was going to be and was destined to

a life of capris and 3/4-length sleeve shirts!! Then I discovered

Skwigg's website and Bill ' Body for Life. As I was reading

about all of the transformations, I thought " if they can do it, then,

by golly, so can I!! " . Pam Brown's story is phenomenal! If she can

find the time, strength and motivation, then I CERTAINLY don't have

an excuse!!! So here I am - C1W3D1 - and I feel better than ever!

Sorry this is so long but I am so excited!!! {{{{breaking into very

bad rendition of song by pointer sisters}}}}!! I am looking forward

to the swift kick in the arse that I sometimes need to stay on

track!!! Thanks for letting me join in!!


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oh gosh, golly, gee! (blushing) I finally posted after lurking for

days!!! Thanks!!!! Now if I could just get the little crumb monkeys

out of my lap I might possibly be able to type! And yes - I need to

be ripped. I want to be the baddest, biggest, rippedest(is that a

word? it is in the Victionary) Soccer Mom on the block!!!!! I have

been following the BFL book verbatim except for one small minor

indescretion - I have a thing (okay - an obsession)for peanut

butter! And it's everywhere!! With kids you gotta have pb! Okay

now I will stop rambling. Any and all input is greatly appreciated!

Thanks! Vic

---In @y..., " Skwigg " <skwigg@k...> wrote:

> Vickie!!! You made it! I'm so excited! I'm jumping up and down like

an idiot!

> This woman lost a HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN POUNDS people! Now we need

to get her

> totally ripped. Phooey on those capri pants and long sleeved

shirts! You're

> going to be looking awesome in short shorts and little muscle

tanks. :-)





> newbie



> Hi all - I'm new to this group and BFL. I'm 38, a SAHM to the two

> bestest kids (im biased) Grayson(4) and Delaney(aka DJ 2). Who


> to exercise when you're running after two little ones all day every

> day?!?!?!? I do I do!!! I got lucky and found this group through

> Skwigg's () website. Thanks ! You all (ya'll - I'm in

> Texas!) sound like a great group of people!


> I've lost 113 pounds with the " typical " diet - low fat, high carb,

> with a little help from my doctor, blah, blah, blah! The weight


> off but I was left with this " wiggly stuff " all over me! I really

> belived that this was just how it was going to be and was destined


> a life of capris and 3/4-length sleeve shirts!! Then I discovered

> Skwigg's website and Bill ' Body for Life. As I was reading

> about all of the transformations, I thought " if they can do it,


> by golly, so can I!! " . Pam Brown's story is phenomenal! If she can

> find the time, strength and motivation, then I CERTAINLY don't have

> an excuse!!! So here I am - C1W3D1 - and I feel better than ever!


> Sorry this is so long but I am so excited!!! {{{{breaking into very

> bad rendition of song by pointer sisters}}}}!! I am looking forward

> to the swift kick in the arse that I sometimes need to stay on

> track!!! Thanks for letting me join in!!

> Vickie

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-You go girl!!! What an accomplishment!!! You are gonna look great

when we get through with you!!! Keep going, the best is yet to come!!


-- In @y..., " Skwigg " <skwigg@k...> wrote:

> Vickie!!! You made it! I'm so excited! I'm jumping up and down like

an idiot!

> This woman lost a HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN POUNDS people! Now we need

to get her

> totally ripped. Phooey on those capri pants and long sleeved

shirts! You're

> going to be looking awesome in short shorts and little muscle

tanks. :-)





> newbie



> Hi all - I'm new to this group and BFL. I'm 38, a SAHM to the two

> bestest kids (im biased) Grayson(4) and Delaney(aka DJ 2). Who


> to exercise when you're running after two little ones all day every

> day?!?!?!? I do I do!!! I got lucky and found this group through

> Skwigg's () website. Thanks ! You all (ya'll - I'm in

> Texas!) sound like a great group of people!


> I've lost 113 pounds with the " typical " diet - low fat, high carb,

> with a little help from my doctor, blah, blah, blah! The weight


> off but I was left with this " wiggly stuff " all over me! I really

> belived that this was just how it was going to be and was destined


> a life of capris and 3/4-length sleeve shirts!! Then I discovered

> Skwigg's website and Bill ' Body for Life. As I was reading

> about all of the transformations, I thought " if they can do it,


> by golly, so can I!! " . Pam Brown's story is phenomenal! If she can

> find the time, strength and motivation, then I CERTAINLY don't have

> an excuse!!! So here I am - C1W3D1 - and I feel better than ever!


> Sorry this is so long but I am so excited!!! {{{{breaking into very

> bad rendition of song by pointer sisters}}}}!! I am looking forward

> to the swift kick in the arse that I sometimes need to stay on

> track!!! Thanks for letting me join in!!

> Vickie

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I'm not a mother, and I don't even portray one on TV, but I have to

give my opinion on something. Consider the source, if you don't agree.

If it isn't healthy for you to eat it, why do you want to feed it to

your kids? Where do you think you learned your eating habits? Where

are the kids learning theirs? According to Fitday, a PBJ sandwich

has 334 calories, 14.55 grams of fat, 41.64 grams of carbs, and 10.66

grams of protein. That is a huge number of calories, and 50% of them

from fat, for a child to eat. I LOVE PBJ sandwiches! And I have the

body to prove it!

I'm not saying throw out all the things that the kids like tonight,

and tomorrow make them eat brussle sprouts! I'm just saying you

might want to start moving them over to healthier eating now, while

they are young.

I've said this before, and many mothers tell me that they can't get

their kids to eat any other way. I remember once seeing a documentary

about a South American aboriginal community. They showed children

eating live grubs...kids eat what you tell the is good.


just my opinion

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Alys is right about some of the stuff kids want to eat these days..LOL

My kids love PB & J [so do I during that time of the month] so I make them a

healthier version of the old stand by and it taste just as good~

~~PB & J The Healthier Way~~

2 slices of Reduced calorie whole wheat bread

1 tsp. of reduced fat peanut butter

1 tsp. of Smuckers Light Sugar Free Preserves [any flavor]

1 tsp. of the peanut butter and the preserves do go a long way when you

spread it on the bread...instead of gooping it on like our mothers did~ LOL!

This makes one serving and the stats are;





I will have this at the most 2 times a month to take care of that craving

and I drink a plain chocolate protein shake made with just protein powder,

water and LOTS of ice :0)...Just like drinking chocolate milk with it

without the all of the carbs.

So yes this is not the best nutritonal lunch you can have [chicken breast,

salad, and a piece of fruit would be better] but making it my way won't be

the end of your progress either...hee hee and it will take care of the

comfort food needs during that time of the month.


<<who believes that all of the old time favs can be made into healthier


Re: newbie

> I'm not a mother, and I don't even portray one on TV, but I have to

> give my opinion on something. Consider the source, if you don't agree.


> If it isn't healthy for you to eat it, why do you want to feed it to

> your kids? Where do you think you learned your eating habits? Where

> are the kids learning theirs? According to Fitday, a PBJ sandwich

> has 334 calories, 14.55 grams of fat, 41.64 grams of carbs, and 10.66

> grams of protein. That is a huge number of calories, and 50% of them

> from fat, for a child to eat. I LOVE PBJ sandwiches! And I have the

> body to prove it!


> I'm not saying throw out all the things that the kids like tonight,

> and tomorrow make them eat brussle sprouts! I'm just saying you

> might want to start moving them over to healthier eating now, while

> they are young.


> I've said this before, and many mothers tell me that they can't get

> their kids to eat any other way. I remember once seeing a documentary

> about a South American aboriginal community. They showed children

> eating live grubs...kids eat what you tell the is good.


> Alys

> just my opinion





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And we thank you for your support " clink " - but I still have quite a

way to go and I am kickin' arse and takin' names later! LOL!!! I did

UBWO today and I am DYING!!!!! But it's a very good kind of death!!

I have the " baby bulge " but it's more like the " baby boulder " ! I had

3 pregnancies within 3 1/2 years and my lower abs are completely

shot! But I will get there!!! I refuse to be beaten by some low

hangin' flabby flab! Sorry - maybe TMI?!

Anyway - thanks - I am sooo very glad to have found this group!!! My

dh just doesn't get it - he thinks I look fine! What a great guy!!!

Speaking of, he loves KK donuts!


-- In @y..., alysd38 <no_reply@y...> wrote:

> Vikkie, 113# is remarkable! With that kind of stick-to-it-


> you are going to be one buff babe at the end of 12 weeks of BFL!


> Alys

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I definitely agree with alys about where kids learn their food habits

(and other habits as well). I learned from my mom and grandmother.

Growing up always thinking that if I ate just a little more biscuits

and gravy everything would be fine! LOL!!! I haven't eaten like that

in just about forever! My Grandmother used to give me 6 choco chip

cookies with a large glass of full-fat milk as a snack when I got

home from school!!! Oh my!!!

Your recipe for pb sandwich is exactly what I give them when I make

it for lunch - minus the jam (they won't go near the stuff - I guess

it's a texture thing!) And they love wheat bread - I don't buy any

other kind and have really gotten in to making my own when time

allows. They will only eat 1/2 of a sandwich anyway and as a side

it's usually leftover veggies from the night before or pretzels.

I crave pb during that " time " also. I will usually just have a dab

on a wheat cracker or two and that takes care of it (most of the

time!). I just have to learn to PUT THE JAR BACK INTO THE PANTRY IN

THE VERY BACK so I can't see it! LOL! Somedays I have an iron will

and other days willpower has left the building!!! I'm working on

it!! Thank you for your input!!


> Alys is right about some of the stuff kids want to eat these


> My kids love PB & J [so do I during that time of the month] so I make

them a

> healthier version of the old stand by and it taste just as good~


> ~~PB & J The Healthier Way~~

> 2 slices of Reduced calorie whole wheat bread

> 1 tsp. of reduced fat peanut butter

> 1 tsp. of Smuckers Light Sugar Free Preserves [any flavor]

> 1 tsp. of the peanut butter and the preserves do go a long way when


> spread it on the bread...instead of gooping it on like our mothers

did~ LOL!

> This makes one serving and the stats are;

> Calories:155

> Protein:7g.

> Carbs:26g.

> Fats:4g.

> I will have this at the most 2 times a month to take care of that


> and I drink a plain chocolate protein shake made with just protein


> water and LOTS of ice :0)...Just like drinking chocolate milk with


> without the all of the carbs.


> So yes this is not the best nutritonal lunch you can have [chicken


> salad, and a piece of fruit would be better] but making it my way

won't be

> the end of your progress either...hee hee and it will take care of


> comfort food needs during that time of the month.


> Joann

> <<who believes that all of the old time favs can be made into


> meals>>

> Re: newbie



> > I'm not a mother, and I don't even portray one on TV, but I have


> > give my opinion on something. Consider the source, if you don't


> >

> > If it isn't healthy for you to eat it, why do you want to feed it


> > your kids? Where do you think you learned your eating habits?


> > are the kids learning theirs? According to Fitday, a PBJ sandwich

> > has 334 calories, 14.55 grams of fat, 41.64 grams of carbs, and


> > grams of protein. That is a huge number of calories, and 50% of


> > from fat, for a child to eat. I LOVE PBJ sandwiches! And I have


> > body to prove it!

> >

> > I'm not saying throw out all the things that the kids like


> > and tomorrow make them eat brussle sprouts! I'm just saying you

> > might want to start moving them over to healthier eating now,


> > they are young.

> >

> > I've said this before, and many mothers tell me that they can't


> > their kids to eat any other way. I remember once seeing a


> > about a South American aboriginal community. They showed children

> > eating live grubs...kids eat what you tell the is good.

> >

> > Alys

> > just my opinion

> >

> >

> >

> >

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From the " I can't believe I ate that " file:

When I was a kid I used to come home EVERY DAY and eat Chips Ahoy

cookies with milk. Yum. To this day, I cannot even have them in the

house, or the whole bag will be gone.

In high school I used to eat a cinnamon bun for lunch. Ugh.

In college I used to get a turkey sandwich on a bagel (the size of my

head) and DIP, yes DIP it into mayonnaise.

Ahh, age is the key to the door of wisdom, eh!

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I just have to add to this ... in elementary school I got a full-sized chocolate

bar every day for recess, in junior high I would come home and make myself one

or two (!) grilled cheese sandwiches for an after school snack (??!!), and in

both junior high and high school I would, almost daily, have six Fudgeo cookies

after school. Ahhh, those were the days! lol Oh, I almost forgot - in

elementary school, one of my favorite snacks was Premium Plus crackers with

mayonnaise spread over top or potato chip sandwiches with summer sausage as the

filling!!! Geesh, just writing it makes me feel my arteries harden now! lol

I do find it really difficult though now in figuring out meals for my kids as I

feel like I'm really starting from scratch as I certainly don't want to give

them those kinds of habits!


Re: newbie



> > I'm not a mother, and I don't even portray one on TV, but I have


> > give my opinion on something. Consider the source, if you don't


> >

> > If it isn't healthy for you to eat it, why do you want to feed it


> > your kids? Where do you think you learned your eating habits?


> > are the kids learning theirs? According to Fitday, a PBJ sandwich

> > has 334 calories, 14.55 grams of fat, 41.64 grams of carbs, and


> > grams of protein. That is a huge number of calories, and 50% of


> > from fat, for a child to eat. I LOVE PBJ sandwiches! And I have


> > body to prove it!

> >

> > I'm not saying throw out all the things that the kids like


> > and tomorrow make them eat brussle sprouts! I'm just saying you

> > might want to start moving them over to healthier eating now,


> > they are young.

> >

> > I've said this before, and many mothers tell me that they can't


> > their kids to eat any other way. I remember once seeing a


> > about a South American aboriginal community. They showed children

> > eating live grubs...kids eat what you tell the is good.

> >

> > Alys

> > just my opinion

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I have to add to the " I can't believe I ate that " file:

From the time I was five, I ate Captain Crunch peanut butter cereal

for breakfast with half and half instead of milk! It was my

grandma's idea that I needed the extra fat to grow. I ate this on

the weekends as a treat all through high school and college.

I also used to eat cream of wheat with globs of mixed in sugar,

cream, peanut butter and nutella (yes, all of them at once). I

thought it was healthy because, after all, it was a wheat product!

And let's not even get started on the fat free craze of the early- to

mid-90s. Those damn fat-free Snack Wells cookies fattened me up a

good 10 pounds. I would eat them by the box-full, cause, gee, they

were fat free. Ah, live and learn!

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Kim wrote:

> I just have to add to this ... in elementary school I got a full-sized

chocolate bar every day for recess, in junior high I would come home and make

myself one or two (!) grilled cheese sandwiches for an after school snack

(??!!), and in both junior high and high school I would, almost daily, have six

Fudgeo cookies after school. Ahhh, those were the days! lol Oh, I almost

forgot - in elementary school, one of my favorite snacks was Premium Plus

crackers with mayonnaise spread over top or potato chip sandwiches with summer

sausage as the filling!!! Geesh, just writing it makes me feel my arteries

harden now! lol


> I do find it really difficult though now in figuring out meals for my kids as

I feel like I'm really starting from scratch as I certainly don't want to give

them those kinds of habits!

> Kim

:/ My after school snack was half a head of iceburg lettuce with about 2 tsps

of italian dressing. It's not fair. :P I hate being fat and not being able to

say " it's because I had chocolate every day " or something else tasty :P~~


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Yeaa Vickie! 113 pounds! How impressive. And just think, you did that

and didn't give up peanutbutter! You are my inspiration from now on!

<bowing low at your feet>

Thanks to and her peanutbutter diet, I have realized I am

truly addicted to peanutbutter and can't have it in the house. But

somehow I made it through my first BFL challenge without eating it

and managed to end up looking pretty good. Anyway, I think the fact

that you have managed to lose so much already and didn't have to give

up a favorite food shows that you are have truly changed your

lifestyle and not just on a " diet " . Congratulations!

Do you have pics? Please share if you do! Looking forward to your



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AAAHHHH- that reminds me - potato chip and bologna sandwiches -

sounds gross but really good (when I was a kid anyway)!!! Okay - no

more memory lane - I can't go there - I don't EVER buy potato chips -

I'm like the cookie monster with any kind of chip! And they are bad

bad bad!!! <walking over and putting the chips in time-out>


In @y..., kuranes <kuranes@s...> wrote:



> Kim wrote:


> > I just have to add to this ... in elementary school I got a full-

sized chocolate bar every day for recess, in junior high I would come

home and make myself one or two (!) grilled cheese sandwiches for an

after school snack (??!!), and in both junior high and high school I

would, almost daily, have six Fudgeo cookies after school. Ahhh,

those were the days! lol Oh, I almost forgot - in elementary school,

one of my favorite snacks was Premium Plus crackers with mayonnaise

spread over top or potato chip sandwiches with summer sausage as the

filling!!! Geesh, just writing it makes me feel my arteries harden

now! lol

> >

> > I do find it really difficult though now in figuring out meals

for my kids as I feel like I'm really starting from scratch as I

certainly don't want to give them those kinds of habits!

> > Kim


> :/ My after school snack was half a head of iceburg lettuce with

about 2 tsps of italian dressing. It's not fair. :P I hate being

fat and not being able to say " it's because I had chocolate every

day " or something else tasty :P~~

> Serenity

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kikkipeace wrote:

> AAAHHHH- that reminds me - potato chip and bologna sandwiches -

> sounds gross but really good (when I was a kid anyway)!!! Okay - no

> more memory lane - I can't go there - I don't EVER buy potato chips -

> I'm like the cookie monster with any kind of chip! And they are bad

> bad bad!!! <walking over and putting the chips in time-out>


> Vic

This is something I do :) When we get our weekly free day subs I get a small

bag of chips and crunch them all over my sub. *grin*


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