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Hey Jenn, I'm also from Arkansas (southwest). I wish you the best of

luck in your endeavor. I also have about 50 lbs to lose. I use

fatburners occasionally but I don't know of any that don't have

caffeine. But, I think lots of people have success without fat

burners so you may want to give that a try first. Just wanted to

welcome a fellow Arkansan to the list!!!

Kim C.


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Hi, Kim...

I'm in eastern Arkansas; and like you, it's great to hear from a

fellow Arkansan.

I have a bit of a problem with the fat intake on the BFL program. I

suppose I'm one of these people who go a bit overboard on my dieting,

( that's probably why nothing has worked as of late).

I have read so many contradictory statements regarding added fat

(from oils , etc). If my BFL diet consists primarily on chicken and

fish, how am I to get the proper balance of fat into my diet without

adding fats?

I tried BFL a while ago, and my fats were so restricted, I couldn't

keep up. Please tell me how I can incorporate them into this plan.

Thanks so much for the great welcome. I need all the support I can


- In , tnanock <no_reply@y...>


> Hey Jenn, I'm also from Arkansas (southwest). I wish you the best


> luck in your endeavor. I also have about 50 lbs to lose. I use

> fatburners occasionally but I don't know of any that don't have

> caffeine. But, I think lots of people have success without fat

> burners so you may want to give that a try first. Just wanted to

> welcome a fellow Arkansan to the list!!!


> Kim C.


> C1/W5/D7

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Many of us do add fats in the form of flax oil or Udo's, and don't count it as

part of the 20% dietary fat that BFL calls for. If that terrifies your

inner-dieter, just eat an average of 5-7g of fat with every mini-meal. It can be

from the fat in your salmon portion, slivered almonds on your chicken, a couple

avocado wedges in your fajita, a tablespoon of peanut butter on your celery or

apple, olive oil and vinegar on your salad, some peanuts with your yogurt.

Just be sure that you keep your fat portions small and don't try to use fat

sources (almonds, peanut butter) as a protein portion. They don't even come

close. So if you have a little peanut butter on your apple, you still need a

chicken breast or a protein shake or something to balance out the meal.

Hope that gives you some ideas. :-)


I have read so many contradictory statements regarding added fat

(from oils , etc). If my BFL diet consists primarily on chicken and

fish, how am I to get the proper balance of fat into my diet without

adding fats?

I tried BFL a while ago, and my fats were so restricted, I couldn't

keep up. Please tell me how I can incorporate them into this plan.

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Getting zapped is different for everyone but yes, it sounds about



> Hello Everyone,

> I am a 22 year old female with a defibrillator over a year and a

half now.

> I have never been zap yet but I think I was zapped just last week

ago. When I

> was at work I experience a very sharp stabbing pain that only

lasted a few

> minutes and it was score and I felt jolt as well. Does this sound

like I have

> been zapped? I am due to see my cardiologist in 2 weeks. I also


> dizziness ever since I was 14 now I am 22. Hope to hear from you


> soon. Write Back Soon,

> Take Care,

> Leah

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Leah, you're very young to have this awesome disease, it sounds as if you had an appropriate shock therapy. What I'm confused about is why would you not call your EP rather than a cardiologist as it's his call and only he is qualified to do the actual interrogation and assessment. Gordon Newbie Hello Everyone, I am a 22 year old female with a defibrillator over a year and a half now. I have never been zap yet but I think I was zapped just last week ago. When I was at work I experience a very sharp stabbing pain that only lasted a few minutes and it was score and I felt jolt as well. Does this sound like I have been zapped? I am due to see my cardiologist in 2 weeks. I also experience dizziness ever since I was 14 now I am 22. Hope to hear from you guys/gals soon. Write Back Soon, Take Care, Leah Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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Have you tried talking to him and telling him exactly how you feel?

My fiance and I started this program together too almost 4 weeks

ago. He just needs to gain muscle - I need to gain muscle and lose

fat. Anyway, he cheats sometimes (way more than I do) and often

encourages me to " have a little fun " too. I told him how I felt and

that didn't work that well. But then I told him one of the reasons I

wanted a better body was because I wanted to feel more attractive.

Feeling more attractive makes me want to be intimate more often.

Needless to say after I told him that he doesn't encourage me to

cheat anymore. (Some guys are so easy)

> Hi everyone. I am new to Body for Life and really needing some

> support. My husband and I started the program together, (his idea

> but a great one) and now I feel like he is sabatoging me. help!

> does any one else have this problem? I am actually doing really


> sticking to it (thats a first). But he keeps cheating and then


> me feel like a jerk when I try and renforce the changes I've made.

> (don't drink soda any more, he buys one for me at the store.


> does anyone have any Ideas what I can do in these situations?

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I can't relate to this personally, because my boyfriend has been

nothing but supportive. However, I can only imagine how frustrating

that would be. All I can suggest is that you really talk to him

about it, tell him how important this is to you, and that this is a

choice you made for YOU. If he doesn't follow the program, fine, but

he needs to respect your wishes.


> Hi everyone. I am new to Body for Life and really needing some

> support. My husband and I started the program together, (his idea

> but a great one) and now I feel like he is sabatoging me. help!

> does any one else have this problem? I am actually doing really


> sticking to it (thats a first). But he keeps cheating and then


> me feel like a jerk when I try and renforce the changes I've made.

> (don't drink soda any more, he buys one for me at the store.


> does anyone have any Ideas what I can do in these situations?

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Yes thank you for that but I have talked to him some but it seems he

just isn't as into it. Being married 8 years with 4 kids probably has

something to do with it. I think men tend to get " comfortable " And

weight isn't as but of an issue at least for my husband. I almost

think he's proud of his beer belly. Well no matter what he does, I'm

sticking to it. I refuse to remain huge and uncomfortable in my own

body. Thanks again for the advice every bit helps.


> > Hi everyone. I am new to Body for Life and really needing some

> > support. My husband and I started the program together, (his


> > but a great one) and now I feel like he is sabatoging me. help!

> > does any one else have this problem? I am actually doing really

> well

> > sticking to it (thats a first). But he keeps cheating and then

> makes

> > me feel like a jerk when I try and renforce the changes I've


> > (don't drink soda any more, he buys one for me at the store.

> etc...)

> > does anyone have any Ideas what I can do in these situations?

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I'm sorry to hear about your husband! Sounds to me like he feels guilty about

cheating and it would make him feel better if you did too. Don't let him make

you feel like that! Stand your ground and eventually he'll see that with you

making progress you can set a good example for him. This is for YOU and you

have to reember that! Take care and good luck!



Hi everyone. I am new to Body for Life and really needing some

support. My husband and I started the program together, (his idea

but a great one) and now I feel like he is sabatoging me. help!

does any one else have this problem? I am actually doing really well

sticking to it (thats a first). But he keeps cheating and then makes

me feel like a jerk when I try and renforce the changes I've made.

(don't drink soda any more, he buys one for me at the store. etc...)

does anyone have any Ideas what I can do in these situations?

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I suggest you thank him for the soda, then do some wrist curls with

it :) And remember, no one can " make " you feel any particular way,

that's all in your control. Adversity is a teacher, so times like

this are a good time to work on crossing that abyss. It'll get

easier, promise :)

-- In , " Kim Liebert "

<eric.liebert@t...> wrote:

> I'm sorry to hear about your husband! Sounds to me like he feels

guilty about cheating and it would make him feel better if you did

too. Don't let him make you feel like that! Stand your ground and

eventually he'll see that with you making progress you can set a good

example for him. This is for YOU and you have to reember that! Take

care and good luck!

> ~kimmah

> Newbie



> Hi everyone. I am new to Body for Life and really needing some

> support. My husband and I started the program together, (his


> but a great one) and now I feel like he is sabatoging me. help!

> does any one else have this problem? I am actually doing really


> sticking to it (thats a first). But he keeps cheating and then


> me feel like a jerk when I try and renforce the changes I've


> (don't drink soda any more, he buys one for me at the store.


> does anyone have any Ideas what I can do in these situations?




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You must work throught the soreness. Some people take Advil, hot

showers, saunas, and glutamine. I have a heat/massager and take

Advil, when needed. I'm not sure on the eggbeater question; I use

4or5whites + 1yolk. I drink 2-4 cups of coffee w/ skim milk and

sugar substitute each day. Just make sure you drink lots of water as

caffiene is a diuretic. (I drink about 6L/day)

Work hard/eat well,


> Hey all,

> Just started BodyforLife on Sunday. Any suggestions for the first

> week? I am very sore from the workouts. Question: Egg


> much is a portion? one carton (which is 2 eggs). Also is coffee


> to drink? Usually i have it w/ skim milk but then would that be

> considered " cheating " ?

> Thanks...it's encouraging reading about all of your progresses.

> wynne

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I use 1/2 cup of Egg Beaters and mix it with a little skim milk. Try

adding dill weed, tasty!

I drink a cup of coffee every morning (maybe 6-8 oz?). I add some

skim milk. I used to drink *a lot* of coffee, so this is an



> Hey all,

> Just started BodyforLife on Sunday. Any suggestions for the first

> week? I am very sore from the workouts. Question: Egg


> much is a portion? one carton (which is 2 eggs). Also is coffee


> to drink? Usually i have it w/ skim milk but then would that be

> considered " cheating " ?

> Thanks...it's encouraging reading about all of your progresses.

> wynne

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> hello my name is doni 42 married sahm 1 dd i homeschool.

Welcome, Doni. You'll meet lots of like-minded women here. I'm 49, have one

son, who was homeschooled from grades 6-12, who is currently attending

college for engineering on scholarship (thanks to homeschooling, I'm sure),

and I, too, have a bit over 100 pounds to lose.

Hopefully the winter slump is now over and you'll see a lot of posts here.

Be sure to check the Files and Links sections, as well as the list's

archives for helpful hints and recipes.

Sue in NJ

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Anne Marie,

Welcome. As long as you are under you dr's care concerning the

thyroid (meds and/or monitoring), you WILL see results. I started

seeing them in a wk or 2. I felt better, physically/mentally, and

the tape measure showed some progress too.

You CAN do this,


> Is there someone out there who weighed about 174 and had

> a thyroid problem and this still worked?


> Does it really take a month to see results?


> Thanks Anne Marie

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  • 3 months later...
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Anne 10 pounds and 25 in. is fabulous. Maybe I will start keeping track of my miles. How many do you do a day?


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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Anne we all share this same problem!

I have to say food mover has helped me greatly.

I did it in steps though. First I tried to just eat the foods on the food mover. IE watch my protions, and fat in take. When I finally had that down. I got out paper and pen, and wrote out a schedule where I eat 6 times a day. I don't have a specific calorie intake for each meal. I jsut make sure at the end of the day I am with in the cals of the food mover. I do try to eat less carbs, and smaller meals as the day closes. Cause I heard that you will lose more that way. Eat more in the beginning of the day, less towards the end. And carbs need to be worked off, ie you need to be moving around to burn them off, or they turn to fat, so if you eat them right before bed time they turn to fat.

Any way it is helping me.

Sit down with paper and pen and make 6 times a day to eat. And try to stick to it as best you can. the Food mover is based on the ADA-American Diabetic Association Diet, which is good for low blood sugar too. Low blood sugar, and high blood sugar people need on the same diet, believe it or not. Give it a try. You dont' want to be like me. I had low blood sugar, and becaues I didn't take care of it, my pancrease wore out, and I'm a diabetic now.

in NY

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 23:59:51 -0000 "Anne" <amg302003@...> writes:

I have been coming online and reading the messages for awhile and I usually keep to myself but tonight I feel like I could use a friend. I have been working hard for the last 8 weeks on walking (I started with 7 mins. and now I can walk from 30 mins. to an hour a day). I have walked a total of 44 1/2 miles. I have only lost 10 pounds but as of Mon. I have lost a total of 25 1/2 inches (from head to toe..lol.) The problem I am having is that I can't get myself to eat the way I want. My doc. told me about a year ago that I have really low blood sugur and that I should eat 5 to 6 mini meals a day. We decided on about 233 calories and 3.3 grams a fat per meal (1400 total calories and 20 total fat a day). I never can think about eating my mini meals until I start to notice that my blood sugur has dropped. This week I was planning on eating my mini meals and I did good on Mon. until I stopped at McD. for supper (my excuse was that my son had a baseball game and it would be to late when I got home to eat.) On Tues. I was doing good until on of my co-workers asked me if I would like to order out. And today I didn't make it pass lunch. I work in a preschool and I have to serve breakfast/lunch to my students and some days I have a really hard time not eating what they are having for lunch. To make matters worse I get to eat all I want for free. I just feel soooo much out of control and I don't have anyone who can understand what I am going though. Sorry I needed to vent.Anne

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I think that would be hard for me, as well. 233 calories per meal sounds

like nothing. I would rather do something like 350-150-400-100-300, and

since fat doesn't affect blood sugar, I wouldn't worry too much if I had the

grams exact. How much fat can you be eating in a day if you are only eating

1400 calories?

What is counting calories like? I have never tried it. I have only done

weighing and measuring and trusted that the food plan designer did the

counting for me.

I was at work one day and my blood sugar was 58 during one of those health


Do you need the full 233 at each meal to manage the hypoglycemia or can you

spread it out more?


>From: " Anne " <amg302003@...>



>Subject: Newbie

>Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 23:59:51 -0000



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I have been coming online and reading the messages for awhile and I

usually keep to myself but tonight I feel like I could use a

friend. I have been working hard for the last 8 weeks on walking (I

started with 7 mins. and now I can walk from 30 mins. to an hour a

day). I have walked a total of 44 1/2 miles. I have only lost 10

pounds but as of Mon. I have lost a total of 25 1/2 inches (from

head to toe..lol.) The problem I am having is that I can't get

myself to eat the way I want. My doc. told me about a year ago that

I have really low blood sugur and that I should eat 5 to 6 mini

meals a day. We decided on about 233 calories and 3.3 grams a fat

per meal (1400 total calories and 20 total fat a day). I never can

think about eating my mini meals until I start to notice that my

blood sugur has dropped. This week I was planning on eating my mini

meals and I did good on Mon. until I stopped at McD. for supper (my

excuse was that my son had a baseball game and it would be to late

when I got home to eat.) On Tues. I was doing good until on of my co-

workers asked me if I would like to order out. And today I didn't

make it pass lunch. I work in a preschool and I have to serve

breakfast/lunch to my students and some days I have a really hard

time not eating what they are having for lunch. To make matters

worse I get to eat all I want for free. I just feel soooo much out

of control and I don't have anyone who can understand what I am

going though. Sorry I needed to vent.


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OH, MY! Anyone who can throw away a cupcake is my hero. I agree with you,

though. I could have a 3 " cookie and use up my starch exchanges, but if I

am accountable for everything I eat, I would rather have the pasta, potato,

or bread.


>From: sheri kissinger <robin7490@...>



>Subject: Re: Newbie

>Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 06:21:28 -0700 (PDT)


the hardest thing is when the kids bring in cup cakes for their b days. i

learn to say hunny just stick it on my desk when i get a chance to eat it i

will and wish them happy b day. i will ask a co worker or another child if

they want it or throw it away for me that way my hands never touch it and i

do not hurt any childs feelings. i usually also bring a salad in or eat one

of theirs. and fill up on the veggies and fruit. it is hard but we can do

this. remember nothing taste better then the taste of thin.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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I once had a GI Dr call me into his office and in so many words tell

me that he did'nt believe me regarding all the pain (spasms) I was

experiencing due to my " A " problem. And that he thought I was using

my illness as a way of getting out of going to work.

There are many GI Dr's out there that know very little about Achalasia

and therefore very ignorant when it comes the their bedside manner in

dealing with an " A " patient. Far more research has to be done on

achalasia as well as more public awarness of the subject.

I had a Myotomy and Fundoplication in 92. The recoop for me was not

without much discomfort. I lost a section of rib in the process as

well. Laperoscopic means of the surgery were not an option for me.

But, once I healed up I would have to say I was 80% better when it

came to my swallowing. I now have increased pain (spasms) which I

suffer from at least two to three times a week. Loss of very much

needed sleep is a norm for me. And a constant awarness of me having

a spasm attack is with me everywhere I go. Achalasia has also got me

on the verge of loosing my job. It's also a concern for my wife and I

when planning special events. Going on trips etc.... I carry a bottle

of water with me everywhere I go. It helps with the attacks of pain.


> I'm so glad I found you all. It helps just knowing there are others

> who suffer as much as I do with achalasia. I've got basically the

> same story as most of you.....in my 40's, suffered with spasms and

> pain, dysphagia and regurgitation for a couple of years now, been


> 10 doctors of one specialty or another and not one has been able to

> provide any kind of real relief so far. I'm frustrated and getting

> fed up with the lack of knowledge about achalasia in the medical

> community. I actually had one doctor ask me what achalasia is when


> told him I had been diagnosed with it. (I got my purse, paid the

> receptionist and left. I kind of figured he probably wasn't going


> be able to help me.)

> Has anyone had experience with any doctors in the Northeast PA


> From what I've been told there aren't many around here who even


> to deal with it. Reading your posts about your personal experiences

> with surgery and treatments helps so much. I feel more confident


> that surgery is the right option for me. Now I'm just wondering if


> fundoplication is as helpful as some would have you believe. I've

> heard both good and horrible things about it....just like anything

> else. Can anyone offer a little input as to their experience with

> myotomy and fundoplication surgery? Any info would be greatly

> appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Sharon

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I go to Geisinger Med center in Danville Pa. There I see a Dr. Inverso, who is wonderful. I am going in 2 weeks to make plans for myotomy, with him.

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> I go to Geisinger Med center in Danville Pa. There I see a Dr.

Inverso, who

> is wonderful. I am going in 2 weeks to make plans for myotomy, with


I saw Dr. Inverso too a few weeks ago. You're right....he's wonderful

and has an incredible bedside manner. He doesn't do surgery though

and will more than likely refer you to Dr. Petrick at Geisinger. I'm

seeing him this coming Tuesday to schedule my surgery. From what I've

been told Dr. Petrick is THE man to see in our area for achalasia

treatment. I spoke with his nurse last week and she told me he has

two myotomies scheduled for July and did 3 in June. I guess that's a

fair number considering how few people have achalasia. At any rate

he's the one most often recommended in this area. I was just

wondering if anyone knew of anyone else. It never hurts to do a

little comparison shopping before making that purchase, so to speak.

Good luck with your myotomy and if you need a local shoulder to lean

on just give me a shout. Sometimes out of misery comes the pleasure

of meeting a new friend.


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Hi Sharon,

Where are you in NE PA? I am in the Wilkes-Barre area and am going to the

Univ. of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia on the 16th for a consultation with a

gastro specialist to determine what to do next. What specialists did you

see regarding your diagnosis? I also suffer spasms, some of them lasting a

full day and just having that closed throat feeling that pretty much knocks

me out.


" Sharon "

<Scranshoneyaol (DOT)


com> cc:

Subject: Newbie

07/02/2003 10:29


Please respond to


I'm so glad I found you all. It helps just knowing there are others

who suffer as much as I do with achalasia. I've got basically the

same story as most of you.....in my 40's, suffered with spasms and

pain, dysphagia and regurgitation for a couple of years now, been to

10 doctors of one specialty or another and not one has been able to

provide any kind of real relief so far. I'm frustrated and getting

fed up with the lack of knowledge about achalasia in the medical

community. I actually had one doctor ask me what achalasia is when I

told him I had been diagnosed with it. (I got my purse, paid the

receptionist and left. I kind of figured he probably wasn't going to

be able to help me.)

Has anyone had experience with any doctors in the Northeast PA area?

From what I've been told there aren't many around here who even want

to deal with it. Reading your posts about your personal experiences

with surgery and treatments helps so much. I feel more confident now

that surgery is the right option for me. Now I'm just wondering if a

fundoplication is as helpful as some would have you believe. I've

heard both good and horrible things about it....just like anything

else. Can anyone offer a little input as to their experience with

myotomy and fundoplication surgery? Any info would be greatly




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Hi Val,

I would suggest seeing Dr. Inverso at Geisinger in

Danville. He's a great GI man and he referred me to Dr. Tim Petrick,

also at Geisinger. I saw Dr. Petrick today and we scheduled my

surgery for August 6th. He seems very knowledgable about Achalasia

and has done over 50 myotomies and fundoplications. He answered all

my questions before I even had a chance to ask them, took his time

and explained in detail what he planned to do and gave me a good

feeling of security. He prefers a partial wrap fundoplication over

the Nissen wrap, which suits me just fine. I feel very confident in

his abilities and his skill. I really think you might want to check

him out before you go all the way to Philly. I'd be happy to send you

his number if you'd like. Just let me know.

I'm in Avoca, by the way, and I work in Wilkes-Barre.....Hanover

Industrial Park to be exact. Seems as though we're neighbors.

Hopefully I'll still feel this good about my choice of surgeons come

August 7th. LOL


> Hi Sharon,


> Where are you in NE PA? I am in the Wilkes-Barre area and am going

to the

> Univ. of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia on the 16th for a

consultation with a

> gastro specialist to determine what to do next. What specialists

did you

> see regarding your diagnosis? I also suffer spasms, some of them

lasting a

> full day and just having that closed throat feeling that pretty

much knocks

> me out.


> Val

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