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Easy Methods To Prevent And Reduce Cellulite

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Article Title: Easy Methods To Prevent And Reduce Cellulite

Author: Anita

Word Count: 626

Article URL:

http://www.isnare.com/?id=22115 & ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

Format: 64cpl

Author's Email Address: info@...

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================== ARTICLE START ==================

This is for those people with cellulite or those who desire to

prevent it: you are advised to go on a detoxifying diet,

including in it many fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoiding

black tea, iced tea, coffee and alcohol.

The canned foods also need to be forbidden. Important aspects

to have an eye on are the water retainer alimentary substances,

which can increase the problem of having cellulite. An example

can be the sodium, existing in great amounts in the salt and

gravies like Chinese shoyu. Lactose (sugar of milk) can provide

the same effect, so it also has to be consumed with moderation.

Choose yoghurts and cheeses that possess reduced lactose. It is

also important to reduce the fat on the diet, since it

contributes for the increase of cells that produce the adipose

tissue, consequently leading to weight gaining, and this is

extremely related with the advance of the cellulite. Associated

to a balanced diet, you must practice exercises regularly.

You should rather food that contain vitamins, fibres, minerals

and fewer calories, since they regulate the process of energy

production in the system, besides diminishing the absorption of

fat of foods and controlling the restoration of tissues, keeping

your skin healthy and stunning.

Drinking water is another very important item to acknowledge.

You must drink per day, minimum two litres to hydrate the body;

this procedure assesses the kidneys in the toxin elimination and

assists in the treatment for cellulite. Here’s a hot tip:

besides all these benefits for your body, it fools the stomach

by giving it a sensation of satisfaction of already eaten


Have a lot of meals in small portions during the day. It makes

the digestion easier. You will have less appetite and your

organism will have less fat to deposit on those spots we most

hate, like thighs, hips, bum, etc.

Be sure to chew properly and slowly. This will slow down the

digestion, meaning that the stomach will take longer to send

the brain the message of the digestion, diminishing your

motivation and will to eat more.

Here are some extra tips to prevent cellulite:

• Lean protein sources must be consumed, for example the egg

white, white meat (such as chicken and fish meat) and lean red

meat (filet mignon). Instead of fried meals, you can replace it

with a grilled or baked preparation.

• Avoid food with too much fat, such as greasy pizzas, gravies,

cheese, filled bread and cookies, buttered biscuits, ice-cream,


• Choose having food that lack refined sugar. Some of these are

the pasta, potatoes and fruits. If you feel like eating a candy,

prefer a cereal bar.

• Avoid using excessive oil during the preparation of the food.

• Foods containing mostly fibre are great sources of energy and

help to diminish the absorption of fat, besides contributing for

the regulation of the intestine.

• Try to choose eating foods that do not contain salt in its

formula, like the diet cookies, margarine without salt,

vegetables and natural seasons and spices, for the same reasons

mentioned previously about the consequences of having too much


• If you prepare a meal, do not add too much salt during its

preparation neither after it’s ready. Here’s an advice: do not

place the saltcellar on the table to start with!

• Do not take sodas and alcoholic beverages, because they only

provide calories and possess no nutritional value. Prefer

juices or water.

• Practice aerobic physical exercises, like jogging, riding

bicycle and swimming; these sorts of exercises help to burn fat

and calories, consequently decreasing the cellulite.

About The Author: If you would like to know more about

cellulite, treatment, treating cellulitis and more visit


================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Anita please visit:

http://www.isnare.com/?s=author & a=Anita+

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