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Hi Cecilia,Sorry to hear about your situation. There's a way you can catch birdmites. You can use a pan with hot steaming water and leave it on the floor in the infested rooms and leave the room alone for a few hours very quiet with nobody disturbing it. After a few hours take the pan and check for anything in the water. There might be very tiny things in there, cause the mites are close to microscopic. I caught one of my samples that way when I had critters.You could also try sticky glue traps and leave them around your bed close to the feet, where the mites would climb onto your bed. I used to have some weird critters too a while ago, and they all died when I spread boric acid all over the infested rooms. You could try that, just be careful to do it when the kids aren't around.Best of luck,JessEnviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de TelcelFrom: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>Sender: bird mites Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 06:54:28 -0800 (PST)<bird mites >Reply bird mites Subject: Help! I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Good ideas Jess. Boric acid around places where you would not get it on your feet. We used diatomaceous earth on the floors for some time, but that is super drying - but non-toxic.



I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Dear Nathalie!Thanks for your message. Do you know of any protocol that we could try?ceciliaFrom: Rhoads <rhoads1230@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:38:49 PMSubject: RE: Help!

Cecilia. You are not alone. My family and i were bad off like you last year but we are so much better now. We also felt like quitting but we kept going for our children. Please let people on this site help you. Its true that very few doctors are of any help but a lot of everyday people have protocols that they have used to get this problem under control or eradicate it all together. Please dont make any decisions to end ur life.From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 6:54 AMbird mites Subject: Help! I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old

daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have

not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you

name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not

reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Thanks again Rose!I can definately read what you type. What are people over at your country doing to manage and to get rid of them?Hugs CeciliaFrom: rose <auberginedream777@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:52:13 PMSubject: Re:


Sounds just like birdmites pest control is difficult people here know what to do...it's hard sweetheart but people here are better...yes perhaps contagious but at a certain point We have to survive,too...nobody want to spread this...but people have to work don't know how most manage esp a Mom but hang on We'll help I speak English but can't type hope You can read this...i'll keep up with you everyday RoseFrom:

Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 8:30:21 AMSubject: Re: Help!

Dear Rose!Thanks for those words. I´m from Sweden so my english might not be the very best.

I´m not sure we have birdmites, but what else could it be?

Can anyone help with how to find the mites? We DO have the bites the whole family, so we know they are there, but the Pest control frim has not found any insect/mite, neither have we. But black spots in beds, at rare occasions small blood drops on sheets and also some strange round, small things like sesame a littel here and there (might have nothing with the cause, but just for info).

We need "proof" to have the insurance company pay for more pest control service (if that at all helps) Any suggestions?

It´s getting really rough here and I don´t know if I can handle any more.

DO you know if you can give this to others by for example send your kid to school?



From: rose <auberginedream777@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:19:02 PMSubject: Re: Help!

stay on this site Cecilia and you will get help it pushes everyone to a difficult point but You can get better...I am not the birdmite expert because I have another bug but many people here are don't bother listening to squabbles here there have been a few but You area newcomer and We want to help You...We know this can be hellish but people do get better....hang in there the forces are coming Rose

From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 6:54:28 AMSubject: Help!

I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot.

Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really

bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have

thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Dear !Thank you so much for all the advice. There is unfortunately many things that is not available in Sweden. You can´t buy borax in the stores, so I have ordered it now from a special pest-shop. Don´t know if I can use that for the laundry and in the house though. We put the pram in a sauna for 2 hours at 80 degrees twice- after that kept it outdoors. Here is 10 degrees celsius below 0 now and very little sun. We eat healthy and take vitamins and probiotics. Doesn´t help right now. I´m really feeling sick and I can´t cope without having my husband at home helping with all the cleaning and laundry. He will lose his job if he doesn´t come back. That way to end my life would help- I have a life insurance, which would make it possible for the other once to

move...Do you know what´s in the Windex that helps- if I could try to find something equal here?Do you know any way to capture them- to have proof for the insurance company? We have put wellpaper rolls in the rooms that a zoologist said, but haven´t caught anything there. Tried one night with hot water and a red light- couldn´t see anything.The whole family knows that we are getting bitten and as I probably said even a skin-clinic said it was bite-reactions. Still no one can or want to help. We don´t have many private doctors here- you pay a lot of money in your taxes to get health-care and there are allmost no private alternatives. Do you know if we can pay any american doctor over the internet to get any advice etc? (or probably friendly people like you have better advice..:)They don´t believe me here and I don´t know if that´s one of the worst things...I used to be a very good

athlete, also been the national coach for the Swedish aerobic team a couple of years ago. Before this came up I used to make training programs for the largest fitness chain in Scandinavia viewed by 1000s of instructors etc. I don´t care at all about that, just trying to explain that I had a good work etc. My family is my treasure but I´m not helping by being sick and not to any help. Everything is falling apart. I have started to pray.Actually we have vics vapo rub, but I tried without success. Epsom salt has been good for me to shower in. BUt the relief only last a couple of hours.I feeel sorry for you have Margellons. I´m not that familiar with it, but what I´ve read sounds no good. DId you get that from the mites?We have trown all the beds. sleeping at tent beds and air matresses. The couch is out in a freezing container, but I understand now that doesn´t help..How much

ammonia should we have in one wash/laundry and how much borax? As I wrote we don´t have 20 mule borax, only "ordinary" pest borax- so I don´t know what to do there.The bites are not the worst thing. THe crawling and not sleeping and having them with me where I go feels worst. In the beginning it was "only" bites during night and not that much crawling. The lack of sleep is awful and the fear and that nothing so far has helped. I use sleeping pills by now, but I keep waking up by the crawling and biting after 3-4 hours.My children are getting more and more affected as well. We don´t bring anyone into our house and the isolation for them is awful. HOw did you deal with that?We have wooden floors and tiles. Is that to be sparyed with ammonia?You can´t buy foggers here, at least not what I have found. Thank you so much for caring.CeciliaFrom: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 7:01:33 PMSubject: Re: Help!

Dear Cece,

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT take your life. Your children will then have no one to help in this situation. Things can get much much better, but it will take more and more work, that is true. These mites are worst at the beginning of this. Some people have been battling them for years, but most of us would agree that it does get better. I had severe allergic reaction to their bites (saliva?) and did get Lyme Disease and other infections from them. We battled them for a year very aggressively, and then for the next year mildly. The bites start to hurt less and I would wake up less at night. We threw away rugs, bedding, most furniture that included any fabric and took it all to the dump in two huge truck loads. We sprayed aggressively with Windex (do you have that in Sweden?) and later ammonia (commercial type, strongest) 4 parts water to one part ammonia. All

clothing is washed with Borax, ammonia and a clothing detergent as Arm and Hammer. This does seem to kill them, but you have to stay out of the room until the ammonia subsides. If you have wood floors spray those until the room is saturated. I believe these entities have been created as bioweapons so you have to be ready to do war against them. There are lots of things to try. First off, Vicks Vapo Rub (do you have that?) which has menthol in it can be put around the nose and eyes keeps them from going into the nose and eyes at night. I also put it around my mouth and they seem to hate menthol. Some people have had good help from infusers with menthol for the whole house. I never tried that, but did use essential oils of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Tea Tree oil and Oil of Oregano in baths. This helps. Use coconut oil for all cooking and use coconut oil on the body, even up the nose if the

nose is dry - don't know why but they hate coconut oil. Listerine mouthwash at the end of a bath or shower seems to loosen these up and they do come off with Listerine. Be careful around eyes and privates as it too can burn. I've also had good luck with peroxide to wash the skin. You also can consider getting a dehumidifier because mites depend on moisture, so get rid of all moisture in the house. Also consider after fogging close off parts of the house not used. A German friend of mine got rid of mites in record time, 6 months, by swimming daily at a club, being away traveling and not using parts of the house, just shutting them off. But it was only her in her house too. She traveled extensively during that 6 months.

Pets can be carriers of this and as you try to get rid of this sometimes a pet will carry it back into the house. Marie on this board has a ton of good suggestions to try - she lives on a farm and has many animals... I'm not handing it over to her, but you can look at her posts too, please do. Many excellent suggestions. Others here, including Bill has great suggestions. So many others have been this road.

For the time being get your best steam iron hot hot and start to iron the clothing of the children. The hottest steam will keep these mites out of the seams of clothing. If you have to buy clothing try to find something not made of cotton--polyesther or nylon. I did purchase a steam press here in the US and it made it much easier to handle all the clothing. After sanitizing I put the clothing in zip lock bags for storage. I don't need to do that any more, so you can see, that it does get much better. I haven't had a bite in months and our house was totally totally infested 2-1/2 years ago.

You have to wage the war on the internal with your children and yourselves as well on the outside. It WILL take all the courage and strength you can muster. Please know that giving up isn't an option as those children need you more than anything right now. PLEASE!!!! My sister committed suicide years ago and suicide affects the family in the worst possible way... everyone is disturbed by it. Your husband has to work a job so there will be no one to help. It is at this stage that mites can be given to others, so it is best to take care of the kids yourself. All you can do is fight this stuff. If you have the financial means there are doctors in the US who can help with fighting off the internal illnesses spread by this, Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, Klebsiella, and more. I did get Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia and more, but not Klebsiella. There is a medication here in the US that I took for a

year that helped with allergic reaction to bites: Hydroxyzine HCL. The allergic reaction becomes less with this drug and helps with sleep too. I no longer needed it after a year on it. My psychiatrist prescribed it. I also take sleep medication. You will need doctors so you will have to work with the system as best you can. Sounds like Sweden has some of the same misbeliefs about mites that they do here in the US. If they say you are delusional or the whole family is delusional, you'll have to work around that diagnosis--plead for help with certain symptoms. That's what I did. They will give you something that may help. We needed antibiotics for the Lyme but ended up going to a doctor outside of our normal health care to get help.

I would consider getting rid of the pram unless you can saturate it over and over again with ammonia water. Like shoes, we are constantly recontaminating if you are using it a lot. It's important to get sunshine for yourself and the little ones, so you may need to consider supplementing your diets with Vitamin D during this time if you don't get enough sunshine to keep the immune system more capable of fighting infections. You can't just treat anything once. It doesn't work. Shoes have to be retreated continuously, just like the body. Put Borax (do you have this?) in tub water for the children and epson salts (2 cups per bath) and let them stay and play in the water. Dry them off with a warm hair blower, not towel, because they will get a much more restful sleep. The crustiness will fall off during the night. Change sheets daily if possible and spray bedding during the day when it can

evaporate. On heavier clothing you can set your oven to a low 150 degrees F and put things like heavy jeans in the oven - be careful of this so that it does not touch flame. We have an electric oven. Freezing does not kill these but oven temperatures do as it dries them out.

Get plastic covers for mattresses that have zippers or seal all mattresses with heavy duty plastic and duct tape. These may have gone into hiding in vents and cracks, floorboards and wall voids. You may need to purchase a fogger and Cedarcide which knocks down some of these mites and other insects, but it is expensive and must be done on a routine. It isn't a one time fix. A fogger is like no other machine and other things can be put into the fogger too that can help. Vacuum floors often and spray floors. Get rid of vacuum bags as soon as possible. I used to put duct tape over the bottom of the vacuum to keep things from escaping and disposed of bags very often.

There are many strategies and protocols that you will want to read about... Please do not give up. This will take a while, but you will be so glad you did not give up. I wanted to throw a match into the house and burn it and leave, but so glad we didn't. I have my house back now. I still attract bugs and have Morgellons now, but I manage it.

Ask your higher power for help--if you believe in God--pray often. You need the help of the almighty... remember all the things that happened to Job in the bible? You need help to survive this and this is the time for spiritual awakening. When I was not in fear, I could see this as an opportunity to become deeper in my spiritual life.


I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a

lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really

bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have

thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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THanks again!Is Selsun BLue a Schampoo? We don´t have it, but I might be able to buy it thru internet?My 7 year old will have to go to school. We are not allowed to have children at home from school without a doctors certificate- and they are not giving that to us..Thanks again for answering.About catching a mite. They told us both at the skin clinic and the endomologist (or what iti s called in english) that we would see the adult mites if they were crawling on the skin. We HAVE the bites and they can see them, but never see a mite. So now I know why...Do you know what the "seed" in your hair is? I have those...Should I cut my hair. It is very thick and long...Well that´s how I think one second, the otehr second I´m

out of the earth and it´s only because of my children that I´m still here. CeciliaFrom: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 7:14:30 PMSubject: Re: Help!


Your English is just fine.

There are hundreds of types of birdmites according to a friend on this site. In one stage after a blood feed they are red from sucking blood, but so tiny you can hardly perceive them and smaller than a period. In the immature stage they are translucent and so tiny they cannot be seen. We had the black spots too, and the things that are like a seed from my hair. Can you get some Selsun Blue for your hair? I used to wash the body with it too. We had the pest management people here which didn't help at all. They found nothing, because they are too tiny to find visually.

About infection to others. This is somewhat controversial--I do believe the mites are in the house, and if someone visited or stayed at your house they could get mites. But transmission from person to person is much harder outsider of your house. There are exceptions and some people do claim they got the mites from sitting across a table from an infected person. Get rid of nests and stay away from birds in general for the time being. Do not touch nests if you have them nearby. Other animals such as mice and rats do carry birdmites. Any rodent nest must be gotten rid of too. These mites need a host or hosts, but if they are satisfied with A HOST, they will most likely not infest someone else. Why would they if they are getting enough blood from the host? This will be hard for the children, but playing outside with a friend and having no body contact would be okay. Harder to do with a 1

year old.


I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a

lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really

bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have

thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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HI, Jess!We´ve tried the glue traps- nothing there- or maby it was too tiny to see. Will try the steaming water. Thanks for sharing!CeciliaFrom: "helpnynow@..." <helpnynow@...>Bird Mites Newsgroup <bird mites >Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 7:38:32 PMSubject: Re: Help!

Hi Cecilia,Sorry to hear about your situation. There's a way you can catch birdmites. You can use a pan with hot steaming water and leave it on the floor in the infested rooms and leave the room alone for a few hours very quiet with nobody disturbing it. After a few hours take the pan and check for anything in the water. There might be very tiny things in there, cause the mites are close to microscopic. I caught one of my samples that way when I had critters.You could also try sticky glue traps and leave them around your bed close to the feet, where the mites would climb onto your bed. I used to have some weird critters too a while ago, and they all died when I spread boric acid all over the infested rooms. You could try that, just be careful to do it when the kids aren't around.Best of luck,JessEnviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de TelcelFrom: Cecilia Borg


Sender: bird mites

Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 06:54:28 -0800 (PST)<bird mites >Reply bird mites

Subject: Help!

I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Is it possible to get a garden sprayer then? The type that is used to spray pesticides or herbicides here--you pump it up and spray and then pump again. We have them in garden supply stores here. Do you have garden supply stores there? That would be second best to a fogger. The fogger maybe you could buy over the internet with Cedarcide too. Maybe they will ship to Sweden. We have the same problem with getting things for my daughter and family who live in Germany and it is mighty cold there now too. They live on a farm. So many companies will not ship overseas. It is a real problem. And then of course you would have to get the fogger hooked up to your electrical system with a transformer of some sort. We've been there and done that with our family as well. I've spent lots of time in Europe and know how bitterly cold it gets, but it does nto kill mites.

Most doctors, including the one I saw, Dr. Metzger, will not see someone over the internet. She treated us for Lyme and we continue to see her periodically. Someone from Nova Scotia also had mites very badly and her poor family, just like you, and she came all the way from Nova Scotia to see Dr. Metzger because there was NO ONE in all of Canada who would help her and her family. A terrible situation. I lost touch with her. Dr. Metzger must see you in person one time and then after that will help - but I believe most doctors are like this in the US. It is a legality issue.

I think it is important to get a microscope or something like that to see what those black spots (specks?) are. You'll need something to really see them. Don't expect that most professionals will help, am sorry to say, at least not in identification, or diagnosis. I've taken many samples to entemologists here and they have never identified anything. Zoe here has been able to get an ID and she really did and does have mites. Works full time too. It has been awful for her and her husband.

Sad about your past career. Must have been awfully good to do that type of thing. I'm betting you will be able to do it once again, but you will have to totally focus on this for a while. The word I can think of most often regarding mites is ATTRITION. Gradually becomes less and less, but it takes lots of time because they are constantly breeding. So you have to take it one day at a time with this; try not to go into the future with your mind. It will help. Meditation and prayer help. Read scripture too if that appeals to you.


I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Very thick hair is a problem. My hair has always been really thick too. You might want to consider cutting it... that's what I did for a year or more. It is medium length now and I just can't wear long hair since I shampoo so often. Selsun Blue is a shampoo. A lot of people with mites use it. I read several years ago I read that thick hair is a problem for people with mites... and I agree. Also people who have immune problems tend to keep the mites longer. You don't seem to have that problem. At some point they do go internal. There may be a relationship between mites and Morgellons. Not everyone with mites develops Morgellons, but that is what I have.

Yes, your 7 year old will have to go to school. Do you have a bathtub? I know you mentioned a shower. I prefer a shower, but sometimes, esp. with kids, the tub is important. Soaks even for you might help with relaxation through this.

See what you can get over the internet... also look into getting a fogger. It has helped many here. If not, get the pump sprayer for more heavy duty spraying of ammonia and water (4 parts water, 1 part ammonia). I'm hoping Tim, the administrator here on this site, will offer more suggestions. I don't know how to access old posts, except ones I've saved. He may be on vacation, not sure.


I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Remember, most of us were outta here too at the beginning. Don't do anything that would harm yourself Cecelia. I'm praying for you and southernbuggirl.. and others.


I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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I don't post on here a lot but I do read posts every day. Your email really touched my heart and I know that I need to share what has worked for us. One difficult thing is finding what will kill these bugs in your home and family. I say that because not everything that works for someone else will work for you. I don't know if it's becuase of our body chemistry or just different kinds of bugs. Either way it will be a roller coaster ride and you will have some bad days and some really good days. There is hope and you have to have faith that God will bring you through it.

We are 95% cured but I am still battling them in my hair along with my 9 year old. I will share with you what we have done up until this point and maybe I can send some things your way if needed.


1. We moved mostly everything out of the house into our garage. Idea is to make it easier to clean. Most of it we put into bins and anything that needed to be left in the house stayed in the cupboards untouched. We also used ziplock bags.

2. Sprinkle everything down with DM (diametaceous earth) if available or you can use baking soda. My family and I sat on metal fold up chairs so we didn't have to sit on the couches while they were covered.

3. Cover your mattresses with plastic zippered mattress covers

4. Washed everything with arm and hammer detergent (liquid) and 20 mule team borax. I live where the borax mine is so it was plentiful.

5. Used a lot of clorox wipes and wiped down everything, especially anything that we touched. Also cleaned with orange citrus cleaner diluted with water.

6. We did use a fogger which is expensive and it seemed to work but in the long run I'm not really sure. Have mixed feelings about it. Seemed like the cost outweighed the benefit.

7. Vehicles we covered the seats in plastic garbage bags and vacumed it constantly. Also sprinkled DM there.


1. We hit a turning point when we started taking baths in arm and hammer laundry detergent (powder). My husband, however, had a difficult time with using it and always seemed to break out in a rash. I don't know if you can take baths or not but if you can you might want to try it. You can also put epsom salts, baking soda, sea salts, and oils in your baths to be gentler on your skin. Try to air dry so it stays on your skin. It's hard to say with your children because they are young. My kids did okay with the baths but yours may not. If you have to take showers I would use sulfur soap and leave some on you when you get out so it stays on your skin. I got ours on the internet and it was 10% sulfur.

2. Another turning point for us was when we started putting roache prufe on us before going to bed. I know there are some people that would probably not use it but it didn't seem to harm us any and we used it for about 3 months. It comes in a yellow can and we got it here in the states from Ace Hardware. It's blue so it may do damage to your sheets but we didn't care as long as it killed the bugs.

3. As far as internally we didn't do a whole lot but I did stop drinking coffee because they seemed to get worse and also tryed to stay away from sugars. Othere people on here have taken different vitamins and supplements so you can read those posts. Would keep the kids away from sweets and soda drinks.

4. Recently I have been using humco turpentine oil in my hair. It's the medicine rectified kind, not the kind that takes paint off your walls. A lot of people have had good luck with it but get confused as to which kind to buy. I bought mine on the internet and mixed 20% turpentine, 20% olive oil, with 60% conditioner. I put it on at night and cover my head and it's helped tremendously. I've also been putting it in my sons hair but in smaller amounts. You can also use it on your body mixed with your lotion instead in the same amounts as above. For shampoo we use the selsun blue with the red cap and dandruff relief shampoo that has MSM, neem, tea tree, colloidal sulfur and rosemary in it. Both seem to work really well.

Everything that I talked about above worked the best for us and when we used those products that's when I noticed a change in our situation. We did a lot more that really didn't seem to work so I didn't go into those things. I can suggest some of those if needed but just let me know how you are doing. I will keep in touch and will help you as much as possible. If you have questions or need more detail please let me know. You have to let this infirmity make you a stronger person. You also need to draw close to God because there will be some days where he will be the only one to get you through it. Just know that he loves you and he will not put you through more than you can bear. I will be praying for you and your family!


From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 11:09:30 AMSubject: Re: Help!

Dear Nathalie!

Thanks for your message. Do you know of any protocol that we could try?


From: Rhoads <rhoads1230@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:38:49 PMSubject: RE: Help!

Cecilia. You are not alone. My family and i were bad off like you last year but we are so much better now. We also felt like quitting but we kept going for our children. Please let people on this site help you. Its true that very few doctors are of any help but a lot of everyday people have protocols that they have used to get this problem under control or eradicate it all together. Please dont make any decisions to end ur life.

From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 6:54 AMbird mites Subject: Help!

I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot.

Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really

bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have

thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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No, you're English is incredibly good, C. Borg. Better than a lot of native

English speakers, actually. Nice of you to throw in one or two Swedish-sounding

words for an English speaking audience. Rose says " the forces are coming. "

Sounds ominous but take it in the spirit it was presented. You probably have a

pretty good idea already, I imagine.

Yes, you can give this to others. But I don't believe it's spread near as easily

as some would opine. Don't think immune system is a true player either, at least

in the beginning. Reading your first post it appears you're ready to end it all.

Here's my advice: this crap is more environmental than anything. If you're

getting hit this heavy get the heck out of your apartment, house, whatever it is

- get out and leave the suicidal thoughts there with the bird mites.



> Dear Rose!

> Thanks for those words. I´m from Sweden so my english might not be the very

> best.

> I´m not sure we have birdmites, but what else could it be?

> Can anyone help with how to find the mites? We DO have the bites the whole

> family, so we know they are there, but the Pest control frim has not found any

> insect/mite, neither have we. But black spots in beds, at rare occasions small

> blood drops on sheets and also some strange round, small things like sesame a

> littel here and there (might  have nothing with the cause, but just for


> We need " proof " to have the insurance company pay for more pest control


> (if that at all helps) Any suggestions?

> It´s getting really rough here and I don´t know if I can handle any more.

> DO you know if you can give this to others by for example send your kid to

> school?


> Thanks!

> Cecilia





> ________________________________

> From: rose <auberginedream777@...>

> bird mites

> Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:19:02 PM

> Subject: Re: Help!



> stay on this site Cecilia and you will get help  it pushes everyone to a

> difficult point but You can get better...I am not the birdmite expert because


> have another bug   but many people here are     don't bother listening to

> squabbles here there have been a few     but You area newcomer and  We want


> help You...We know this can be hellish but people do get better....hang in


> the forces are coming   Rose




> ________________________________

> From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>

> bird mites

> Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 6:54:28 AM

> Subject: Help!



> I´m soon leaving...

> It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100


> on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear


> time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me

> and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test


> the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had

> klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test.


> We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up

all the

> time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t


> what to do and that the pest control company must take over.

> It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at

> night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not


> red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten


> reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime +

> eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.

> The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird

> mites (fågelkvalster).

> They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough

> looking either.)

> We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little

> one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby

> that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree

> often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than


> ANd the small one still get some bites as well.

> THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it

> doesn´t help.

> The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms

> down a bit, but keeps going on and on.

> Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their

> host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a


> or so.


> During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly

> hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as

> before.

> I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home


> work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of


> kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all


> laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to


> washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away

> somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?

> I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all


> and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that

> bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and

> NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect

> humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that)

> still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.

> I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is


> wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am

> imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...

> I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I

> can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up


> in another city I am planning to end it all..

> How do you endure?


> C from Sweden


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The water need only be warm. Leave it out at night with a lamp shining directly

over it. You will need a microscope an slides to see many types of bird mites.

We were infested with a bird mite that is called d/gallinae and it is clear when

not filled with blood and very microscopic. There is no way you could see it

with your naked eye. Our symptoms and experience is very much like your.

We had the best results with Steri Fab in terms of the environment. But it has

no residual so so must be used as a direct hit... therefore I had to use it

frequently on all surfaces it wouldn't ruin. I had to were a respirator while

applying it.

My prayers and with you.



> HI, Jess!

> We´ve tried the glue traps- nothing there- or maby it was too tiny to see.


> try the steaming water.

> Thanks for sharing!

> Cecilia




> ________________________________

> From: " helpnynow@... " <helpnynow@...>

> Bird Mites Newsgroup <bird mites >

> Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 7:38:32 PM

> Subject: Re: Help!



> Hi Cecilia,


> Sorry to hear about your situation.


> There's a way you can catch birdmites. You can use a pan with hot steaming


> and leave it on the floor in the infested rooms and leave the room alone for a

> few hours very quiet with nobody disturbing it.



> After a few hours take the pan and check for anything in the water. There


> be very tiny things in there, cause the mites are close to microscopic. I


> one of my samples that way when I had critters.


> You could also try sticky glue traps and leave them around your bed close to


> feet, where the mites would climb onto your bed.



> I used to have some weird critters too a while ago, and they all died when I

> spread boric acid all over the infested rooms. You could try that, just be

> careful to do it when the kids aren't around.


> Best of luck,


> Jess


> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> ________________________________


> From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>

> Sender: bird mites

> Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 06:54:28 -0800 (PST)

> <bird mites >

> Reply bird mites

> Subject: Help!


> I´m soon leaving...

> It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100


> on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear

> with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter

> and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a

> test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in


> I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test.


> We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all

> the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they


> know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.

> It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at

> night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not

> as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten

> allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough

> daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.

> The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably


> mites (fågelkvalster).

> They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough

> looking either.)

> We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the


> one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby

> that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree

> often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than


> ANd the small one still get some bites as well.

> THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it

> doesn´t help.

> The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms

> down a bit, but keeps going on and on.

> Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as


> host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a

> week or so.


> During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE,


> hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as

> before.

> I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home


> work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of


> kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all


> laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has


> be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m


> somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?

> I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all


> and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out


> bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses


> NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect

> humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called


> still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.

> I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is

> nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I


> imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...

> I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person.


> can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up

> working in another city I am planning to end it all..

> How do you endure?


> C from Sweden


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The other thing that has helped us tremendously is hydrogen peroxide and white

vinegar sprayed one at a time on all surfaces that aren't ruined by them and

then left for a couple minutes before wiping the surface completely dry. It is

100% kill for us. We also spray them on our bodies, but NEVER together on the

body as they are toxic to humans together.





> Cecelia,




> Your English is just fine.




> There are hundreds of types of birdmites according to a friend on this site. 

In one stage after a blood feed they are red from sucking blood, but so tiny you

can hardly perceive them and smaller than a period. In the immature stage they

are translucent and so tiny they cannot be seen.  We had the black spots too,

and the things that are like a seed from my hair.  Can you get some Selsun

Blue for your hair?  I used to wash the body with it too.  We had the pest

management people here which didn't help at all.  They found nothing, because

they are too tiny to find visually.   




> About infection to others.  This is somewhat controversial--I do believe the

mites are in the house, and if someone visited or stayed at your house they

could get mites.  But transmission from person to person is much harder

outsider of your house.  There are exceptions and some people do claim they got

the mites from sitting across a table from an infected person.  Get rid of

nests and stay away from birds in general for the time being.  Do not touch

nests if you have them nearby.  Other animals such as mice and rats do carry

birdmites.  Any rodent nest must be gotten rid of too.  These mites need a

host or hosts, but if they are satisfied with A HOST, they will most likely not

infest someone else.  Why would they if they are getting enough blood from the

host?  This will be hard for the children, but playing outside with a friend

and having no body contact would be okay.  Harder to do with a 1 year old.









> Help!









> I´m soon leaving...

> It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100

bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would

disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old

daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year

old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in

it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test.

> We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up

all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they

don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.

> It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at

night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as

red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic

reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime +

eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.

> The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird

mites (fågelkvalster).

> They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough

looking either.)

> We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little

one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby

that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree

often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever.

ANd the small one still get some bites as well.

> THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it

doesn´t help.

> The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms

down a bit, but keeps going on and on.

> Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their

host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week

or so.

> During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly

hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as


> I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home

from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care

of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all

the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has

to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m

away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right


> I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all

books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out

that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses

and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can

affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called

that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.

> I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is

nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am

imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...

> I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I

can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up

working in another city I am planning to end it all..

> How do you endure?


> C from Sweden


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Hi Cecelia

Boron is an element when it is mined is brought to the refinery where it is

processed into varous things:

Boric acid is made from boron, its borun treated with sulfuric acid .

Borax is the lose boron that fall to the floor at they are processing it , it is

scooped up & sold as a laundry booster. Itis an oxyginater & it is a digestive

poison .

Boron is borun , so to answer your question about 20 mule team being important

, I think it is just a brand name .

Amonia is hard on the lungs

A good washing with soapy water will coat the bug in the soap & render it

stuck.,then rinse with water with epsom in it so the water is poisoned & a wet

vac it up , then borax 1 cup per gallon applied as an afer mop to leave a

residule poison is very effective, leave it down & add 2 tbls of oil , coconut ,

or canola , it makes the bug get stuck in it .

They live on the cieling, they are spiders. They drop on you , spray the

cieling .

The bug is very small & hard to see , I never saw one , but I kill it & it dies

.. & I have no bites . I sometime pick them back up , but I kill it again.

A 30 min bath in 1 cup borac & 1/8 cup dawn dish soap or any soap soaks them

out of the skin, I did it 2 times per day when it was bad.

Bleach is barley effective but borax or sodium carbonate ( arm & hammer

powdered laundry soap ) , 1 cup per gallon of water repeatledly sprayed stops a

bug .

The ingredient in windex that is the real poison, is anti freeze ( ethyline

glycol ) it causes liver & kidney failure , I never come in contact with it ,.

it will kill you .

If you soak in 2 tbls coconut oil in a bath tub or spray it on in 28 oz of

water it coats the skin & the bug can't crawl ,as easy I still have to kill

them with the mix if I pick one up :

here is the mix:


The mix:

2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster of I would use any brand ,

16 oz peroxide (3%)

32 oz water.

mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide so there is no fix or burn form

the peroxide , & the peroxide causes the borax to penetrate in to the skin & the

body , it is very effective.

Hello blonde hair .. But I have blonde hair any how

apply the mix top of head to toe & leave on till the next shower then repeat

after showering , I did it for 19 days , it killed the bug , I thoughtI was in

heaven , still a few remained deep in the skin & surfaced 2 weeks later , then

I learned of arm & hammer powdered laundry soap 1 cup per bath , this has been

very helpful, & the end on the bug in some ways I could not effect with other

chemicals. Some things help more than others but any weapon fired at the bug is

good as long as the weapon dosnt kill my health, I need my health.

,The coconut oil sticking all over a bug interferes with moving thus slows

its mating & feeding . I have not had crawling for 320 days since I soaked in 1

cup borax for 30 mins , then rinses & soaked in a tub with 2 tbls cococnut oil

for 5-20 mins ,. granted I had used 10% flowers of sulfur )from

www.americarx.com made by humco & 90 % any type of healthy hand creme with out

pertoleum in it for 1 year. I applied it on all skin for 1 week , then not

for 1 week to let my skin recover, it makes the skin super dry. I also used many

baths before this , so it was probally a conglomeration of all thases things ,

but I believe it was God that stopped it, He annoint my head with oil my cup

runneth over , praise His Holy Name

God bless you ,


On Wed Dec 1st, 2010 2:58 PM EST Cecilia Borg wrote:

>HI, Jess!

>We´ve tried the glue traps- nothing there- or maby it was too tiny to see. Will

>try the steaming water.

>Thanks for sharing!






>From: " helpnynow@... " <helpnynow@...>

>Bird Mites Newsgroup <bird mites >

>Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 7:38:32 PM

>Subject: Re: Help!



>Hi Cecilia,


>Sorry to hear about your situation.


>There's a way you can catch birdmites. You can use a pan with hot steaming


>and leave it on the floor in the infested rooms and leave the room alone for a

>few hours very quiet with nobody disturbing it.



>After a few hours take the pan and check for anything in the water. There might

>be very tiny things in there, cause the mites are close to microscopic. I


>one of my samples that way when I had critters.


>You could also try sticky glue traps and leave them around your bed close to


>feet, where the mites would climb onto your bed.



>I used to have some weird critters too a while ago, and they all died when I

>spread boric acid all over the infested rooms. You could try that, just be

>careful to do it when the kids aren't around.


>Best of luck,




>Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel



>From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>

>Sender: bird mites

>Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 06:54:28 -0800 (PST)

><bird mites >

>Reply bird mites

>Subject: Help!


>I´m soon leaving...

>It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites

>on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear

>with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter

>and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a

>test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it.

>I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test.


>We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all

>the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they


>know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.

>It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at

>night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not

>as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten

>allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough

>daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.

>The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird

>mites (fågelkvalster).

>They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough

>looking either.)

>We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little

>one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby

>that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree

>often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than


>ANd the small one still get some bites as well.

>THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it

>doesn´t help.

>The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms

>down a bit, but keeps going on and on.

>Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their

>host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a

>week or so.


>During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly

>hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as


>I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home


>work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of


>kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all


>laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to

>be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away

>somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?

>I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books

>and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that

>bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and

>NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect

>humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that)

>still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.

>I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is

>nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I


>imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...

>I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I

>can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up

>working in another city I am planning to end it all..

>How do you endure?


>C from Sweden









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not ominous HelpfulFrom: bharringtonz <no_reply >bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 8:21:56 PMSubject: Re: Help!

No, you're English is incredibly good, C. Borg. Better than a lot of native English speakers, actually. Nice of you to throw in one or two Swedish-sounding words for an English speaking audience. Rose says "the forces are coming." Sounds ominous but take it in the spirit it was presented. You probably have a pretty good idea already, I imagine.

Yes, you can give this to others. But I don't believe it's spread near as easily as some would opine. Don't think immune system is a true player either, at least in the beginning. Reading your first post it appears you're ready to end it all. Here's my advice: this crap is more environmental than anything. If you're getting hit this heavy get the heck out of your apartment, house, whatever it is - get out and leave the suicidal thoughts there with the bird mites.



> Dear Rose!

> Thanks for those words. I´m from Sweden so my english might not be the very

> best.

> I´m not sure we have birdmites, but what else could it be?

> Can anyone help with how to find the mites? We DO have the bites the whole

> family, so we know they are there, but the Pest control frim has not found any

> insect/mite, neither have we. But black spots in beds, at rare occasions small

> blood drops on sheets and also some strange round, small things like sesame a

> littel here and there (might have nothing with the cause, but just for info).

> We need "proof" to have the insurance company pay for more pest control service

> (if that at all helps) Any suggestions?

> It´s getting really rough here and I don´t know if I can handle any more.

> DO you know if you can give this to others by for example send your kid to

> school?


> Thanks!

> Cecilia





> ________________________________

> From: rose <auberginedream777@...>

> bird mites

> Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:19:02 PM

> Subject: Re: Help!


> Â

> stay on this site Cecilia and you will get help  it pushes everyone to a

> difficult point but You can get better...I am not the birdmite expert because I

> have another bug  but many people here are   don't bother listening to

> squabbles here there have been a few   but You area newcomer and  We want to

> help You...We know this can be hellish but people do get better....hang in there

> the forces are coming  Rose




> ________________________________

> From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>

> bird mites

> Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 6:54:28 AM

> Subject: Help!


> Â

> I´m soon leaving...

> It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites

> on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with

> time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me

> and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed

> the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had

> klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test.


> We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the

> time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know

> what to do and that the pest control company must take over.

> It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at

> night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as

> red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic

> reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime +

> eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.

> The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird

> mites (fågelkvalster).

> They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough

> looking either.)

> We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little

> one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby

> that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree

> often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever.

> ANd the small one still get some bites as well.

> THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it

> doesn´t help.

> The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms

> down a bit, but keeps going on and on.

> Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their

> host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week

> or so.


> During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly

> hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as

> before.

> I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from

> work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2

> kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the

> laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be

> washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away

> somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?

> I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books

> and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that

> bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and

> NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect

> humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that)

> still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.

> I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing

> wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am

> imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...

> I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I

> can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working

> in another city I am planning to end it all..

> How do you endure?


> C from Sweden


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THanks again!!I´ll cut my hair. It´s a pity- but really doesn´t matter, does it?:)I don´t care about anything except getting better and that my family gets better.We don´t have Selsun Blue, but I try to order over internet.All researchers and doctors here including endomologists say they don´t get internal on humans and that they can´t reproduce on humans. From what we experience that must be wrong. I also lose weight all the time and now I´m down to 48 kg:s an am 172 tall... I eat all I can, doesn´t help. Do you have any research etc that states that the mites can reproduce on humans and that they can go internal that I can have so I can prove it to them to get help?I´ll try to get a fogger over the net as well. What kind

and size would you recommend?THanks for caring!CeciliaFrom: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 11:04:54 PMSubject: Re: Help!


Very thick hair is a problem. My hair has always been really thick too. You might want to consider cutting it... that's what I did for a year or more. It is medium length now and I just can't wear long hair since I shampoo so often. Selsun Blue is a shampoo. A lot of people with mites use it. I read several years ago I read that thick hair is a problem for people with mites... and I agree. Also people who have immune problems tend to keep the mites longer. You don't seem to have that problem. At some point they do go internal. There may be a relationship between mites and Morgellons. Not everyone with mites develops Morgellons, but that is what I have.

Yes, your 7 year old will have to go to school. Do you have a bathtub? I know you mentioned a shower. I prefer a shower, but sometimes, esp. with kids, the tub is important. Soaks even for you might help with relaxation through this.

See what you can get over the internet... also look into getting a fogger. It has helped many here. If not, get the pump sprayer for more heavy duty spraying of ammonia and water (4 parts water, 1 part ammonia). I'm hoping Tim, the administrator here on this site, will offer more suggestions. I don't know how to access old posts, except ones I've saved. He may be on vacation, not sure.


I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a

lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really

bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have

thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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don't think it matters that much if You cut You hair From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 11:49:21 PMSubject: Re: Help!

THanks again!!I´ll cut my hair. It´s a pity- but really doesn´t matter, does it?:)I don´t care about anything except getting better and that my family gets better.We don´t have Selsun Blue, but I try to order over internet.All researchers and doctors here including endomologists say they don´t get internal on humans and that they can´t reproduce on humans. From what we experience that must be wrong. I also lose weight all the time and now I´m down to 48 kg:s an am 172 tall... I eat all I can, doesn´t help. Do you have any research etc that states that the mites can reproduce on humans and that they can go internal that I can have so I can prove it to them to get help?I´ll try to get a fogger over the net as well. What kind

and size would you recommend?THanks for caring!CeciliaFrom: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 11:04:54 PMSubject: Re: Help!


Very thick hair is a problem. My hair has always been really thick too. You might want to consider cutting it... that's what I did for a year or more. It is medium length now and I just can't wear long hair since I shampoo so often. Selsun Blue is a shampoo. A lot of people with mites use it. I read several years ago I read that thick hair is a problem for people with mites... and I agree. Also people who have immune problems tend to keep the mites longer. You don't seem to have that problem. At some point they do go internal. There may be a relationship between mites and Morgellons. Not everyone with mites develops Morgellons, but that is what I have.

Yes, your 7 year old will have to go to school. Do you have a bathtub? I know you mentioned a shower. I prefer a shower, but sometimes, esp. with kids, the tub is important. Soaks even for you might help with relaxation through this.

See what you can get over the internet... also look into getting a fogger. It has helped many here. If not, get the pump sprayer for more heavy duty spraying of ammonia and water (4 parts water, 1 part ammonia). I'm hoping Tim, the administrator here on this site, will offer more suggestions. I don't know how to access old posts, except ones I've saved. He may be on vacation, not sure.


I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a

lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really

bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have

thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Dear !Thanks for responding.A lot of good ideas on what you have done.Thanks!The big problem is that hardly any of the products you suggest is available here in Sweden.None of the schampoos, not 20 mule borax and not diametaceous earth. Maby I can find on the internet, but I presume shipping will be very expensive?Any suggestions.Do you know andy good brand for mattress covers?We sleep on air matrasses and tent beds right now, don´t know if that helps?What did you fog with?We don´t have the Arm and hammer brand in Sweden either- do you know what it contains, if I can find anything similar?HOw long have you fought this?Warmest regardsCeciliaFrom: NATALIE M RHOADS <rhoads1230@...>bird mites Sent: Thu, December 2, 2010 4:54:10 AMSubject: Re: Help!


I don't post on here a lot but I do read posts every day. Your email really touched my heart and I know that I need to share what has worked for us. One difficult thing is finding what will kill these bugs in your home and family. I say that because not everything that works for someone else will work for you. I don't know if it's becuase of our body chemistry or just different kinds of bugs. Either way it will be a roller coaster ride and you will have some bad days and some really good days. There is hope and you have to have faith that God will bring you through it.

We are 95% cured but I am still battling them in my hair along with my 9 year old. I will share with you what we have done up until this point and maybe I can send some things your way if needed.


1. We moved mostly everything out of the house into our garage. Idea is to make it easier to clean. Most of it we put into bins and anything that needed to be left in the house stayed in the cupboards untouched. We also used ziplock bags.

2. Sprinkle everything down with DM (diametaceous earth) if available or you can use baking soda. My family and I sat on metal fold up chairs so we didn't have to sit on the couches while they were covered.

3. Cover your mattresses with plastic zippered mattress covers

4. Washed everything with arm and hammer detergent (liquid) and 20 mule team borax. I live where the borax mine is so it was plentiful.

5. Used a lot of clorox wipes and wiped down everything, especially anything that we touched. Also cleaned with orange citrus cleaner diluted with water.

6. We did use a fogger which is expensive and it seemed to work but in the long run I'm not really sure. Have mixed feelings about it. Seemed like the cost outweighed the benefit.

7. Vehicles we covered the seats in plastic garbage bags and vacumed it constantly. Also sprinkled DM there.


1. We hit a turning point when we started taking baths in arm and hammer laundry detergent (powder). My husband, however, had a difficult time with using it and always seemed to break out in a rash. I don't know if you can take baths or not but if you can you might want to try it. You can also put epsom salts, baking soda, sea salts, and oils in your baths to be gentler on your skin. Try to air dry so it stays on your skin. It's hard to say with your children because they are young. My kids did okay with the baths but yours may not. If you have to take showers I would use sulfur soap and leave some on you when you get out so it stays on your skin. I got ours on the internet and it was 10% sulfur.

2. Another turning point for us was when we started putting roache prufe on us before going to bed. I know there are some people that would probably not use it but it didn't seem to harm us any and we used it for about 3 months. It comes in a yellow can and we got it here in the states from Ace Hardware. It's blue so it may do damage to your sheets but we didn't care as long as it killed the bugs.

3. As far as internally we didn't do a whole lot but I did stop drinking coffee because they seemed to get worse and also tryed to stay away from sugars. Othere people on here have taken different vitamins and supplements so you can read those posts. Would keep the kids away from sweets and soda drinks.

4. Recently I have been using humco turpentine oil in my hair. It's the medicine rectified kind, not the kind that takes paint off your walls. A lot of people have had good luck with it but get confused as to which kind to buy. I bought mine on the internet and mixed 20% turpentine, 20% olive oil, with 60% conditioner. I put it on at night and cover my head and it's helped tremendously. I've also been putting it in my sons hair but in smaller amounts. You can also use it on your body mixed with your lotion instead in the same amounts as above. For shampoo we use the selsun blue with the red cap and dandruff relief shampoo that has MSM, neem, tea tree, colloidal sulfur and rosemary in it. Both seem to work really well.

Everything that I talked about above worked the best for us and when we used those products that's when I noticed a change in our situation. We did a lot more that really didn't seem to work so I didn't go into those things. I can suggest some of those if needed but just let me know how you are doing. I will keep in touch and will help you as much as possible. If you have questions or need more detail please let me know. You have to let this infirmity make you a stronger person. You also need to draw close to God because there will be some days where he will be the only one to get you through it. Just know that he loves you and he will not put you through more than you can bear. I will be praying for you and your family!


From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 11:09:30 AMSubject: Re: Help!

Dear Nathalie!

Thanks for your message. Do you know of any protocol that we could try?


From: Rhoads <rhoads1230@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:38:49 PMSubject: RE: Help!

Cecilia. You are not alone. My family and i were bad off like you last year but we are so much better now. We also felt like quitting but we kept going for our children. Please let people on this site help you. Its true that very few doctors are of any help but a lot of everyday people have protocols that they have used to get this problem under control or eradicate it all together. Please dont make any decisions to end ur life.

From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 6:54 AMbird mites Subject: Help!

I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot.

Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really

bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have

thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Thanks for answering!I guess you´re right by saying to leave the house. Guess it´s not that easy to sell it though?...What would you do not to take the mites with you if you move? Bring absolutely nothing?If they travel on you is that possible not to bring them in to the next living option/house/appartment?Wish you a lovely day.CeciliaFrom: bharringtonz <no_reply >bird mites Sent: Thu, December 2, 2010 5:21:56 AMSubject: Re: Help!

No, you're English is incredibly good, C. Borg. Better than a lot of native English speakers, actually. Nice of you to throw in one or two Swedish-sounding words for an English speaking audience. Rose says "the forces are coming." Sounds ominous but take it in the spirit it was presented. You probably have a pretty good idea already, I imagine.

Yes, you can give this to others. But I don't believe it's spread near as easily as some would opine. Don't think immune system is a true player either, at least in the beginning. Reading your first post it appears you're ready to end it all. Here's my advice: this crap is more environmental than anything. If you're getting hit this heavy get the heck out of your apartment, house, whatever it is - get out and leave the suicidal thoughts there with the bird mites.



> Dear Rose!

> Thanks for those words. I´m from Sweden so my english might not be the very

> best.

> I´m not sure we have birdmites, but what else could it be?

> Can anyone help with how to find the mites? We DO have the bites the whole

> family, so we know they are there, but the Pest control frim has not found any

> insect/mite, neither have we. But black spots in beds, at rare occasions small

> blood drops on sheets and also some strange round, small things like sesame a

> littel here and there (might have nothing with the cause, but just for info).

> We need "proof" to have the insurance company pay for more pest control service

> (if that at all helps) Any suggestions?

> It´s getting really rough here and I don´t know if I can handle any more.

> DO you know if you can give this to others by for example send your kid to

> school?


> Thanks!

> Cecilia





> ________________________________

> From: rose <auberginedream777@...>

> bird mites

> Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:19:02 PM

> Subject: Re: Help!


> Â

> stay on this site Cecilia and you will get help  it pushes everyone to a

> difficult point but You can get better...I am not the birdmite expert because I

> have another bug  but many people here are   don't bother listening to

> squabbles here there have been a few   but You area newcomer and  We want to

> help You...We know this can be hellish but people do get better....hang in there

> the forces are coming  Rose




> ________________________________

> From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>

> bird mites

> Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 6:54:28 AM

> Subject: Help!


> Â

> I´m soon leaving...

> It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites

> on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with

> time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me

> and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed

> the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had

> klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test.


> We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the

> time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know

> what to do and that the pest control company must take over.

> It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at

> night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as

> red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic

> reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime +

> eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.

> The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird

> mites (fågelkvalster).

> They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough

> looking either.)

> We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little

> one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby

> that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree

> often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever.

> ANd the small one still get some bites as well.

> THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it

> doesn´t help.

> The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms

> down a bit, but keeps going on and on.

> Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their

> host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week

> or so.


> During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly

> hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as

> before.

> I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from

> work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2

> kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the

> laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be

> washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away

> somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?

> I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books

> and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that

> bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and

> NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect

> humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that)

> still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.

> I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing

> wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am

> imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...

> I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I

> can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working

> in another city I am planning to end it all..

> How do you endure?


> C from Sweden


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HI again!SO you did buy a microscope to be able to state what it was?Can you just take the water that you have placed out and leave it at a lab or anything for them to find the mites?They have told us that we would see the galinae with eyes if we look hard enough- just doesn´t seem so to us. Never see them..I´ll Look up Steri Fab and see if they are available in Sweden. Might be hard to use though because we have a 1-year old in the house all the time.. What do you think?Thanks for caring.All the best to you.CeciliaFrom: Zoe <zoe_z3@...>bird mites Sent: Thu, December 2, 2010 5:48:42 AMSubject: Re: Help!

The water need only be warm. Leave it out at night with a lamp shining directly over it. You will need a microscope an slides to see many types of bird mites. We were infested with a bird mite that is called d/gallinae and it is clear when not filled with blood and very microscopic. There is no way you could see it with your naked eye. Our symptoms and experience is very much like your.

We had the best results with Steri Fab in terms of the environment. But it has no residual so so must be used as a direct hit... therefore I had to use it frequently on all surfaces it wouldn't ruin. I had to were a respirator while applying it.

My prayers and with you.



> HI, Jess!

> We´ve tried the glue traps- nothing there- or maby it was too tiny to see. Will

> try the steaming water.

> Thanks for sharing!

> Cecilia




> ________________________________

> From: "helpnynow@..." <helpnynow@...>

> Bird Mites Newsgroup <bird mites >

> Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 7:38:32 PM

> Subject: Re: Help!



> Hi Cecilia,


> Sorry to hear about your situation.


> There's a way you can catch birdmites. You can use a pan with hot steaming water

> and leave it on the floor in the infested rooms and leave the room alone for a

> few hours very quiet with nobody disturbing it.



> After a few hours take the pan and check for anything in the water. There might

> be very tiny things in there, cause the mites are close to microscopic. I caught

> one of my samples that way when I had critters.


> You could also try sticky glue traps and leave them around your bed close to the

> feet, where the mites would climb onto your bed.



> I used to have some weird critters too a while ago, and they all died when I

> spread boric acid all over the infested rooms. You could try that, just be

> careful to do it when the kids aren't around.


> Best of luck,


> Jess


> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> ________________________________


> From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>

> Sender: bird mites

> Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 06:54:28 -0800 (PST)

> <bird mites >

> Replybird mites

> Subject: Help!


> I´m soon leaving...

> It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites

> on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear

> with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter

> and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a

> test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it.

> I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test.


> We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all

> the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t

> know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.

> It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at

> night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not

> as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten

> allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough

> daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.

> The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird

> mites (fågelkvalster).

> They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough

> looking either.)

> We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little

> one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby

> that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree

> often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever.

> ANd the small one still get some bites as well.

> THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it

> doesn´t help.

> The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms

> down a bit, but keeps going on and on.

> Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their

> host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a

> week or so.


> During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly

> hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as

> before.

> I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from

> work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2

> kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the

> laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to

> be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away

> somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?

> I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books

> and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that

> bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and

> NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect

> humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that)

> still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.

> I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is

> nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am

> imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...

> I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I

> can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up

> working in another city I am planning to end it all..

> How do you endure?


> C from Sweden


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Is it 1% hydrogene peroxide or what concentration?CFrom: Zoe <zoe_z3@...>bird mites Sent: Thu, December 2, 2010 5:52:48 AMSubject: Re: Help!

The other thing that has helped us tremendously is hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar sprayed one at a time on all surfaces that aren't ruined by them and then left for a couple minutes before wiping the surface completely dry. It is 100% kill for us. We also spray them on our bodies, but NEVER together on the body as they are toxic to humans together.





> Cecelia,




> Your English is just fine.




> There are hundreds of types of birdmites according to a friend on this site. In one stage after a blood feed they are red from sucking blood, but so tiny you can hardly perceive them and smaller than a period. In the immature stage they are translucent and so tiny they cannot be seen. We had the black spots too, and the things that are like a seed from my hair. Can you get some Selsun Blue for your hair? I used to wash the body with it too.  We had the pest management people here which didn't help at all. They found nothing, because they are too tiny to find visually. Â




> About infection to others. This is somewhat controversial--I do believe the mites are in the house, and if someone visited or stayed at your house they could get mites. But transmission from person to person is much harder outsider of your house. There are exceptions and some people do claim they got the mites from sitting across a table from an infected person.  Get rid of nests and stay away from birds in general for the time being. Do not touch nests if you have them nearby. Other animals such as mice and rats do carry birdmites. Any rodent nest must be gotten rid of too. These mites need a host or hosts, but if they are satisfied with A HOST, they will most likely not infest someone else. Why would they if they are getting enough blood from the host? This will be hard for the children, but playing outside with a friend and having no body contact would be okay.Â

Harder to do with a 1 year old.









> Help!


> Â







> I´m soon leaving...

> It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test.

> We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.

> It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.

> The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).

> They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)

> We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.

> THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.

> The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.

> Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so.

> During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.

> I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?

> I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.

> I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...

> I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..

> How do you endure?


> C from Sweden


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HI, Bill!Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately we don´t have the arm and hammer brand in Sweden, so I can´t get a hold of that. Am trying to find borax though. About the mix I understood- I have dark hair, but I don´t care as long as I get rid of the bugs.The laundry part I´m not really sure I got (because I´m from another country and English is not my 1st language?)Or did you mean it to clean the floors?To spray the ceilings: what should I spray with- borax and water or any other mix?I appreciate that you give suggestions!CeciliaFrom: Doe <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Thu, December 2, 2010 6:53:00 AMSubject: Re: Help!

Hi Cecelia

Boron is an element when it is mined is brought to the refinery where it is processed into varous things:

Boric acid is made from boron, its borun treated with sulfuric acid .

Borax is the lose boron that fall to the floor at they are processing it , it is scooped up & sold as a laundry booster. Itis an oxyginater & it is a digestive poison .

Boron is borun , so to answer your question about 20 mule team being important , I think it is just a brand name .

Amonia is hard on the lungs

A good washing with soapy water will coat the bug in the soap & render it stuck.,then rinse with water with epsom in it so the water is poisoned & a wet vac it up , then borax 1 cup per gallon applied as an afer mop to leave a residule poison is very effective, leave it down & add 2 tbls of oil , coconut , or canola , it makes the bug get stuck in it .

They live on the cieling, they are spiders. They drop on you , spray the cieling .

The bug is very small & hard to see , I never saw one , but I kill it & it dies . & I have no bites . I sometime pick them back up , but I kill it again.

A 30 min bath in 1 cup borac & 1/8 cup dawn dish soap or any soap soaks them out of the skin, I did it 2 times per day when it was bad.

Bleach is barley effective but borax or sodium carbonate ( arm & hammer powdered laundry soap ) , 1 cup per gallon of water repeatledly sprayed stops a bug .

The ingredient in windex that is the real poison, is anti freeze ( ethyline glycol ) it causes liver & kidney failure , I never come in contact with it ,. it will kill you .

If you soak in 2 tbls coconut oil in a bath tub or spray it on in 28 oz of water it coats the skin & the bug can't crawl ,as easy I still have to kill them with the mix if I pick one up :

here is the mix:


The mix:

2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster of I would use any brand ,

16 oz peroxide (3%)

32 oz water.

mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide so there is no fix or burn form the peroxide , & the peroxide causes the borax to penetrate in to the skin & the body , it is very effective.

Hello blonde hair .. But I have blonde hair any how

apply the mix top of head to toe & leave on till the next shower then repeat after showering , I did it for 19 days , it killed the bug , I thoughtI was in heaven , still a few remained deep in the skin & surfaced 2 weeks later , then I learned of arm & hammer powdered laundry soap 1 cup per bath , this has been very helpful, & the end on the bug in some ways I could not effect with other chemicals. Some things help more than others but any weapon fired at the bug is good as long as the weapon dosnt kill my health, I need my health.

,The coconut oil sticking all over a bug interferes with moving thus slows its mating & feeding . I have not had crawling for 320 days since I soaked in 1 cup borax for 30 mins , then rinses & soaked in a tub with 2 tbls cococnut oil for 5-20 mins ,. granted I had used 10% flowers of sulfur )from www.americarx.com made by humco & 90 % any type of healthy hand creme with out pertoleum in it for 1 year. I applied it on all skin for 1 week , then not for 1 week to let my skin recover, it makes the skin super dry. I also used many baths before this , so it was probally a conglomeration of all thases things , but I believe it was God that stopped it, He annoint my head with oil my cup runneth over , praise His Holy Name

God bless you ,


On Wed Dec 1st, 2010 2:58 PM EST Cecilia Borg wrote:

>HI, Jess!

>We´ve tried the glue traps- nothing there- or maby it was too tiny to see. Will

>try the steaming water.

>Thanks for sharing!






>From: "helpnynow@..." <helpnynow@...>

>Bird Mites Newsgroup <bird mites >

>Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 7:38:32 PM

>Subject: Re: Help!



>Hi Cecilia,


>Sorry to hear about your situation.


>There's a way you can catch birdmites. You can use a pan with hot steaming water

>and leave it on the floor in the infested rooms and leave the room alone for a

>few hours very quiet with nobody disturbing it.



>After a few hours take the pan and check for anything in the water. There might

>be very tiny things in there, cause the mites are close to microscopic. I caught

>one of my samples that way when I had critters.


>You could also try sticky glue traps and leave them around your bed close to the

>feet, where the mites would climb onto your bed.



>I used to have some weird critters too a while ago, and they all died when I

>spread boric acid all over the infested rooms. You could try that, just be

>careful to do it when the kids aren't around.


>Best of luck,




>Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel



>From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>

>Sender: bird mites

>Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 06:54:28 -0800 (PST)

><bird mites >

>Replybird mites

>Subject: Help!


>I´m soon leaving...

>It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites

>on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear

>with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter

>and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a

>test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it.

>I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test.


>We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all

>the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t

>know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.

>It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at

>night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not

>as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten

>allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough

>daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.

>The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird

>mites (fågelkvalster).

>They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough

>looking either.)

>We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little

>one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby

>that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree

>often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever.

>ANd the small one still get some bites as well.

>THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it

>doesn´t help.

>The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms

>down a bit, but keeps going on and on.

>Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their

>host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a

>week or so.


>During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly

>hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as


>I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from

>work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2

>kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the

>laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to

>be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away

>somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?

>I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books

>and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that

>bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and

>NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect

>humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that)

>still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.

>I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is

>nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am

>imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...

>I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I

>can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up

>working in another city I am planning to end it all..

>How do you endure?


>C from Sweden









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The Tri Jet Fogger is the one everyone here that I am aware of has purchased. We have it too. It is expensive and so is the Cedarcide. You can watch a video on this site about how it is applied. Very easy.


You might be able to find the Tri Jet Fogger at another site that costs you less, but you might also have to call to see if they will ship to Sweden.

Here is a cheaper place to buy Cedarcide:


Again you will have to see if this can be shipped to Sweden. Cedarcide is non-toxic, but precautions have to be taken when using it.


I´m soon leaving...It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird mites (fågelkvalster).They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough looking either.)We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. ANd the small one still get some bites as well.THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it doesn´t help.The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms down a bit, but keeps going on and on.Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a week or so. During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as before.I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up working in another city I am planning to end it all..How do you endure?PLEASE HELP!C from Sweden

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Sorry, what does this mean: "a wet vac it up" ? Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de TelcelFrom: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>Sender: bird mites Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2010 02:57:28 -0800 (PST)<bird mites >Reply bird mites Subject: Re: Help! HI, Bill!Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately we don´t have the arm and hammer brand in Sweden, so I can´t get a hold of that. Am trying to find borax though. About the mix I understood- I have dark hair, but I don´t care as long as I get rid of the bugs.The laundry part I´m not really sure I got (because I´m from another country and English is not my 1st language?)Or did you mean it to clean the floors?To spray the ceilings: what should I spray with- borax and water or any other mix?I appreciate that you give suggestions!CeciliaFrom: Doe <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Thu, December 2, 2010 6:53:00 AMSubject: Re: Help! Hi Cecelia Boron is an element when it is mined is brought to the refinery where it is processed into varous things:Boric acid is made from boron, its borun treated with sulfuric acid . Borax is the lose boron that fall to the floor at they are processing it , it is scooped up & sold as a laundry booster. Itis an oxyginater & it is a digestive poison .Boron is borun , so to answer your question about 20 mule team being important , I think it is just a brand name .Amonia is hard on the lungsA good washing with soapy water will coat the bug in the soap & render it stuck.,then rinse with water with epsom in it so the water is poisoned & a wet vac it up , then borax 1 cup per gallon applied as an afer mop to leave a residule poison is very effective, leave it down & add 2 tbls of oil , coconut , or canola , it makes the bug get stuck in it . They live on the cieling, they are spiders. They drop on you , spray the cieling . The bug is very small & hard to see , I never saw one , but I kill it & it dies . & I have no bites . I sometime pick them back up , but I kill it again. A 30 min bath in 1 cup borac & 1/8 cup dawn dish soap or any soap soaks them out of the skin, I did it 2 times per day when it was bad. Bleach is barley effective but borax or sodium carbonate ( arm & hammer powdered laundry soap ) , 1 cup per gallon of water repeatledly sprayed stops a bug .The ingredient in windex that is the real poison, is anti freeze ( ethyline glycol ) it causes liver & kidney failure , I never come in contact with it ,. it will kill you . If you soak in 2 tbls coconut oil in a bath tub or spray it on in 28 oz of water it coats the skin & the bug can't crawl ,as easy I still have to kill them with the mix if I pick one up :here is the mix: http://www.earthclinic.com/Pets/dog_mange_cure.htmlThe mix:2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster of I would use any brand ,16 oz peroxide (3%)32 oz water.mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide so there is no fix or burn form the peroxide , & the peroxide causes the borax to penetrate in to the skin & the body , it is very effective.Hello blonde hair .. But I have blonde hair any how apply the mix top of head to toe & leave on till the next shower then repeat after showering , I did it for 19 days , it killed the bug , I thoughtI was in heaven , still a few remained deep in the skin & surfaced 2 weeks later , then I learned of arm & hammer powdered laundry soap 1 cup per bath , this has been very helpful, & the end on the bug in some ways I could not effect with other chemicals. Some things help more than others but any weapon fired at the bug is good as long as the weapon dosnt kill my health, I need my health. ,The coconut oil sticking all over a bug interferes with moving thus slows its mating & feeding . I have not had crawling for 320 days since I soaked in 1 cup borax for 30 mins , then rinses & soaked in a tub with 2 tbls cococnut oil for 5-20 mins ,. granted I had used 10% flowers of sulfur )from www.americarx.com made by humco & 90 % any type of healthy hand creme with out pertoleum in it for 1 year. I applied it on all skin for 1 week , then not for 1 week to let my skin recover, it makes the skin super dry. I also used many baths before this , so it was probally a conglomeration of all thases things , but I believe it was God that stopped it, He annoint my head with oil my cup runneth over , praise His Holy Name God bless you , BillOn Wed Dec 1st, 2010 2:58 PM EST Cecilia Borg wrote:>HI, Jess!>We´ve tried the glue traps- nothing there- or maby it was too tiny to see. Will >try the steaming water. >Thanks for sharing!>Cecilia>>>>________________________________>From: "helpnynow@..." <helpnynow@...>>Bird Mites Newsgroup <bird mites >>Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 7:38:32 PM>Subject: Re: Help!>> >Hi Cecilia,>>Sorry to hear about your situation. >>There's a way you can catch birdmites. You can use a pan with hot steaming water >and leave it on the floor in the infested rooms and leave the room alone for a >few hours very quiet with nobody disturbing it. >>>After a few hours take the pan and check for anything in the water. There might >be very tiny things in there, cause the mites are close to microscopic. I caught >one of my samples that way when I had critters.>>You could also try sticky glue traps and leave them around your bed close to the >feet, where the mites would climb onto your bed. >>>I used to have some weird critters too a while ago, and they all died when I >spread boric acid all over the infested rooms. You could try that, just be >careful to do it when the kids aren't around.>>Best of luck,>>Jess>>Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel>________________________________>>From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> >Sender: bird mites >Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 06:54:28 -0800 (PST)><bird mites >>Replybird mites >Subject: Help!> >I´m soon leaving...>It started this summer when our then 10 months old daughter had over 100 bites >on her body, and the skin clinic thought it was bites, that would disappear >with time. They did, but more bites came and also on our 7 year old daughter >and me and some few on my husband. In some of the bites of the 7-year old a >test showed the liquid of reaction of the bite had klebsiella bacterias in it. >I also had klebsiella bacteria when they did a nasopharynx test. >>We thought the bites etc would go away. It hasn´t - more bites coming up all >the time (3-5 bites per day on three of us) and the skin clinic says they don´t >know what to do and that the pest control company must take over.>It has become a nightmare. They now crawl on me and the 7 year old mostly at >night and bite a lot. Our reactions on the bites are smaller and smaller (not >as red as before) but they wake us up every night and we have also gotten >allergic reactions with swollen noses (inside) nighttime and slight cough >daytime + eczema in the face of the 1 year old and me.>The sanitizing firm has said it is NOT bed bugs (vägglöss) and probably bird >mites (fågelkvalster).>They have not found the insects though. (But they have not been that thorough >looking either.)>We took down a birds nest that we found at our carport, where under the little >one has been sleeping in her pram- we take the pram indoors as well- so maby >that´s where it comes from? The small girl has been sleeping under that tree >often before. We took it down 6 weeks ago, but our problem is bigger than ever. >ANd the small one still get some bites as well.>THe pest control firm has sprayed with K-othrin 3 times in the house but it >doesn´t help.>The insects get really bothersome just when they have sprayed, then it calms >down a bit, but keeps going on and on.>Last 7 weeks everything has gotten much worse. They seem to choose me as their >host, even if they bite the children as well. My husband only gets 1 bite a >week or so. >>During this time they have waken me up every night crawling EVERYWHERE, mostly >hair, face, nose, groin, legs, you name it. They also bite but not as much as >before.>I take sleeping pills, but they still wake me up. My husband has been home from >work, to help, but has to start workning again. I am supposed to take care of 2 >kids 1 year old and 7 year old, clean the house 155 square metres... Do all the >laundry (you know it´s 8 machines a day for all of us cause everything has to >be washed. THey also bite me and crawl on me now at daytime and when I´m away >somewhere else. Last 2 days less, because it´s 10 celsius below 0 right now?>I´m almost giving up, cause we have thrown all beds, have the couch, all books >and most clothes in a rented freezing container, and now I have found out that >bird mites NEVER die of cold. As with all of you doctors frown their noses and >NOOne here in Sweden knows anything about bird mites and that they can affect >humans. The specialists at a skin clinic + endomologist (are they called that) >still cays that bird mites can not reproduce or live on human beeings.>I´m feeling sick, but because my blood values are good they say there is >nothing wrong with me and guess what; sent me to a psychiatrist, that waid I am >imagining. We have pictures of the bites, still they don´t believe...>I have a good job, a firm of my own as well and used to be a healthy person. I >can´t manage anymore after 6 months of this and next weekend when I´m up >working in another city I am planning to end it all..>How do you endure?>PLEASE HELP!>C from Sweden>>> >> >>>

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