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Acupressure The New Cure For Acid Reflux?

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Article Title:


Acupressure The New Cure For Acid Reflux?

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Recent studies suggest that acupressure applied to the acupoint

P6 reduces relaxations of the lower esophageal sphincter. These

relaxations are the major cause of acid reflux. This could be the

beginning of one of the most important discoveries ever made for

the treatment of acid reflux disease.

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870 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2007-08-14 10:00:00

Written By: Richey

Copyright: 2007

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Acupressure The New Cure For Acid Reflux?

Copyright © 2007 Wind Publishing

Written by: Richey

Reflux Gone Forever


Acupressure is acupuncture without the use of needles. By

applying pressure to the acupoints prescribed by ancient Chinese

medicine, specific organs and areas of the body may be

successfully treated. With this science, the energy of the

meridian system called Yin, Yang and Qi is brought into

alignment, allowing the body to heal itself.

Traditional Chinese acupuncture has been used to treat digestive

disorders for over two thousand years. Recent studies suggest

that acupuncture, acupressure and electrical acupoint stimulation

applied to Pericardium 6 (P6) reduce relaxations of the lower

esophageal sphincter (LES). Relaxation of the LES is the major

cause of acid reflux. One study with electrical acupoint

stimulation showed a 40% reduction of these LES relaxations in

most of the cases studied. This is an astounding claim and could

be the beginning of one of the most important discoveries ever

made for the treatment of acid reflux.

What is P6? P6, also called Neiguan, is an acupoint located on

the underside of the wrist between 2 tendons. If you hold out

your hand and bend it toward you, P6 is located in the middle of

the wrist approximately two fingerwidths from the crease where

the hand and arm meet.

What is the LES? The lower esophageal sphincter is a muscular

valve located between the esophagus and the stomach, which opens

to allow food and liquids into the stomach. It is supposed to

close tight to prevent gastric fluids from coming back up into

the esophagus. When it becomes relaxed, you have acid reflux.

Many things can cause the LES to relax; acidic foods, carbonated

beverages, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate and stress, to name a


Acupressure to the P6 has been employed for years to relieve

nausea and vomiting. Recently it has been used to treat

traveler's motion and sea sickness, morning sickness in pregnant

women and post operative nausea. Acupressure wrist bands, also

called " sea bands " , are now being used for this purpose. The

wrist band fits snugly on the wrist and has a small plastic

button which applies pressure to the P6. It is now believed that

these same wrist bands may reduce acid reflux.

You can also treat yourself without the use of wrist bands by

using the fingers. Keep in mind that when applying pressure to

the P6, the feeling should be a slight numbness, never a sharp

pain. All acupoints are normally beside and in between bones,

ligaments and tendons. They are never found on bones, blood

vessels or arteries, but in depressions between or beside them.

Interestingly, the P6 is also used to treat insomnia, chest pain,

epilepsy, fever and migraines as well as nausea, vomiting and

acid reflux. Stimulating this acupoint may be beneficial to the

entire body.

Ancient Chinese medicine supports the theory that acupoints

connect the internal pathways of energy conduction and that

stimulating these points accelerates the flow of this energy. On

the other hand, allopathic medicine is just beginning to

understand these principals. They attribute the success of

acupuncture to nerve signals and chemicals released by the

central nervous system, but have no idea how it works. Given

enough time, hopefully modern medical science will catch up with

these ancient healing methods.

Whatever you believe, acupuncture really does work. It is

relaxing and absolutely pain free. The needles used are so thin

that you don't even feel them. Acupressure is a simple variation

of this theme by which we can treat ourselves without the use of

needles or expensive acupuncture sessions. Just find an

acupressure chart and start working on yourself. It's also fun

to treat others. Even pets benefit from this science. I work on

my thirteen year old Jack Terrier, Jack Pot, every

morning to relieve him of his allergy symptoms. He is very

appreciative, indeed.

I encouraged a friend who recently developed acute gerd to try a

pair of the P6 wrist bands, which I bought on line. We found that

they actually do work in reducing acid reflux, but only if you

have them placed on the wrist so that pressure from the wrist

band button is precisely on P6. It took a bit of experimentation,

but we were successful after an hour or so. One company on the

internet claims that you only need to wear one wrist band. Others

suggest that it only works with two. Maybe they are both right –

who knows. I do know that this is worth trying if you suffer from

acid reflux even if you only have a 40% chance of success. What

have you got to loose?

If you want to try the wrist bands, they are available on line

and at many health food stores at reasonable prices. You might

also consider a massage from someone who specializes in

acupressure and have them work on the P6. I find that a visit to

my reflexologist is always beneficial. But whatever you do, it is

always good to keep an open mind about healing in general and to

exercise your right to treat yourself. We all have the ability to

heal ourselves. As far as acid reflux is concerned, there are

many natural ways to at least keep it under control, if not

actually cure it.


Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure

acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive

report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux


For free recipes, articles and information about acid reflux,

please visit: http://www.refluxgoneforever.com

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