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So funny.

I'm quitting Zoloft because it caused more problems than it solved. I

actually had MORE spasms. Plus more heartburn even though I'm already

maxed out on Prevacid.

Although, I'm wondering now if I should have heeded the big " take with

food " label on the Zoloft bottle, which, honestly, I didn't see until

now. I may keep experimenting with it to see if taking it with food

makes any difference. It would be a great solution if I can get it to

work for me.

> >

> > Thanks for the suggestions and the info everyone.

> >

> > My doctor decided to bow out and is sending me to my GI specialist for

> > this instead. Mind you, he was the one who originally said " spasms?

> > that's not normal " about a decade and a half ago. I think he's since

> > come around. I'm the girl who, when they tried to do a 24-hour reflux

> > test to me, had instant spasms. They couldn't even set the thing up

> > properly. The only good thing about spasms? Your heart rate and blood

> > pressure go through the roof (actual physical proof that something's

> > going wrong).

> >

> > Of course the appointment I have with my GI is for SEPTEMBER. Excuse

> > me while I scream into a pillow. And then start harassing people by

> phone.

> >

> > I'm so incredibly. fed. up. with this right now. Of course, that might

> > be the withdrawal symptoms from the Zoloft talking. I could seriously

> > stand up in my cubicle right now and scream my head off...except it

> > would trigger a spasm.

> >

> > On a separate note...

> >

> > For women with A out there who've had children, how did you deal with

> > being pregnant (morning sickness), getting through labour, etc? My

> > father and husband are both very worried that I'll do irreparable

> > damage to myself (if I survive). I'd love to give them some positive

> > information. Like that I won't die.

> >


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sholtsmith wrote:

> ... I didn't know that there was a connection with spasms and high

> blood pressure and increased heart rate...

There is a response to pain that causes these things. Sometimes a person

will even start sweating or become nauseated. Any kind of pain can

cause these things if it is strong enough.


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That's great news and gives me hope! Thanks!


> Hi

> My daughter has had two lovely children - Meghan two years after her

myotomy - and like your family we were all really worried about how

she would cope - my biggest worry was actually giving birth - if the

strain could do any damage to her surgery!! We took medical advice

and she was told that giving birth naturally would not affect her

surgery. Which actually differs from another post has suggested.

> However, I can only tell you off my daughter's experience.

> I am not saying her A was brill all the way through - towards the

end she had little space and at the beginning nausea was severe - but

mine was - she could not be sick !! But it was not difficult for her

at all - and it was the only occasional heart burn etc.

> She had both children naturally - and I was there at both births -

no after effects for her A at all.

> And her children are 3 year and 14montns now. And she is doing

really well.

> So go for it but take advice from your surgeon if you are worried.




> pregnancy



> Thanks for the suggestions and the info everyone.


> My doctor decided to bow out and is sending me to my GI specialist for

> this instead. Mind you, he was the one who originally said " spasms?

> that's not normal " about a decade and a half ago. I think he's since

> come around. I'm the girl who, when they tried to do a 24-hour reflux

> test to me, had instant spasms. They couldn't even set the thing up

> properly. The only good thing about spasms? Your heart rate and blood

> pressure go through the roof (actual physical proof that something's

> going wrong).


> Of course the appointment I have with my GI is for SEPTEMBER. Excuse

> me while I scream into a pillow. And then start harassing people by



> I'm so incredibly. fed. up. with this right now. Of course, that might

> be the withdrawal symptoms from the Zoloft talking. I could seriously

> stand up in my cubicle right now and scream my head off...except it

> would trigger a spasm.


> On a separate note...


> For women with A out there who've had children, how did you deal with

> being pregnant (morning sickness), getting through labour, etc? My

> father and husband are both very worried that I'll do irreparable

> damage to myself (if I survive). I'd love to give them some positive

> information. Like that I won't die.








> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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Jacquie wrote:

> ... I'm wondering now if I should have heeded the big " take with

> food " label on the Zoloft bottle, which, honestly, I didn't see until

> now. ...

Warnings like that may indicate that the medication is irritating to the

stomach. If it is, it is probably also irritating to the esophagus which

has no protection. It is very important for us to make sure we drink or

eat enough with our pills so they pass into the stomach right away. This

is true even for pills you may think nothing of. I was told that vitamin

C is one of the worst for burning the esophagus.


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Exactly right Notan. My spasms are so bad it's obvious to anyone

around that I'm in severe pain.

Respiration and heart rate are way up, even if I'm unconscious.

Also, I have a tendency to turn beet red and start sweating.

Eventually, if I haven't been able to stop the spasm, I'll start retching.

Isn't life grand?


> > ... I didn't know that there was a connection with spasms and high

> > blood pressure and increased heart rate...


> There is a response to pain that causes these things. Sometimes a


> will even start sweating or become nauseated. Any kind of pain can

> cause these things if it is strong enough.


> notan


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Yes, I clued in.

However, experimenting with taking it on a full stomach two days ago

went hideously wrong and led to about 6 straight hours of stomach and

E pain. Very uncomfortable to sit, stand, or lie down.

Zoloft and I are not meant to be.

For whoever asked (I can't remember who did and I'm too lazy to search

for the post) I'm in Toronto.

Dr. Diamant used to be my gastro guy, but I haven't had contact with

him recently. Not sure if he retired or what.

Dr. Devlin in Scarborough was my initial gastro guy and he finally

diagnosed me with A way back when. I've gone back to him now for

reasons I can't explain.

Neither of them were big believers in spasms. I gave up on both of

them for years and years, which eventually led to my myotomy. It's

been a rough couple of decades.


> > ... I'm wondering now if I should have heeded the big " take with

> > food " label on the Zoloft bottle, which, honestly, I didn't see until

> > now. ...


> Warnings like that may indicate that the medication is irritating to


> stomach. If it is, it is probably also irritating to the esophagus


> has no protection. It is very important for us to make sure we drink or

> eat enough with our pills so they pass into the stomach right away.


> is true even for pills you may think nothing of. I was told that


> C is one of the worst for burning the esophagus.


> notan


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Hey Jacquie - there are LOADS of anti-depressants out there. You're

right, it is not meant to be with Zoloft but there should be

something out there that works for you.

If you are in the Toronto area, look up Dr. Trainor. I met her in

Pittsburgh when I was there for my -ectomy. She had spent a year

there at the Heart, Lung and Esophageal surgery center. She was very

nice and had obviously gained a great deal of experience while there.

I know that the week following my surgery, she was moving back to

Toronto to set up private practice.

you should be able to find some kind of anti-depressant that HELPS

with your spasms, not causes more.

Good luck in your search.

- in NC

> > > ... I'm wondering now if I should have heeded the big " take with

> > > food " label on the Zoloft bottle, which, honestly, I didn't see


> > > now. ...

> >

> > Warnings like that may indicate that the medication is irritating


> the

> > stomach. If it is, it is probably also irritating to the esophagus

> which

> > has no protection. It is very important for us to make sure we

drink or

> > eat enough with our pills so they pass into the stomach right


> This

> > is true even for pills you may think nothing of. I was told that

> vitamin

> > C is one of the worst for burning the esophagus.

> >

> > notan

> >


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Has anyone else gotten pregnant while during the time they were using

their scs? I am still concerned about the effects or changes I am going

to go thru as the baby grows....

> I can already feel my battery pack and it sometimes feels as if one

corner of it is going to push right thru my scar. I am wondering how

being pregnant is going to effect my leads, battery, and how and where

the stimulation takes place. Has any woman out there been thru this yet?

> Deanna



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They are considering a c-section because of my back. In a normal delivery your

spine adjusts to make room and there is concern of this causing more pain or

damage. Also looking at delivery a couple of weeks early because the increased

weight will increase the pain also.

How far along are you? I am 10 weeks tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 30, 2008, at 9:00 AM, " marciaguallobaker " <marciaguallobaker@...>



> Has anyone else gotten pregnant while during the time they were using

their scs? I am still concerned about the effects or changes I am going

to go thru as the baby grows....

> I can already feel my battery pack and it sometimes feels as if one

corner of it is going to push right thru my scar. I am wondering how

being pregnant is going to effect my leads, battery, and how and where

the stimulation takes place. Has any woman out there been thru this yet?

> Deanna



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I am 10 weeks Tuesday! Sounds like we are going to be very close to each other.

I am a litte frustrated because when I got the scs put in, one of my concerns

was whether I could have a baby. I was told a previous pregnant lady was able to

keep her stem on and did great. When I got pregnant, they told me it hadn't

been tested yet and to use my own judgement. I also had to start taking pain

medication again and was told I could be on what I was taking if I got pregnant.

I get pregnant and they tell me try not to take it everyday because the baby

could get addicted to it. Therefore, I take the pain a lot and spend my weekend

on the sofa so I don't have to take anything. It is hard and I know it is going

to be worth it but I wish they would have told me this before. Keep me posted

on how your doing. It will be nice to talk to someone who is going throught the

same thing.

Marci B.

Deanna Ramsey <Photobug33777@...> wrote:

They are considering a c-section because of my back. In a normal

delivery your spine adjusts to make room and there is concern of this causing

more pain or damage. Also looking at delivery a couple of weeks early because

the increased weight will increase the pain also.

How far along are you? I am 10 weeks tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 30, 2008, at 9:00 AM, " marciaguallobaker " <marciaguallobaker@...>



> Has anyone else gotten pregnant while during the time they were using

their scs? I am still concerned about the effects or changes I am going

to go thru as the baby grows....

> I can already feel my battery pack and it sometimes feels as if one

corner of it is going to push right thru my scar. I am wondering how

being pregnant is going to effect my leads, battery, and how and where

the stimulation takes place. Has any woman out there been thru this yet?

> Deanna



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


First of all--please take the time to enjoy where you are now. Podcast 110, with

the guided journey for more time in the present, might help with that....

Secondly... During my one full-term pregnancy, my body was great at telling me

what I really needed. (I sometimes need to translate: ice cream cravings were

always soothed by yogurt, for instance. And chocolate is the only thing that

made me actually toss my cookies, so to speak.) Afterwards, I was back to my

pre-pregnancy clothes within 3 months without trying anything special. And that

was a full-term twin pregnancy.... I didn't start putting on " real " weight until

later, when the girls were starting on solid foods and I was starting on


Third... It's great that you can identify this fear. Have you tried releasing it

with EFT? Or even just forming the EFT-ish statements, if you're not into

tapping? Even though I'm afraid I will never lose this weight, I choose to eat

in a way that leads to the best health for me and my baby.... Even though I hate

feeling this flat and bloated and huge, I love and accept myself.

I have seen sooooo many women bounce back to looking absolutely gorgeous after

pregnancy that I know it is possible for you, too.


From: eileenengebretsen <eileenengebretsen@...>


Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 11:16:20 AM

Subject: pregnancy

Is anyone else in my situation? I am five months pregnant so have gained back

most of the weight that I had lost (with the help of IOWL) in 2008. I am a bit

panicky that I will never fit back into my thinner clothes and feel so bloated

all the time. I want to get my figure back after the pregnancy, but I know

weighloss is not an option at this time, for obvious reasons. Let me know your


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First of all--please take the time to enjoy where you are now. Podcast 110, with

the guided journey for more time in the present, might help with that....

Secondly... During my one full-term pregnancy, my body was great at telling me

what I really needed. (I sometimes need to translate: ice cream cravings were

always soothed by yogurt, for instance. And chocolate is the only thing that

made me actually toss my cookies, so to speak.) Afterwards, I was back to my

pre-pregnancy clothes within 3 months without trying anything special. And that

was a full-term twin pregnancy.... I didn't start putting on " real " weight until

later, when the girls were starting on solid foods and I was starting on


Third... It's great that you can identify this fear. Have you tried releasing it

with EFT? Or even just forming the EFT-ish statements, if you're not into

tapping? Even though I'm afraid I will never lose this weight, I choose to eat

in a way that leads to the best health for me and my baby.... Even though I hate

feeling this flat and bloated and huge, I love and accept myself.

I have seen sooooo many women bounce back to looking absolutely gorgeous after

pregnancy that I know it is possible for you, too.


From: eileenengebretsen <eileenengebretsen@...>


Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 11:16:20 AM

Subject: pregnancy

Is anyone else in my situation? I am five months pregnant so have gained back

most of the weight that I had lost (with the help of IOWL) in 2008. I am a bit

panicky that I will never fit back into my thinner clothes and feel so bloated

all the time. I want to get my figure back after the pregnancy, but I know

weighloss is not an option at this time, for obvious reasons. Let me know your


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  • 5 months later...

Same as post rygb.increase protein and milk secreting foodstfuff Sent on my BlackBerry® from VodafoneFrom: "mmporter615" <mmporter615@...>Sender: Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 14:35:55 -0000< >Reply Subject: Pregnancy We have a patient that got pregnant 7 months s/p RNY. Does anyone know guidelines for pregnant post RNY patients?

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BariMD featured Jeanne Blankenship, MS RD on Ask the Experts on the topic of Pregnancy Post Bariatric Surgery. This is an archived web event available on demand.Jeanne discusses what to do nutritionally when the post-surgical bariatric patient presents pregnant. She presents considerations with respect to the modifications to the diet, weight gain recommendations, lab values and supplements. After participating in this event, attendees will be able to:Identify common complication of pregnancy and their incidence in an obese population. Describe bariatric surgery related complications during pregnancy. Outline the goals of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and to adjust individual’s needs and goals based on the length of time since surgery. Simply click here: https://www.barimd.com/ateEventCalnew.php?calview=event & event_id=115 & prevview=month & year=2007 & month=1 & day=10 The cost for access is $25. Contact BariMD Customer Support to sign up for access at 877.855.9988. Debbie Daley, RD LDNBariMD151 north nob hill road, suite 185plantation, florida 33324877.855.9988 I talk (corporate office)954.919.9777 I sendwww.barimd.com

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


Congratulations on finding out you're expecting!  I'm currently at 29 weeks

myself, so I can relate to parts of your story, for sure.  I'll give you a

little background on where I stood before I found out I was pregnant.

I was diagnosed in 1998 and had a myotomy a month after that, in July 1998.

 I've had some issues ever since, but " tolerable " I suppose is the best way to

put it.  I had regular dilatations, normally once a year, but at least once

every 18 months since 1998.  At my last one, in 2009, my surgeon told me that

he thought I was probably at the end of the usefulness of my myotomy, as the

dilatations weren't helping for nearly as long as I would have liked, and I was

having quite a bit of food still resting in my esophagus.  In the summer last

year, I was having some pretty significant issues again, nothing really going

down, or at least nothing staying down for long, and had lost close to 20lbs.

 I contacted my surgeon and he scheduled an upper GI and another scope with

dilatation, just to get an idea of what he was going to be working with,

informing me that in all likelihood, I was going to have to try another myotomy

in the fall.  I got violently ill

before my tests were to take place, and ended up finding out I was pregnant

(with hyperemesis, hence the violently ill part).  My surgeon decided we'd wait

out the surgery, which I of course agreed with... no way I'm going under while


At 29 weeks, I've just hit pre-pregnancy weight, but the baby has grown on track

the entire time, and is showing perfectly at last ultrasound to still be born on

schedule.  I informed my prenatal physicians (we have a group of doctors

available on a rotation basis here for us) of my achalasia, and of course the

issues that I had just prior to finding out I was pregnant (and continuing,

sadly) and they sent me to a dietician.  I understand your feelings about how

nobody understands, and the frustration of having to continue to tell medical

personnel about your condition, but this is certainly one time that

self-advocacy pays off.  You just need to try to remember that these people are

baby specialists and not achalasia specialists.  Most will listen to your

knowledge, try to keep things simple.  It's important, as everyone will tell

you, to get as much variety and healthy alternatives into your body, but you'll

do as best you can with what you're

able to tolerate.  With my morning sickness issues, the dietician here just

told me to get whatever down that I could, for as long as I could keep it in.

 She was very understanding about the differences that we all have in what we

can and can't eat, and just said to try to vary as much as I could, and try to

keep things as healthy as I could.  Get whatever vitamins in that you can, and

make sure that your doctors keep an eye on the growth of the baby.  I know I've

had 4 ultrasounds so far, just checking progress, with another scheduled for the

end of the month, but all the doctors have been very happy with my sons growth

and development.

I wish I had information on the financial side of things for you, but I'm in

Canada, so thankfully don't have to deal with not being treated for any of my

conditions.  I can't imagine adding that stress to an already stressful

disease, or a pregnancy.

Maybe Cara can chime in on her experience with her pregnancy as well, as she has

twins that are still young.  I'm not sure if there are any other women that

have been pregnant with achalasia around that post, as I'm still quite new


Hopefully you'll find helpful prenatal doctors that are willing to work with

YOUR knowledge and not try to just tell you to " eat " without listening to your


Good luck!

kim in canada

From: devin aeh <devinaeh@...>

Subject: pregnancy


Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 10:28 AM


Hi, everyone. Just found out I'm pregnant! I'm thrilled but terrified. My A was

really bad for a few years, not able to eat or drink anything for days at time,

lost 100 pounds, thought I was going to die. No insurance. Found that drinking

hot coffee or tea before eating almost always relaxed my E and was able to put

30 pounds back on in the last year or so. Then a few months ago, I went to the

doctor to get a B12 shot for something unrelated and miraculously, I could

swallow normally with no hot liquid for 4 days! That hadn't happened in over 5

years. So I started taking B12 shots at home and also a sub lingual B complex

pill that included Folic Acid and some other vitamins that are needed for B12 to

work properly. If I take the shot once a week and the pill two times a day, I

can usually eat normally, but every once in awhile I eat too quickly or miss a

pill and my E gets jammed up and I have to start all over with the hot liquid


Anyway, I was swallowing perfectly normally for the first 3 days after I found

out I was pregnant. The last 2 days I have not been able to eat or drink

anything and I'm freaking out about how this might be affecting the baby, which

at this point is still a tiny zygote. I think I'm only 2-4 weeks along. I made

an emergency appt. with an OBGYN doctor, but I know she will not know what to

do...none of the doctors ever do. I'm thinking IV fluid and maybe they have an

injectable Folate they can give me? I want them to check my iron levels too and

maybe give me a shot of that.

The B12 shot I'm taking at home doesn't seem to work as well as the one they

gave me in the Doc's office, not sure why.

I don't have insurance, but as soon as I get proof of pregnancy I will qualify

for Medicaid. The only doctor around here who knows anything about A died about

a year ago....he used to give me the giant tube down the throat while awake with

no anesthesia once a month or so. It worked at first but the last couple times

did nothing for me. I had one balloon dilation that lasted for about 3 weeks,

but I am wary of this because I've read that it increases scar tissue and makes

surgery more difficult. I had a barium swallow done several years ago, when I

still had insurance, and tried to have a manometry but could not make it through

it because it was extremely painful. That is the furthest I got in the testing,

no more insurance. Will Medicaid refuse to help me with this because it's a

pre-existing condition?

I " m hoping this can all get sorted out with vitamins for the duration of my

pregnancy, and then I will have the Medicare for 60 days after I give birth, so

maybe I could get surgery then. I'm scared to try it while pregnant. I will

probably never have insurance again in my life.

Do any of you have experience with pregnancy during A? Does anyone know if Dr.

Rice has any experience with the pregnancy side of this? Cleveland is a 4 hour

drive from where I am so I could only go up about once a month at the most. I

can't even imagine what that will cost in gas at this point. But like I said, NO

doctors around here even know what A is. They keep trying to tell me I have

heartburn. They look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I can't even swallow


Any words of encouragement or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.



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Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I carried twin boys full term with

Achalsia. However, I was not having any swallowing issues before getting

pregnant and my swallowing even improved while I was pregnant. This has happened

to a couple of ladies here in this group.

I am concerned for you. First, I am concerned because I am not sure what they

can do for you while you are pregnant. Since you said a dilatation does not give

you relief, I am not sure what other options there are while pregnant. They

wouldn't give me a barium swallow because of the X rays so it will be hard for

them to see what condition your E is in right now.

After you deliver, you are going to want to have something done to alleviate

your symptoms. You need to be healthy to take care of your little one. Why is it

that your current health insurance will no longer be around after the pregnancy?

I am not clear as to why you will never have health insurance.

There are other way of getting the health care you need, charitable funds,

working with the surgeon to get on a payment plan, etc. A lot of people in this

group are very knowledgeable about the resources out there and available to you.

I would suggest that right now (since you have coverage) go the the BEST GI

doctor that has A LOT of experience with Achalasia. This GI will be your partner

for the next 9 months. He needs to speak with your OB to make sure that you are

never laying completely on your back for ultra sounds or labor and delivery. You

could possibly aspirate if you are on your back and you have stuff in your

espohagus. you also need to make sure your are getting enough nutirition too.

I would think if things are not going down that protein shakes will be the way

to go. But a doctor should be supervising your diet if you can't get all the

solid foods that you need orally.

I wish you the best of luck. tell us where you are, maybe we can recommend a

great GI for you to consult.




> Hi, everyone. Just found out I'm pregnant! I'm thrilled but terrified. My A

was really bad for a few years, not able to eat or drink anything for days at

time, lost 100 pounds, thought I was going to die. No insurance. Found that

drinking hot coffee or tea before eating almost always relaxed my E and was able

to put 30 pounds back on in the last year or so. Then a few months ago, I went

to the doctor to get a B12 shot for something unrelated and miraculously, I

could swallow normally with no hot liquid for 4 days! That hadn't happened in

over 5 years. So I started taking B12 shots at home and also a sub lingual B

complex pill that included Folic Acid and some other vitamins that are needed

for B12 to work properly. If I take the shot once a week and the pill two times

a day, I can usually eat normally, but every once in awhile I eat too quickly or

miss a pill and my E gets jammed up and I have to start all over with the hot

liquid routine.


> Anyway, I was swallowing perfectly normally for the first 3 days after I found

out I was pregnant. The last 2 days I have not been able to eat or drink

anything and I'm freaking out about how this might be affecting the baby, which

at this point is still a tiny zygote. I think I'm only 2-4 weeks along. I made

an emergency appt. with an OBGYN doctor, but I know she will not know what to

do...none of the doctors ever do. I'm thinking IV fluid and maybe they have an

injectable Folate they can give me? I want them to check my iron levels too and

maybe give me a shot of that.


> The B12 shot I'm taking at home doesn't seem to work as well as the one they

gave me in the Doc's office, not sure why.


> I don't have insurance, but as soon as I get proof of pregnancy I will qualify

for Medicaid. The only doctor around here who knows anything about A died about

a year ago....he used to give me the giant tube down the throat while awake with

no anesthesia once a month or so. It worked at first but the last couple times

did nothing for me. I had one balloon dilation that lasted for about 3 weeks,

but I am wary of this because I've read that it increases scar tissue and makes

surgery more difficult. I had a barium swallow done several years ago, when I

still had insurance, and tried to have a manometry but could not make it through

it because it was extremely painful. That is the furthest I got in the testing,

no more insurance. Will Medicaid refuse to help me with this because it's a

pre-existing condition?


> I " m hoping this can all get sorted out with vitamins for the duration of my

pregnancy, and then I will have the Medicare for 60 days after I give birth, so

maybe I could get surgery then. I'm scared to try it while pregnant. I will

probably never have insurance again in my life.


> Do any of you have experience with pregnancy during A? Does anyone know if Dr.

Rice has any experience with the pregnancy side of this? Cleveland is a 4 hour

drive from where I am so I could only go up about once a month at the most. I

can't even imagine what that will cost in gas at this point. But like I said, NO

doctors around here even know what A is. They keep trying to tell me I have

heartburn. They look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I can't even swallow



> Any words of encouragement or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Devin




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  • 8 months later...

Dear all,

i recently found out that i am pregnant.

before i started with iodine plus 2 i had PCO's (no ovulation at all).

shall i increase/decrease the dosis?

kind regards.

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If you just started the Iodine then you need to stay at 12.5 mgs. If you had been on iodine for a year prior then you would be OK to be at a higher dose. But higher doses force halides into the blood which cross the placenta and put your baby at risk.

The product you are taking is pretty expensive. You can get 180 tablets from Breastcancerchoices.org for $35.

Yes the Iodine 2 product has selenium and B2 but the proper "b's" for iodine supplementation includes both B2 & B3. This is the ATP CoFactor product. The selenium is only 15 mcg and you need 100-200 mcg per the protocol. Check into Swansonvitamins.com for great prices. You can get 300 tablets of Selenium for approx $5.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Buist, ND HC


Dear all,i recently found out that i am pregnant.before i started with iodine plus 2 i had PCO's (no ovulation at all).shall i increase/decrease the dosis?kind regards.

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Just wanted to say I am pregnant too and doing the iodine protocol at 12.5mg of

iodine with companion nutrients. I oscillate between taking 100-200mcg of

selenium daily too.

I don't know if you already use it but do you use bio identical progesterone

cream...this is what I have used for the treatment of PCOS for many years. And

it also helps to maintain a pregnancy and avoid miscarriage. I get mine from

and Australian company called Lawley Pharmaceuticals (they specialise in bio

identical hormones, very good quality) and I use the Profeme 10 cream at 100mg

per day.

Just a thought you may already know about it.

I am now 22weeks pregnant.



> Dear all,


> i recently found out that i am pregnant.


> before i started with iodine plus 2 i had PCO's (no ovulation at all).


> shall i increase/decrease the dosis?


> kind regards.


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