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Re: problem making Lugol's solution

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hi Robin,

my guess would be the water you are using.

Is it chlorine and fluoride free? If it is distilled, in what sort of container do you buy it?

problem making Lugol's solution

I'm experiencing a problem with the Lugol's solution I made myself.I bought ACS grade potassium iodide and pure elemental iodine crystalsfrom the ebay seller the_full_orchestra, and made the Lugol's solutionper the instructions from "HerbsPlusBeadWorks" on youtube. But when Itake the solution it gives me terrible heartburn. I put 8 drops in agelatin capsule and take it with 16 oz. of water. This is the same wayI've been taking store-bought Lugol's solution for many months withoutany problem. I only have the heartburn with the solution I made. Doesanyone have any idea what might be causing this?Thank you,Robin

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My guess is that the Lugol's you made is stronger than the Lugol's you were


previously, so you're getting a bigger dose. Some people get stomach upset with

Lugol's. That's one reason Iodoral tablet was developed. I don't believe the


would have that much effect, but one should definitely use DISTILLED water to


their Lugol's.

The solution is to try fewer drops and see how that feels. If the upset doesn't


it's that your solution is much stronger than the previous you used.


On 24 Jan 2012 at 6:44, Marsh wrote:




> hi Robin,

> my guess would be the water you are using.


> Is it chlorine and fluoride free? If it is distilled, in what sort of

> container do you buy it?




> problem making Lugol's solution



> I'm experiencing a problem with the Lugol's solution I made myself.


> I bought ACS grade potassium iodide and pure elemental iodine crystals

> from the ebay seller the_full_orchestra, and made the Lugol's solution

> per the instructions from " HerbsPlusBeadWorks " on youtube. But when I

> take the solution it gives me terrible heartburn. I put 8 drops in a

> gelatin capsule and take it with 16 oz. of water. This is the same way

> I've been taking store-bought Lugol's solution for many months without

> any problem. I only have the heartburn with the solution I made. Does

> anyone have any idea what might be causing this?


> Thank you,

> Robin






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Thanks, ladies, for your help. I diluted it, and wah-lah!, no more

heartburn. I feel kind of foolish that it was something so simple....

Take care,



> >

> >

> >

> > hi Robin,

> > my guess would be the water you are using.

> >

> > Is it chlorine and fluoride free? If it is distilled, in what sort


> > container do you buy it?

> >

> >

> >

> > problem making Lugol's solution

> >

> >

> > I'm experiencing a problem with the Lugol's solution I made myself.

> >

> > I bought ACS grade potassium iodide and pure elemental iodine


> > from the ebay seller the_full_orchestra, and made the Lugol's


> > per the instructions from " HerbsPlusBeadWorks " on youtube. But when


> > take the solution it gives me terrible heartburn. I put 8 drops in a

> > gelatin capsule and take it with 16 oz. of water. This is the same


> > I've been taking store-bought Lugol's solution for many months


> > any problem. I only have the heartburn with the solution I made.


> > anyone have any idea what might be causing this?

> >

> > Thank you,

> > Robin

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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