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Re: High doses of iodine from 6 mths to 2+ yrs causing increase in reverse T3

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My husband and I take Trimethylglycine, known as TMG. He started on it because his homocysteine was too high and he had had a cardiac event. I started taking it as well when I read that it helps the liver.-Kim From: mwhiting55 <mwhiting@...> iodine Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 5:17 PM Subject: High doses of iodine from 6 mths to 2+ yrs causing increase in reverse T3

I've been taking 12.5mg Iodine Plus-2 (and also take extra Magnesium and Selenium and Vitamin C) for over two years. My Reverse T3 (anthithyroid antibodies) have gradually climbed and are now well in excess of the (mainstream medicine) accepted range. So I am worried about it damaging my thyroid. I read somewhere that Dr Brownstein suggests it is down to an increase in homocysteine levels and to take Trimethylglycine (which helps the liver) to bring the homocysteines down. Has anyone else had any experience of this or any advice?

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Reverse T3 and antithyroid antibodies are different things, and not necessarily

related -- but yours could could " both " be elevated?

It can be " normal " if reverse T3 is elevated, if free T3 is also quite high --

but not if free T3 is relatively low.

Increased homocysteine levels (like increased cholesterol levels) are

" associated " with hypothyroidism -- however, it's the hypothyroidism that causes

the increased homocysteine (and cholesterol) levels, and not the reverse.

To lower homocysteine, supplement thyroid hormones -- or supplement with

methylation boosters, such as methyl-vitamin-B12, methyl-folate (better than

folic acid), vitamin B6, TMG, DMG, SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine) -- as well as

sufficient, but not excessive, selenium.

To reduce antithyroid antibodies' damage to the thyroid, selenium is required

(several doses per day; total up to 300 - 400 mcg), as well as other

antioxidants. ... Also, possibly need to adopt a gluten-free diet?


--- At 03:17 PM 14 01 2012, mwhiting55 wrote:


>I've been taking 12.5mg Iodine Plus-2 (and also take extra Magnesium and

Selenium and Vitamin C) for over two years. My Reverse T3 (anthithyroid

antibodies) have gradually climbed and are now well in excess of the (mainstream

medicine) accepted range. So I am worried about it damaging my thyroid. I read

somewhere that Dr Brownstein suggests it is down to an increase in

homocysteine levels and to take Trimethylglycine (which helps the liver) to

bring the homocysteines down. Has anyone else had any experience of this or any





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Dr Brownstein does not use TMG - he uses DMG. He has a product he formulated and uses in his practice called Pure Zen Health DMG Complete (www.centerforholisticmedicine.com ) but when I had a high RT3 he put me on a whole foods diet and had me take Pure Zen Health TLC - 1 scoop 2x / day. High RT3 is in many cases due to poor diet, high cortisol or toxic liver.

Buist, ND HC

High doses of iodine from 6 mths to 2+ yrs causing increase in reverse T3

I've been taking 12.5mg Iodine Plus-2 (and also take extra Magnesium and Selenium and Vitamin C) for over two years. My Reverse T3 (anthithyroid antibodies) have gradually climbed and are now well in excess of the (mainstream medicine) accepted range. So I am worried about it damaging my thyroid. I read somewhere that Dr Brownstein suggests it is down to an increase in homocysteine levels and to take Trimethylglycine (which helps the liver) to bring the homocysteines down. Has anyone else had any experience of this or any advice?

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you are not on a high dose of iodine--it is a very low dose. you might have to go to a maintenance dose of 50mg iodine/iodide in order to get antibodies down. I am not sure if Iodine Plus 2 is the same formula as Iodoral or lugols.


I've been taking 12.5mg Iodine Plus-2 (and also take extra Magnesium and Selenium and Vitamin C) for over two years. My Reverse T3 (anthithyroid antibodies) have gradually climbed and are now well in excess of the (mainstream medicine) accepted range. So I am worried about it damaging my thyroid. I read somewhere that Dr Brownstein suggests it is down to an increase in homocysteine levels and to take Trimethylglycine (which helps the liver) to bring the homocysteines down. Has anyone else had any experience of this or any advice?

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  • 2 weeks later...

> >

> >I've been taking 12.5mg Iodine Plus-2 (and also take extra Magnesium and

Selenium and Vitamin C) for over two years. My Reverse T3 (anthithyroid

antibodies) have gradually climbed and are now well in excess of the (mainstream

medicine) accepted range. So I am worried about it damaging my thyroid. I read

somewhere that Dr Brownstein suggests it is down to an increase in

homocysteine levels and to take Trimethylglycine (which helps the liver) to

bring the homocysteines down. Has anyone else had any experience of this or any


> >

> >

> >


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