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Re: Iondine, iodide and vitamin c

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Vit C in bloodstream an issue? Absolutely false and nothing to be concerned

about. Just

isn't going to happen in the body.

I can't remember which direction it was once thought that the body could


iodide to iodine or vice versa, but research shows that far less of that kind of


happens at all. We need to suppelement both kinds.



On 7 Feb 2012 at 15:22, kjjsiebert wrote:

> I take quite a bit of vitamin c and I take Lugol's at a different time

> but I am wondering if high blood levels of vitamin c will cause the

> iodine to be changed into iodide in the body. I also am wondering if

> the body can change iodide into iodine to fill its iodine needs.




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