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Wanting to start iodine due Hashi's

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This is my first post. I was diagnosed with a high level of Hashi's with

nodules 1 1/2 yrs ago. My TSH was 1.09 which I was told is normal. I was

advised not to do iodine for Hashi's.

I have been on Low Dose Naltrexone and mostly gluten free with some improvement

in energy, but I am still depressed, have low energy, am overweight and have

chronic pain from old back injury.

I joined this group looking for answers. Although I cannot afford a consultation

or tests at this time, I am prepared to borrow money to buy iodoral.

Is it reckless of me to start a protocol without the recommended testing? Having

read that lack of iodine is the cause of all autoimmune thryroid probs, I assume

it isn't.

My intuition tells me to work up to 50mg of the pill form and then test after 3

months to see if my levels are good. Hopefully by that time I will have income.

I plan to do all the recommended supplements and salt loading etc.

Is this a reasonable plan in your opinion? I understand that I am responsible

for my own health and am very grateful for your informative files section and

support of the group.


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