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Lab results

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In a message dated 6/28/00 7:06:45 AM Central Daylight Time,

egroups writes:


White Blood Cell count 3.5 LO 4.0 - 11.0 x E9/L

Red Blood Cell count 4.38 LO 4.5 - 6.00 x E12/L

Mean Corpuscular Vol 97.0 HI 80 - 95 fL

Mean Corpuscular Hb 33.2 HI 27.5 - 33.0 pg

Sedimentation Rate(ESR) 1 ? 0 - 13 MM/H

Platelet count 135 LO 150 - 400 x E9/L >>

Gee Hud, these results look horrible! I bet your doc says that, " yeah, some


the results are out of range, but not far enough to be concerned " . That is


I heard for a long time. My WBC count has been low for 7 years, since onset,

usually running about 3.5-3.9. My doc is FINALLY concerned and called me

personally after the last test. He thinks the low WBC count is due to a


infection, probably viral (in his opinion). My sed rate has been either 0 or


I don't have any suggestions, what did the doc say who ran the tests?


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on 6/28/00 8:47 PM, mcamp10139@... at mcamp10139@... wrote:

> Gee Hud, these results look horrible! I bet your doc says that, " yeah, some

> of the results are out of range, but not far enough to be concerned " . That is

> what I heard for a long time. My WBC count has been low for 7 years, since

> onset, usually running about 3.5-3.9. My doc is FINALLY concerned and called

> me personally after the last test. He thinks the low WBC count is due to a

> chronic infection, probably viral (in his opinion). My sed rate has been

> either 0 or 1. I don't have any suggestions, what did the doc say who ran the

> tests?

That's almost EXACTLY what my doc ALWAYS says. I'm the one who points to

the abnormal results and tries to find an explanation for them. He always

looks at me like he's thinking: " This guy always thinks there's something

wrong with him " .

The doc who ran the tests is a neurologist; I don't have a follow-up appt.

with her until August. But I'm going to see a hematologist whenever I can

get in. Soon hopefully. I've never before felt so distinctly unwell for

such an extended period.

It seems odd to me (vis a vis the leukopenia) that I NEVER get common

infections like colds, flus, respiratory infections, etc. I can't remember

the last time I had a cold. But I do have problems with: mouth ulcers,

periodontal disease and foliculitis -- which are common signs of leukopenia.

Thanks for your thoughts,



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  • 1 month later...

"Just gotmy latest lab results. Nothing too surprising EXCEPT my blood sugar was 397. It has never been above 110. I know Prednisone can cause an elevation but does it go up that much? Or do I have to worry about diabetes too? This was not a fasting test."

Dear ne,

My trusty immunologist always tells me that raised sugar levels that are done without fasting really dont mean a great deal. My neuro confirmed this also. Its all to do with how your liver functions are. So I would suggest that you talk to your doctor and get a prick BSL (Blood Sugar Level) - they prick your finger and put a drop of blood on a thing and a little machine tells you the level (this can be done in a pharmacy also - at least here in Aussie it can!), and also for peace of mind, do fasting diabetes blood and urine tests.

The test you had is not the same test as a diabetes test so dont get stressed about it yet. Hope that is some help, I can always sent it to my immunologist (who is a pathologist) but you would have to send me the name of the test that you had, preferably along with the other tests you had done and the meds you were on.


Love Aisha.

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  • 7 months later...
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Chelle baby,

Sure do, for now go to http://www.elderwyn.com/medicallinks/path.html

If that doesnt work, try http://www.elderwyn.com/medicallinks and

follow the link

If that doesnt work, send me the test names and results and I'll send

it to my immunologist who is a pathologist :)

Or you could try http://www.labcorp.com but thats more for what the

test is for, not what the result means.

How you doing?

Much love,


> Does anyone have a link where I can go and look up what my lab

> results mean and what I can to do help my body? Hope all is well

> with everyone.

> 4

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  • 4 years later...
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deep breaths - I hope you can get to the gym - do

they have a whirlpool for your back? take care of


--- SulaBlue <sulablue2001@...> wrote:

> You aren't alone with the high numbers, !


Live, Love, Laugh

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  • 4 months later...

A 2 log drop by week 12 would be anything below 3,300 to be able to

continue treatment....AND YOU ALREADY GOT THAT!.....so unless it goes

back up.....you can continue.

I think what she's looking at is the fact that those that clear in 4

weeks stand the best chance of staying clear.

Followed by those that completely clear at 12 weeks.

Followed by those that obtain a 2 log drop at 12 weeks but don't

clear completly.

Okay, so you're not in the first group....but 1128 is almost

nothing. I think you'll be in the second group....and that's good

enough to clear. Don't get discouraged...you're doing fine.


> I guess I'm lucky. Although it's sometimes difficult to get ahold


> my hep nurse, my family doctor is in the same University medical


> and has access to the lab results. He also uses a wonderful system

> called Relay Health. It's a website that you can use to email him,

> and he will always get back to me on the same day. He will also


> in prescriptions for minor health problems, like those pesky sinus

> infections I get whenever I get a cold. Saves me the trip down


> as well as the co-pay. I wish all doctors would use this system.


> On a related note, my starting Viral Load was 330,000. On 8/12,


> week 4 of tx, I was down to 30,000. Most recent test at week 6, I'm

> down to 1128. I was elated to hear those results - until I talked


> my hep nurse. She wasn't too pleased with the results & said if I

> don't clear by my next viral load test (which I'll do in 2 weeks at

> week 13), I most likely won't clear at all.


> This has sent me into a major funk all weekend. Has anyone else

had a

> similar experience? A little pep talk would help immensely.


> Thanks,


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Those numbers seem great. I'm sure you'll be clear for your next test. I

didn't have my first until week 12, so have no idea when I actually cleared.

Yours seems like a pretty good drop after 4 weeks!

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  • 5 months later...
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Hi, I hope you get a better reply than mine. I can only tell you that I've had much higher viral counts than these. The other blood tests don't reflect his liver functions, which I believe (perhaps wrongly) to be very important. I never paid much attention to my other bloodwork, since it was always within the "normal" range. The normal range is usually printed on the report beside the results. Sometimes the results that are not within the normal range will be printed in a different color. The one that is marked (high), I can't tell you how important that may or may not be. Don't worry! If there was anything too far out of whack, his doctor should have let him know. I hope this sets your mind at ease a little. It may also help to know that HCV is a pretty slow moving virus. Your husband certainly should be concentrating all his efforts on the treatment program he is now enrolled in. More good

news! geno type 2 is considered the easiest to treat. So when he is ready for treatment, he may only have to treat for 6 months as opposed to one year. Even more good news, many improvements or even changes to the current treatment may take place while he is getting himself ready to try treatment again. Stand by, I'm sure one of our healthcare professionals can and will tell you more than I have. All my best to you and your husband, Eat well, sleep well, be well!jobotopher <jobotopher@...> wrote: Hello group!! I was hoping someone could help me with the following lab results for my husband. A little background...We know he has Hep C (I just never knew much about it until this I joined this group). This past December he tried the interferon

treatment for a whopping 3 weeks. Since then, his mental status, as well as other addictions, have spiraled and the Dr., along with his family, recommended he stop treatment. He has now enrolled into a 15 month treatment program for help with his addictions (which in itself is GREAT) but I know while he is there he won't be encouraged to deal with the Hep C. Can someone help me with the following results and tell me if their horribly bad??HEP C - REACTIVEHEP C VIRUS RNA-BLOODHCV QUANT .. 4.68HCV COPY ... 48100HEP C GENOTYPE-BLOODHCV TYPE ... 2Complete Blood CountWBC 6.5RBC 4.81Hgb 15.3Hct 41.9MCV 87MCH 31.8 (High)MCHC 36.5RDW 12.8Platelet 166It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link--

Hepatitis C/Happy Posting

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Well it looks like he has hep c,, has a reasonably high viral load , has genotype 2,, so with geno 2 he has a very very good chance of responding to treatment and clearing,, His labs look just fine but there was not alt/ast but dont worry,, cuz those do not really have much to do with telling how much damage he may or may not have.. looks like he has a good chance to treat and rid himself of this disease tho,, if he doesnt have any other contraindications for treatment.... Has he had a biopsy? That is the "gold standard" for telling how much damage one may or may not have... get copies of all his labwork and keep it in a file at home so you can refer to it from time to time,, hang in there, you are just starting to gather info,, and you are doing a good job of it too!!! hugs jaxjobotopher <jobotopher@...> wrote: Hello group!! I was hoping someone could help me with the following lab results for my husband. A little background...We know he has Hep C (I just never knew much about it until this I joined this group). This past December he tried the interferon treatment for a whopping 3 weeks. Since then, his mental status, as well as other addictions, have spiraled and the Dr., along with his family, recommended he stop treatment. He has now enrolled into a 15 month treatment program for help with his addictions (which in itself is GREAT) but I know while he is there he won't be encouraged to deal with the Hep C. Can someone help me with the following results and tell me if their horribly bad??HEP C - REACTIVEHEP C VIRUS RNA-BLOODHCV QUANT .. 4.68HCV COPY ... 48100HEP C GENOTYPE-BLOODHCV TYPE ...

2Complete Blood CountWBC 6.5RBC 4.81Hgb 15.3Hct 41.9MCV 87MCH 31.8 (High)MCHC 36.5RDW 12.8Platelet 166Jackie

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  • 11 months later...

these are my labs. they all look great i think.cept my alt/ast. my scans are friday and then treatment at the start of spring and thru summer nooooooooooo.oh well theres next year.does anyone here have thigh discomfort/pain?im not sure if its hep related but its gone on for 3 months,doc says nothing wrong.my prostate digital and labs where fine and marker s good any thoughts pleaseTim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com

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Thanks for sharing those, Tim, your viral load seems very low, if I'm reading that right.. As for pain, I think the virus hits eveyone differently, I have all manner of strange things going on.. Why not treat soon and be done with it? Hillbilly Tim <knoxweb1@...> wrote: these are my labs. they all look great i think.cept my alt/ast. my scans are friday and then treatment at the start of spring and

thru summer nooooooooooo.oh well theres next year.does anyone here have thigh discomfort/pain?im not sure if its hep related but its gone on for 3 months,doc says nothing wrong.my prostate digital and labs where fine and marker s good any thoughts please Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Search Marketing.

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i am my scans then eyes then i treat as soon as i get done and he orders meds im ready. Sheena <mom4possums2002@...> wrote: Thanks for sharing those, Tim, your viral load seems very low, if I'm reading that right.. As for pain, I think the virus hits eveyone differently, I have all manner of strange things going on.. Why not treat soon and be done with it? Hillbilly Tim <knoxweb1 > wrote: these are my labs. they all look great i think.cept my alt/ast. my scans are friday and then treatment at the start of spring and thru summer nooooooooooo.oh well theres next year.does anyone here have thigh discomfort/pain?im not sure if its hep related but its gone on for 3 months,doc says nothing wrong.my prostate digital and labs where fine and marker s good any thoughts please Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Search Marketing. Need Mail bonding?Go to the Q & A for great tips from Answers users. Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work


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We may be starting around the same time, am just trying to get my gastro issues cleared up and then I will also be ready.. BEST to you, Tim.. Hillbilly Tim <knoxweb1@...> wrote: i am my scans then eyes then i treat as soon as i get done and he orders meds im ready. Sheena <mom4possums2002 > wrote: Thanks for sharing those, Tim, your viral load seems very low, if I'm reading that right.. As for pain, I think the virus hits eveyone differently, I have all manner of strange things going on.. Why not treat soon and be done with it? Hillbilly Tim <knoxweb1 > wrote: these are my labs. they all look great i think.cept my alt/ast. my scans are friday and then treatment at the start of spring and thru summer nooooooooooo.oh well theres next year.does anyone here have thigh discomfort/pain?im not sure if its hep related but its gone on for 3 months,doc says nothing wrong.my prostate digital and labs where fine and marker s good any thoughts

please Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Search Marketing. Need Mail bonding?Go to the Q & A for great tips from Answers users. Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com Bored stiff? Loosen up...Download and play hundreds of games for free on


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

-- I did find that thyroid info I had saved but you'd gone

already I'll forward it now - I wish it would have told you more too -

hang in


-- In , " "

<@...> wrote:


> Well got results back. Nothing stands out per doctor. Gee, you


> of wish you'd see something and could go " Aha!! that's it! "


> Of course I will look at some things marked " L " or " H " and google


> read about.


> Only have a minute now but quickly:


> Thyroid:

> TSH 1.20

> T3 Uptake 38

> Thyroxine 5.2 (low - 6.09 is minimum)

> FTI (T7) 4.9 (low - 5.93 minimum)

> Free T4 .70

> CRP HIGH SENS less than 0.02 (low)



> CBC: (some random things I'll list)

> White cells 8.0

> MCV 84.8

> RDW 17.2 (high - 14.5 is max)


> Under auto diff part of CBC:

> Neutrophils 75.3 (high - 74.0 max)



> ASO:

> ASO 120.6

> Thyroglobulin 7.8

> (says range for 13-18 yrs old is 9.0 to 27.0; doesn't say it's high

> or low or anything; adult range is .5 to 55.0. All this means

> nothing to me??)


> Antithyroglo.AB less than 20.0

> TPI AB less than 10.0


> Well, things to do but quickly thought I'd post. If any thyroid

> experts or other out there, comments welcome!



> ( had had a fever about 3 weeks or so before tests)


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-- I did find that thyroid info I had saved but you'd gone

already I'll forward it now - I wish it would have told you more too -

hang in


-- In , " "

<@...> wrote:


> Well got results back. Nothing stands out per doctor. Gee, you


> of wish you'd see something and could go " Aha!! that's it! "


> Of course I will look at some things marked " L " or " H " and google


> read about.


> Only have a minute now but quickly:


> Thyroid:

> TSH 1.20

> T3 Uptake 38

> Thyroxine 5.2 (low - 6.09 is minimum)

> FTI (T7) 4.9 (low - 5.93 minimum)

> Free T4 .70

> CRP HIGH SENS less than 0.02 (low)



> CBC: (some random things I'll list)

> White cells 8.0

> MCV 84.8

> RDW 17.2 (high - 14.5 is max)


> Under auto diff part of CBC:

> Neutrophils 75.3 (high - 74.0 max)



> ASO:

> ASO 120.6

> Thyroglobulin 7.8

> (says range for 13-18 yrs old is 9.0 to 27.0; doesn't say it's high

> or low or anything; adult range is .5 to 55.0. All this means

> nothing to me??)


> Antithyroglo.AB less than 20.0

> TPI AB less than 10.0


> Well, things to do but quickly thought I'd post. If any thyroid

> experts or other out there, comments welcome!



> ( had had a fever about 3 weeks or so before tests)


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chris - this is what I saved:

a lot of people with " mental symptoms " are being placed on psych meds

without a thorough exam and the adequate blood work to make sure that

there is not a " physical reason " for their symptoms...like a thyroid

problem. I am finding that a LOT of people with mental symptoms

actually have an undiagnosed thyroid problem. One of the psych meds

they are being placed on is Lithium, which Dr. Jenike mentions.

Lithium is BAD for your thyroid....so that is a real problem.

The other thing is that Dr. Jenike says to be sure to have your

thyroid checked - that is great - AWESOME - and more and more docs

are doing this BUT THE PROBLEM IS that most docs are only running the

TSH and it can be very unreliable on its own.

I had symptoms of a thyroid problem for over 20 years, along with

family history of it, and they only ran the TSH and T3 Uptake on me

and said my " thyroid was fine " . Had they been running the more

accurate FREE T3 and FREE T4 tests, they would have found the problem

20 years ago.

Let me give you an example of some real blood work and show how the

TSH alone can be misleading and miss the problem completely.

This gals bloodwork was run and she was told her thyroid was " normal "

bec the TSH was in range. Actually her TSH looks great at 1.7. Then

all the correct thyroid tests were run, and as you can see her FREE

T4 is below the range, and her FREE T3 is very low in the range, and

she also has thyroid antibodies that are attacking the thyroid

hormone that she DOES have. This gal is now being treated with Armour

Thyroid bec the more accurate thyroid tests were run.

TSH - 1.7 (Range 0.3 - 3.0)

FREE T4 - .7 (Range 0.8 - 1.8)

FREE T3 - 90 (Range 60 - 180)

Antibodies were 126 & 146.

Also I just want to explain that on the TSH test, because this test

looks backwards to our way of thinking, but the higher your TSH

number, then the lower (hypothyroidism) your thyroid is suppose to

be. TSH stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and when your thyroid

is low your body screams for more thyroid hormone by producing this

stuff and the higher the number of this stuff then supposedly the

lower your thyroid is, and the lower your number then the higher

(hyperthyroidism) your thyroid is suppose to be. But again, we need

to be running the FREE T3 and FREE T4 and thyroid antibodies tests.

take care,

hope this helps eileen


> Well got results back. Nothing stands out per doctor. Gee, you


> of wish you'd see something and could go " Aha!! that's it! "


> Of course I will look at some things marked " L " or " H " and google


> read about.


> Only have a minute now but quickly:


> Thyroid:

> TSH 1.20

> T3 Uptake 38

> Thyroxine 5.2 (low - 6.09 is minimum)

> FTI (T7) 4.9 (low - 5.93 minimum)

> Free T4 .70

> CRP HIGH SENS less than 0.02 (low)



> CBC: (some random things I'll list)

> White cells 8.0

> MCV 84.8

> RDW 17.2 (high - 14.5 is max)


> Under auto diff part of CBC:

> Neutrophils 75.3 (high - 74.0 max)



> ASO:

> ASO 120.6

> Thyroglobulin 7.8

> (says range for 13-18 yrs old is 9.0 to 27.0; doesn't say it's high

> or low or anything; adult range is .5 to 55.0. All this means

> nothing to me??)


> Antithyroglo.AB less than 20.0

> TPI AB less than 10.0


> Well, things to do but quickly thought I'd post. If any thyroid

> experts or other out there, comments welcome!



> ( had had a fever about 3 weeks or so before tests)


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Thanks, a great help!!!!


> chris - this is what I saved:


> a lot of people with " mental symptoms " are being placed on psych meds

> without a thorough exam and the adequate blood work to make sure that

> there is not a " physical reason " for their symptoms...like a thyroid

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I am new to the group too. I think that I had as a child although it was

never diagnosed. Whenever I used to have a fever my only other symptoms would be

an elevated white count and swollen lymph nodes. I had these results month after

month. I have only had two fevers in the last three years. When they did the

blood work it was the same results as when I had fevers as a child.

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I am new to the group too. I think that I had as a child although it was

never diagnosed. Whenever I used to have a fever my only other symptoms would be

an elevated white count and swollen lymph nodes. I had these results month after

month. I have only had two fevers in the last three years. When they did the

blood work it was the same results as when I had fevers as a child.

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Now I'm really confused! I called the endo and was told my labs

were " excellent " and increasing my Synthroid could cause a thyroid

storm. I thought since I have no thyroid, a small increase in med

would could not cause a storm and having had one before the surgery,

I think I'd know I was having one and when to seek medical

attention. How long does Synthroid stay in your system? If the does

is too high, wouldn't you just decrease it?


> I think your endo doesn't understand thyroid. Both your FT3 and

FT4 are low

> in their ranges. The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry

says that

> the upper limit for TSH should be 2.5.


> http://thyroid.about.com/cs/testsforthyroid/a/labs2003.htm


> If you feel better on Armour, I just don't understand the negative

bias of

> endos.


> Refresh me, where are you in your PA diagnosis/treatment?


> Val


> From: hyperaldosteronism

> [mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of mmcandmcc



> My endo drew thyroid levels after my complaints about hair loss and

> being tired all the time and wanting to switch back to Armour from

> Synthroid. All were in normal range so not med change.


> T4 Free = .83 (.78-2.35)

> T3 Free =2.45 (2.32-6.09)

> hTSH = 2.86 (.47-4.68)






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I'm taking a stab in the dark here because I don't have time to look it up.

I think the half-life of Synthroid is about a week. The half-life of T3 is

about eight hours.

Surgery? Refresh my memory.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of mmcandmcc

Now I'm really confused! I called the endo and was told my labs

were " excellent " and increasing my Synthroid could cause a thyroid

storm. I thought since I have no thyroid, a small increase in med

would could not cause a storm and having had one before the surgery,

I think I'd know I was having one and when to seek medical

attention. How long does Synthroid stay in your system? If the does

is too high, wouldn't you just decrease it?


> I think your endo doesn't understand thyroid. Both your FT3 and

FT4 are low

> in their ranges. The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry

says that

> the upper limit for TSH should be 2.5.


> http://thyroid.about.com/cs/testsforthyroid/a/labs2003.htm


> If you feel better on Armour, I just don't understand the negative

bias of

> endos.


> Refresh me, where are you in your PA diagnosis/treatment?


> Val


> From: hyperaldosteronism


> [mailto:hyperaldosteronism

<mailto:hyperaldosteronism%40> ] On Behalf Of mmcandmcc



> My endo drew thyroid levels after my complaints about hair loss and

> being tired all the time and wanting to switch back to Armour from

> Synthroid. All were in normal range so not med change.


> T4 Free = .83 (.78-2.35)

> T3 Free =2.45 (2.32-6.09)

> hTSH = 2.86 (.47-4.68)






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I had my thyroid removed in early 2005 for Graves. I wonder if that

was really my trouble though since my major symptom was sudden high

BP 190/126. Total thyroid removal lowered the BP to 120/70 for two

years till delivery of baby number five in May of 07 when BP spiked

again and Spiro is the only thing keeping it down, although it's only

down to 135/85.

> >

> > I think your endo doesn't understand thyroid. Both your FT3 and

> FT4 are low

> > in their ranges. The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry

> says that

> > the upper limit for TSH should be 2.5.

> >

> > http://thyroid.about.com/cs/testsforthyroid/a/labs2003.htm

> >

> > If you feel better on Armour, I just don't understand the


> bias of

> > endos.

> >

> > Refresh me, where are you in your PA diagnosis/treatment?

> >

> > Val

> >

> > From: hyperaldosteronism

> <mailto:hyperaldosteronism%40>

> > [mailto:hyperaldosteronism

> <mailto:hyperaldosteronism%40> ] On Behalf Of


> >

> >

> > My endo drew thyroid levels after my complaints about hair loss


> > being tired all the time and wanting to switch back to Armour


> > Synthroid. All were in normal range so not med change.

> >

> > T4 Free = .83 (.78-2.35)

> > T3 Free =2.45 (2.32-6.09)

> > hTSH = 2.86 (.47-4.68)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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We had MANY tests done for our son, and all were normal except

elevated WBC during an episode. He was tested for cyclic neutropenia

and showed regular levels in between periods, but elevated during

episodes. His neutrophils were not elevated, the other WBC were, so

cyclic neutropenia was ruled out.

We had to go to another pediatrician in order to have Tyler diagnosed

with a PFS. After DNA testing to rule out FMF, NOMIDS, Muckle-Wells

syndroms the MD settled on . Our 1st MD kept telling us it was

virus exposure, but he was cycling every 2 weeks and there were no

flu like symptoms. So I started looking on the net and found this

group. I then started looking for doctor's in the area and asked the

offices when calling if there was an MD there that was familiar with

PFS syndromes. Some offices were snotty " all our doctor's are up on

the latest medical info. " - I finally found a doctor that had a

patient int he past with FMF, so I went there. We were referred to a

rheumatologist to rule our juvenile arthritis, then we began the DNA


I had a log of all the dates Tyler was sick with the height of fever,

how long it lasted, what his symptoms were, and other notes about

each episode. I gave him a copy and he did not question it at all.

They want to see a record, with info showing MD visits and testing.

If you haven't already started keeping a log do it now. Go back and

record all the episodes you can remember (due to missed events, MD

appt, whatever you remember).

Try submitting a post with the subject title something like " Doctors

in San Francisco, California ??? " for your area and see if anyone

else on here can help you find a Doctor familiar with .

Hope this helps you!


mother to:

Tyler 2.5yrs old ()

Dylan 4 months old

Vancouver WA

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