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Lab results

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We had MANY tests done for our son, and all were normal except

elevated WBC during an episode. He was tested for cyclic neutropenia

and showed regular levels in between periods, but elevated during

episodes. His neutrophils were not elevated, the other WBC were, so

cyclic neutropenia was ruled out.

We had to go to another pediatrician in order to have Tyler diagnosed

with a PFS. After DNA testing to rule out FMF, NOMIDS, Muckle-Wells

syndroms the MD settled on . Our 1st MD kept telling us it was

virus exposure, but he was cycling every 2 weeks and there were no

flu like symptoms. So I started looking on the net and found this

group. I then started looking for doctor's in the area and asked the

offices when calling if there was an MD there that was familiar with

PFS syndromes. Some offices were snotty " all our doctor's are up on

the latest medical info. " - I finally found a doctor that had a

patient int he past with FMF, so I went there. We were referred to a

rheumatologist to rule our juvenile arthritis, then we began the DNA


I had a log of all the dates Tyler was sick with the height of fever,

how long it lasted, what his symptoms were, and other notes about

each episode. I gave him a copy and he did not question it at all.

They want to see a record, with info showing MD visits and testing.

If you haven't already started keeping a log do it now. Go back and

record all the episodes you can remember (due to missed events, MD

appt, whatever you remember).

Try submitting a post with the subject title something like " Doctors

in San Francisco, California ??? " for your area and see if anyone

else on here can help you find a Doctor familiar with .

Hope this helps you!


mother to:

Tyler 2.5yrs old ()

Dylan 4 months old

Vancouver WA

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Thanks for your reply! I had posted on Monday that the lab results were

normal and my doctor said it was just a virus again. On Thursday, I got a

call from the doctor again saying that he now had all of her results. Her

sed rate was elevated (9.3) and her urine showed she was very dehydrated.

He said that he changed his mind- (no longer a virus) and is giving us a

referral to an ID doc. FINALLY!!!!! I'm so grateful to be taking the next


Shanna Glaeser

andria, Louisiana

Mom to

Jack- 6 yr

- 3 yr-

Spencer- 7 months

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Thanks for your reply! I had posted on Monday that the lab results were

normal and my doctor said it was just a virus again. On Thursday, I got a

call from the doctor again saying that he now had all of her results. Her

sed rate was elevated (9.3) and her urine showed she was very dehydrated.

He said that he changed his mind- (no longer a virus) and is giving us a

referral to an ID doc. FINALLY!!!!! I'm so grateful to be taking the next


Shanna Glaeser

andria, Louisiana

Mom to

Jack- 6 yr

- 3 yr-

Spencer- 7 months

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  • 1 year later...

It is a shame so many people are sucked into this numbers game.

Short and simple:

The first 10,000 AIDS cases, before there was a virus suspected as the

" probably cause, " had few or no t-cells because their thymus glands had been

destroyed by Burroughs-Wellcome (Glaxo now) poppers, cocaine, and other

inhalant drugs. There never was a virus killing t-cells, and Gallo even

admitted, in 1994, that his theory was wrong, that the virus doesn't kill


So they give you toxic drugs and your t-cells go up to combat the drugs,

but they tell you that your t-cells go up because the drugs are controlling

the " virus. " It's a crock of sh--.

Normal people don't go counting their t-cells.

Please go to the home page for this group and learn what the group is

about. It's not about t-cells and viral loads.

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  • 2 years later...

I have tried to educate myself on thyroid labs, but it remains very confusing to me. Our son is in college and takes (I think) 60mg (the dr. keeps reducing—had been 120, then 90) of thyroid med—was on Armour, but just switched to locally compounded.

This is what his latest labs looked like:

TSH 0.33 0.40-4.50

B12 438 200-1100

Ferritin 69 20-345

Iron, Total 166 45-175

Iron Binding 353 250-425

% saturation 47 20-50%

Vitamin D 14 30-100

T-4 Total 5.7 4.5-12.0 (I requested free T-4, but they only ran total)

T-3, Free 4.4 2.3-4.2

I would really appreciate any insights. He tried taking 2 thyroid pills a couple of days ago (rather than 1) and said the day after doing that he felt really good.

Thanks in advance for any help,


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I agree. The best time to have thyroid blood tests measured is 12 to 14 hours after your last dose of thyroid. For example, if you have your test done at 11 am, your last dose should be about 9 pm to 10 pm the night before.


Re: Lab results

Hi Rhonda,

If he is taking thyroid replacement, it is important when the blood test takes place. My doctor's office is finding the most accurate results when taken 6-12 hours after the last thyroid dose. I had been getting them about 26 hours after and my results were skewed. Any earlier than 6 hours can also give you skewed results.

I would definitely be starting on a decent dosage of Vitamin D3 if those were my test results. But he will have to decide that for himself.

in Alaska

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 7:24 AM, Harman Family <mr3cm@...> wrote:

I have tried to educate myself on thyroid labs, but it remains very confusing to me. Our son is in college and takes (I think) 60mg (the dr. keeps reducing—had been 120, then 90) of thyroid med—was on Armour, but just switched to locally compounded.

This is what his latest labs looked like:

TSH 0.33 0.40-4.50

B12 438 200-1100

Ferritin 69 20-345

Iron, Total 166 45-175

Iron Binding 353 250-425

% saturation 47 20-50%

Vitamin D 14 30-100

T-4 Total 5.7 4.5-12.0 (I requested free T-4, but they only ran total)

T-3, Free 4.4 2.3-4.2

I would really appreciate any insights. He tried taking 2 thyroid pills a couple of days ago (rather than 1) and said the day after doing that he felt really good.

Thanks in advance for any help,


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