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Still Sleepy! :(

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So, I pulse dosed because I was getting some pretty heavy detox symptoms. I went

from 37.5mg to 50mg to 75mg in about 4 days time and I felt the difference. In

short, when I was taking below the 37.5mg, I felt awesome but wanted to speed

things up a bit.

After i went up drastically, I had lots of fatigue and brain fog all over again

(exactly what I had prior to Lugol's with the 'fibro' and 'CFS') so I stopped

for 48 hours. I felt pretty weak and tired. Then, yesterday, I started over,

taking 37.5mg and am still dragging. I feel pretty alert for about 30min to an

hour after taking 12.5mg and then tired again until my next dose...and the cycle


Coming from someone who was super excited about the energy and warmth and

general feeling of well-being to begin with, I am a litte disappointed that I

feel this way. i am taking all companions. i even cut back on a couple of things

as Trapper suggested. I am doing the salt pushes as needed and drink a ton of

water...sometimes with lemon.

If I am doing something wrong, tell me! If not and this is normal, someone

please promise me that I will feel better again! I would love to feel like I did

with my 1st couple of weeks of supplementing. I had life back in me. i wasn't a

zombie anymore and I could move around like a toddler. Not to say I feel really

bad or worse than before but not nearly as good as in the beginning.

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