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Re: Re: iodine making me more hypothyroid?/move to OT Group

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Second request! Please move this discussion to the Iodine Off Topic Group!

Thank you!



Re: Re: iodine making me more hypothyroid?Hi Annie,I would assume that by bromine being in bread you are talking about purchased bread and not homemade from whole grain? in Alaska

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I seen the first request after I posted this.Sorry.Almost wants you not to share info with anyone anymore. All these topics have to do with our thyroids. And I don;t think there is too much conversations that make newbies not want to post. If you want to get better you'll stick it on and learn about everything for everything just about has to do with thyroid and iodine. From medications to our diets.I wish people would read the darn info int eh files but yet they don;t and the same crap gets repeated over and over and over but most of us puts up with that.It is a 2 way streak. From: Kathleen Blake <kathleenblake@...>iodine Sent: Fri, February 3, 2012 12:09:47 PMSubject: Re: Re: iodine making me more hypothyroid?/move to OT Group

Second request! Please move this discussion to the Iodine Off Topic Group!

Thank you!



Re: Re: iodine making me more hypothyroid?Hi Annie,I would assume that by bromine being in bread you are talking about purchased bread and not homemade from whole grain? in Alaska

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Hi ,

As you know, sometimes topics veer away from iodine, and even though these topics may be important for our health, we want to keep the posts more on track about iodine. We created the Iodine Off Topic list so folks could have the freedom to continue these discussions there . And yes, I agree, it would be great if members would read the files! Sure would save a lot of time for moderators always directing them again and again to the Guide to Supplementing Iodine!

Kind regards,


Re: Re: iodine making me more hypothyroid?Hi Annie,I would assume that by bromine being in bread you are talking about purchased bread and not homemade from whole grain? in Alaska

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