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Upper abdominal/stomach/breast swelling

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Hello all,

About two weeks ago, I attempted salt loading due to the side effects I was

experiencing. I had been taking Lugol's 2% 2 drops/2-3x per day for about two

months. I had felt pretty good, hair loss was lessening, lost a few pounds,

energy level pretty good. But then, all of a sudden, I had upper

abdominal/stomach/breast swelling to the extent that I couldn't wear my normal

clothes. I gained nearly 8 pounds in a matter of two weeks (and have yet to lose

any of it nor has the swelling gone down).

So, I salt loaded. I ended up with a debilitating headache that nearly landed me

in the hospital. I had that headache and massive swelling for nearly 5 days. I

had to take massive doses of ibuprofen for relief. I stopped all iodine and

supplements, and I haven't taken anything since.

Obviously, my liver/kidneys are so poor that they can't handle detoxing. Two

days ago, I drank a cup of dandelion tea that I used to be able to handle and

used to make me feel pretty good. But about an hour later, I got the massive

headache back and the upper abdominal/stomach/breast swelling (which is still

very much there).

I've done searches in this group's messages and other Internet sources, and I've

yet to find anyone who can explain this kind of swelling (only the upper

abdominal and breasts, not legs, arms, hands, etc.) and what to do about this

particular reaction to iodine and detoxing.

A few months ago, I attempted to change my style of eating to a follow a Ray

Peat style of eating (milk, cheese, ice cream, fruit, certain meats, coconut

oil, potatoes, OJ -- only). I didn't experience the headaches, but I did gain

about 12 pounds in a month. And I gained it only in my upper

abdominal/stomach/breasts. That's it -- not in my arms, legs, butt, hips, hands

-- just up top. I'm a personal trainer, so this has been particularly difficult

-- I've yet to drop any of that weight, and that was nearly a year ago. So, in

one year's time, I've gained 20 pounds while attempting to heal my thyroid. The

complete opposite effect that I've been trying to do!

Is there anyone else who has only had this kind of weight gain/swelling? What

worked for you?

As I clearly can't handle much in the way of detoxing, what's the best route for

someone like me? I have a feeling that perhaps exercise to help my lymphatic

system may be best at this point, but would anyone advise trying the Lugol's

again (but at a much smaller amount)? Would applying it to my scalp (for hair

loss) or breasts (for fibrocystic breasts) be better than ingesting it?

Sorry for the long post! Thanks in advance.

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