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Re: MTHFR results/need some help

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I am not sure that increasing B12 injections would help. I would ask why she wants to do this. When I was on my journey, I did B12 injections at home - since I was 2 1/2 hours from the doctor. I injected 1,000 mcg of Methylcobalamin daily for the first month and then once a week after that.

Since you have the two mutations you need to be conscious of issues with high homocystine, inflammation and a higher predisposition to cancer. At the bare minimum it is suggested that you support your methylation pathways with a 5-Tetra form of Folate. Dr Brownstein formulated a product in his Pure Zen line called DMG complete that offers the full spectrum of supporting nutrients for the MTHFR defect.

I would need to dig deeper into your conditions to help you with why you are getting sick but my gut tells me that your methylation issue is affecting your detox pathways and your liver is overloaded with toxins that have been released from your iodine supplementing. You may need to consider getting the methylation supplement as well as a liver cleansing product to help get back on track.

Buist, ND HC

MTHFR results/need some help

,I am hoping that you can shed some light on my feeling very ill and the results of the MTHFR test results which I received yesterday. I know that you have stated that you are positive, so here are my results and my questions:"Positive for one copy of the C677T mutation, and one copy of the A1298C mutation"My naturopath wants to raise my bi-weekly injection dose of methyl B12 from 1250 mcg to 2000 mcg, because she said the test results show that I have problems processing B12. Since I won't be able to talk to her until Tuesday, would increasing the B12 dose even make a difference? In other words, if I have trouble processing B12, why would I be able to process a higher dose?Before you think this is OT, I have been on Iodoral (12 - 28 mg) for about 4 months now, along with dessicated thyroid and all the companion nutrients. I thought the iodine was helping, but in the last month, I have felt so sick every day. I have tried pulse dosing and also just cutting back, but nothing seems to help.Would a person with this DNA mutation have problems using iodine internally? I am at a loss here; any advice would be greatly appreciated.thanksPam H.

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thanks, . I will take your suggestions to my ND and see what she has to say. I appreciate you taking the time to respond, knowing how busy you must be. I really hit low this week with feeling like death warmed over, and it’s difficult to keep going when I don’t even know why I feel so lousy. Perhaps you have hit on a solution.



From: Buist, ND HC

Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 7:03 AM


Subject: Re: MTHFR results/need some help

I am not sure that increasing B12 injections would help. I would ask why she wants to do this. When I was on my journey, I did B12 injections at home - since I was 2 1/2 hours from the doctor. I injected 1,000 mcg of Methylcobalamin daily for the first month and then once a week after that.

Since you have the two mutations you need to be conscious of issues with high homocystine, inflammation and a higher predisposition to cancer. At the bare minimum it is suggested that you support your methylation pathways with a 5-Tetra form of Folate. Dr Brownstein formulated a product in his Pure Zen line called DMG complete that offers the full spectrum of supporting nutrients for the MTHFR defect.

I would need to dig deeper into your conditions to help you with why you are getting sick but my gut tells me that your methylation issue is affecting your detox pathways and your liver is overloaded with toxins that have been released from your iodine supplementing. You may need to consider getting the methylation supplement as well as a liver cleansing product to help get back on track.

Buist, ND HC

MTHFR results/need some help

,I am hoping that you can shed some light on my feeling very ill and the results of the MTHFR test results which I received yesterday. I know that you have stated that you are positive, so here are my results and my questions:"Positive for one copy of the C677T mutation, and one copy of the A1298C mutation"My naturopath wants to raise my bi-weekly injection dose of methyl B12 from 1250 mcg to 2000 mcg, because she said the test results show that I have problems processing B12. Since I won't be able to talk to her until Tuesday, would increasing the B12 dose even make a difference? In other words, if I have trouble processing B12, why would I be able to process a higher dose?Before you think this is OT, I have been on Iodoral (12 - 28 mg) for about 4 months now, along with dessicated thyroid and all the companion nutrients. I thought the iodine was helping, but in the last month, I have felt so sick every day. I have tried pulse dosing and also just cutting back, but nothing seems to help.Would a person with this DNA mutation have problems using iodine internally? I am at a loss here; any advice would be greatly appreciated.thanksPam H.

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Some leads for you to learn more about this unique mutation sequence:

Dr. Neil Rawlins - This informative website provides links to his past Lectures

and Notes about MTHFR: http://www.nwhealthcare.net/index.php?id=64. This

website also contains an easy to follow graphic of MTHFR related medical

conditions and MTHFR treatment. The graphics were created by Dr.


Dr. Neil Rawlins - link to his website regarding MTHFR, includes suggested

treatment protocols: http://www.rawlins.org/mthfr/mthfr.html

A Sept 2011 lecture by Dr. Rawlins:

Also Dr. Amy Yasko and Rich Van Konynenburg Ph.D. have also provided extensive

materials about MTHFR and combinations of the MTHFR genetic mutations.


> ,

> I am hoping that you can shed some light on my feeling very ill and the

results of the MTHFR test results which I received yesterday. I know that you

have stated that you are positive, so here are my results and my questions:


> " Positive for one copy of the C677T mutation, and one copy of the A1298C

mutation "


> My naturopath wants to raise my bi-weekly injection dose of methyl B12 from

1250 mcg to 2000 mcg, because she said the test results show that I have

problems processing B12. Since I won't be able to talk to her until Tuesday,

would increasing the B12 dose even make a difference? In other words, if I have

trouble processing B12, why would I be able to process a higher dose?


> Before you think this is OT, I have been on Iodoral (12 - 28 mg) for about 4

months now, along with dessicated thyroid and all the companion nutrients. I

thought the iodine was helping, but in the last month, I have felt so sick every

day. I have tried pulse dosing and also just cutting back, but nothing seems to



> Would a person with this DNA mutation have problems using iodine internally?

I am at a loss here; any advice would be greatly appreciated.


> thanks

> Pam H.


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thank you, ....... sorry I didn’t see your name. But I really appreciate you forwarding this info to about Dr. Rawlins. It is extremely informative and I have already sent it to my naturopath. Mine has been a three year search for better health, and some days, I feel like I will never get better. But thanks to the kindness of strangers like you, I have hope. You are a very kind person to do this.


From: baxrox

Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 2:03 AM


Subject: Re: MTHFR results/need some help

Pam,Some leads for you to learn more about this unique mutation sequence:Dr. Neil Rawlins - This informative website provides links to his past Lectures and Notes about MTHFR: http://www.nwhealthcare.net/index.php?id=64. This website also contains an easy to follow graphic of MTHFR related medical conditions and MTHFR treatment. The graphics were created by Dr. .Dr. Neil Rawlins - link to his website regarding MTHFR, includes suggested treatment protocols: http://www.rawlins.org/mthfr/mthfr.htmlA Sept 2011 lecture by Dr. Rawlins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA8GUIRqIkEAlso Dr. Amy Yasko and Rich Van Konynenburg Ph.D. have also provided extensive materials about MTHFR and combinations of the MTHFR genetic mutations.>> ,> I am hoping that you can shed some light on my feeling very ill and the results of the MTHFR test results which I received yesterday. I know that you have stated that you are positive, so here are my results and my questions:> > "Positive for one copy of the C677T mutation, and one copy of the A1298C mutation"> > My naturopath wants to raise my bi-weekly injection dose of methyl B12 from 1250 mcg to 2000 mcg, because she said the test results show that I have problems processing B12. Since I won't be able to talk to her until Tuesday, would increasing the B12 dose even make a difference? In other words, if I have trouble processing B12, why would I be able to process a higher dose?> > Before you think this is OT, I have been on Iodoral (12 - 28 mg) for about 4 months now, along with dessicated thyroid and all the companion nutrients. I thought the iodine was helping, but in the last month, I have felt so sick every day. I have tried pulse dosing and also just cutting back, but nothing seems to help.> > Would a person with this DNA mutation have problems using iodine internally? I am at a loss here; any advice would be greatly appreciated.> > thanks> Pam H.>

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