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how to know if thyroid med is needed

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Hello again,

To make this short...I plan on finding a doctor who offers to write a script for

a natural thyroid product and one that knows how to check for thyroid problems

aside from just the standard labs. Being that I have been on iodine, would it

improve my labs and symptoms so much as to mask any need for the NDT? Or would

there be enough cause based on my symptoms at the very least to start me on

something to see if i improve at all?

I'm asking because my doc never did a FT3, only TSH and FT$ and even though my

numbers were low enuf for concern once before, she did another test to confirm

and that was " normal " according to her...even though I felt like death and it

took all I had to drive the 25 minutes to see her. I was falling asleep and

getting lost my entire ride to her but she could not care less..story of my

life. I still have these symptoms but they are not as bad since iodine. I

don't fall asleep driving but I still have periods of fatigue thru-out the day

(these could be detox symptoms tho) altho there is some brain fog. I have not

been DX'ed hypo but it does run thru my mom's side and I have major symptoms,

including 20 lb weight gain in a couple of months for no reason, puffiness,

swelling, muscle pain and fatigue....to the point that I was assumed to have

fibromyalgia and CFS. Has anyone been in this situation before? Starting iodine

and still winding up taking NDT after they started? I'm really not sure how bad

my thyroid is and therefore, will not know to what extend the iodine will help

it. I am all for helping it along so I am not trying to avoid it but I want my

true condition to be evident when evaluated.

Any help/advice you ladies can offer would be appreciated!

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Some folks thyroids improve with iodine alone, for some iodine can allow them to

wean off or reduce their thyroid meds and some may find a need for even more

thyroid meds, it's all variable. If iodine improves your thyroid function, it

is not masking it. If you've had normal labs in the past, it might behoove you

to start working on detox issues, sluggish liver can account for the same type

of symptoms as thyroid issues. At any rate, you would need labs to know





> Hello again,

> To make this short...I plan on finding a doctor who offers to write a script

for a natural thyroid product and one that knows how to check for thyroid

problems aside from just the standard labs. Being that I have been on iodine,

would it improve my labs and symptoms so much as to mask any need for the NDT?

Or would there be enough cause based on my symptoms at the very least to start

me on something to see if i improve at all?


> I'm asking because my doc never did a FT3, only TSH and FT$ and even though my

numbers were low enuf for concern once before, she did another test to confirm

and that was " normal " according to her...even though I felt like death and it

took all I had to drive the 25 minutes to see her. I was falling asleep and

getting lost my entire ride to her but she could not care less..story of my

life. I still have these symptoms but they are not as bad since iodine. I

don't fall asleep driving but I still have periods of fatigue thru-out the day

(these could be detox symptoms tho) altho there is some brain fog. I have not

been DX'ed hypo but it does run thru my mom's side and I have major symptoms,

including 20 lb weight gain in a couple of months for no reason, puffiness,

swelling, muscle pain and fatigue....to the point that I was assumed to have

fibromyalgia and CFS. Has anyone been in this situation before? Starting iodine

and still winding up taking NDT after they started? I'm really not sure how bad

my thyroid is and therefore, will not know to what extend the iodine will help

it. I am all for helping it along so I am not trying to avoid it but I want my

true condition to be evident when evaluated.


> Any help/advice you ladies can offer would be appreciated!


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