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iodine and hpv...

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I am taking 24 to 36 mg of iodine a day (two and sometimes three iodoral a day).

When I move up to three, I get irritable and I sweat and smell. No matter what

I do or how much deoderant I put on, I start to smell. It's awful. So I move

back down to one to two a day and I'm fine.

I've been taking Iodoral for about a year and a half.

I am doing all the companion nutrients. I have a MTHR defect - I don't think

horrible, though.

Recently, I had an abnormal pap that said there were some HPV cells there. So

now I'm getting worried/scared. I am 51 and have been in menopause since age


I'm pretty healthy - exercise regularly and religiously. When I was 21, I had

cervical dysplasia which was removed by laser and haven't had abnormal paspmears

till now.

So my question: Should I try to plow through and up my dose of iodine? I think

maybe a liver cleanse might be in order before I do this. Any suggestions for a

good liver cleanse?

Will iodine help with HPV - which I think is a risk factor for cancer, right?

Maybe this should be on the off-topic list? I'm not sure but just looking for

some ideas or reassurance, I guess, and what to expect from mainstream medical

in response to this type of result on a papsmear and really whether upping my

dose of iodine is in order, despite my detox issues....


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Welcome Viola,

I would support your intuition to do a liver cleanse. It sounds like you have some blocked detox pathways. I use Dr. Brownstein's TLC everyday. I was prescribed narcotics for years and steroids. I know my liver is a mess. I take it as a precaution. I add it to my green smoothie.

and the other moderators may have some other suggestions too, but that is what I do. You might also consider doing a consult with her. I did one last week and the one on one attention is so awesome. I had all my lab work faxed to her from my doctor's office. He does a lot of blood work, so it gave her a good picture. We talked about what supplements I took. (I take a lot.) She evaluated it all and after we were done, she sent a follow up e-mail with info on the things she recommended. It was AWESOME! Having someone who looks at the whole person is really a big help. Can't recommend her enough. Glowing,grace~"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before morning."- Henry Ford "When the government gets involved in the private sector and picks out winners and losers, it screws up the whole market," "The freedom and happiness of man...[are] the sole objects of all legitimate government." -- Jefferson

iodine and hpv...

Posted by: "Viola" viola062003@... viola062003

Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:44 am (PST)

I am taking 24 to 36 mg of iodine a day (two and sometimes three iodoral a day).When I move up to three, I get irritable and I sweat and smell. No matter what I do or how much deoderant I put on, I start to smell. It's awful. So I move back down to one to two a day and I'm fine.I've been taking Iodoral for about a year and a half.I am doing all the companion nutrients. I have a MTHR defect - I don't think horrible, though.Recently, I had an abnormal pap that said there were some HPV cells there. So now I'm getting worried/scared. I am 51 and have been in menopause since age 43. I'm pretty healthy - exercise regularly and religiously. When I was 21, I had cervical dysplasia which was removed by laser and haven't had abnormal paspmears till now.So my question: Should I try to plow through and up my dose of iodine? I think maybe a liver cleanse might be in order before I do this. Any suggestions for a good liver cleanse?Will iodine help with HPV - which I think is a risk factor for cancer, right?Maybe this should be on the off-topic list? I'm not sure but just looking for some ideas or reassurance, I guess, and what to expect from mainstream medical in response to this type of result on a papsmear and really whether upping my dose of iodine is in order, despite my detox issues....Viola

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