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Re: why low temps

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Are you on thyroid medication? Low temps are usually related to low thyroid and / or adrenals.

Buist, ND HC

why low temps

I am into my second week of preparing to take iodoral. I am using 1/2 t celtic salt, 2000mg Vit C. magnesium, and tried 3 days of B2/B3. Why do you suppose my body temps would drop so low? I average about 96.8 in am and 97.4 the rest of the day. Saturday my am temp was 95.7 @11:00 - I used 2 different therm to test the accuracy - - (96.3 @3:00)-- and (97.3 @5:45 . Today was 96.3 @9:00am. Any suggestions?

Thank you


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, this may be a tad off topic but have you ever questioned what may be

the base problem of being hypothyroid for people?

I just read your site and about your children being hypothyroid...it seems

you've just accepted the fact they are hypothyroid and give them Armour to

improve their symptoms and you dont talk much about what you think might have

CAUSED their hypothyroidism though...

I mean i know there a ton of different ways to be hypothyroid...low t3, normal

t3 but high reverse t3, etc..its just ive been reading over old posts the past

few days and have read alot of your posts and you never seem to touch on how to

actually fix the problem other then taking iodine and the companion nutrients,

which to my knowledge i havent seen anyone being fully cured by. I agree feeling

well by taking Armour is great and is the correct thing to do when the person

needs it but I havent seen anyone actually CURING their hypothyroidism by doing

these things.

This isnt a post attacking you or anyone on the forum i just simply would like

to know your view on the subject.

-n :)


> Are you on thyroid medication? Low temps are usually related to low thyroid

and / or adrenals.


> Buist, ND HC



> why low temps





> I am into my second week of preparing to take iodoral. I am using 1/2 t

celtic salt, 2000mg Vit C. magnesium, and tried 3 days of B2/B3. Why do you

suppose my body temps would drop so low? I average about 96.8 in am and 97.4

the rest of the day. Saturday my am temp was 95.7 @11:00 - I used 2 different

therm to test the accuracy - - (96.3 @3:00)-- and (97.3 @5:45 . Today was 96.3

@9:00am. Any suggestions?

> Thank you

> Betty


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Hello ,

Thanks for getting back to me. No, I am not on any thyroid meds. I am hypothyroid. The NP said I am subclinical. I think the celtic salt is dehydrating me so I am going to have to stop it. I am continuing the 2000mg vit c, and magnesium in preparation for the iodoral.


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I believe that the root of hypothyroidism has many issues.

1. Maternal status

2. Environmental Toxins - Bromide, Fluoride, Mercury

3. Poor Diet

4. Nutrient deficiencies - Iodine, Selenium, Magnesium, Vit A, etc.

My children are very hypothyroid and are under the care of Dr. Brownstein. Their issues stem from my thyroid issues. With my son, I had thyroid cancer while he was in the womb. I believe his thyroid never developed properly. He also is toxic in many environmental toxins which we have been working to eliminate but it is difficult with children. His dose has actually decreased over the last year so I am hoping that when he gets through puberty - where the demand is greatest - that we will be able to back it off a bit. I don't believe he will ever be off it completely. My daughter was born when I was under treated on crappy Synthroid and I believe she was denied the needed hormones in the womb too. Plus she was born after I had been treated with 2 RAI treatments. Both children were also dx'd hypo after my 3rd RAI treatment where I was sent home - radioactive. I have no idea if this had an impact but you wonder.

I don't know that you can cure the thyroid in all cases. Maybe in very low cases but sometimes the thyroid has too much damage.

Buist, ND HC

why low temps> > > > > I am into my second week of preparing to take iodoral. I am using 1/2 t celtic salt, 2000mg Vit C. magnesium, and tried 3 days of B2/B3. Why do you suppose my body temps would drop so low? I average about 96.8 in am and 97.4 the rest of the day. Saturday my am temp was 95.7 @11:00 - I used 2 different therm to test the accuracy - - (96.3 @3:00)-- and (97.3 @5:45 . Today was 96.3 @9:00am. Any suggestions?> Thank you> Betty>

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n I have spoken to this issue in the last week, if you go to the website

and search on my email address you can find it. Basically, once a person is

sick, they thyroid is very far gone. Too far gone in the vast majority of


Rather than fixating on trying to fix something that isn't fixable, it's

important to

work on optimal health, which means replacing the hormones that aren't being

produced or utilized. I would rather have a good quality of life than to stress


the rest of it because I couldn't fix it perfectly. No one has perfect health,


anyone over 18 years old.



On 30 Jan 2012 at 22:58, Buist, ND HC wrote:




> I believe that the root of hypothyroidism has many issues.


> 1. Maternal status

> 2. Environmental Toxins - Bromide, Fluoride, Mercury

> 3. Poor Diet

> 4. Nutrient deficiencies - Iodine, Selenium, Magnesium, Vit A, etc.


> My children are very hypothyroid and are under the care of Dr.

> Brownstein. Their issues stem from my thyroid issues. With my son, I

> had thyroid cancer while he was in the womb. I believe his thyroid

> never developed properly. He also is toxic in many environmental

> toxins which we have been working to eliminate but it is difficult

> with children. His dose has actually decreased over the last year so I

> am hoping that when he gets through puberty - where the demand is

> greatest - that we will be able to back it off a bit. I don't believe

> he will ever be off it completely. My daughter was born when I was

> under treated on crappy Synthroid and I believe she was denied the

> needed hormones in the womb too. Plus she was born after I had been

> treated with 2 RAI treatments. Both children were also dx'd hypo after

> my 3rd RAI treatment where I was sent home - radioactive. I have no

> idea if this had an impact but you wonder.


> I don't know that you can cure the thyroid in all cases. Maybe in very

> low cases but sometimes the thyroid has too much damage.


> Buist, ND HC



> why low temps > > > > > I am into my second week of

> preparing to take iodoral. I am using 1/2 t celtic salt, 2000mg Vit C.

> magnesium, and tried 3 days of B2/B3. Why do you suppose my body temps

> would drop so low? I average about 96.8 in am and 97.4 the rest of the

> day. Saturday my am temp was 95.7 @11:00 - I used 2 different therm to

> test the accuracy - - (96.3 @3:00)-- and (97.3 @5:45 . Today was 96.3

> @9:00am. Any suggestions? > Thank you > Betty >






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Betty,I drink half a gallon of water or more a day besides other liquids during the day. Up your water. From: Betty <twelveoaksroad@...>"iodine " <iodine >Sent: Mon, January 30, 2012 6:48:56 PMSubject: Re: why low


Hello ,

Thanks for getting back to me. No, I am not on any thyroid meds. I am hypothyroid. The NP said I am subclinical. I think the celtic salt is dehydrating me so I am going to have to stop it. I am continuing the 2000mg vit c, and magnesium in preparation for the iodoral.


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I can understand your point about striving for optimal health no matter what but

I dont think the person should just give up on addressing what caused the

problem in the first place...if whatever toxin or nutrient deficiency caused you

to go hypothyroid just replacing the thyroid isnt going to fix the fact, for

example -> that you're still poisoned or that you still are lacking a key

nutrient in your diet. If you decide to just forget about it since you feel good

on the meds it will one day come back and haunt you in another way in many cases

im sure...

Also, you keep saying when your " thyroid " is damaged it is unfixable and such. I

truthfully dont believe that many peoples actual thyroid gland is that bad...i

mean if you had thyroid cancer like and had it radiated, then yes you

know theres probably some irreversible damage done to it...but for more people

their thyroid is pumping out just a fine amount of T4...their problem is that

the rest of their body is not converting it to T3 efficently which is what is

causing the Low T3 and hypothyroid symptoms. Theres exceptions to every case but

i believe alot of people (myself included) have more of a " metabolic " problem

then " thyroid " problem, where our bodies dont allow us to metabolize the

Thyroxine hormone (T4 that the thyroid produces) correctly into Triiodothyronine

hormone which is the metabolically active form.

All im really trying to get at is that thyroid damage is not really peoples

problems most of the time...and maybe someone reading over our posts with a

metabolic problem that can be fixed gives up hope becuase they are under the

false pretense that its the thyroid which is damaged and unfixable and that they

would require thyroid medication for the rest of their life. If you need it you

need it and i believe you should take it...i just dont think you should lose

sight of the real problem just because you're feeling good at a particular time

while taking the meds...

Maybe im just too much of an optimist...i dont know, im not looking for

perfection out of my body, just that my body be able to work efficently, maybe

not now, but someday....after alot of detoxing/nutritional balancing...

> > Are you on thyroid medication? Low temps

> > are usually related to low thyroid and / or adrenals. > >

> > Buist, ND HC > > > why low temps > > > > > I am into my second week of

> > preparing to take iodoral. I am using 1/2 t celtic salt, 2000mg Vit C.

> > magnesium, and tried 3 days of B2/B3. Why do you suppose my body temps

> > would drop so low? I average about 96.8 in am and 97.4 the rest of the

> > day. Saturday my am temp was 95.7 @11:00 - I used 2 different therm to

> > test the accuracy - - (96.3 @3:00)-- and (97.3 @5:45 . Today was 96.3

> > @9:00am. Any suggestions? > Thank you > Betty >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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n, I think if you read back in the posts to this group, you will see that

the issue of what can cause thyroid malfunction are often addressed.

There are few organs in the body which completely regenerate from a damaged

state, so I don't think that thyroid damage is an unreasonable thing to

consider as a cause for thyroid malfunction.

It has been said often here that lack of ability to convert T4 to T3 is due to a

liver that's not quite working well. There have been many suggestions as to how

to improve this situation.

The whole point of this forum is to discuss iodine supplementing. Iodine

deficiency is a major cause of thyroid malfunction.

Saying that 'some irreversible damage' might have been done when someone has had

thyroid cancer, or RAI, which is intended to kill the thyroid is very optimistic


Thing is, even if there are ways to 100% fix a recalcitrant thyroid, you need to

have the hormones in the meantime, thus supplements of thyroid hormone. Without

that, one may not be able to absorb the info to make the connections needed to

find the proper treatment.

I do think that we need to be interested in WHY so many thyroids do not work

properly. But waiting for that answer before taking any steps can cause years,

if not a lifetime, of misery.


> > Are you on thyroid medication? Low temps

> > > are usually related to low thyroid and / or adrenals. > >

> > > Buist, ND HC > > > why low temps > > > > > I am into my second week of

> > > preparing to take iodoral. I am using 1/2 t celtic salt, 2000mg Vit C.

> > > magnesium, and tried 3 days of B2/B3. Why do you suppose my body temps

> > > would drop so low? I average about 96.8 in am and 97.4 the rest of the

> > > day. Saturday my am temp was 95.7 @11:00 - I used 2 different therm to

> > > test the accuracy - - (96.3 @3:00)-- and (97.3 @5:45 . Today was 96.3

> > > @9:00am. Any suggestions? > Thank you > Betty >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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