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Hello. My name is Marie and I am 35. My problems started 10 years ago when my

husband received orders to CO. When bringing up my list of ailments to doctors,

I was perscribed anti-depressants 90% of the time and/or claritin for my sinus

issues. Tired of anti-depressants making me feel ill or simply trying to make me

feel more joyful about my chronic ailments.

2 years ago, I started getting much worse. I have my own business and started

mixing up orders or forgetting to order all of the items and sending them

incomplete to customers. I gained 60 pounds in 3 months without changing my diet

and continuing to exercise. But it didnt bother me as much as the issues with my

mind. Weight can be lost. We had moved to a humid climate but my skin was

getting drier and I was using as much lotion as I was drinking water- which was

about 3/4 of a gallon per day. So I began researching to self diagnose. I've

come to the conclusion that I am iodine defficient and most likely have been

since I moved out of my parents house. My mother is Japanese (and I grew up in

Hawaii) and I consumed seafood at least 3 times a week and had an endless supply

of seaweed that I litterally ate by the container! After getting married, I was

lucky to be able to afford seaweed once or twice a month and that was if we

could find it. All my children have ADHD but my youngest daughter is on the very

mild end of it- which I'm not surprised since she is my only child who eats

seaweed and has since she was a baby. Instead of putting cheerios in her snack

cup, she got (and regularly requested) seaweed. My youngest child suffered the

most from my deffiency. He is on the severe end of ADHD and is delayed by a few


I placed my order for Lugol's and should be getting it by Saturday. I'm looking

forward to getting my family and myself healthy and detoxed from the halides and

metals. I do have one question. I have bought the selenium and do have magnesium

and vit.c. I can't afford to get the ATP at this time but I go have a B-Complex

vitamin. Will this be an acceptable substitute for the ATP until I can get one?

Or would it just be better to use the B-Complex since all the B are important?

Thank you for any help.


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