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Re: Night Sweats & Depression - Me too! (Lori)

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Me too!!! Heat, night sweats, etc!

I am having night sweats and daily heat in my body and I was assuming that it

was menopause onset. I've had these symptoms before but they went away, so I am

now curious if this is from the iodine detoxing stuff out of my body or a liver

response. I am on 100 mg. I also have foamy urine. Not sure but I would now

be curious to know what would happen if I cut the iodine back. I need to get

tested I suppose. Not sure. Very interesting your post. Thanks, Lori


> For MANY months I have woken up in the middle of the night with my

> clothing and sheets wet from sweat. At times I could feel the sweat

> pouring out of me. I am 62 and long past menopause.


> I have been on Iodoral for about 6 months. The last 2-3 months at 200

> mg per day. I have also been using LDN for about a year being at 4.5 mg

> per day for the last 6 months.


> I also take many vitamins and minerals. I continue to take them: at

> least a dozen a day.


> The night sweats are also accompanied by my waking up with a horrible

> sense of doom (my finances are awful right now and are of great concern)

> and depression. I have also lost my appetite. (not all bad, I needed to

> lose weight anyway.)


> I got very involved in a project last week and the time passed so

> quickly I forgot my LDN (I usually take it 1-2 PM in the afternoon) I

> switched to the afternoon dose about 2 months ago. I seemed to have no

> afternoon " low " by taking it at this time, but I crashed early (going to

> bed by 8-9 PM)


> I wondered if the Iodoral at 200 mg was now too much. No side effects,

> no herx reactions anymore (and I cut back on my sea salt.) So I cut it

> in half 2 days ago, about the time I decided not to take the LDN.


> WOW! No more night sweats and I sleep like a baby. I also can stay up

> late and sleep hard and long. I no longer suffer from the fear and

> depression I had two days ago (and for the last year!!!)


> I cannot afford any testing. I rely on reading posts to this group and

> experiment. Any input? Ideas? Suggestions? Is it the LDN or the Iodine?

> Or BOTH?


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