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Re: angry looking lump on sternum

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Sandi,I'm sorry to hear about this, I have no clue what it could be. However, being in nursing school I'm always interested in these types of occurrences. It's sounds like a blood blister, but just much bigger-however, it could be some sort of abscess, also.. with the dark color, I'd assume that is blood. Let's see what says. I'd have it checked out. Your bra wasn't continually rubbing that area, was it?

Blessings,TamaraOn Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 6:07 PM, sannnndi <sannnndi@...> wrote:


I had this really innocent looking nodule that was flesh colored and like a little pebble under my skin right where my bra goes across my sternum. It did not hurt and it stayed that way for a couple months then I woke up a couple nights ago from the pain and when I looked it was much bigger - about the size of a almond and it hurt. Then yesterday it turned a deep red purple color. It is quite dark and it hurts. Don't know what to do. I don't currently have a doctor so don't know who to see. I am in Grand Rapids Michigan so should I try to see Dr. Brownstein or is there someone here in Grand Rapids? Is this something you could help with ? Or do I need to see a dermatologist?

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