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Testing iodine on skin

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I was hoping for some advice.

I've been taking iodine for about 3 weeks now. I'm up to about 7 drops per day

with 7% lugols. Sometimes I would take the same amount in the afternoons but I

have since started making and drinking colloidal silver in the afternoons. SO

far I haven notice any huge difference unfotunately.

I am taking it as i have severe digestive problems mainly SIBO, Candida., low

stomach acid, which gives me daily diarrhea and cramps etc.. combine that with

allergies and it makes me feel quite rough in my day to day life.

I put a drop of iodine on my wrist to see how long it would stay there for and

it pretty much disappeared with 1hr30mins.

My question is does doing a test like that really give you a credible indication

as to whether one is low in iodine?

And is it true that iodine can help restoring stomach acid production?

At the moment I'm in bed with flue like symptoms. I'm hoping this is due to some

die off reaction finally rather than just having a winter flu.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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