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Dear Tonia,

This reply should have a " gross " warning so get ready...

Red ring around anus isn't always yeast. In our case it was strep coming from

gut through anus. Gross out name is anal strep. Google it and see pix. Only

Zithromax shifted it and it was us who brought this variant of it to our Dan

Doc's attention - he had never heard of it. We were treating for yeast


Strep isn't something UK docs " get " whereas US ones treat it. Sometimes there

are no other signs.

Do you have a dan?

Eileen xx


> My son has a red anus and is itching it incessantly. My first thought was

YEAST! So I cut out his fruit and ramped up the Candex. No joy. I have since

administered over the counter threadworm meds. No joy.


> Does anyone have any experience with this? Any suggestions?


> Thanks in anticipation.


> Tonia (mum to Alfie 7yrs w/asd)


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I know I felt the same when I read it.. first time around




On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:53 PM, <Mum231ASD@...> wrote:


OMG yucki dooooooooooooooooo


In a message dated 23/09/2010 20:59:12 GMT Daylight Time, thelifechangers@... writes:

Someone on the group put up a suggestion about getting child to sit over a potty filled with warm milk with sugar in it... Apparently the worms are attracted to the smell of the milk .. and if worms are an issue... lots of them will move down the anus and into the milk!! 

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  • 1 year later...

I'm new to this group and have just started using Lugol's 2% . At the moment

I'm 'painting' with two drops on my skin. After 3 days of doing this I have

constant itching all over my body. I quit to see if the itching would stop and

it did. Does this mean I'm allergic to Lugol's? I hope not. Maybe the painting

is not recommended. I'd like to hear from anyone else who has had itching after

starting with Lugol's


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It's probably a detox reaction. Are you taking any of the supporting nutrients?

Buist, ND HC


I'm new to this group and have just started using Lugol's 2% . At the moment I'm 'painting' with two drops on my skin. After 3 days of doing this I have constant itching all over my body. I quit to see if the itching would stop and it did. Does this mean I'm allergic to Lugol's? I hope not. Maybe the painting is not recommended. I'd like to hear from anyone else who has had itching after starting with Lugol'sMargaret

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My pattern would be to take 12.5 mg of iodoral,be itchy for 3-4 days, and it would go away.One month later when I increased dosage again by 12.5 mg, again I would be itchy for 3-4 days, and itwould go away.It is a detox reaction most likely.AliOn Jan 12, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Buist, ND HC wrote:

It's probably a detox reaction. Are you taking any of the supporting nutrients?

Buist, ND HC


I'm new to this group and have just started using Lugol's 2% . At the moment I'm 'painting' with two drops on my skin. After 3 days of doing this I have constant itching all over my body. I quit to see if the itching would stop and it did. Does this mean I'm allergic to Lugol's? I hope not. Maybe the painting is not recommended. I'd like to hear from anyone else who has had itching after starting with Lugol'sMargaret

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It is indicating an issue with the liver. The skin is detoxing as well as the liver. It does not like all that iodine.And, the liver is not at 100%.Look at the top of the nose for two vertical lines at the eye brows, like if you are angry. Creases in the ear lobes, and liver spots on the hands. These are face reading. You can google that for many examples.Please consider a liver flush/gall bladder flush. The liver controls the absorption of nutrients. Mine was very toxic, and now all my itching and many food reactions are gone. I did 4 cleanses in 6 months. Look at Youtube for s Moritz. He has the one I

used.Here is an example.

From: ATMarshall <atmarshall1@...> iodine Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 8:54 PM Subject: Re: Itching

My pattern would be to take 12.5 mg of iodoral,be itchy for 3-4 days, and it would go away.One month later when I increased dosage again by 12.5 mg, again I would be itchy for 3-4 days, and itwould go away.It is a detox reaction most likely.AliOn Jan 12, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Buist, ND HC wrote:

It's probably a detox reaction. Are you taking any of the supporting nutrients?

Buist, ND HC


I'm new to this group and have just started using Lugol's 2% . At the moment I'm 'painting' with two drops on my skin. After 3 days of doing this I have constant itching all over my body. I quit to see if the itching would stop and it did. Does this mean I'm allergic to Lugol's? I hope not. Maybe the painting is not recommended. I'd like to hear from anyone else who has had itching after starting with Lugol'sMargaret

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With all due respect, it does not mean the liver "does not like the iodine". On the contrary, the body is liking the iodine and detoxing the toxic halides such as bromide. You can help the liver work more efficiently by taking herbs like dandelion or milk thistle. Eating a diet rich in organic vegetables (the liver especially loves carrots)is also very important for helping the liver detoxify and rebuild. Also very important when taking iodine, is to make sure one is also taking the companion nutrients.





I'm new to this group and have just started using Lugol's 2% . At the moment I'm 'painting' with two drops on my skin. After 3 days of doing this I have constant itching all over my body. I quit to see if the itching would stop and it did. Does this mean I'm allergic to Lugol's? I hope not. Maybe the painting is not recommended. I'd like to hear from anyone else who has had itching after starting with Lugol'sMargaret

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I agree with Kathleen. The body heals from the outside inward so when you see skin eruptions or rashes and itching it is part of the process. We are such toxic people no matter what our lifestyle is. We all should be doing a cleanse at least once a year.

Buist, ND HC



I'm new to this group and have just started using Lugol's 2% . At the moment I'm 'painting' with two drops on my skin. After 3 days of doing this I have constant itching all over my body. I quit to see if the itching would stop and it did. Does this mean I'm allergic to Lugol's? I hope not. Maybe the painting is not recommended. I'd like to hear from anyone else who has had itching after starting with Lugol'sMargaret

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what can a person do to cleanse the liver if the ingredients cause reactions? Most of the liver cleanses I have researched contain milk thistle or some ingredients which my body does not tolerate. any suggestions?



From: dennis dragomir

Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 9:48 PM


Subject: Re: Itching

It is indicating an issue with the liver. The skin is detoxing as well as the liver. It does not like all that iodine.

And, the liver is not at 100%.

Look at the top of the nose for two vertical lines at the eye brows, like if you are angry. Creases in the ear lobes, and liver spots on the hands. These are face reading. You can google that for many examples.

Please consider a liver flush/gall bladder flush. The liver controls the absorption of nutrients. Mine was very toxic, and now all my itching and many food reactions are gone. I did 4 cleanses in 6 months. Look at Youtube for s Moritz. He has the one I used.

Here is an example.

From: ATMarshall <atmarshall1@...>iodine Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 8:54 PMSubject: Re: Itching

My pattern would be to take 12.5 mg of iodoral,

be itchy for 3-4 days, and it would go away.

One month later when I increased dosage again by

12.5 mg, again I would be itchy for 3-4 days, and it

would go away.

It is a detox reaction most likely.


On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Buist, ND HC wrote:

It's probably a detox reaction. Are you taking any of the supporting nutrients?

Buist, ND HC


I'm new to this group and have just started using Lugol's 2% . At the moment I'm 'painting' with two drops on my skin. After 3 days of doing this I have constant itching all over my body. I quit to see if the itching would stop and it did. Does this mean I'm allergic to Lugol's? I hope not. Maybe the painting is not recommended. I'd like to hear from anyone else who has had itching after starting with Lugol'sMargaret

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Hello Pam,

A good way to help the liver detox is by eating many organic vegetables daily . Big green salads with organic lettuce, carrots, radishes, beets, dandelion greens, red cabbage, etc. Organic vegetable juices (green juices and/or carrot/apple) are also wonderful for the liver. The juice of a lemon in water first thing in the morning is also very cleansing for the liver and kidneys. Coffee enemas are also great for detoxing the liver, however it is very important one drinks at least three 8 oz. organic veggie juices daily per each enema taken. This keeps the body's electrolites in balance.

You can also google 'foods that help the liver detoxify' and see what you come up with.





I'm new to this group and have just started using Lugol's 2% . At the moment I'm 'painting' with two drops on my skin. After 3 days of doing this I have constant itching all over my body. I quit to see if the itching would stop and it did. Does this mean I'm allergic to Lugol's? I hope not. Maybe the painting is not recommended. I'd like to hear from anyone else who has had itching after starting with Lugol'sMargaret

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