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Re: Malawi Bloat

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No particulars, but when my brother kept an aquarium he used the aquarium drops regularly. I am not sure what strength iodine the drops were.

Malawi Bloat

I have love a lovely young African cichlid to Malawi bloat and now have to other fish showing symptoms. I am treating so far with herbal therapy but was wondering if anyone has ever treated Malawi bloat with lugols solution? To my mind Lugols would treat either parasitic or bacterial problems in the gut of a fish. I’m still researching this but it never hurts to ask folks on this list. If I find data out here is anyone interested?

Becky D

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Hey Becky. First get out any carbon you're using for filtration. Do a 30-40% water change. Find Malachite Green (an old-time remedy) and get some FRESHwater aquarium salts. There's several good brands; Dr , Dr WellFish, AquaPharm are a few. Use these and Lugol's at 50% of directions as you're using them all together. And make sure it's Lugol's and not 'tincture'. The alcohol will make your fishes 'sleep with the fishes'. Raise the temperature gradually to 84-86* and do 20-25% water changes every 48 hours. Nothing is written in stone but this is the best I've come across in 45 years of fish keeping. Good luck and let us know. Jim

From: Becky D <rnrsq@...>iodine Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 4:25 PMSubject: Malawi Bloat

I have love a lovely young African cichlid to Malawi bloat and now have to other fish showing symptoms. I am treating so far with herbal therapy but was wondering if anyone has ever treated Malawi bloat with lugols solution? To my mind Lugols would treat either parasitic or bacterial problems in the gut of a fish. I’m still researching this but it never hurts to ask folks on this list. If I find data out here is anyone interested?

Becky D

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Hey Becky. I almost forgot. My brother uses something called 'Clout' and swears by it. I'm not too fond of it because I think it's a little harsh. It requires the initial water change and DAILY changes during the treatment. Jim

From: Becky D <rnrsq@...>iodine Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 4:25 PMSubject: Malawi Bloat

I have love a lovely young African cichlid to Malawi bloat and now have to other fish showing symptoms. I am treating so far with herbal therapy but was wondering if anyone has ever treated Malawi bloat with lugols solution? To my mind Lugols would treat either parasitic or bacterial problems in the gut of a fish. I’m still researching this but it never hurts to ask folks on this list. If I find data out here is anyone interested?

Becky D

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http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+4680+4673+4832 & pca\

tid=4832 for Lugol's. He has a bunch of articles there on that page. Click on

the tab " Articles " about halfway done the page. Good luck with your fish!

Peace, Dean


> I have love a lovely young African cichlid to Malawi bloat and now have to

> other fish showing symptoms. I am treating so far with herbal therapy but

> was wondering if anyone has ever treated Malawi bloat with lugols solution?

> To my mind Lugols would treat either parasitic or bacterial problems in the

> gut of a fish. I'm still researching this but it never hurts to ask folks on

> this list. If I find data out here is anyone interested?






> Becky D


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