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Iodine and Levothyroxin

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I am Hypothyroid, lost it to radioactive pill in 1980 at my Drs insistance. On

my most recent blood test my TSH was 2.4, on previous tests it's been less than

1.5 and one time it came in at 0.6. Free T3 and Free T4 are generally (not

always tested) a little low. The dr does not refer to the free levels, just

TSH. He has not changed my 150ug Levothyroxin in years. He refuses to let me

change to Natural Thyroid for fear it would be poorly regulated and cause me to

go into Atrial-fib which, up until the Iodine and Cpap I started, I was

experiencing on a bi-monthly basis. I started Iodine after watching your

conversations on here in hopes of a better thyroid response, and because I am

feeling sluggish all the time.

Now, after four months of gradually increasing the 5% Lugols; at first one drop

then a month later two drops, then three and now it is four drops every morning

in bottle water. Companion nutrients of 600 mg Magnesium Citrate, >2000 grams

Vitamin C and 3 Brazil nuts with breakfast cereal every morning. I salt with

Redmonds a heaping teaspoon in my 16oz V-8 low sodium drink every evening.

Additionally, I eat apples coated in Redmonds salt plus sometimes sprinkle and

lick my palm.

In four months I've gained 10 pounds (which I expected from Iodine use) plus I

tire easily. At 70 years of age and 280 lbs I have always been a three mile a

day walker (130 steps per minute) still I am getting more and more tired these

last two years. Sorry about this lengthly chatter, it all leads to this

question: Is there any way my body can make more efficient use of the 150 ug

levothyroxin by taking greater doses of Iodine? Adding other nutrients? Thank


Pete in Oklahoma

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