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HypoPARAthyroidism and iodine

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I have not been diagnosed with this but for years, my symptoms have been dead

on, including what I am now sure was severe tetany...to the point of not being

able to breathe and feeling like my upper body was being crushed. I often

thought my spine was going to snap in half or my rib would puncture my lung. I

am super optimistic but when this comes on, I pray for death...and not a single

doctor has been able to tell me what it is..or they assume my back just hurts or

I need to stretch more, blah, blah, blah.

Even with iodine, I have very labored breathing which is a sign to call my

doctor. The last time I told her that, she told me to up my anxiety meds (I

never even filled that prescription)..and I hung up on her in a rage and still

short of breath. I have recently developed what I assume is sleep apnea as I

wake up gasping for air. It is easier to breathe when laying sideways...I'm

thinking that my parathyroids are either inflamed or have " growths " on them.

Since the limited labs that have been done do not show any problem with my

thyroid, I am assuming that parathyroid is even harder to diagnose. From what I

gather, and ultrasound is needed to see anything. I plan on finding out as soon

as I get insurance thru my job but for now I have a couple questions.

I cannot find any info on hypoPARAthyroid and iodine. All the info I find on

hypoparathyroidism states that there is no way of fixing this other than

surgery. From what I read about hypothyroidism, iodione can fix it without any


Does anyone know about PARAthyroid and healing in regard to iodine?

If this was, indeed, my problem, what else can be done for my breathing issues,

in addition to iodine?

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